Katy Levinson Defcon 20 - Robots: You're Still Doing It Wrong

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good morning my name is Katy Levinson and this is always you are doing robots wrong world it can't operate a computer too much hangover alright so who I'm done four years ago by the robotics lab and six even the coaching all five of them were first-year teams and first-year teams have extra excitement with retardation two years now so I want you can read fuck this all I am very good record a moment packard Ojo which is kinda being shut down by the city of Mountain View because they are and he also loved mom so lol if you would care like to help us in a reopening are building we really appreciate that oh and I'm iPhone make such a change always whatever you donate a hacker dodge it accomplished Kickstarter and I will drink when that happens so of do I'm sorry he yeah and if I am I can find more out all I would love to give you a shot to all and then oh I bet obligation is the experience are doing shipper all I'm sure if you know all Def Con speakers are only accepted accepted if they are exceptionally qualified bomb and I i feel like I've done my homework in this department bomb speaking of which %uh this is the trip to Vegas all and this is why this is a photo my grandma ina min 1937 she was nineteen a graduating from rice offer math and and she's gonna die really soon so I figured I'd you know kinda do a nice thing she's yet and our allies shit last year for doing talking address all and so this year we're fancier dress I in but I like to take a second to remind us create died the reason I do this is term I is community we spent so many years teaching our bosses and are like you know feds and all those people is that it doesn't matter or how you dress do your hair what you do on the weekends what matters is you're fucking good at your job all and the rest of it is all water under the bridge so I that's a lovely under my stupid idealism for the day on if you have a question come up and ask it I like this to be a nice kind of casual light talk all and if we run out of time I will have to ignore you and then you can handle me in Q&A all by if we're gonna go for a lot of talk really fast and so easier if you just stop me and ask a question and are there are a lot of bright lights preventing me from seeing that far into the audience so please feel free to shout I may regret saying that hi it what is hard output is hard I fucked up last year and Hayes are some bad ideas and what is hard alright infrared infrared as a as a tie percent to use our robots on it works heard leaders are sick so basically said that ever I think dole and it bounces back all the ER of the target and comes back and you measure that distance all and think ok all so it's really bad with Maris are because mirror reflective in shiny and things don't out quite right and you get kinda being weird shit all and %ah and these all the fucking bane of your existence because most cameras had a infrared sensor which determines the focusing length up the camera and so I can't tell you how many teams i've seen but like you know all the whole news couple I go it's great when the cameras are rolling in literally worked when the cameras are rolling because the camera is bathing their allotted infrared light almost could so I yeah mission bad I this is %ah this is actually a problem for a for kick out no more cameras oh well the solution is yeah I am so %uh sunglasses yes thank you sir all so you can put sunglasses on a robot will filter out the infrared light final all and and so that's that's great I don't do it on your interested sure you detect the back your glasses 0 and the great thing about this is it's not entirely obvious because infrared sensors have a minimum distance and unlike past that if like football so all so it's gonna come out is likely about 200 beers way you like what you do not see the wall what the hell I could so all re perspective infrared sensors and put it in long range but it's close to detect a rocket science I know right other than all other side rangefinder that's being they saw the whole thing that looks like I will pick people always identify as the robot's head arm basically noise combative one and out of a wall and come back into the other on and this works kinda like sonar bomb it's pretty sick this is my friend robot he made fund money I Kickstarter because ochem all it's called heck see if anyone they're really cool actually all their bad with see things because funny things don't reflect sound quite right I am so you can actually put two of these together and then love this will detect the mirror things and also a great writer will us R&B I inbred mechanism will detect the fuzzy things and that's pretty pimp this is straight vodka that's cool a lucky I Def Con okay Wow puppy I'm so I talk fast and so when we have a new idea I'm gonna show you a terrible picture um because that's a great way to a to transition because I talk too fast me a break for ideas alright so of perception or reality and hardships like even for humans that's not bad bad to fuck up and all for robot this is this is pretty difficult I so this is not a lot and it's near the wall it would like to measure all know how far it is from the wall so it's always measuring like you know how far right now and it'll take like all know that although my velocity but the thing is is your fencers aren't perfect and so I your measurement is going to you all want to bury by you know up you know i i couple inches or so and your sampling that it no kill hurts range and it looks like you're oscillating a two hundred miles per hour I away from the wall bomb so you wanna take your your your raw sensor measure with a grain of salt go to Wikipedia there's pauline zile shit on this all but just don't take it Ralph its