Katie Couric is "Fed Up"

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[Music] she's not only a respected journalist she's also an activist and she's got this new film called fed up it explores the lies that we've been told by the food industry I've seen it it's a must-see please welcome back to our show Katie Couric [Applause] good hi everyone so how's tricks everything's great how are you I'm so happy to see you haven't seen you in a long time I know let's give you some shoe can we still have the camera in the tape in the [Music] [Applause] nice I like the music mom yeah the fantasy harp so I hate to ask about the wedding plans but the last we talked you were engaged and you hadn't started really planning anything right well I'm sort of it's in the same thing oh there's John how cute is he and we are getting married on June 21st the summer solstice the longest day of the year I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing and you know it's gonna be a very very small wedding at least Hampton in the backyard with friends and family and I still don't know what I'm wearing on that white um you know I think it might be ivory how's that for a good conference okay yeah and but I'm very excited about it I think it's gonna be a great day a great celebration I was reading in one of the magazines that John is taken over at the planet Zillah because you know I'm so crazed because and I'm so busy doing a million different things and he's great he's a you know he's a finance guy and he really is methodical and gets things done so I said do it do your thing and I have been involved like I met with the people for the music and I pick some songs that I want this I have strings playing three of guitar violin and cello pretty and and so and I was involved with the invitations and all that so I haven't doing nothing what now is there gonna come a time where a deejay pops out of the cake and you start to get down or you know we're gonna have a big blowout party in the fall in New York City oh yeah Wendy you're gonna have to come and that's where we're gonna be dancing yeah do you are you going to honeymoon because you know at a certain point I think in women's lives many I know for me I god bless you for even planning a wedding you know I'm adjusted to the piece forget the honeymoon when we get a chance we'll go someplace yeah I'm sort of that school as well I think we're gonna take a trip maybe in December we want to try to go to New Zealand when it's were more fair and out just beautiful beautiful you know scenery hiking very outdoorsy and I thought that might be fun I've never been there yeah I've always been on my bucket list and you know what we'll take a trip I just really I'm excited to get married and maybe take a few days off at the beach and just relax and completely yeah you know zone out now what does your mom think of John she she really likes him you know it's funny because when we go to there's my mom my mom just her 91 we went to the grocery store now this is the sign of somebody you want to marry we went to the grocery store when we were visiting home first of all my mom doesn't let us sleep in the same bedroom I'm like mom I'm 57 are you serious but but she likes she doesn't want that you know until we're married okay and then we went to the grocery store and she needed to find generic a generic version of her painkillers so John was hunting all around say mrs. Couric I found two bottles these are like 78 pills versus one bottle of the name-brand which is much more expensive that was it she was won over yeah like I like this guy like he went out of his way for your mother yeah something that would seem so simple to everybody else but it meant so much to her yes what yeah no he's fantastic very happy you've got a good one so congratulations on going to the Met Ball Oh with things I mean yeah so this is a very funny shot so we were going to the Met Ball I don't live too far away from the Metropolitan Museum and and the tulips were in full blue I got had this crinoline skirts tough me into the car and as we turn at the corner I said we got to jump out and get a picture in front of the tulips on Park Avenue and the cherry blossoms so we did it I'm so glad we did because and look at John in his tales how funny you both look here a nice-looking couple say listen were you now were you wearing gloves with your ring over I can't say I didn't have my ring over the glove but I had some bracelets over the gloves they were white kid and they were very hard to get on and off so cut I had to and I finally got them I finally got them off because I couldn't eat dinner with the gloves on that would have been a mess but we had so much fun windy because I ran into all these I mean it's like a Fellini film everybody famous is there like a park or your favorite Us Weekly Yeah right so here I saw Sarah Jessica Parker you and I have that in common we know all the dialogue from Sex in the City yeah yeah there she is looking very fetching I think she's trying to look very very sexy there I loved her I loved her dress oh yeah wasn't it beautiful I want to you that Oscar dress and the intricacies of her hair and then I ran I ran into well there Sarah Jessica's dress already what's so incredible then I ranted into Amy Adams and Anne Hathaway nice and they were yeah we were bogan for the camera there and then Kristen Wiig and Taylor Swift and then I went to the bathroom and I don't know what was going on but God there were apparently men in the bathroom that were they had a little ganja in there and so in the ladies in the ladies room so the Met Ball and I was like well Green is the new black apparently so at that point do you say puff puff pass or do you play cool and lift up your crenell and just go in the bath and mind your own business [Laughter] the last vicinity at that point when I went into the bathroom and Selena Gomez was in there not doing that because we were all in there in the bathroom we're like what's going on here I