Does dropping usb drives in parking lots and other places really work? - Blackhat USA 2016

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Good afternoon. Welcome to 'Does dropping USB drives really work? in Mandalay EF, by Elie Bursztein. Before we begin, a few brief notes. Stop by the business hall, located in Bayside AB during the day, and for the welcome reception from 17h30 to 19h00 tonight. Also, Black Hat Arsenal is on the Palm Foyer on Level 3. Finally, join us for the Pwnie Awards tonight in Mandalay BCD which is right next door at 16h30. Thanks for putting your phone on vibrate. It makes it easier for the rest of us to ignore the ringing while you wait for your voicemail to pick it up. Finally, there are microphones interspersed throughout the floor. When it comes to the Q&A we would really appreciate it if you would make use of those since we are recording. With that, Elie. Bonjour. My name is Elie Bursztein and today as you see I'm going to tell you a little bit about the result of our large-scale study we did about how effective are USB drop attack. This is something I did on my spare time with my co-conspirators from the University of Michigan and the University of Illinois. During my day job, I work at Google where I lead the Anti-Fraud and Abuse Research Team. So, it's a little-known secret in our community that dropping USB keys in a parking lot and all the weird places works. I can't remember a single Black Hat, and I've been to many, where I couldn't remember someone told me, "I drop a USB key and boom! Magic! I got this job done." It becomes such a well-known secret that last year a TV show decided to feature it in one of their episodes. Do you guys can figure out which one it is? Yes, you're all correct, Mr. Robot did feature USB drop attack in their Episode 6 last year. Love that TV show. So, that begs the question, does dropping USB keys really work? Is it a fluke or is it really the real thing and we should all do that and go out on vacation and not rely on super complex attacks, right? So, to answer this question, today I'm going to go through three main points. The first one is we're going to briefly review what are the three types of attacks that you can have with USB keys? Next, we're going to discuss how effective are USB drop attacks? This is a result of our last scale study where we dropped 297 keys, and yes, that's a lot of keys. And finally, we're going to think about how an attacker can push forward based on what we did and do it more efficiently and really make use of those USB drop attacks. So, let's start with reviewing what are the types of attack you can carry through USB. So, it's mainly three types of attack. The first one is a Social Engineering attack where you try to convince people to either click on the link or directly phish them for the login and password. Then you have the HID Spoofing which is human interface devices where you screw some hardware to emulate the keyboard. And finally, there is the fabled and yet never seen, 0-Day USB key who will export a bug into one of the drivers. So, the social engineering attack is very simple. You take a USB key, any key will do, you put a bunch of phishing HTML file, you name them 'Confidential', 'Secret', 'Do Not Open', it's pretty good. And then you hope that people will click on them and then [inaudible]. Okay, and the next one is the HID, human interface device spoofing attacks where you basically have accustomed hardware which will pretend to be a keyboard, and as a result will be actually viewed by the operating system as a keyboard. So, this keyboard is programmed to inject a bunch of keystrokes which will result in a bunch of commands which will compromise the victim's computer. So, the end goal is, of course, to get a remote (inaudible) which connects back to the attacker and then you get full control over the computer. So, what are the pros and cons of those three types of attacks? The social engineering attack, which is the one we used in our study is very easy to do. You basically create a bunch of HTML files. It's not reliable because you're not only counting on the people to plug the key but also to fall for the idea to click on the HTML which has a weird name. And it's not very stealth at all because you obviously have the user to see a bunch of files and he can open them look at those source codes so he's not (inaudible). On the plus side it is extremely cross platform because LVOS's do know how to open an HTML file. The HID spoofing attack which is probably used by pen tester and corporate espionage most likely is a little bit more complex to carry out because you have to have custom hardware that you need to program, usually in C. Then it's a little bit more reliable because as soon as you plug the key, and I'll show you a demo, the computer is compromised. It's not that stealth because you see a bunch of terminals popping in, poppin out, and it's weird things, so you might be surprised about it but it's more stealth than the social engineering one because after the attack is carried there is nothing left to see. And it's not really cross OS because each operating system requires a different type of comment. The last one, the fabled 0-Day attack is actually complex to carry out because you have to find the bug, you have to write the code to exploit it and you have to bake it into a custom hardware. It is extremely reliable for the operating system and version you are targeting, I believe. And it's stealth because you don't see anything. It all happens at the driver level so there's nothing to see. It's absolutely not cross OS because you have to find one bug