kinda the big takeaway message here of mom so speaking of like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas not well band mom and and this is actually really kind of trippy the first time you see it to your shopping a little a little laser into that corner and the and the corners are doing one of these things and up and that's like well 0 calm and why does it do that it's because my little a rose indicate the ER but nothing coming in and as you can see it balances its way down the corner and then comes back which makes the may enter the corner look farther away as to get this like weird wall Kirby shit on their budget ways to fix this the Domus one has to assume that all your walls are track iraq isn't to a terrible assumption oMG are there been other times the way they think people they look at the ceiling and they like to use those little lights like they know a light it was be every couple ceiling tile so they like measure out how the room warps all there are other people who basically do a 360 scan and then they assume like I know you don't think on the whole way around but I am sewer and assumed all these points I found are points and then I have a spring which represents my confidence in that point and then thought you assume that like the first point equals alas poor and let the springs it's really actually cool to visualize arm what is it I but crap oversee be open CB had a great library that does it on you it's really cool to watch middle age into the flight room room room for you at it like snap together actually looks like a room is really sick of and yeah also of the only with the worky honorees was like appropriately cast of Co in I fucking love it I K I white are herm and expensive I don't think that second bit because right now the only people could afford light our military and so like their bath light arms like three grand whereas like they're not like people who develop them privately put the one stupid robots will want to buy for like four dollars like fuck yeah thank you someone for donating a link I am I'll pour you a drink later however that is I so I yes oh wow what a pic said second bit where all well I are really expensive iight they can others there's some really cool all open source work which could bring the docs like thirty dollars and if you're interested in making the world more often and Paul broke off talks being Q&A alright as well expectation versus reality so you can see in the proper little green shipping in the blue thing as a rangefinder I don't like going to stand alone is going to be fucking awesome other drama bottle all all and what you're really doing is you're scanning all your moving and are you actually taking the sampling at the wall in three different places and so you there it looks like your wall is like this I at the travel all so you can sit still I use can you can do math for how fast you going you could do a lot of things but the takeaway here is don't use your data Ralph all a little bit I thought to have to go into this of alanis make sad robot fat a robot is sad mom oh and you can do this in 3d it would you do if you can set up a whole array a little dudes oMG along the bottom and they just get it up-and-down actually met like I i crazy lady at a interview I had she was in like a charge was like yes these are the yes yes is in the know know that it's because these at least the one that's get up where the SAS's the one that's get this where the no nos all you so all these are used frequently with white are it's very rare to have a full 3d feel white orchids fuckin expensive up and so you can have you could get up %uh a good floor level but this the scandal comin will come in i in and you have to do the math before the scan hey thank you for all morning %uh get you the scanned in 3d so all that how that is well compasses compasses work or magnetic fields dear on motors involve rotating its I am so it's all about your compass next year motor I that will get very exciting very fast they're actually a number I love %uh sensor which are very sensitive to electromagnetic interference all certain very it's a gyros certain variants accelerometers all so reader datasheet or at least understand what the fuck you doing all or you know if something's really not working just moved away from the motors and test it just went out of okay he picketing I next item output is also hardships through a kid waiting room flight doing do but it's not just her happy to see you at cuz they're retarded bomb of so of not anyways of I moral all good om so this is I because if you're the pit and p.m. proportion I stand for integration defense for derivative so the proportion is how close you are to you ought to your targets the proportion of that the in a row as you take in a row like how far away you are not a number I another derivative is is how fast the distance to your target is changing on and so what you do is you put a couple of Lubbock authority to these and then you combine them straight to your target output speed on as a No dividing factor here it's kinda like big 00 ish notation like the scaling it doesn't matter the only thing reasons AB and C matter is relative to each other see you can't make them all four hundred and have it be fuckin magic I I'm sorry it's not a science works all so this is the proportional term alright so the goth is the whole rendus crap I'm really sorry I couldn't find a better one so the Green Line is the normal and then be black if if you lower the proportional term and then the red is if you raise before tional term and you can see that this actually it doesn't doesn't and you and then the the graphs represent like how close it is to the blue line so over time you can see that actually leveled up pretty quickly to its target but doesn't rise particularly fast bomb when you can it is I thank you