Kauai Hawaii Travel Guide 2024: DO THIS, NOT THAT on Kauai

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do this don't do that on Quai this is your 2024 travel guy we're going to keep this fun with this kind of format we're trying out and we're going to sprinkling some facts and stuff around Kawai anyways hope you enjoy this hi I'm Jordan and I'm Erica and this is the Hawaii vacation [Music] guide I'm going to start off with some facts on Qui because maybe you're watching this to try to figure out what island you want to go to in 2024 so here's some interesting things on Kawai or the garden aisle Kwai is the oldest major Hawaiian island has 111 miles of beaches more than any other Hawaiian island has the largest coffee plantation in America grows the most tarot has more than 70 Hollywood movies have been filmed here on Kawai is believe to be home to the first Polynesian explorers in WEA town so it's like the settlement when the Polynesians came over right it's an old Island a lot of great history here we have lived on Maui and Oahu but now we just travel all the islands we travel here quite a bit we have a good time we're on choir right now taking it all in to help you prepare for 2024 so here's what to do and what not to do on kaai we're keeping this positive it's not really what not to do anyways number one is do understand where you are choosing to stay as it relates to what you want to do there you go yeah so we made this mistake once when you we staying on the NorthShore we're doing an APO Coast Boat Tour and you were up at 2:30 in the morning 3:30 in the morning pretty early to make the drive down to Port Allen so yeah it's it's not a very big island it's the smallest Hawai major Hawaiian island but still from Northshore down to Southshore takes over an hour yeah it's a good drive so if you're doing a cruise or something in the PO Coast it's kind of best to stay in the Southshore we like to do a splitter time between the NorthShore and the Southshore yes so just understand what you want to do where you want to go out and pick where you want to stay yeah we have our directory on where to stay on Kawai check the link Down Below in the description let's give them some quick hits of what they can expect please all right so we have the NorthShore up there you have Princeville and honay there are some hotels it's mostly vacation rentals this is a great option in the summer because in the summer they have calmer Beaches they have a lot of nice weather up there but in the winter you can expect rain and rough surf so we personally don't stay there in the winter because that's not what we want we prefer poo area which is on the South Shore you got poo in historic coloa town quu has a lot of great hotels from Colo Landing Resort where we're at right now also you got the Sheran Grand the grand highs here too there's vacation rentals down here too it's close to the leward side of the island down here so you do have bit drier weather down here but still green that's what I love about the Southshore yeah good snorkeling down here good beaches you have the east side where you can actually find some better value hotels and some vacation rentals over there but the beaches aren't as easy for swimming but it's really centrally located so you can pop up to the NorthShore or or the Southshore it's pretty easy over on the West Side you have the town of WEA and really there's not a whole lot to say over there really cute is WEA Plantation Cottages those are beautiful little place to stay if you're all about hiking yaa think about staying at the Cottages the other ones are going to be quicker that was a long one number two do visit when you can don't stress about the perfect time to visit Kawaii y so the best time to visit kwaii is May August September and October this is thanks to lower hotel rates less rain and fewer people these we feel like are the optimal months to visit kaii based on the data we have an article down below to show you all the data to figure out what's best for you mhm as we mentioned before the NorthShore starting in about November it gets a lot more rain it gets some really rough surf so that's not necessarily the optimal time if you are hoping to have a beach vacation up on the Lush beautiful Northshore and we're grabbing a donut because it's is pouring rain all of a sudden covered do pack eco-friendly bug repellent and a water bottle yes and and don't forget to pack a rain jacket cuz this is probably the wetest island yeah which is okay right they're warm rains they're wonderful they are but you do get mosquitoes if you go out hiking the best thing is probably just wear like long pants a long shirt you don't love to wear a lot of repellent if you do wear eco-friendly bug repellent cuz a lot of that is going to end up in the water your bug repellent so you want to keep the waters here nice pristine safe the Hawaiian Islands are all about water the Hawaiian word for water out here is why or VI and you'll see that everything like y key key V Wii y y means Rich right which is just water water anyways fun fact you really don't need to pack a lot when you're coming out to Kawaii you probably can get by in a carryon right bathing suits and a few things you don't need an umbrella you don't need warm clothes unless you are going up to high elevation then