for each OS or more likely each OS and each driver version. So, how effective are USB drop attacks? To answer this question we had a very complex game plan, as you can see. Let's just drop a ton of USB keys and see what happens. So, this is not as easy as you would imagine because we had to jump through a few hoops to get approval for that. So the first thing was we had to go to the University and say, "Hey, we would like to bring mayhem to your campus," "would you be okay with that?" They're like, "Uh, we don't know, how about you make sure" "you only use regular keys with plain files, plain HTML files." So, we had to resort to the social engineering attack because they were concerned about us arming the people who plug the key. The second thing is we had to work with Public Safety and tell them, "Well, something weird might happen at a moment's notice." "So don't worry about it. It's all fine. It's just an experiment." But all in all, we were able to get the Internal Review Board, the University Counsel and Public Safety on board with the idea of dropping all those key during two days on the Illinois campus. So, second thing is it's not that easy to manage and trace 297 keys so we had to build a full framework to actually track them (BREAK IN AUDIO) them, to monitoring them, to know where it had been dropped so we can actually have all the data. And finally, we had a debrief to help understand why the hell people did click on that if any of them would do that. So, this is basically what our framework looked like. The first thing we wrote is a simple Python script who will create a file and assign to each of the files, inside the file, a unique identifier which will help us to trace the life cycle of the key. Upon created it registered the key to a server which, as I said, is on Google App Engine and then we wrote the small Android App that would be used by the dropper. We had many undergrad and grad students helping us dropping the keys. You need the law of manpower to drop 300 keys. And this app will record the locations and time of the drop and where the type of location it was so we can trace location of the drop. And finally, when you would open one of the HTML files, the HTML file will embed in images, these images have a unique identifier, and this unique identifier would help you to trace which ones were opened. People had the option, in exchange of an Amazon gift card, to answer a survey about how much they knew about security and why did they decide to open the USB key. So, we tried to understand a little bit of the mindset of someone who looked in such a key. So, we tried to control for a bunch of ideas. Like, we were curious to know first if the key appearances would be impacting, in one way or another, the opening rate. So we started with a simple swivel key and we multiple colors of those. And then we said, okay, let's try to add real keys to it, maybe people will fall for it because if there's a real key, maybe it's more important. Then we're like, okay, let's add a return label with the name of the experiment, and see if people actually returned the key to us. Then we're like, okay, let me get more interesting. How about we put a label on it, so we tried 'Confidential', and I'm not saying students are cheaters but we thought that 'Final Exam Answers' might be useful. So that was our five type of keys and for each key we went through the trouble to personalize the content so this is basically a view of the five we had. So the one we had no label, we had a bunch of documents like 'Resume', 'Mail', basically 'Photos' and so forth, so we tried to figure out what people would open. Would they try to open photos, would they try to open a resume, would they try to open a doc? That's quite an interesting social experiment. So, the next thing we did is for the 'Final Exam' we had a bunch of final exam naming and then tried to see if people would open those. And finally, for the 'Confidential' one we tried a bunch of ideas including 'Termination Letters', 'Confidential Meeting' and we tried to see which one people would open. So, we also wanted to control about drop location. So, the first one, this one is parking lot. Does it work on parking lot? But how about just outside, on the bench for example, would that work? We also were... is it more impactful when you're inside the building, so we dropped it into the common room. We dropped it into the classroom. Apparently one of our students got caught doing it, but you know. And then finally, we also dropped it into the hallway. And so we get an idea of whether inside versus outside of the building, where you're probably more confident that you are safe, will impact your opening, right? So, that's what we did. Here's a few shots from the app. So, this is a parking lot drop. A real one, and you can see it. There's the USB key at the bottom. We had outside on a table. And outside on a bench which is for the bus stop. And so that's, for example, one of the three drops we did of the 300. I would show you 300 photos, but it will be going boring very quickly. So, here's the better view, this is the overview of where we dropped keys. We tried to cover all the campus. And as I said, we did it through two days and two waves. And we dropped it all over the place to see if it also would affect the same. So, after all this hard work, what happened? Well, the first thing is we got busted. This is a Reddit thread. They're like, "Hey, I don't know what happened." "I found a final exam answers on the campus." This guy is very honest. Anyway, in the end, the guy replied, "Yeah, don't worry about it, it's a study, everything is