I does not rise particularly fast so I compared to like a row it rises much faster I thought as as as the either turn increases there are slower all sorry rises faster because reading more got this isn't of whole fucking not rise faster I can read bomb so authorizes much faster with the integral term well I kept going to continue to do like anybody waves for longer all and this is a derivative term which rises wicked fucking slow but stabilizers really fast and so you basically combining these to you ought to get the arm to do you approach me what you want to do because the reality the arm has mass momentum when you're like go to specifically like this particular degree the medical call the overshoot and then it will go back %uh powered and they're all about and like that's why robots way that you there just like all so love these are ways that you slow down a robot so that it stopped twitching on you the other thing you can do which is really dark is what your thermostat does just a deadpan which is the all-party close enough and bomb and if you are lazy that's a great way to start debugging bomb the upside doing shit like this is I is if you look at the arm without any code at all will resist full load and continue to try to be in that position you can we are you can push or admirable actually Europe the motors to resist you without you writing call you which is home bomb but is also getting a borough are this been so beware called iight magic bug until the Wikipedia to get if you are really hungover and look at this table Wikipedia for PID controllers and if you're sure into doing it increase the term that relates to the problem you're having I am because sciences got kids ass o'clock in the morning and here we are palm so velocity control I so the elderly work when you're trying to set a target velocity for just fucking drop it said it 2-0 and then you can use the P and the deal thank you someone I appreciate you going a lot a bit this straight vodka in com Jesus Christ at least at a mixer last year alright so I set the art art 20 and then no I and then just say your boss Andy and this is like an okay way to settle %ah City on gonna need a feedback loop support like maybe in colours on your wheels om I don't want to go too much into stuff from last year because I know that some people saw all the talk from last year but the slides all online if you search my name and the word F con calm of this is a cute and adorable photo a vague have a go and so on fixing a netgear router on this is our our puppy photo just as we transition servo saver the limited to just one rotation bus service a lot of 4 actually already in them all so like you just said a position he freed 0 and 255 and it just goes is fucking magic there's some like physics behind it are there some applications like they are just interchangeable promoters all but they're pretty cool oh and programming servos is wicked simple pneumatics are cool they use air obviously they're open air system and I and you can't really stop that the pneumatic shop halfway like you can spend a lot of money and a special on the bike magnetic positions are between open and closed but like you and me and mere mortals like pneumatics are all ordered our own and not just how they are um you need a problem there or you need a big reserve tank if you're up for their tank then dots sorry guys all then thats but the net then you're nice don't work anymore and if you decided upon their the really robber yeah I and II and your battery life goes in the Twilight bomb consider that all hydraulics are so fucking messy when you break them I so good but I am but the good thing about it is that in chose not to press will fluid people than nooo many have much more granular control arm and it is a closed system you can't just pop it out in the air and then Paul Moran expected you're gonna carry the entire TV hydraulic fluid with you the entirety of your whatever the hell you're doing of is cases crotch I so cool trick all not involving cases crotch of min cool check is aw is so what say that you're debugging an infrared circuit and your light does it work I 0 of and you can really smash your head against the wall at this all most camera phones don't have a good IR filter on because they're not like poets like the sun glasses %uh so you can it hold up the circuit that when you think it should be lit with your camera phone and see if the circuit is blinking all and this is like barbeque ID Moses Carey camera phones are pockets lula really easy way to debug infrared circuit before like you know my senses are working is like is the thing even lighting up I check that your camera phone is shit and doesn't have a IR filter before you get great almost a great way to do this is a test did this last night is those little almond 30 keyboards on that on that TV thing in the Rio hotel rooms those work on infrared TV remote are going to read all guy that you were gonna be ready to put the what they are put a LED into you know into our bench are quite a resistor and just like that shit up but our but do check because camera phones are getting better and better and better and better and they're starting to use IR filters and I don't know what I'm going to do with myself so all ok so cool debugging trick in the polar bear cute of vodka I bucket a at still straight vodka corrections from last year president should I did wrong threaded bolts how to work ralph reed okay this is gonna rip that help the ball correctly arm all I got I for got this where last year too what's the two earliest threads yeah alright together with the crowds of your tobacco ok don't do it this is a machine that does nothing but bad boss called due to yeah her see sometimes actually okay if you go out and buy expensive special bolt that are made for shear loads they do make them thank you to