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[Music] what's up everybody welcome to the show today we are in boston massachusetts home of watsonville new england who's on the show today okay we got the man the myth the legend benny burns first talks who else we got patron the sled dog david's daughter let's roll [Music] finishing the no olson episode it's just about done just exporting it right now yeah is that how you feel it's two in the morning man it's 1 53. what are we gonna do are we going somewhere else i don't know we're figuring out where we're going tomorrow it's now thursday night 1 50 through friday morning 53 in the morning okay so we've got a little project we're working on with our friends over at blenders that we've been wanting to do for a long time we just got a pitch deck about a potential buttery bros collaboration with our friends at blenders hi all right let's see what they got let's see what they're showing today oh i don't know i don't know it's hot like a two minutes gonna make a buttery bros inspired pair of shades all right let's go to bed [Music] all sold out so uber we'll just take an uber and put all this in it [Music] we're out front of benny burge's house he does ted talks ted talk ah apparently cat's doing uh mountain biking mountain biking oh there's the man himself yes yeah look at you fuzzy yeah yeah we're going out in the woods you know we're doing the woods yeah yeah how's your biking skills you look like a cyclist well i uh i was upstairs and i was like in this and heather's like oh buttery bros are outside i was like i'm gonna put some pants on what's up cat how you doing how you doing good to see you good to see you great we're doing uh mountain biking and then we're going to we'll come back here have a late breakfast and then we'll go to the gym yeah breakfast number two yeah second breakfast second breakfast best meal of the day breakfast yeah papers and i got some bikes for you guys we said oh cool yeah we'd love to ride yes here they are oh and i couldn't be more excited do you want the blue or the pink i definitely like the peep though okay get out because this ain't going nowhere saltbank all it takes is your soul i'm just impressed you guys can actually pick on them this is the best way to start your day ever ah this is so functional it's got an awesome basket keep up cap uh okay they're biking and we've got these bikes uh they don't really work on those trails so we're gonna go down to the bridge here and then just film some like quick transition shots of them biking and make it look as cool as we can with the time we have magic it's like one of my favorite things to do there's like such like a like a rush of like when you're like i wish you could like hear my voice when i'm out like the mountain sounds like oh oh god i mean we should have just tried it [Music] she's really fit on the bike if she can get technical on a bike she'll be good what you gotta do is like imagine every foot of the trail you're either marking like cargo fast on this foot or slow on this one and if it's a fast foot because there's technical stuff there doesn't mean you go slow here yeah you get to that as fast as you can even bigger [Music] like a 60 to 90 minute mountain bike and that was pretty technical so we weren't able to use um too much fitness so we're just going to get on the c2 bike and for like 25 minutes or so do a little bit of animals get some bike fitness in and then breakfast number two so 07 and 08 the tests were really pared down just a three four events very short not a big deal the barbecue feel yeah nine was like whoa and that's where you had the big trail run into the deadlift you had the sandbag lift up people were smashed by us that next year of 11 was i think the big the test got established you know it's gonna be 13-ish events over the course of four or five days now we start going to the ocean that was like this huge massive growth this really exciting time i put that from stubhub center um second year so from 11 to 16 was you know i thought phenomenal and i think we got to madison and she got tame you know i was like we had bikes okay like that was new but what from the athletes perspective are they being tested with mentally like the fortitude to the magnitude of the test like i don't know if i can do this that 7k trail run when they were doing that people were saying i don't know if i can do this what i feel like now is we're going back and experiencing truly no one knows again what the program is going to look like which is so cool to me now it's again like are we going to the mountains are we going to the beach or we have to what do we have to do like anyone have any clue what we're doing now and the answer is no it's awesome so now what what you know now you're second breakfast and breakfast i've been really into bagels lately really okay you talking like the everything bagel are you talking about i'm talking about cinnamon raisin baby cinnamon raisin there we go i don't know with like butter and eggs and then coffee i really don't like coffee i think i just like what i don't think so yeah she likes juice yeah it's like it's like oat milk and hazelnut creamer and then there's like one shot of espresso like somewhere in the mix okay that's an excuse to drink the rest of it love it what a great reveal oh man the bikes are a metaphor for uh fitness level yeah that's right yeah hey hello people we're back and we're gonna go to the number one pancake spot a big smile this is what it looks like underneath all right tell me the story some of the stories okay so we've had this pancake before i don't they had like an actual special pancake and i just got a pancake and put reese's peanut butter cups on it because i thought it was a peanut butter pancake but i'm about to eat a pancake and i'm really excited about it i'm talking