fine." It was actually 24 hours before we saw it so that tells you how long it takes for people to catch up. So, basically within the first few hours, no one noticed it, it actually took a while. And again, it's 300 keys, so it's really visible. So, after all of this, main question, right? Did it work? Yeah. So, 45% of the people, not only plugged the key, but as I mentioned, also decided to click on the file. So, let's recap a little bit for the study in numbers. So, we dropped 297 keys, we tried 300 but three failed. That's why the 97 comes in play. Of those, 290 were picked up so at least we made quite a few people happy with a new USB key. Of those, 135 did phone home, that's roughly 45%. And then we got 54 keys back. Thank you to the people who bring them back. We actually kindly asked them to keep them. So, if you are to open the file we say, this is part of an experiment, you are welcome to keep the key, but a lot of people felt that they wanted to return the key so 54 people did return us the key. And we got 62 people, which is 21%, who actually answered the survey, which is quite an interesting number because it gives us enough sample to really understand what happened. So, the first thing to look at is how fast our keys were opened. So, 20% of our keys were opened within the first hour, which is really fast. And 50% were opened in less than five hours. So, not only did USB drop key work, but it is also very fast. We were actually surprised by the speed of the opening rate. The other thing we tried to remember is tried to figure out is there any correlation between the appearance of the key and the opening rate. It turned out that it's not statistically significant. A large number, to be different, we don't have enough sample to know any significant conclusion but you can see that one thing is significant too. Do not put return label. I don't know why you would put that if you are an attacker to put your name on the key, but don't do it, it doesn't work. People will not open it, they will just bring it back to you. Probably not what you want. The other thing is, we tried to control is there any differences for the drop location, and again, not much differences. The parking lot still it appeared a little bit higher but again, it is not statistically significant. But yes, parking lot seems to work, so we proved the legends are real. Yes, you can drop a USB in the parking lot and, yes, Mr. Robot once again, it is a realistic thing. Kudos to them. Outside works as well and everything works almost the same way, so no reason to plant them outside of the parking lot. That seems the best place to be. Why people did open those damned keys? Well, a lot of people said, "Oh, I wanted to open the file so I know whose it was" "so I can return the key." You know, benevolent was the main reason why people wanted to open the key. 18% said, "Well, I was just curious," and also had other motive. Now, what's interesting is I know which files the opened. Remember, I had a bunch of interesting files, right? How many of you bet it actually matched what they said? No one raised their hand? Come on. Such a low expectation of your fellow human being. Well, you're right. Yes, you're right. Most of the people were opening pictures. Not really resume or the document, they're just like, let's go for the picture because you know everyone on the 5,000 people campus, that's the best way to find who the person is. So, yes, surprisingly, the behavior did not match the intent. I do believe the people still wanted to return the key, and like I said, we had 54 keys returned but it's interesting to see that 'Photo' was the most opened one. So, that's where we stopped as a study. We can't hack people but that's not what an attacker would do, right? An attacker would not use social engineering keys, they would use more advanced keys, because they want a sure fire. And now I'm going to talk to you about how as a pen tester, or an attacker, you would go about dropping keys which are way better in the opening rate. Remember we had 45% who plugged and clicked on the file. But there's probably a higher number who plugged and didn't click on the file. So, how do you get to the (inaudible) an attacker and you actually really want to compromise people? Well, first let me show you a demo of what we're going to go and build. So, there is a key on the stairs and you're very curious so you pick up the key. Like, "Oh, looks interesting, how about I plug it in my computer?" And so you go home and like, "Hey, I'm going to see what's happened to it." And I plug it and then nothing happened really. And then my computer started to act strange. It makes noise and you can't hear the noise, but then it's hard to see. (inaudible). It starts to open the terminal (inaudible). And then code happens and then the computer is compromised. That's all you see as a victim. That's how fast it is, that's how deadly it is. This is what you see from the server side. I used Metasploit because that's all you really need to do with it. And you see now I have a interactive session which is a remote share to the computer and then you can ask who I am, of course, it's why the test for the user is test. You can do (inaudible), you can do whatever you want. So basically it takes literally a two second plug to get compromised and you can open a webpage, make the computer do stupid things. That's what a USB drop attack will look like in real life. That's how reliable and fast it is. So the moment your terminal opens you're dead, because you can't even act fast enough to close it. That's what is going to happen. So now, let me tell you how you do