all you lovely people who said the angry emails now I've corrected it also I'm this is the all the right way into her life you're actually not almost relying on the bolts for the holding force but instead holding to be in the middle together are relying on the static friction to be your primary holding force because both are zinc plated ships bomb and you know what I rely on them for linkages the thing there pimp all so let's imagine that like you just can't now a big task pneumatic on the front where it's gonna run and everybody but you need things to go up around in back so what you can actually do is imagine you're either driving the orange linkage or you put a motor on orange bolt and you actually getting a very complicated up motion out about little red ball at the top but normally wouldn't be possible without a lot of fucking effort up there understand the slide yeah so if you want to make a motion like this you would be like only need two dollars with two dimensions on a lot cone to make sure it never goes out of these things because I want my little reading all the talk to go dock with this track I go abroad I'll get you jet shouts got for hurting like steampunk kids should themselves over this in cell in sorry how these things are really awesome and there's all kinda shit you can do here here you're transferring if you assume that that circle represents a motorist writing that are out your trembling a like pretty rotational motion into a semi linear motion to really pimp we hear motions are hard shit I hate pneumatic hydraulic they're messy and they're awful and they're bad unlike just like this is amazing like I can do hold like fifty-minute all four linkages added you guys to go look issue Wikipedia and a bunch of petitions went in there and made it look like intimate shit but it's not bomb if nothing else we like we never did map for ours we would always just take out cardboard and push pins I just feel like and they were good now I do you know yeah I want to get it right you just that we gotta go like you know but so think about this before you start doing if you have a and emotion and also you can change orientation fears like what say you have like a hawk lawyer I'm a little cloth here okay I and you want to go here and then you want to be appearing rotated you can also do rotations by by but by having this part of the clock a bowl here in a bowl here you can't have like though claw like wrote a as part of it its really cool if you're really a baller you can have you can make acre which hits any 3.3 choosing but to point to be choosing is so easy I do not wanna see anyone having like pops of coded at Lake things anymore they're like the way to get to this position stop when I get to this position stop for a motor thats all whole thats thats bad used you to follow our lead use what you have also is a great way to get outta motor because our love and while I'm not lovers and thats lady asked hearing also this is a bad thing of I'm soak irons so ashamed to have to go through those guys you don't even know but now I'm so when you look at what you have white %uh wrote anything in a non-rotating your tour OJ anything there independent I can't roll call ok well today it's gretchen exist okay guys like this move the ball bearing you buy them from the internet especially because any significant torque of their rear be dead simple this is up this is the fuckin blank slide I'm sorry guys know of in I beg you got a a motorbike SRES what got any more for their up show watching my lazy ass barings on it's just a low-friction piece of metal I'll bet you use and they just brought against each other what they're less Rabi then doing like just flat out like a lower mall owner like it like don't no please please baby Jesus Christ alright thinking things through the whole way okay so old not all plastics playing together nicely he this is locked tight with a non compatible plastic this was my friend senior project it was so funny I in so when you're when you're glowing plastics are one year are all locked tight we're gonna cook out that in as a kind of glue checked at your clock your plastics are compatible on there's lotsa datasheet on this you will not drive it empirically you will look it up online bomb big unless you are crazier than me and that's fuckin impressive all gear october's will not commit driven a manual car will know if you're going with your Thomas coat of moderate over I'm at a hundred heard I could be some funny shit in %uh okay givers alike the difference between Aug the area reality is much smaller in theory that is in reality give yourself a little room for momentum and shits and murphy's law of this is sad robot going backwards wallet leaning forwards ok don't push robots don't push it because you know what you used your battery to you power your computer tell your motors two-run triple overtime when you read pusher motorsport you put her on board the motors rotate and then feed current back into your very expensive computer endured pleeease no all this is so easy to pick you can have dire would you can have cut also up lol what are you doing here bomb here diode you can cut off to get underway it's all you cannot even a little shitty disengaged just unplugged like just a little you know I get that switch just on Plaza motors for the rest of the things but please think about this all I have seen too much expensive shit die I due to people not thinking about this because yeah robots are heavy and you don't want to carry them cuz you're lazy like me alright acknowledgements I have learned always the hard way my managers when I was in high school retarded amazing kill me for Carter's for nasa ames el Mar project my very tolerant housemates IRC channel where retarded hacker dojo and my college which is spelled out Worcester please don't pronounce it