Katteb AI Writing Tool Review - Features, Issues, and Potential

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who likes AI writing tools today we're going to check out KB K KB I think it's KB km I don't know I can't pronounce the name of the tool I'm sorry about that but I guess I'll call it KB so this AI writer has a lot of stuff going on and a lot of potential they've been doing a lifetime deal here and there on appsumo I know that they've had some updates they have a new version three here they added some design AI images it's a nice all-in-one AI writing tool so let's take a look at it you can either go through the dashboard up here or over here down here it shows the drafts previous content that KB has produced for me we could start over here with the writer you can do a brief you can use the assistant headlines you want to do some Snippets blog intro real estate description you can see all the stuff here so a lot of options Google ads say you want to use the assistant this is sort of like a uh chat GPT substitute what is web sign and then down here we could also select the data source if you just want it by default to use the KB system or you can use Google the internet YouTube Amazon product Snippets or if you just want to give it a URL let's just keep it default for now and then here third person second person first person professional tone of voice you'd like sarcastic happy paragraph listicle FAQ let's just do right it's thinking web design first a process of creating web and designing websites all right so you gave it get an answer right there it's great you want to do let's use the let's use the easy writer which is basically the article writer I had something in here light bulbs first let's delete what's there could add to it if we'd like but make it clean the longer the prom probably the better but let's just try light bulbs professional and this time let's use the internet as a source this is something pretty unique for an AI writer to have this easy interface of switching what your source is so think about that if you're thinking about kab let's do Google it's preparing factchecking and now writing now it produced this good content where this AI writer comes in and tries to stand out from the rest is that it fact checks the content as it's written it usually will have citations or references down here now I've been running this problem since I started using this tool last week some days it just doesn't produce references or citations so I've contacted support about it and haven't heard back this is also another big issue I'm having with KB is that support is not really responsive uh I don't know if it's because they're fixing the platform they're very busy the holiday season but it's been a bit frustrating so kind of torn on whether I want to continue using this product is it going to stick around what's the plan let's go back here so let's contact support is support area hi again I am doing a video review now on KB yeah see if it gets back to us all right so we have over here the article rewriter which I'm not a fan of I've tried that you can basically copy and paste an article in here that you find online or a link and it'll rewrite it try passing it through copyscape or other plagiarism tools and it it's usually 30% or higher plagiarism on most articles so that's not really good not useful the article writer version two is what everyone was familiar with before you would enter in the headline you can language everything here but let's let's go to to the version three so let's just go right in here and do best beaches to visit in in the world we could even just type beaches and that'll probably work but let's do data source again Google English United States start now KB has options for Words characters uh limits per month a usage you you can also connect your open AI key so that you have basically unlimited and you pay as you go from your open AI account you do either one if you want to use your own key uh you'd have to get the plan the tier three plan on appsumo or you pay extra I believe on the subscription for KB you can check that out so here came back with some stuff uh the different topics we can write about gives you some some nice places to start oh another thing also in account settings you can you could add your key here preferences you could change what model you want to use 3.5 or 4.0 we'll just leave it 3.5 you could also change concise or detailed interface light mode dark mode always dark mode you can also change the dark mode up top save preferences let's go back to three oops I lost what I put in let's see if it's in drafts curious nope all right let's do it again let's just type beaches this time see what comes back all right so you have beaches Ultimate Guide to familyfriendly beaches unleash the fun best beaches or dogs and this is great also because it gives you like topical clusters and help with that Authority you can actually create articles for all of these if you want or somewh here and there if if you want to rank for beaches have more blog posts about beaches kab will give you a head start on that uh let's us say we want to do bike and Beach cyclist Paradise click on this one we can go here suggest outline here we go here's the outline can edit the outline if you don't like something remove something add article guidelines tone of voice straightforward let's make it happy third person sure why not if you have any keywords you like to add to pre- optimize your article copy paste from SE rer or door on writer you could