you might want a jacket but for the most part you don't need a lot but you can check out our packing list because we do have some qu specific items that you might want to consider bringing what we say too one gorgeous outfit for that L out or that nice dinner out yeah do run to a car on Quai don't rely on public transport they have a public bus service but it doesn't run very frequently it's more made for like workers and other people to get between like major towns and stuff like that we always recommend Runing a car it's the best way to just go out there explore the island do what you want to do go check it out and we do recommend discount Hawaii car rental because there's no prepayment they have really good rates you can always cancel it in case prices go up later so we like using them on our website we do link to some local rental companies we've tried it all we really have local to you know Herz Avis all those big ones so just pick what's right for you and what's in your budget this is just an extra little bonus one in here do pack our itinerary and don't miss out on the things you want to see so we make the planning easy with our itineraries these take you on Excursion days to different parts of the island on planned out routes with no backtracking so you can see great things eat at great places and man it's just easy really it's just easy just grab yeah no pressure do learn about the island don't come unprepared it's a big travel tip that local residents like to give to us visitors is always understand where you're going it really relates to anywhere in the world right you're doing the right thing by watching this video and our other Kawai videos yeah anyways there's a lot of great cultural things to do on qu that you should check out oh luau is a good place to start for example luau kalamaku tells the history of the Polynesian explorers how they went out there we went to the one at the Sheran which is right on the beach that's a great luau but also like there's amazing botanical gardens here you have alleron mcbry Botanical Garden you have Lima hulie Botanical Garden up on the NorthShore that's a great way to learn about the islands or like go out with a local guy to tour a local guy to tour you can talk story learn about how they grew up on the island all their great perspective and history on the islands we love recommend local guided tourists it's a great way to get out there and I will say this tip it just enriches your vacation right it really helps you like learn more Come Away with more stories and more just wonderful memories yeah also on the Southshore greo cultural spot to check out Prince kuo was born here he was the first Delegate for the territory of Hawaii in 1900s he served for 19 years he's known for helping past the Hawaiian Homeland act I believe that's the right name for it helping to give lands back to the Hawaii people do try local grinds don't skip the food trucks there you go all right two positives right there all right local grinds is food there's a lot of great food trucks around the island that's a great place doesn't get more local than a food truck Kapa town has amazing food truck Parks all around it there's even a musabe one to tie so we had Falafel yesterday I mean there's a lot of great trucks coloa town has a g l Food Truck Park right in the heart of the town it's a little town so it's hard to miss it and they're just they're sprinkled all over the island if you see one stop also there's a lot of great restaurants to go to we have fancy ones like the beach house for sunsets there's just a lot of great places to eat here so make sure you try that local food do pick one or two great tours and activities to do don't skip out don't miss it I don't know what sit on the beach the whole time even though that is pretty great too but these loal tours just add something so memorable and there are so many good ones here on Kawaii I will say my favorite one I mean actually they're kind of all my favorite because we've done the Nepali Coast so many times and that has been so wonderful we've done Sunset we've done snorkeling we've done the trip over to niow and that was great but what the one I was going to say is my favorite that we did was the kayaking the wua river with a hike that was so good and you can't forget the Mountain tubing yeah the Mountain tubing is really cool so we gave you a three right there so got head up the Nepali Coast it's wonderful Mountain tubing through irrigation canals and then what was the other one the kayak and height the kayaking and height gosh I need to do that again that's wonderful this one is super important do stay on the trails don't get lost so kaai is about 97% undeveloped which is staggering right A lot of it is inaccessible by car so you have to hike into it there's amazing Trails but please stay on the trails that's the big one stay on that beaten path what we really love recommending for hikes is go out with the guy to tour we have a link down below to our favorite hiking tour the guy's name is Jeremiah he runs a local company about hiking and he is so passionate about what he does in exploring the islands I highly recommend going doing that legit he'll figure out what's best for your family even if it's some driving in a little hiking he'll figure out what's best for you take a look