Kathy Griffin on Run-Ins with Trump, Britney, New Tell-All & Advice from Jane Fonda

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on Larry King now the indefatigable Kathy Griffin I was in between Donald and Gilbert Godfried and I have never talked to Gilbert so much my life I love Gilbert but I was like you know how do you talk to the Donald he's so nuts and he would say stuff like so you're a female comedian I'd be like yeah next thing we're gonna want to vote I do find his pundits a little amusing though because when you look at hills her pundits are the rock Michele Biden at metal Albright and then his pundits are like some girl that worked at forever 21 at the mall there's no chapter on me look I don't know how to who was the cave okay it's I hate to use the word boring Larry but if you could just do something exciting or meaningful in your life maybe you can earn a chapter next time but you've done gross things to me on this set I've done loving things that are newsworthy and that's why I have made you the star you are today plus I was an extra in the Michael Jackson commercial where his haircut fire all next on Larry King now welcome to Larry King now we welcome to our show one of our all-time favorite guests Kathy Griffin the Emmy and Grammy award-winning New York Times bestselling comedian writer actor and activist Callie's latest Kathy's latest book is Kathy here we go celebrity run-ins my a tizzy index by Callie Griffin and now my mother is gonna believe you and she's gonna start calling me Callie and then Oprah is gonna call me Callie and then all your other friends it's available November 22nd it's Kathy Griffin's what is the pool you have your own mask yeah yeah what I do is I tour the country with my hilarious comedy and my fans get to wear that and it's to promote my book but it's also a little bizarre and creepy and tells all who came up with this idea the team over at McMillan books it's called marketing all right how did you come up with the idea to do a twosie a celebrity Runnings who came up with this brilliant idea I'll tell you why well you're gonna love the backstory so no joke last year I am a and I say this was shame Trump hotel totally shame-based we'll go there we'll get there don't worry but I admit I was staying at a trump hotel I regret it and I am in the hotel room with my boyfriend and we're watching straight out of Compton and I turned him after straight out of Compton and I say to him because you know he's a little younger than I am don't start just let me love you sure anyway so I fantastic so I turned to him and I said you know what's weird I've actually met or worked with at least four with the people portrayed in this film and then I started thinking I'm a 55 year old female comedian I've now well you've really met everybody but I've almost met everybody and I have years and years of stories of run-ins with people that I don't talk about in my act I do talk about a Mac maybe you think I know maybe you wouldn't know that I you know met Gerald Ford one time or one time Nancy Pelosi helped me settle a dispute with Lana Del Rey or one time Barry Manilow wanted me to get his jet after the Clive Davis party there's many many exciting run-ins that I've had that I feel I want to share with the people and the index is A to Z because I know that every single celebrity including you and maybe mostly you is gonna flip through to see if you're Atman there's no chapter on me you mentioned I mentioned I mentioned but I'm not a chapter look I don't know who was the K okay it's I hate to use the word boring Larry but if you could just do something exciting or meaningful in your life maybe you can earn a chapter next time but you've done gross things to me on this set I've done loving things that are newsworthy and that's why I have made you the star you are today that's right all right Jane Fonda would you okay well first of all I want to thank you because you actually introduced me at Fonda so I've always wanted to be Fonda and then remember when we did the birthday show for you at CNN and they brought out Fonda dr. Phil saline and I got to you know come on that one and I had never met Fonda so I was super excited so thank you and then we came buds we became buds and then after a really really gnarly breakup I didn't know what to do and so I emailed you know I would never break up a Jane Fonda no I got dumped and I was a wreck and I thought who do I know that's a survivor that's been through the fire and I emailed Jane Fonda and I said I just need to come over I'm a wreck can you you know can you see me today or whatever and she just wrote back yeah come on over so I went over to her house which she shares with her boyfriend Richard and my joke is that she made me the worst quesadilla I've ever had because what she know about doesn't mean what does she know about a good quesadilla I was like more oil but she was just lovely and she listened to my problems and she gave me great advice advice to this day which I keep which is she said whenever you've been through something that