Top 16 Things To Do and Eat in HAWAII: KAUAI TRAVEL GUIDE from a Hawaiian: Travel & Eat Like a Local

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Kauai known as the garden Isle some call it the old Hawaii as a local boy who grew up on Oahu I hold the Kauai cookies dear to my heart it's only a short flight away from home but it feels like a rainbow bridge between two worlds with many things to do there's a few Secrets only the locals know so follow me your local guide and I'll show you the best hiking trails Shave Ice food spots Scenic views beaches and did I mention Shave Ice I did right and how you can save money and hassle when you travel and eat like a local so let's get started on this adventure are you ready because I'm ready let's go we are here at the most spectacular waterfall in all of Kauai and that is wailua Falls it's the most beautiful waterfall in the Aloha state it's located on the east side of Kauai parking is free but limited visitors view it from this overlooked angle from the top let's go check it out down there we took a different route to get more up close and personal but keep in mind it's hard and not public the hike is short steep slippery oh we are at the wailua Falls and this is beautiful and if you're lucky you'll see a rainbow here too only a 20 minute drive from The wailua Falls is wailua Shave Ice let's go in nothing is better than being hungry thirsty after a long beautiful hike and having shaved ice after I am a happy man we are excited to have some shave ice here I have the lava flow that has jalapia foam pineapple juice pineapple strawberry with the Shave Ice what do you have roasted coconut fix on top of my Ube wow wow you ready I beat my wife oh no only arm wrestling sounds good that's so bad oh wow I really tasted the pineapple and the Shea bites and the foam melts right in your mouth too oh wow this is the fluffiest Shave Ice I've ever tasted so far we ordered two more shave ices they're soft fluffy and the unique foam is a must try the army of Canyon State Park is Hawaii's absolute top attraction we are here at the Waimea Canyon Lookout we are excited hey I'm a Hawaii resident so I was able to get it free with a driver's license but for non-hawaii residents it costs ten dollars per vehicle and five dollars per adult Waimea Canyon is on Court East West Side just a quick two minute walk and you see the beautiful Jagged brown and green mountains that are Majestic in nature look at us here at the barmilla Grand Canyon this Lookout is practically the most beautiful Lookout I saw in all of Hawaii and now we have some Ube Mochi from Kauai cookie wow look at that texture is so soft look at all the lines too that are right here that go across have you ever had uh Ubi before you want one yeah yeah do you want the texture is different but they taste very good what is that I'm sure they can't go wrong with the Ubi Emoji but they certainly do it right with the cookies the quiet cookies they look ordinary like any other cookies but it tastes the best by far we stopped by the Kauai cookie Bakery and kitchen store on the way we hope you do too the scenic drives uphill to the Waimea Canyon State Park offers many beautiful viewpoints and hiking trails the cliff Trail 0.1 mile Blackboard show half mile it'll take around two to three hours to complete and you might be able to see the niihao Viewpoint niihao is Hawaii's Forbidden Island it's protected from the outside world but there's one amazing Lookout you can get to the kalalo lookout and it's a must do it's three miles from the Waimea Canyon State Park look how that we were just at earlier and I thought it ended there but no it's like The Never Ending Story But the story does end here because there's no higher look up so let's go check it out oh Let's Get Closer cool poor actually more than three miles I'm not even sure all I know is that we have to drive up quite a distance up more and here we are the color Lookout features incredible views of the Nepali Coast and its Valley with no hiking required the Nepali Coast is the Gemma ball although there are many ways to see the Nepali Coast the color Lookout offers the most affordable way to see it and it's accessible for everyone I drove in a stationary car and we got up here safely anyhow that was crazy did you see it speaking of the Colorado Trail is the most famous hiking trail on Kauai it's another way for you to see amazing views of the Napoli coast and since you can't drive around the island by Road it's good to know the color Lookout and the color loud show are on the opposite side of the island I will cover the color loud show later first let's get delicious food at a Local's favorite and the most famous food spot where all the locals go hamuro Simon is known for the best bowls of Simon and Lily koi pies I've never had so many locals friends and family telling me that I have to come here it's located in Lihue less than 10 minutes from the airport there will be closed on September to September 20th Jean-Claude Van Damme I'm just a little sad that we couldn't eat here but maybe next time we do know that the locals love it here and I guess we just have to try it again when we come back located on the North Shore is the Kilauea lighthouse there with this beautiful view and what a nice way to have it before it gets dark that looks so nice the Kilauea