really fast and i just i'm so hungry get into my belly yeah dip it yeah dip it man i'm not kidding like that's a really good pancake yeah you guys know how to do it man j m [Music] this could be a quarter of the size and i'd be happy come back and hit it again ride with me if you ride with me you can slide with me if you feel like that's a deal right that's a deal right there's vinnie burrs and caddy d kennedy he looks so good in white you know just regal and my icy blue yeah i said blue is that your color yeah yeah okay sorry it was like it's kind of like guitar hero but like you have like a microphone you're trying to like collect points [Music] oh yeah look what we end with dude i'm all about core i'm still so sorry from that workout we did you're holding half you're a taco shell you're sore from three sets of three back squat we're just gonna do what what kat does until we can't do what cat does if ever there was a year for the games to be bumped back two months this was the year for cat we had some challenges to say the least in the fall that took a long time to work through [Music] nice speed dude that's it a little hitchy she's lifting as much weight she has all year her run times are faster she's been this year the performance that she gave in phase one she never really has done well in online competitions to come out of that in the top five and being be where we are is i mean we're playing with house money at this time so let's go [Music] [Applause] it goes 600 meter hill run into six muscle ups rest limited five times ah i'll be honest i don't know if i can do muscle ups my abs are really sore i'm ready to go yeah yeah you're gonna try and chase down the blood dog chase it's a big word you're gonna try and follow me i'm gonna follow behind she's gonna pull me along oh okay maybe i'll take out the rat feel like it's a dog sled but you're the sled i'm just like thanks chad what's up okay so this cat's training partner she's telling me how she motivates cat and what ben has her do so what were you just telling me so every so often he'll just come up to me and be like cut the corner or do 12. or do like change up the reps yeah cut corners half reps half rep shift shake shake okay i'm here for competitive push that means i don't have to always do all the work which is nice it's like cheating but intentional cheating i wonder let me cheat you i mean if you cheat all the time uh there's been a lot of movements i haven't done during this uh kovic i've been doing a lot of workouts at home and for example that i haven't done ghds in like six months and did them with nolo the other day my abs are so destroyed that i can't do muscle ups like just the thought of trying to stretch out my abs so i'm just gonna film cat be heave his ass like a cherokee drum [Music] it's been a really good year especially in this kind of like year of solitude there was a lot of like being alone this year tori started training with me every day she's literally she dropped all of her ego she'll compete with me every single day [Music] smashed me oh now this one she'll catch you by the hill oh good i'm still working on building confidence in my muscle ups and that was one of those that like all right i don't want to be scared like i am a good runner and i want to be able to use that so normally when i do mess up workouts the whole workout starts revolving around that of like okay i can't run fast because then i'm gonna take i'm either gonna be tired i'm gonna break it up too much and i'm literally just thinking about that and all i wanted to do is i wanted to focus on the run i wanted to run fast and i started thinking about the muscle ups when i got here i'm like one big breath and let's see what's [Music] there [Music] i got this from cole sager this year he used on one of our like athlete phone calls he talked about being curious what happens [Music] oh my gosh wow good for you i'm so proud victory i mean mars one game my streak all right first of all how's it feel to just constantly have cap breathing down your neck that's gotta be scary right not really okay i love competing with her really yeah so much like like tori gets a head start i used to jump in the workouts and i would give capture a head start yeah but the way i would just run her down yeah was a little demoralizing so we had to shift gears a little bit yeah yeah we had to we had to like call in the lefty and bring in i know so on this trip we've got a lot of people we've done a lot of acting this number five six something like that yeah we're trying to keep healthy and getting a lot of sleep and a big factor with that has been beam are you recording everyone yeah that's wrong oh usually i'm not getting a lot of sleep because i'm all hyped up so what are we doing every night look at this see the first package i got of this it had a little ass scooper and i'd get all the powder on my hands but now they've since given me a bigger longer stick all right cheers oh cheers i hope you guys dream i hope you have a real vivid one steak of sources and yeah dinosaurs i literally had a dream with david hasselhoff from baywatch you saved you i literally had to he had to like help him out you helped save dave you hassled his heart yeah it was pretty awesome i mean you've been taking the pills i've been taking the powder you know i like to take it rectally that's not a good way to do it this entire week i have had in the green atlanta nashville i was 69 after a day of training with brook wells i slept eight hours and 43 minutes i'm 95 recovered then we get into friday i got seven hours of sleep on 70 recovered and then coming into the day 85 recovery never have i traveled this much and had this high recovery shout out to the bean dream ah baby oh no i do it most nights i'll do like a tea put some creamer in a bean dream and it's like it's like candy and