really rocks your world don't do anything for a year don't buy a house don't sell a house don't move cross country don't get married don't get to it like so she was like just because she said because I can tell you are a wreck and she was right seems good so that's a pleasant story yes well it doesn't look it doesn't I mean there's a couple people that don't come out looking barking I mean I mean obviously Donald Trump doesn't come out looking like a hero Bernie oh my gosh I don't really remember this but one of the many Trump run-ins I've had I haven't had as many as you obviously but is at your fabulous birthday celebration in New York Shawn sang and it was super star-studded although New York Mafia was there Katie Couric Matt Lauer Suze Orman Don King's chief yeah I mean do you remember how crazy your birthday was that was wild that was wild okay so because I believe that you are out to get me you sat me next to trump for like hours on that dais he was married to Marla maples oh he was already with the other one you're the one that he gotten people are from Slovenia and he shipped her over and I think he was still with her but he I will never forget he was I was in between Donald and Gilbert Godfried and I have never talked to Gilbert so much my life I love Gilbert but I was like you know how do you talk to the Donald he's so nuts and he would say stuff like so you're a female comedian I'd be like yeah next thing we're gonna want to vote so you know he he is someone who is of course perfect for this book because you know perfect I mean you've had a million run-ins with them sometimes they're good sometimes they're crazy I've known him for years exactly I don't know this Donald I know either cuz I really thought he was just like a kooky like a million dollar listing he's pretty liberal he was certainly a little yeah yeah I guess is the demure and always polite and laid-back Kathy Griffin take all that back you talk more about Trump and Hillary and all things election after the break the book Kathy Griffin celebrity run-ins a guaranteed bestseller be right back Kathy Griffin the books Kathy Griffin celebrity run-ins they're dozens of people in I mentioned you do a whole chapter on my old friend Angie Dickinson that's right because I played poker one time with Angie Dickinson I call her dick and dog cuz she's bad she's a poker player she is a poker shark because it finally dawned on me all those late nights with the Rat Pack where she and Shirley MacLaine were the only two chicks and she was a steely-eyed at poker opponent the likes of which I've never seen great girl of course all right Donald Trump where do we start what do you make of his campaign and the whole thing the election is Tuesday right I mean what's your read on this okay you know I want you to be a pundit I'm gonna be a pundit now okay so first of all as a comedian I up until quite recently I was like I love it it's nothing but fodder it's amazing material now I'm a little bit beyond the it's cute and funny and now I'm legit you know nervous and worried because his supporters frightened me and I don't know if you saw the tape of the guy yelling at the press USA USA but I personally didn't buy his reason which is that he grew up with so many Mexicans he has that kind of an accent so that's what we're dealing with and you know I mean he he just doesn't know what he's doing and I think Steve Bannon is toxic and so is David bossy and that whole crowd he's surrounding himself with Jillian Conway has I don't think she's ever won a campaign I mean every campaign she's got as a loser but she's also bolster I do find his pundits a little amusing though because when you look at hills her pundits are Barack Michelle Biden metal Albright and then his pundits are like some girl that worked at forever 21 at the mall who then said can I have 50 bucks like I don't I really don't know where he finds these people but I don't think they're you know good he might win very worried of course I'm very worried and I've been doing having all kinds of fundraisers and canvassing and doing all that stuff because first of all as a female I've always wanted a truly qualified female president and she's it but also as someone you know don't I don't mean to make the comparison but I'm just saying as a woman in stand-up comedy of course I have empathy for another woman who's you know just been in such a man's world she's been investigated for 30 years for nothing for nothing like they always leave that part out where yes they've investigated the hell out of her haven't found anything but to this day you have people saying you know she killed Vince Foster like it's I can't believe all this crap ever poor Vince Foster's back I was on the air that night with Bill Clinton yeah and now you have people referencing that story that I don't even think they remember like what the Genesis the whole story was so it's gotten really really crazy I just hope people really really vote what do you make of her fans though I mean that crazy there are serious of normal fans yeah but the crazy ones well