that. So, first thing is, I want to point out is with HID, human interface device spoofing, is not new. And remember, as told by Adrian in DEF CON 2010 showing us one of those early HID device which is on the picture. The only problem with it is, I don't think anyone will plug that. Samy Kamkar did a very nice one for his necklace for OS X. Again, I won't plug that, but it's quite interesting that it works both for Windows or OS X, it's one or the other at that point. And we have a problem of making this realistic, right? So it's not the technology, we just have to reshape it to make it work for our use case, so that's what we're going to do. So, here is the challenge when you try to weaponize HID device for making them droppable. So, the first thing is you have to make them cross-device. It's understood that HID devices are never meant to have any feedback from the operating system because they are always agnostic. So you have to find a way to fingerprint whether you are on OS X or Windows or even Linux because there is not way to know where you're going to plug the key. With your pen tester you know your environment so you can plug the key and it does things fast for you, but in our case it's going to be dropped. Will the (inaudible) read it from the Mac, from the Windows? We don't know. So the key has to figure it out itself what to do. The second thing is, you have to use, to create a small (BREAK IN AUDIO) binary-less persistent reverse-shell which have to be small payload because keyboards don't type very fast and it has to be on a script, to not trigger AV and with your reverse shell to bypass firewall. Finally, and the most fun part of the project, and I'll show you a ton of photos in a bit, is how to make them realistic. I have them here, by the way, so as I'm talking you're welcome to come on stage and look at all the stages. I brought them for me so you can feel how real they feel. So, how do we do that? How will we convince? So, we start with a very, very tiny device which is a Teensy and it's very small so we know it's going to fit well into a fat USB key. It's programmable in C and it's Arduino compatible and it's what most the people for their previous work. So, OK, one button, play, OK. So, how do you craft a payload for that? So the first thing we need to figure out is when the drivers are loaded. So, the first thing is, when you plug the key we don't know how long it's going to take for the key to load because the systems have different timing. The second thing is, we need, as I said, to fingerprint which OS it will be. And finally, we have to execute the reverse shell. So, a few GOTCHA. The first thing is the timing between the commands. Usually previous work we’re relying on careful crafted timing. The problem here is the timing is different from one OS to another so we have to be careful about that. And the second one is, it's really complex to know if you have successfully executed your command, because again, no direct feedback into an HID device. The way we go about that is by using the CAPS LOCK key. So the CAPS LOCK key you can turn it on or off and actually the keyboard knows about it, so basically the idea is you try to issue a toggle, execute your command to get it back and check if it changed. Until it has changed you know your command hasn't been executed because it wait for it. And so this idea is using one-bit feedback based on the key status. So the reason why we use CAPS LOCK is, and I spent quite a bit of time trying to debug that, is there is no NUM SCROLL key on OS X. I didn't realize why my stuff was not working and like, oh, okay, the key does not exist so the OS does not know how to turn it on and off. So, basically how you implement it in C, the code is available by the way on Github, I made it available today if you're interested. But the basic idea, we tried to make it (inaudible) loading to our devices and we tried to blink it, because it has internal LED. And then when it's able to blink we know it's loaded and we try to execute our attack. For the fingerprint, there was a work two years ago presented at Black Hat about USB fingerprinting and it was about to implement that. It seemed very, very complex for what I wanted. When Jean-Michel, my friend, came up with the idea that we can probably try to do a lock, the SCROLL LOCK key, in powershell and if it was working then we'll be on Windows, and otherwise, we'll be on OS X or Linux. And it turned out it works really well and it's very flexible because we can do way more with this technique so we implemented this one instead. And it proved very, very reliable in many, many devices we tested. So we stuck with this one to fingerprint which device it is. So, how do you spawn a reverse-shell? So the last stage is spawning a reverse-shell. The first thing is you open the terminal, then you spawn a process because you want it as a background process, you don't want it as a foreground process because people can kill it. A lot of previous work were just opening a terminal but people will close it. What I do is I spawn a background process and then in this background process I run a reverse tcp connection back to the server, which in our case is Metasploit, because it already does an awesome job of being command in control and there is no code needed on that stage. A few things to note is, we do a reverse-shell because we want to pierce your firewall. You have no idea what the firewall will look like so you want to connect back which is usually more allowed than inbound connection. We use scripting language and obfuscation because we want to avoid antivirus. We also do it on in-memory