Katrin Davidsdottir | The Hold (Short Documentary)

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look at who isn't currently in a qualifying spot and is just just within striking distance we're talking hayley adams catherine david's daughter kristen holta carrie pierce these are legends right now in this sport and they're just itching for the opportunity to pull themselves into one of those qualifying spots it takes a little bit of effort to like stay balanced you know you like keep pulling on small muscles but it all starts to get really hard really well yeah so what i don't know if it's better just stay tight and just move around a little bit more so my honestly just be like quick small things it's just one of those things that everything resets you can't sit on your success um and i feel like that mentality actually helps me when i have bad times too because those don't define me either and i might have failures might have bad meats and that's not the end of the world either so i don't sit on my success and i'm not gonna dwell on my i'm not gonna dwell on my failures either every single second mattered so much in everything and i was so aware i wanted to get every single second that i could this was a real unknown test for all of us you know when we were looking at all of the events and we're thinking about the different athletes yes we had one or two people picked out to do well in this event but you didn't know who was going to really bonk it or who was going to actually do okay i wanted to get every single second that i could because i was like maybe carrie pierce is still holding i was like i might be maybe pat vulnera is still home i don't even care who is still holding someone there is holding longer than me and someone might be getting a game spot and i thought i was holding i was like how bad do i want it how bad do i want it and if i want to make the games or not and as soon as like ben helped me out and that um like literally calming me down um we did some breathing exercises just clearing my mind and as soon as we kicked up for that the third attempt already fatigued it's like well i better make this worth it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh i wasn't expecting to like improve but honestly once i'm up then like make it worth it make this worth it and how bad you want to go to crossfit games a woman who did an incredible job earlier today getting herself into contention with back-to-back victories ends up finishing fourth she's also i like to to me a former champion i came out of it really joyful with a full heart and when we stay focused on what we're doing that's when the magic that's when the magic happens you
Channel: CompTrain
Views: 109,498
Rating: 4.9233227 out of 5
Id: sloinhoqPK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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