I think he definitely wins the prize as far as the crazy fans I mean there's so much footage also it's very Hilarion to try to turn people against the media so if you don't have any of history they're using actual Hitler propaganda language certain German words etc but if you don't know anything about that or don't care or you think it's okay to be Joe the Plumber and you just want to say I'm in the Rust Belt and I don't have to care about this I have to put food on the table that's a problem because then you're missing those cues I mean you remember the law and order we know what that is that's code I remember in the Nixon race Law & Order I remember George also you are depressed by this I can't wait for it to be over but I have to admit I'm like many people I'm nervous about you know November 9th and I do not believe Trump that on January 20th when he says he'll be inaugurated crime will stop that one day it will just stop what do you make of a sudden involvement of Anthony Weiner okay well here's the sad thing I was actually a Weiner apologist and I mean that in a way not just for Anthony just in general I was a Weiner apologist meaning it's okay for guys dinners but you know I don't love them you know I can I've had good ones and bad ones trust me it's I've been around the block and you know that more than anybody probably and so I actually believe it or not back in the day I liked him as a congressman he's very passionate and now I mean you've got these two women that have to deal with the baggage of the dudes they're both so sports they're so qualified once again to me as a voter the Anthony Weiner thing has nothing to do certainly with Hillary but it doesn't even have anything to do with Huma Abedin although now she's a household name I've met her I could put her in my next book she seems very smart and very smart no she's good Anthony Weiner I think he's a guy that has a proclivity that is something more serious than anybody knew and I never knew anyone I I do I have known people that are did that yeah I knew a guy that actually went to prison for pedophilia and I truly would never have known that about him and he was a guy that was he did very well in other areas of his life and I think people like that they're able to compartmentalize in a way that I can't psychoanalyze but I would imagine that is his deal is he has a set of his mind where he used to be a congressman and he wanted to be mayor and he came fairly close and then he's got this other side that supersedes all of it but what I mean it's just not Hillary just cannot not win because of this I mean that would just be a true miscarriage of anything what's justice do you like you keep on keeping on don't you how many nights a year do you go on stage so funny I actually literally just wrapped up two nights ago in in Philly my 80th show on my 80 City like a boss tour next year I start my 50 City celebrity run-ins tour to support the book and I just love it I love everywhere from Carnegie to Potawatomi to casino somewhere in the middle of nowhere to you know as you know it performed overseas for the troops etc I just love it I cannot hit the microphone faster I will forget what city you're in I don't but I have empathy like okay so I used to make fun of Britney Spears you know that is she's a singer okay okay first of all how many times has Britney been on your show that's why I think so tell me about that what was that like did you get the pin realize yeah very pretty you know I talk about she's not all there there oh she's okay so what's your point what are we doing I'm saying that I hope you were gentle with her because she is you know a fragile so what's your point nothing I just wanted to know if you got through to her in a way that her doctors couldn't anyway I digress the point is I actually appeared in Britney Spears Vegas show she has someone every night come up and they put a harness on me and I was her sex slave for a song that she sings it's called freak show and there's footage of it you can see it I wrote about it in the book and at the end you know I've known her since she was 16 so I thought at the end or on stage together and it's a triumphant moment for really both of us and then I thought she's gonna want to just kind of say good to see you again and I said you know Britain so great to see you and then she didn't know who I was and then her gay backup dancer from heaven said Kathy Griffin and then she just went give it up for Kathy y'all and that's all I ask this Kathy Griffin get embarrassed we'll find out in our little game of if you only knew the book is Kathy Griffin's celebrity run is we'll be right back Kathy Griffin the new york times best-selling author one of the great funny people in the world and her book is Kathy Griffin's celebrity run ends my A to Z index I mentioned in one chapter okay I think Trump took some of your space I'm not I'm not taking it badly it's okay you just told me that you have some information about Trump's tax returns well we were talking about the charity stuff so the Donald J Trump Foundation