put in here or just add them yourself uh you could add up to five SEO keywords to Target and then your word count and if you don't want to exceed the limit you just click on this let's do 900 to 1200 continue and again It'll ask you if you want to change your model but we'll keep it at that and if you want to add a featured image you can add that you could add an image per section it's going to pull it from Google but you could use these other options as well maybe we'll just use PEX we see how that shows up start writing now also over the past few days maybe even longer the writing progress uh has taken a bit longer especially if you're using uh GPT 4 but 3.5 even it's users are reporting that it's taking longer to process May pause the recording and I'll come back when it's uh finished okay article completed let's view the article here we go and we have references this time excellent so this is pretty helpful everything that well almost everything has a reference when you're using the internet mode you can click on and it'll go to the reference the URL or you can just click down here and it'll show you all of them you can hide the citations or show them so you can find a reference for everything and you see the content it's good now up here fact claims and you can Google it looks like the autof check is coming soon in links don't have any websites set up yet for that you can proofread or plagiarism check let's proofread okay spelling mistake introduction spelling mistake Beach these don't look like spelling mistakes but you can click ignore so that's a little bit of a bug unless I don't know how to spell anymore I don't know I like to draw more than write so could be some spelling mistakes here in there now there's also the plagiarism Checker I don't know how accurate this is as well because I have used other tools like copy Escape which are great uh copy and pasted the content in there and it was fine KB's plagiarism tool will actually at times show more plagiarism than a great tool like copy Escape shows so that's interesting and it's checking you can see down here so far the unique percentage and anything that's plagiarized so if you're looking for an allinone with kind of everything in one spot again this one has potential but there are some issues with low time some bugs with the references citations the rewriter couple things here and there the support lack of support if you have questions don't expect to get a response quickly if they can put a support team in place I think that would help a lot communication is key especially with young SAS tools and AI writers as you can see this is taking a while not exactly a quick process but I'm sure they'll get the bugs out and hopefully speed it up in the future okay it's taking a while so I'm just going to x out of it some content it'll check quicker than others and I guess certain times a day you get the idea now you have your own editor built in here you can print it you can you know bold change format Style add an image let's go back to here here's a chat let's do a new chat switch to internet again what is pizza made out thinking Pizza is made of pizza dough that typically includes flower yeast full water salt okay cool there you go so you have your own little chat GPT thing going on over here let's go back to the home so if we have a URL uh a website web page that we want to base an article off of we would just use that copy paste in there we could try the YouTube writer let's paste the YouTube video confirm please enter a YouTube url well it is a YouTube url but it seems this is another bug in KB this is the share URL used by YouTube let's try just the regular URL okay so got that let's see what it does that's not good me see it didn't give a message so let's just see if it's loaded but this about okay so we put it right into the chat but see I didn't know that it even loaded the video it's called incognit incognitum but I mumble a lot so that could be on me all right so that's a little strange that it went to there I guess because we were in the chat if I want let me try doing it from here there are some nice options here though video script could just do it here I know this helps structure the video so I won't do that so you get the idea let's try the design part trying this the other day it didn't really work cat playing hockey all right fingers crossed let's go cat playing hockey hey there you go he's got a broken stick but he's he's cute so that works all right it worked today very exciting so you go you got your little your AI images did save has a daily usage of 20 so it doesn't save automatically so yeah I'd have to hit that save button and here's my usage for that so this is the main writer that I would use right now is the version three or you can go into the writer over here and change this to what you need you know real estate description Facebook posts paraphrasing so there's a lot of tools in one here the easy the essay writer keep calling easy writer essay writer is good and then if you want the chat or the assistant in here you can use those kind of like a chat GPT substitute so yeah check out KB has potential like I said the support has been lacking see what you think let me know talk to you later bye-bye
Channel: LoudEgg
Views: 759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: katteb, ai writing tool, ai writer, gpt, ai, ai fact checker, appsumo, lifetime deal, loudegg
Id: Aiyw6sTlZAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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