wor-ces-ter of this presentation is creative commons by attribution-noncommercial-share alike I am Katy Levinson, I live on the fucking internet, you should talk to me with corrections or whatever else are questions I don't give a fuck and save the Hacker Dojo because I love that place [cheering] ladies and gentlemen do we have any questions sorry man I told you I talk fast OK alright so I'm going to repeat what that man says James what was more proud of the four bar linkage then the entire steam engine that's baller. Thank you for that history Ah Jesus, so this is a dirty secret is mechanical engineers think MATLAB this software and that's a really unfortunate thing so while matlab sucks a giant dick all the libraries that you want are actually made out in MATLAB and provided by Universities so it kinda sucks but like being lazy is awesome so I don't know if you want to choose to bite the bullet or what but that's about your options anybody else? I mean it's like electrical engineers think C is the only programming language which you know C is an awesome programming language but they're like I know C I'll do whatever the fuck this is in C fuck I'll write FPGAs in C didn't see it doesn't matter I know C how cards dealt anybody else got questions? Hi Elliot of thank you in now I got to see Elliot at conference, that's awesome, anybody else got a question? I TAKE OVER THE WORLD uh no, so I make like hobby shit um most what I did was they worked on a lunar rover at nasa per up lunar rover part I but after bomb unfortunately president always like put the moon this action really good story because up President Bush was like man one popular presidents do I know I'm a challenge no India and China to a space race we like a bitch is we're going to the moon in 2020 or go to Mars in 2030 a call now so I guess Brad oh yeah card now also was like where you're going to foot the bill for that he lied know you figure it out I in and so everything it so everyone's like why is that a sec now it's because nasa was pretty much like we can't do this in bushes like I don't know what I keep you around four if you can even go back to the moon you do that is she in the seventies I am and so I and so basically they had to throw every project under the bus to try to get back to you to 2020 that Obama's like fuck are we doing here and then a in 2009 he cancel project cost elation and that was all the layoffs all they minimize the like other only so many layoffs but like they don't they don't count all the payload teams they like how the kids doing the Rockets and so that was unfortunately the end of my adorable lunar rover on which issue cute we like 10 kilograms enabled in my arms in with dole queue I am but yeah any other questions yelled I found in my hotel room Coleen Nolan I hundreds more like this goal by pantheon of trash I love Vegas next question daughter wants going twice okay what's up man all okay sure when you wanna know it was so cute sorry what so is meant as a all as a scouting mission all because like to the movies such a bitch like it it's really ridiculous like basically the surface of the Moon is like it gets hot and cooks all this shit together and then of and I need me two years come and they bang laid out by then the break it all up into anybody bits and then you have like even razor sharp things the stick you with the same mechanisms velcro does and eight they hold electrostatic charge and then like they'll discharge electronics I charge all over you and bill also whole radiation done that all over you and all a day is is 28 days on the moon so like you have a as a what's that math I'm drunk I side like a 14 day a day at fourteen day nights the temperature Street swing is ridiculous no one actually I know that everyone's like I hope you to put you on the moon but like no one actually put a long-term mission on the moon because the moon is so crazy we put our movers rovers on Mars the only one is ever pull all rover on the moon is the russians and they put like tank on their well I H balloon across with crazy so like it's actually amazing how little we've spent all the services the moon because the servers to the moon is crazy so this will will she be scouting mission all it basically had a camera in the front and the goal is just to drive that fucker until the Sun cut debt bomb call because the the services like if you can imagine the temperature switch during a 14-day day with no atmosphere and nothing to protect you its rediculous like though if you look at the helm at the original on lunar om extruder outside at the Mission Drive ebuddy shit all they used piano wires on the wheels because they couldn't use rubber case it would boil all holy balls they could use metal because the first rock would pull it up so they actually took piano wire and tune it around and then they let the rocks get absorbed up into the piano wire and then like the ER and then the the rocks would just fall out later like that the science like it's so crazy like my understand why mars is so important and so awesome as some ways we might actually live someday but like the moon is such an ultimate engineering challenge I think that people really underestimate the moon because of the distance involved all but the moon is such an awesome engineering challenge for thermal engineers for mechanical engineers and he basically on a lunar mission software is the light will fix it and software support team all week layup everybody else's mess is like someone wanted me to overclock it under clocked the processor to function as a here I clay good we are still okay it's not even funny funny like a it's very very humbling to realize that like despite the fact that you have to have a mathematically foolproof system you are not the one holding the hard challenges on this team I have an incredibly humbling experience