etc so when our dear departed friend Joan Rivers who I miss every single day and I know you do too when she was a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice which she won by the way at the age of 75 which is phenomenal and she called me to be part of a challenge one time and I would do anything for her as you would and so I'm I said what do you need me to do and she said I got I got a bag from Ralph Ralph Lauren so Ralph Lauren donated a very expensive handbag and she said I need you to come show up and just bid over bid over bid I said fine I'll bid whatever you want so her charity was God's love we deliver a very legit charity she was on the board Michael Kors is on the board and they gave they literally give me all say it's AIDS patients it doesn't get better so I bid $3,000 on the bag and I go to make out the donation and someone from production said make it out to the Donald J Trump Foundation and I said I don't feel right about that and they said oh yeah everybody does it and I just wouldn't do it and it wasn't Donald himself I'm not saying that but I said look I just feel more comfortable making it out directly to God's love we deliver and I did I made it out directly to the charity and then David Fair installed from the Washington Post reported that gods of we deliver never got any money from Trump so I mean these stories about him are way beyond like the Gary Hart being photographed with a chick on his lap like yeah I mean this is major you know and by the way giving three grand to a great charity I would be super upset if I had a canceled check to the Donald J Trump foundation why do you think we haven't found out his income tax I mean obviously he's got a lot to hide all the hacking no you yeah I don't know why even his own supporters should say look if this has been the tradition for 40 years we want to know but I'm so confused why everyday people working everyday working Americans think it's okay or cool that he didn't pay taxes like I get that they wish they didn't have to but you know we do need like the police department the fire department the military like we do need those things to be paid for we play a game of if you only knew ready yeah guilty pleasure endless movies on Discovery Channel where the woman kills the guy and gets away with it snapped who did I marry oops I shot you I can't remember the title somebody thought what song do you sing most often in the shower father figure by George Michael do you have a favorite comedian of all time Rob Williams Joan Rivers Phyllis Diller moms Mabley biggest risk you've ever taken doing the show what what do you wish you were better at you're gonna laugh I actually do wish I was shy my whole life I've been obnoxious my whole life I've begged I used to I used to pray every night it was a horrible Catholic I won't say dear I know it's my clothes my mom's fault first of all but I would say dear Lord baby cheetah please make me shy because no boys ask out a like a loudmouth redhead you must have intimidated man yeah let's go with that do you mean why I never went to prom because people like you never cared about me thanks for bringing that up very warm pretty people didn't invite you they barked when I walk down the street Larry I would walk down the street and the other kids at school go and I would just feel like heard like trying to jam grow up I went to st. Bernardin in 4th Park Illinois and then I went to Oprah Forest High School in Oak Park right outside Chicago nice City I have a city actually but I have a story in the book about Rahm Emanuel when he got mad at me one time because I was yelling at Roger Ailes and now I realize not enough but I was yelling at Roger Ailes and Valerie Jarrett was there and then she got a little bit uncomfortable and then Ron literally took my shoulders and went we're not doing this now and move me away Don Rickles is in the book oh come on it's a love letter of course so he came over for dinner a couple weeks ago as you know you flicked a switch with Don that's all you're gonna do that's all you got to do and he just delivers what's the characteristic you're most value in others honesty and in yourself oh god I don't have one I don't have one good characteristic it's a it's been a burden are you that great in bed I am so good in bed Larry it is it really has been a curse because stuff they don't yeah and they don't get over it you know I mean it's like no as men who you've been with in the past man where I've wanted a one-nighter they go oh I can't I can't I can't live now that I've had it I can't go back so you think they're walking around thinking about you now I know they are I know that I mean there's probably all kinds of recovery centers I mean like you know they have that like cliffside melody Griffin good right how do I move on from that heat that magic you remember your first time yes I do that poor guys if some some poor guy tried to go down on me Larry it was two hours and I still didn't you know and I remember like apologize I was like oh I'm sorry now it's like you know five minutes come