lighthouse built in 1913 to assist with Ships coming in I enjoyed this view before the sun sets and if you're lucky the sign over here says that you can see humpback whales monk seals Turtles I haven't seen it yet but even though I haven't seen any I really enjoyed this view just check it out for yourself the view from the lookout is Scenic with sweeping Cliffs Ocean Vistas you're able to visit the wildlife inside during visiting hours now we're back in Lihue for food we're here at the tip top Motel Cafe this place has been around since 1916 so that's over a hundred years in business it's old school a lot of the locals love it and let's go check it out yep thank you oh you can totally fill the old school Vibes when you're in here I love it the staff is friendly they're on the ball and we can't wait to try their famous oxtail soup that's kawaii's favorite they're banana macna pancake and some local mocha with fried rice oh that's a small version of the oxtail soup that looks pretty big to me your local hey guys enjoy oh thank you w-o-w or in all caps wow oh let's go with the soup just the smell of this soup so the rule is always to try the broth first you can taste all the collagen from the soup wow the wise favorite and I see why juicy flavorful Savory tasty healthy hot oxtail soup they added the Cabbage the ginger the herbs everything that makes a soup delicious it's okay well Boko Moko if you know locomoco is it's a hamburger patty with sauce rice on the bottom and it's almost magic to slice through this runny egg yolk on top of gravy and rice let's try it I could really taste the juices inside the burger patty with that silky gravy cheers Wham Banana macnut Pancakes let's eat up this is a very well Aloha made Macadamia banana pancake we have a lot of Adventures we gotta do today and we'll see you on the next one hyena State Park located on the North Shore and often referred to as the end of the road features the most famous kalalo Trail and Ka Beach which offers some of the best snorkeling on the island if you want to know how to get into hyena State Park keep watching in order to enter at Interstate Park without reservations to get free parking you need to show your Hawaii ID everybody else you have to make reservations online hello report your ID do you have one since my lovely wife is not a Hawaii resident we had to get her an entry pass and get it online it only cost five dollars go online we'll put the information down below out for non-residents please follow the official reservation system on make sure to have this ready cool we are here at the Hannah state park in the parking lot area and these people just came off the shuttle that show them here but uh we drove in with my or hrf license which I'm proud of for visitors remember you guys have three reservation options we're gonna go check out the beaches the trails that see how it is over here let's go when you enter the Anna State Park you will pass by a beautiful garden before you see the sign to the trail now we have k.a Beach right over here we're supposed to be one of the most beautiful beaches in Kauai maybe in all of Hawaii oh I'll take that back best speech for snorkeling actually but right now we're going on the kalalao trail it's 11 miles you want to do 11 miles in 11 miles back 22 miles we are fully ready today well we're not ready to actually do all 22 miles to and fro but we will go in as much as we can see the scenic views and we can't wait let's go the state parks does allow overnight camping at specific locations on the kalalo trail if you want to do the full 22 Mile round trip that's a lot of miles and this is the most popular Trail in all of Kauai so so far we've seen quite a bit of people so it's relatively safe in that regard the first part is relatively shaded what only half a mile but it was pretty much steep the whole entire time going up but totally doable but uh but it gets much more Steep and Rocky along the way but wait until you get to the open rewarding ocean views and the Napoli Coast first non-shaded area and it is beautiful two miles in at the start of the kalalao trail and Bam I'm getting excited I could smell the water in the sand the Hana kapiyai Beach is secluded and it's your reward for completing the first two miles of the trail you have to cross the stream to get here the golden Sandy Beach is not swim friendly but it's surrounded by Majestic sea cliffs what is in here you want to go in see if there's any Spirits in there no oh yeah from here you can continue your hiking journey to see a waterfall it'll be hike two miles back again to Ka Beach okay Beach hmm we deserve this after doing just that Four Mile round trip we are in Hanalei City underlay town is a lovely small Historical Area it's super chill artsy and Charming yeah I totally dig the vibe of this area they have food places all around and while you're here you might as well get yourself a shave ice at JoJo's JoJo's Shave Ice has three locations we are here in Hanalei North Shore one thing I know about this space is that they are busy busy busy busy Sergio my man Sergio just said that the Tropical Breeze is the most popular one so we're gonna take his advice and take it guava Lily koi and mango Tropical Breeze is supposed to be the most popular one here and I'm gonna see why oh that is good yep wow I'm thinking it's tropical