walk out there's Johnny Depp just standing there with this little walking stick I'm like hey Johnny Depp I mean what do you say to Johnny Depp I said I hear you're getting married who's married to him and I said I just rewatched What's Eating Gilbert Grape and he was like really that's interesting but he was really good in that movie what do you say to these you haven't always liked you have to kind of come up but you're these very famous people yeah endearing cuz you're one of those people and you get struck in what to say yeah so look we're still two when you go and meet these people get about it yeah I'm just like humming a hum and I did I just talked about this person on hot I mean where are my co-hosts might need them now yeah so I saw you on the view the finale and Barbara Walters Katie that must have been the most glorious day one of the most glorious days of your career well you know it was just so nice honestly to pay tribute to Barbara and everything the the path and the fact that she's paved the way for so many female journalists and I think it was so great that everyone everyone wanted to show up and celebrate yeah and and express their gratitude now she was the first woman on the Today Show what would go into a break in just a second I just want to get stuck she's the first woman on the Today Show she eyed the way for you you know the Today Show is it true that thing about for every three questions a man asked there was a role that a woman had to wait before she was the co-anchor she'd have to wait for three questions from her male co-anchor before she was allowed to answer one I know it's shocking isn't it everyone's like but it's true I mean back then and you look at videotape or film I guess of I don't even know which it was of Harry Reasoner and the way he treated her when she co-anchored with him on the ABC evening news on World News Tonight I mean it's just shocking how dismissive he was so she had to put up with a lot of you know what for all of us so we could I you know climb through the right [Laughter] something that she was in Vanity Fair she was rattling cages before women were even allowed into the zoo and that she was the original ballbuster absolutely yeah shocking new documentary it's called fed up you don't want to miss this conversation keep it here by 2050 one out of every three Americans will have diabetes those diseases are being driven by sugar this is the fundamental problem nobody's talking about in society we could cure 80% of the problem where they prepared the food in the school tomato paste is a vegetable nearly junk food companies are acting very much like tobacco companies did 30 years ago and would reject entirely any argument that they are in any way harmful lying through their teeth okay so we're back with Katie Couric and that's the trailer from her documentary it's called fed up I saw it good movie scary why did you get involved with this project you know thank you well you're welcome thank you for saying that you know I kept covering stories about obesity childhood obesity the obesity epidemic and I was like why is it getting worse I've been in this business for thirty years and every time I say a statistic or a study it's always in the wrong direction what what is causing this problem and I said to Stephanie so tech the director would you like to work on this and then we ended up really it's like a whodunit about why we have gotten ourselves into this predicament and one of the big reasons of course is sugar there is so much added sugar and everything one of the I mean there's so many shocking statistics in this film I think of 600,000 items in the grocery store 80% have added sugar and you just don't know it low fat means oftentimes high sugar that shot of the low fat ranch dressing does it says half the half the fat doubled the sugar and unfortunately we are just really kind of eating ourselves to death what I learned from the movie like you can make take little steps in your life for instance no more low fat anything I'd rather have full fat with less sugar than no fat yeah that's one thing a Globo in fact I just finished the fed up challenge I gave up added sugar for ten days and I feel so much better I think I've lost five pounds yeah and I just you know oh well thanks basically I think what what we really are urging people to do is become more cognizant of what they're eating look at labels and by the way who new knows that how many grams of four grams of sugar equals one teaspoon the American Heart Association recommends six to nine teaspoons for us a day and it they don't really it's very hard you have to take a calculator to the grocery so you go and so we're hoping people are gonna be reading labels more and just be more conscious that the food choices they're making for the parents more educated and for parents watch your school lunches at school so many schools have contracts with fast food comfortable new you know and so and they might offer a healthy alternative but kids are just not going to eat the healthier alternative so we need to do something about the food we're serving kids in schools we need to do something about truth and advertising the marketing that we're subjected to from a very early age that really programs us to want certain foods so I think it's a really important comprehensive and holistic look at the problem and I'm really proud of the documentary you know I didn't set out to say this is what's happening right but the you know facts are facts yeah and so to me it's I feel really great I'm really proud of the fact that I was able to that I'm able to take a stand about this it's a good one [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 83,337
Rating: 4.7642107 out of 5
Keywords: Katie Couric (Hall Of Fame Inductee), wendy williams, met gala, the view, barbara walters, The Wendy Williams Show (TV Program)
Id: vOzT2aP7lko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu May 22 2014
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