I'm sorry I remember which original question what did I answer it Co alright any other questions all i know i I don't use so many stories epic fail so one time I don't put this in last year but it's so good so like what time all I I we're making a robot and it was tonight before the ship day couples for competition when they take away the robot and %uh i so we eat we're just testing the robot and the you know the battery is whatever like you know he's staying there we bolted down with a metal clamps that seems reasonable and then as we were driving around the middle C clamp like labile themselves out and got over the contacts and like art dept right into the steel frame and I'm now I advise you to use velcro on your batteries because fire is bad didn't grow up could most in Morton formula for robots black plus ready he called here getting I'll show okay velcro is great shit we also I was once on me on Carnegie Mellon naw that was actually really humiliating because I graduate I was tied chillen with Carnegie Mellon at my alma mater is the one that wins the half a million dollars for the Lunar X PRIZE hawkeye graduated too early I am and %uh so they were great they had no suspension on the robot there was doing a loner regular exhibition challenge and ought they decided to carry around because like I'll tell you during like when when the shit hits a good the floor the fan or wherever it hits I like people are really rough on robots and so they dropped it into the pit where we supposed to compete and and be like charge for this little Pookie shit Wallace life and it did this little parking shit and then it didn't work as well in when you at the Magic spoke out on the computer bad things happen when I was bad calm let's see what all I ruin two walls in my high school Henry 9 chase me down the hallway fun facts kids when you get outta range love your wireless you need to have the robot stop Co we needed to have not getting anything any of the stop because otherwise you will have no way to bring it back this is really important if anyone does %um he is in just pull out their fuel like these like try out just have it start landing slowly or you'll never get that shit back into the batter's right on a par with little rock I let's see what else all goodness I'm broken so many things yet so I can make a right now a way of the question if dude so way when we have their not doing late rollout to have sex in so live a he got in I know all he says that the best of people here again and so you know was one we're about to give sex with also thats hard question I all you either have to tether it or finish fast I'm sure isn't a problem around here bomb copy cuz right now like the really limiting factor that's keeping robot out our daily life is battery consumption actually want to put a flight on this but I got too drunk oMG so if actually a hundred times more efficient if you're allocating about 30 pounds 4 of 4 for energy free energy budget to put AR a a generator on the air with gasoline and to put a lithium-ion battery even pretending that cost wasn't a problem on battery technology is really not keeping up with robots and that's why the only robust that we see right now are either domestic bullshit like the room /url or things that have like a very controlled environment have the capacity to plug themselves back into or you see something that's headed to the floor like automation machinery or you see military shit and they don't care how loud it is so unless you get turned on by a generated by mass I am I would say that's one of the more serious barriers to robots in our everyday lives for sexy time for whatever else bomb and it's really great because cell phones are now like really up against the wall on battery life and they put a lot of money be honest on the other hand I cried inside when I saw the Apple and they were like but Apple has so much money in there like oh my god guys we made it so much better at making a battery bigger and I like y'all me a better battery I what robots everywhere so even if you happen to be billionaires I want to be late for philanthropist and don't want to get to the hacker de Chou bomb and %ah and and want to make the world a better place I would say that the place where you can really make a difference is by improving battery technology because that's what's really holding us back from a robotic revolution is this just not energy officiate and people don't want generators and horrible gas smells and the rationalize in their house mom I go off topic a lot what's up dude so are baller my problems are also my problem self-driving cars as they are baller they are an example of a gas-fueled engine all as previously stated they're amazing I really hope that they get good at what they're doing before the legislature goes all fuck guys we have to stop this up they're really cool on the other hand I'm really sad because Google solution to you ought to running a aw to running a self-driving car Israel I where they got thirty thousand dollar car and drop a seventy thousand dollar light are on the top this is scaleable shit like know I have to go for a hundred thousand dollars like I am so I'm really looking forward to you all I tears coming down cough I believe it can be done I believe the technologies out there the problem is the only place for selling liars right now is to the military and as you know all military gives them a call about the price almost so i really wanna see commercial I write because I believe that that is what will hasten self-driving cars into the reality that you and I live with by the way I'm really not good about the future I I love these questions but like Lake I'm as much for an expert is this microphone makes me on so please take it with a grain of salt I'll give you my best effort was up mom so all what languages do like to