Freeze foreign after all the movie was inspired by the town of Hanapepe and that's what we're going right now every Friday night the towns galleries shops and restaurants are open for Hana Pepe art night Hanapepe is located on the southern coast of Kauai near another JoJo Shave Ice I have a local tip for you here we are in Waimea right near the Waimea Grand Canyon and we're checking out the other shave ice from JoJo's I saw someone yesterday with the lihing Moi one so I had to come back to a different location and try it out pretty cool real local style it's good delicious okay I think her word for it thank you thank you gotta be kidding me this looks unreal I never had a Lehi moist shave ice like this if you want to try a different Shave Ice this is the one now off to Poipu Beach it's the most popular Beach on the South Shore Poipu Beach is a family-friendly beach with sheltered picnic tables snorkeling swimming Boogie boarding and surfing located right nearby are these iconic food spots now we are here at Puka Dog with some Hawaiian hot dogs we gotta check it out and we're gonna go enjoy it at the beach and the roosters agreed that it's so good nine dollars for a Hawaiian hot dog let's see if it's worth it while I was eating my amazingly surprising 7-Eleven tarsum on a pool from 7-Eleven this lady at the Gourmet at Grand Canyon thought I was eating the a hot dog and I told her oh no I'm not just eating them on a pool let's see how good 7-Eleven is with their model pools it's a brand new item okay I'm gonna enjoy this with the Grand Canyon in the background now back to the pooka dog and she said well you gotta try to put a hot dog so here we are I take all suggestions I can't wait to eat it and I don't know I'm digging this beach this is a real Hawaiian hot dog look how fluffy the bread is it's a big portion and I want to have me a bite and tell you what I think about it you ready I'm ready oh holy cow this hot dog has a bunch of juices that explode in your mouth you taste the hot dog the oils the spiciness and because it's a little hot I like how the bread is Fluffy and it's sweet so it offsets the spicy and hotness and the meat of the hot dog it's so good is it worth nine dollars I don't want to say it's worth nine dollars but to eat it when you're on vacation and you want to try out something new and to have it for the experience then yes it's worth it is it something that I would grab every day probably not for nine dollars we are here at the crack and we had to come here can't wait to have some really good Mexican food they know for having big portions and there's no MSG basically they make it authentic this is our new friend Brianna what's up guys my name is Brianna I work at Kauai TV right here you guys you guys sure hands down and when the locals represent a place you know it oh no oh no delicious monalicious yep so when the locals recommend it you know it's good I'm gonna have me a bite right now so good and tasty it's so juicy with the right amount of salt the guacamole is fresh I just pour the lava sauce lava is fire and I want to see if this Taco is fine it's really on fire right now but it's a good kind of fire it's not where I'm like I can see why they have a logo that looks like a Hawaiian man on top with crack hanging out but they have the Mexican hat so I think there's a theme here with the Hawaiian and Mexican style located in the Princeville area is the Queen's Bath it's one of the most unique places on Kauai it's a short 15 minute hike to this title sinkhole pool surrounded by igneous rocks just a warning when tight gets high it can be dangerous please go when it's sunny and low tide and proper hiking shoes and spikes are very useful in this hike always remember your sunscreen mosquito repellent and just be on the safe side these times really help out so you don't slip you might have to wait parking is limited and it just so happens you can't park over here and you don't want to wait you can always park at the golf course we are entering Queen's bath right now there might not have the sunscreen on my face though I just want to make sure I'm protected Stone Cloud bend down definitely don't come here if it's raining all right that's a lot of mud you're gonna have to deal with Yep this would be crazy to hike with this Rainier buddy and without proper Footwear it's around 15 20 minutes to get to Queen's Bath oh so we're here at the areas a little rocky but it's all good here we are at Queen's Bath and this is where the bath is nice you will be rewarded with an ocean view on the reef that spans this long you can replenish in this area and there's my favorite friend the holders there here that we just saw right up on the shore keep your distance admire them from 10 feet away at least okay state law three of them a whole family what can I say it's a great place to relax and snorkel good time at Queen's back and nearby Queen's Bath in Princeville we are back in Hanalei to try out local treats at some popular Kauai food trucks we're here right in front of the wishing well City Base I never heard that they have some amazing Shea bites so we gotta check it out let's go I like The Vibes here it's real chill it's laid back just got the most popular Street bites and although this is a shave ice team we did get a sidewall because they're pretty known for it and we got the all