and not touching the disk for the same reason. The payloads have to be small. In certain OS's, you probably don't know it but there's only 62 keystrokes per second so your payload has to be super, super tiny otherwise it's going to take ages for it to type. So there is no way you're going to type a full binary in the terminal, that's not going to work for you. And finally, as I said, we leverage Metasploit as a command and control because there is no way we're going to reinvent the wheel if something is doing a great job at it. So, the Mac OS X payload was actually surprisingly small. I was about to write it in Python and then I came across this cheat sheet from Pentestmonkey who had this one line, reverse shell in bash with no unknown function at the end, I never knew about it, which basically (inaudible) connection in dash. So all I had to do is put it into background process and we were done. And we ended up with 100 character reverse shell, which actually will be used in background, will reconnect, will do everything you want, one hundred characters. This is super tiny, works perfectly well, saved me a ton of time. On Windows it's more complicated. So, I took inspiration from Powerfun by Ben Turner and Dave Hardy. And so the idea is to create a TCP connection in Powershell which connects back to the server. Then we're going to take this payload, compress it so it's smaller and then Base64, so we can put it as... make it typable by the Teensy and we put it into an outer payload which will basically use, again, Powershell to spawn a process, decode it, decompress it and a dedicated memory, and you would end up, again with a reverse-shell in memory. So, that's how the Teensy, a half program, works both on Windows and on OS X. The code is available on Github there will be a link at the end of the talk, so you can download it, look at it, improve it. If you have improvement, please commit. Send me a commit, I will gladly take it. So, the final point, how do you make this thing, which doesn't look at all like a USB, a USB? So, first step, we have a Teensy and then, well, you can plug an adaptor, but that doesn't look like a USB at all. So, the first thing you have to do is, okay, can't use an adaptor, we have to order a Type A connector and then I'm going to solder it like this. And then by soldering it we have almost a USB key type of size, right? It's a right step in the right direction. Now it seems the right size, okay? It takes a little bit of practice. This is my early experiment, not that great. On the right side is also me trying to remove the micro USB because the first time I didn't know you can leave it up. So I actually ended up breaking a teensy. But after a few practices you get the hang of it and then we were able to make ten of those so, practice makes it perfect. And then you have to create a silicon mold. And so the way you create a silicon mold is you order a bunch of silicon, you mix it until you get a nice goo. And then you take your key, in my example it's this one, so it's a normal USB key, I bought it. And then I basically put the clamp on it, put it into a plastic cup, and then I pour the silicon into the cup. The only GOTCHA here is silicon has air, so if you don't want to have bubbles and you want your key to have a very sleek aspect you have to be careful to remove the air. The way you would do that is either by vacuuming the key, or if you don't have a vacuum like us, you actually need to pour it from very high up and then it will have a thin stream of silicon and will remove the air. And so basically you let it rest for 24 hours. And then you get the mold like this one, and it's very squishy. The mold will be used to cast the key. So, how do you go about casting a key? So, the idea here is we're going to use resin and we're going to colorize it. And so the resin is two polymer you're going to mix. So, one thing here to note is you can't mix all of it at once because it's going to very quickly solidify. So, what you do is you use two syringes, one for each product, and you use about 10cc of each. And you mix them and you take 2cc of color and you mix all of this and you have then your resin. And then you're going to cast it. Do wear gloves. Do wear a lab coat if you are going to do that because it's extremely toxic to have it on your skin so be careful. By the way, this is actual photos of us doing it. We documented everything. And so, basically then you pour your resin into the mold and you overflow it almost and then you stick the teensy into and you let it rest. If you're too impatient you're going to break it, so leave it about 30 minutes. And then you're going to, with something like this. Yes, that's a cast teensy and she looks really, really almost like the same thing. And the excess resin is really easy to remove with a small knife. It's not hard so, don't worry about excess resin. It's better to have too much and not enough. So, let me think, the only other GOTCHA we had is, do not let it overflow to the hole into the connector otherwise your USB is going to not work. And it's very hard to remove actually when it's inside the connector. And so, well, the first attempt was not that great. Too impatient, no colors and well, we were wrong with it. And then we got this advice that you need to use lubricant to make sure that you can remove really easily the key out the mold. Except it gives you this really bad look like it's a smudge, and it's not like a smudge you can remove it, it was literally into the key. It's here if people want to see it. So, do not use lubricant. But, then you try it again and again and then at the end of the day