program for robotics I would say all the big on so there's that robots are really divided into as I said before batteries are really a limiting factor on robotics and so energy consumption is serious shit all and you actually look at like the like that like the appears we have on her butt and their awful so that usually actually two computers are seriously involved one is the embedded system all our about us over to be extremely bare-bones extremely power sensitive and that is all embedded C and then you have the of bored computation that does like I sensing like an ebook of four you can plug it into a wall electricity light a shitty bomb so that is written in a variety of languages on their actual library for Python excellent pipe on support I am another friend who's doing amazing work I if you think I'm gonna robots this man I think will be the next father modern robotics om and his name is Kevin Harrington and he works at Eurobike stock on they have phenomenal Python libraries on there a lot of good Python libraries well i've depends on open CV open CV is varied on if you wanna division stuff on 30 Embedded CE and embedded Python for the for the of court computing side are probably the general tools a choice although I've seen everything cuz robots as such in New the old like Microsoft may dislike embedded crazy robot shit I don't know if anyone's going to use it but like everyone trying to get into being the operating system %ah to revive this bullshit until your battery on a fucking earned-run operating system acquire over we have virtual memory on that shit like operating system are alive until we get power batteries on there is a joke and everyone will hate me for saying that but fuck them cuz I'm right hmm call me next question what's up can you shout a little louder are Jesus oMG no robotics has one Willow Garage is trying art of a for effort um sorry Ross not part of our Casa something apart Ross thank you sir always trying roth a for effort not relevant Asian they assume that you have this like magic Olympic battery life but they are shiny and battery industry catches up will be kinda hot I don't know if they'll be outdated before then all I he open TV is baller it's actually used by much broader computer community including general King computer vision on I can definitely answer that question better by posting something online so if you ping me at Katie levinson on Twitter all put up all all go actually researchers question have an answer that's not pulled out my ass if that's cool with you next question what's up dude not intensively you mean are I he after is a robot and on the a rational space station are you familiar with that when are you meaning the IRS or what yeah no shit about that sorry dude assholes make shit up man I gotta make shit up are you my best educated guess and you may I think that still awake key perspective is he say when you don't know what the fuck you talking about what's up dude well good for you I wouldn't designs ready gonna or so that you're really complicated shit all because but nasa is obsessed with flight heritage bomb which means like put the risk someone else who it they obviously did their homework if I conference papers is like I'm qualified to speak this congress good people spoke of before think I'm qualified of but this conference I mean like bullshit conferences bomb so often doesn't want a good decided they didn't say they don't talk but aw so also is complicated um people use the ex works which is I had nightmares of the experts I really hate that system bomb they also use it on your all your wildest bottoms and all or so well of never getting a job from them welcome I don't work for them %uh so there was a other was a low Earth orbit and thats imploded a dividend differentiation between low-earth orbiting fire earth over because a band I want though is like session you're fucked because like imagine but like when you're designing your programming system anybody can be flipped like your stack at all I just change that all your PC carro I do is change that and they expect you to design around that much think a queue oMG also %uh so up but so the export what they are is what spirit opportunity ron is what a lot of the computers run um I mean rat heart on computers are gathered here is really hard thing because of anything they can go into space can be used as intercontinental missile on military gets all up in that shit oMG because they don't like air comp mobile I don't know why I have so wave like if you wanna buy like a computer that has like less power than my cell phone on it's generally like twenty thousand dollars for the a motherboard twenty thousand dollars for the over ten thousand dollars for the power board all and that's for the prototype and then we'll show you a are a one that's guaranteed to be exactly like the one you gonna ship into space and that's forty thousand for the mother were reported on their board in 20 down for the power board and then if you wanna actually ship one to space also you one for 80 80 and 40 algata magic plastic bag and if you don't open a clear mignon to the magic voodoo any breaks fuckin liable I am defense I mean like this is getting to my political beliefs but defense contractors have gutted the american public's but capacity to do science with their hardware it's really frustrating and I'm sure that many people in the audience 80 for saying that com by I it's the nature of things I'm I feel we are you throw me off I will not throw you I will gently take alright yeah %uh
Channel: Katy Levinson
Views: 41,525
Rating: 4.5149107 out of 5
Keywords: Robot, Robots, Katy Levinson, DEFCON 20
Id: gFW0schumkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 51sec (2991 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2012
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