works acai Bowl it's supposed to have everything can't wait look at this let's try a bite wow I feel like I'm tasting a Hawaiian Sun passion fruit drink that's put in a slushie form topped with fruits a papaya and coconut on top the papaya is fresh it's very sweet pretty different pretty cool and definitely worth it after you have a nice hike here or Queen's Bath and while you're here you might as well get your acai Bowl too they're known for it fifteen dollars may be a little expensive for a local boy like me but pretty good though and this place gets a thumbs up two thumbs up actually if the chicken should give it a thumbs up they would oh you just attacked my wife right now and right within all the food trucks over here we have the Holy Grail donut I heard the doors are crazy looking judge because who knows maybe it just tastes amazing and it explodes in your mouth and it's worth the four dollars of this okay boom boom doesn't look like the IG picks but that's okay as long as it tastes really good right they make the donut fresh right there on the spot right now it's hot and I'm gonna have me a bite huh these Donuts are so different because they fry these in coconut oil it tastes amazing donut is a nice crispy fresh crunchy and deep fried I can taste the Ubi and Lily coin is just the icing on the cake you know it taste too much of it look at the crisp look at the detail look at the crunch that I want to get out of this the star of the show is a Tarot donut itself the same goes for the Miso honey donut when I come here every day to eat a four dollar donut probably not but it is good definitely worth the experience and I recommend you check it out for yourself foreign just a five minute drive from the Holy Grail Donuts make sure not to miss the Hanalei Valley Lookout whoa just in time for sunset we are at the Hanalei Lookout take a look at this with a gorgeous view coupled with squared off tarot plants that is beautiful this is a rewarding view that requires no effort that is beautiful green plush you can just pull over on the side with designated parking places and you can understand why Kauai is such a beautiful island to visit final stop is kauai's best Chinese restaurant the Garden Island Barbecue Chinese restaurant right near the airport in Kauai many awards were won here the food looks Ono and we're gonna go check it out let's go but I want to show you a couple of things so here bam they've been kicking butt all year round the wind is blowing through her hair I think you get the point you don't get all these Awards on here for not doing a good job obviously you did a great job here we can't wait to try hello oh don't worry oh don't worry I'm not filming you I left over you no worries no worries I haven't done Fried Chicken got a g and what else oh beef chow fun they're out of roasted pork I think we have to come back here for the roads Department the next day the road support is the Local's favorite and it must try it was the best roasted pork we have I'm glad we came back and didn't miss out gaoji this is my favorite meal since I was a kid and I gotta see how good it is over here so hot maybe a little too hot but still crisp so good not too oily and it's quite fresh which I like I like the sauce the sweet and sour sauce oh I'm enjoying myself eating this this is the roasted duck and fried chicken combo with kimchi and rice and you have the duck here which looks quite crispy and tasty and we have this huge Fried Chicken piece oh outside is so crispy salty oily fried just the way how I like it all these guilty pleasures get a chicken with a little bit of healthy protein somewhere inside oh now let's have a bite of this juicy duck that's calling me this is really crispy juicy it's fatty it's really good to mix the duck the chicken with the kimchi all together the kimchi tastes exactly like how it is in Korea now we're here to review the ciao but if I can only find it some or oh right here bam look how oily and tasty that is look at all the noodles beans greens and it's just screaming for me to eat it right now a lot of tastiness and you can taste a lot of the seasoning I mean the texture the softness of it on top of the beef being tasty took one of the best it's like just a place to eat it's so good it's a thing to do also so that's it guys for the garden aisle please like this video subscribe to this Channel and stay tuned for future adventures all my writing partners for this morning jumbo I'll see you guys later aloha yeah I don't know what I'm talking about never mind yeah the warning for them to say in the case of a flash flood just stay calm it's that simple stay calm move away from me
Channel: HawaiianTraveler | Sean Kaleponi
Views: 211,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: things to do kauai, hawaii travel, things to eat kauai, best activities kauai, kauai hidden gems, kauai hawaii, kauai best beaches, kauai best food, kauai waterfall, family things to do kauai, hawaii food tour, where locals eat kauai, best food hawaii, kauai travel guide, hawaii things to do, hawaii guide, locals in hawaii, top 16 things to do kauai, best things to do kauai, what to do kauai, what to eat kauai, where locals eat hawaii, best places kauai, hawaiian guide
Id: LgGlIfwZy1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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