now we have a 14 minute imam where um first minutes like a pretty hard bike what does that mean that means like i can't cruise it you know i think i got it i mean if it's 15 cows a minute you can kind of like just settle into a pace and you'll finish this like 18 i think you gotta like you gotta go a little okay um to finish within the minute not that over cruise right um and then the other minute goes seven six five four three two one kip and handstand push-ups and each round the reps go down and the deficit goes up and that'll be our final like hard piece of the day okay yeah and then what what do you do after that i have my flip-flops on my car just in case take a guess yes many pedals no i had my manny i just don't have patience for both at the same time so i haven't had a petty but when i got a manicure the other day okay so maybe i'll get a pedicure i happen to have a fast pass yeah so it like gets me right on the front of the line so the scale i'm just going to do it on the ground simple as that come back up come on come on come down go back up i didn't realize you used your abs for almost everything quarter extremity can we just the extremity [Music] coming at you with a gowat flow on day one you're a little bit behind what were your thoughts going into day two and and how did you make that amazing comeback i never ever count myself out like i never thought that like i couldn't make it i went into like knowing i have a shot with everybody else and i believe that i could be top five [Music] i know everyone was talking about a slow start for me on day one it wasn't a slow start it was just my start you know like i had a herniated disc in december so like i wasn't able to lift all year so i'm gonna put up that 235 squat it wasn't a slow start it's just my squat right now and that's what i had and i don't know like i'm not over here celebrating that i got like a max hold handstand because i know i can do well in that so i'm not going to dwell on the front squat so every time i went on the floor i just did the best that i absolutely could [Music] okay here's another thing i'm really tapping into this year i love to compete i love i've been that way i was born competitive i would compete with my brother anything i'd ask my dad to like test me on things like i'd always find a way to compete and that's something that i'm just like tapping into right now is like if i know that you were given your best and you were giving you like i will rise to that occasion then i will raise you one because i'm just like i'm thankful like how cool is it like but tia is this good and that book is that fit like like they're raising the bar for me to rise up to and i want to raise it for them and i want to meet that standard [Music] going into day two that's all i wanna do i was gonna compete and even though i was alone on the track i knew that there was a girl going to be one second in front of me and there's a girl going to be one second behind me and i literally like i like imagining someone once in front of me once ahead and i competed against [Music] them [Music] all right last question do you dairy like do i eat dairy yeah um not a lot to be completely honest that's more preference she you know picks and chooses the dairy taco or burrito taco or burrito i'm still so stuck on derricks i'm like i love cheese out on the wood yeah that everyone laughs at me but like as soon as we finish the workout like three minutes ago i'm already like okay so like on the first ones i'm recovering and then the last ones are like not recovering i'm still like happy about my like my bike it was like super strong the whole way even though like here you can see it wasn't really recovering and then i just got excited to see my overall what is your overall right now 17.1 where are you guys at okay dave strain training with catherine david's daughter we only did like one out of the four workouts she did in the back squat i mean i don't count those bikes yeah so i got a 15.0 day strength because i did that longer thing 15.0 i have a 9.1 i don't even double digits on hey dude okay so let's jump over to the butter guys talk about them how they doing hey baby give me a number 217. oh we talking about nicola what's up nick lyle it looks like he's out of boston or london no way local oh yeah nick lyle he's got a what's his last name lyle nikolai lyle yeah his average recovery has been 80 his resting heart rate 60 his hiv is 50. you got to bump that hiv up i don't know how to get it up there more spinach uh he's had 46 activities in the last night he's got an 83 day streak yeah lots of cycling lots of functional fitness and some blocking all right maybe we're getting those ones we'll give them something yeah you want a free band or maybe a butter hit us up hit me up and slide into the dm slide in and we'll send you a gift thank you for being a part of the butter gang if you want to join the butter gang use code pancakes get yourself 15 off and come into the g coming to the team all right people that's the end of the show today we want to thank you kat for letting us come and hang out which is you know good luck i hope you go crush those other girls but i love the other girls too where are we off to you next time we are headed to pdx also known as portland pdx yeah that's the airport well you know what do you know about a mullet i know i love a good mold except that one guy yeah jessica darrow's we'll see you soon all right bye baby we'll see you in the next show we're off to uh the other coast we're out of here [Music]
Channel: Buttery Bros
Views: 160,725
Rating: 4.9675598 out of 5
Keywords: CrossFit, CrossFit Games, Buttery Bros, Marston Sawyers, Heber Cannon, Katrin Davidsdottir, Fitness, WHOOP, Blenders, Blenders Eyewear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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