here's what you obtain. It almost looks perfect, right? No? Yes? Okay. That's a lot of work. It took us, like, a full week. It literally takes a full week to get all this experimenting where I did every night, like four or five hours at a time. But yeah, you really obtain, like, a USB key which is like the real thing. The only thing you might notice is the connector is a little bit off center because of where the teensy's soldering is. But other than that it literally looks like the real thing. And so, how much did that cost? Well, it cost about $40 to actually make such a key. It cost about $20 to get the teensy, the mold and resin casting is about $10 and the equipment and supply is about $10 as well. So in total you're going to end up with paying $40 for a key. Not cheap change, but absolutely doable for someone who really wants to make it work. And this is a price assuming you're actually making ten keys and you already have all the equipment to do it. There is a lazy approach. You can try as well if you don't want to do that. If you take the key which has a rubberized aspect and then you remove the inner working of it, and then you pour directly your resin inside the mold and then you plug your teensy like we did in a voyager key, and then you obtain a key. It doesn't look as slick I think and it's a little bit weird but it's definitely a short cut. The last thing I wanted to discuss is how do you defend against those attacks? The first thing you can do is awareness and security training. I think that's the most important thing that's why I wrote so many blog posts about it. It's teaching people to be mindful of what they plug in their computer. Try to tell them that you do not pick up food from the floor so you should probably not pick up a USB key from the floor. You might also get poisoned by it. If you're in a company, you can absolutely block the port. You can block the USB port and that'sonly available. And the last thing is, and it's kind of a band aid, you can use Windows policy to disable certain types of device. I know you can use a code which is called USBkill which will basically reboot your computer if a specific type of device is plugged or a non-device. The problem with that is the USB protocol do not have authentication, so as a result, anyone can appear to be a Microsoft keyboard or a Logitech keyboard, so it's not a sure thing. And that's what deterred me to write one more of those, because it's a false sense of security. People will be able to spoof any ID's they want. So, if they know you have a Logitech keyboard, there'll be a Logitech keyboard nd it won't work. So, the takeaway. First, yep, legend proved. USB drop attacks do work and we found at least 45% of people did click. And then you can actually create reliable malicious USB keys. It's not trivial but for someone who really wants to do it, they can. It requires a bit of handiwork. And finally, yes, there is no easy defense which also explains why it's such a deadly attack. But in that case, device policy and awareness is something which would help mitigate that kind of attacks, like, any social engineering attack. I would like to thank a lot of people because all you saw, it looked like really easy, but in reality there was a lot of people helping us. Cealtea who worked on the silicon molding and testing with me. Nicolas "Pixel" Nobel who helped us with hardware, soldering, teaching me how to not mess up with my teensy. Jean-Michel Picod who invented the idea of the fingerprint and helped with the teensy programming. Mike Bailey who is my co-conspirator from University of Illinois who convinced the University to let us drop all the keys. Zakir and Matt Tischer who are students who actually did all the heavy lifting of dropping the keys while having coffee. And so, if you want to build one, I just put online a blog post who details everything I just told you. You can, step by step, from writing the payload to creating your own mold to creating your own fake USB, it's really easy to do. The code is on Github. If you want a free one, I have about eight left. And I'm pretty sure there is more people who want than I can give. So if you just re-share the blog post, I know you're interested and then when I'm coming back to San Francisco Monday, I will pick a few people and we'll just mail them to you. And don't worry, the payload is absolutely innocuous, don't worry, you can absolutely flag it. So the thing that came to mind when we were working on this project was the idea that we might create more advanced HID keys. We haven't just got to the bottom of it. We can probably imagine something which bridge air gap with a GSM and WiFi (inaudible) module, (BREAK IN AUDIO). But inside of that, we need a lot of people who are interested in having those keys, so if you are, please let me know and then if we have enough people we'll probably do a Kickstarter and we'll try to build those. So, thank you very much for attending the talk. I know it was a short talk, but I hope you liked it. I will take questions. I also wanted to leave a few minutes for people to come on stage and see the keys themselves if you are interested. So that's why it was so short. Don't forget to fill out your questionnaire. They're going to give an award and they forgot to do it, so please if you're happy with the talk, let them know. I will know as well, thank you very much.
Channel: Elie Bursztein
Views: 37,556
Rating: 4.6243653 out of 5
Keywords: Hacking, USB, Blackhat, Pentesting, Pentest, Malware, HID
Id: ZI5fvU5QKwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2016
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