down below all right this one I'm being a little Che web don't hate me but I am going to say do go to the best beaches don't trust random bloggers who have never been to Kawaii and you can tell cuz they're using stock images and telling you to go to beaches that you just shouldn't go to shouldn't go to maybe don't have great swimming or facilities or whatever so we'll give you some good ones to go to all right always check lifeguard flag starting off on the NorthShore CU it can get rough up there during the winter you have k a beach H in a state park you need reservations to get in there you have a Nini Beach we love that beach that's a lot of fun and then you have hanay Bay beautiful beaches on the NorthShore down the Southshore you have po poo Beach very popular for numerous reasons you have kalapaki Beach which is right by the cruise ship then you have Kiahuna Beach which is right in front of the Sheran that's a gorgeous Beach they're so so they're so great here and man I know you didn't write those down but that's okay cuz they're in our itineraries yeah there you go we we have just quick hits section show their favorite beaches down there with Qui since it's the most northern Island you kind of get a lot of currents here strong currents so that's what we would say check lifeguard Flags before you go out understand the conditions there's a lot of great websites on that also never turn your back on the ocean go out with a buddy never let your eyes off your kids out there and just you know just be safe out there it's ocean next one you're on vacation relax be on Hawaii time don't drive during rush hour Ka does get some bad traffic oh yeah right early morning rush hour in the afternoon rush hour too there's essentially one road that goes around the island doesn't go all the way around the island but there essentially one road so you get a lot of traffic on there they have Contra flow Lanes going two lanes in One Direction and then they'll switch it at night to go in the other direction that's really around Lei up to Kapaa town so just you're on vacation let the commuters use that time during rush hour and just relax in your hotel due respect close signs and caution signs don't be the guy who has to be rescued and I'm being pretty serious with that one right there there's two famous places on Quai that are off limits one is Queen's Bath it's not off limits but literally here they have a a fatality because the waves can come out of the blue it can look beautiful and gorgeous all sudden boom so please just be caution cautious going to Queen's Bath so please disres the signs and then you don't have to be rescued do stop at the local stands for selling fresh fruit and juices and yeah all this other stuffer don't just drive by cuz you're going to miss out I mean I feel like one of the things that makes Hawaii and Kawaii in particular so special is it's so easy to shop local here and those little roadside stands man that is that good St check it out it's a good reason to bring cash with you so you can pay those local stands you know they probably have demo but cash is good for those local stands you see one stop you won't regret it guys last one this is a big one you should probably moved it up is do book this shuttle into Hoten a state park yeah right they have a shuttle to Park and Ride don't skip it because you probably can't they sell out tickets fast for the for the parking in the state park but if just hop in the shuttle which is right outside of honay then they'll drive you in those tickets are a lot more available they have a lot more of them and they really want you to take the shuttle to reduce traffic on that part of the kuio highway so it's just a nice tip book the shuttle and make life a lot easier for you two more big tips for you is we have so many great resources to help you out free resources we have a website with over 400 articles on it it represents all of our knowledge from traveling to islands and just how to do it right we like to think right we try our best to represent how to do this how to book the best trip for you and your family or whoever you're going with romantic trip to yeah Quai is for Lovers I like to say it's great for Honeymooners great for anniversaries don't go me wrong it's wonderful great for now it's great for families too but anyways we have our website also we have our itineraries our grab and go itineraries you download it to your phone we have interactive links take you on the islands we have a quick hit section with our favorite restaurants favorite beaches and then of course we have our itinerary days that take you to every part of the island do all the best stuff yeah so download those check those out and that's it have a great trip to Kai we mean it you going love it here we're having a great time right now enjoy always do thanks for watching [Music] bye
Channel: The Hawaii Vacation Guide
Views: 48,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hawaii, hawaii vacation, hawaii travel, kauai travel guide, hawaii travel guide, kauai, hawaiian islands, hawaii 2024, kauai 2024, travel to kauai, kauai guide, things to know for kauai, poipu, kapaa, hanalei bay, where to stay kauai, best kauai resorts
Id: km3qh7t3pvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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