on I was oh I was only thirty done what are you afraid of oh gosh I keep trying to be afraid of something you know I don't know person you'd like to trade places with for a day oh that's a good one probably like I'm really bitter so I'm super bitter about people that I feel are doing better than I am so I would love to be very bitter and trade places with like Ellen Oprah oh you know I don't know rich women I'm a Potter to Larry Ellison Yeah right I mean might be Buffett I'd love to be Buffett for a day that'd be cool what always makes you laugh oh gosh I mean my mom gets me every time you know she said last week and I'm gonna apologize in advance for this she said she misses the Nixon years Larry who the hell misses the Nixon years I go what do you miss and by the way I then texted Anderson Cooper cuz he loves her unconditionally and I go I hope you're proud of yourself your girlfriend Maggie Griffin just said she misses the Nixon years and he goes why and I said mom what do you miss and she goes what this country needs is a lovely wedding like when that darling Tricia Nixon got married and that would bring the country together Larry how am I gonna how do I talk to her tell me something we don't know about Anderson Cooper well he's crying right now in anticipation of New Year's Eve because last night he nervous texted me and what that means is as we get closer to New Year's Eve he reaches out in ways that are his way saying please be gentle is he uncomfortable yeah very I mean I can't I can't say he actually even liked when he went to school I'm pretty sure he just bought like bought his way in I don't think he when he says he went to Yale you know I mean here's the check you seem unflappable is there something that embarrasses you believe it or not every once in a blue moon I will actually get nervous around a celebrity and what I mean is all right you're gonna not even believe this one cuz I actually happen after I finished the book so I I saw Wayne Gretzky on an airplane and I was so determined to just say hello the entire - I'm a fan of greatness so I mean he's a goat and I didn't I didn't have the nerve to even just say what an honor to meet you I loved the Oilers I loved the finesse of that era and I was a Hawks fan being free Chicago and then finally I invited him to one of my shows he came to see me live he bought a Kathy Griffin t-shirt we went to dinner afterwards with his wife it was like lovely beautiful wife you know what you just you've gotten more shallow you've gotten you're like one of those Millennials you're worse than Omashu army records this all of it for the first time every time I'm on the show you go like this will you always exasperate me sometimes because you guard you are formidable I'm a for mobile force of formidable ness cracked the Forbes list of highest-paid comedians we'll talk about that and Kathy's 30-year career after this we're back is the Kathy Griffin Show I'm Kathy Griffin of my guests is Kathy Griffin and the book is Kathy Griffin's celebrity run-ins my A to Z index will be available starting November 22nd three days after my birthday Oh or pre-sale now by the way since no celebrities would write anything positive would you write would you read any of the good reviews I've gotten I once said courage is knowing what not to fear apparently Kathy Griffin took that seriously because she doesn't fear anything that quote was from Plato susan b anthony who do i have to blow to be included in this book hey she's an important person Oscar while this book made my gaydar happy he did say that I'm pretty sure I overheard it and good quotes yeah okay we have some social media questions okay XO tweets will you ever stop touring and what do you like most about it I will never stop touring because remember how dick Shawn died died on stage laughs they thought it was funny act that's how I want to get on college yep I want to go boom right on stage I think a trump supporter might shoot me but B or Oprah but other than that that's how I want to go I love touring because there's always new stuff to talk about I will always do it at Cheryl Gagnon wants to know what's the funniest thing you said about the 2016 election well I mean my Trump story is so insane and it's so real that I'm so thrilled that I can now take the stage and tell Trump stories that are actually personal zillion yeah I mean I spent the day with the Donald in being driven by him at a golf court with me and Liza Minnelli in the back and Liza was holding on to the bar because Donald was like showing off and driving too fast and scaring her and you have no interest in golf no no but I have a lot of interest in protecting Liza because she was in a Halston sequin cashmere jumpsuit and looking fabulous and I felt that Donald was a very irresponsible driver and Liza kept saying honey honey make it stop honey honey I'm getting the spins you know you can't just let Liza be alone on a golf course with McDonald's he doesn't get her and that by the way that's why you can't be President if you don't get Liza you don't deserve the Oval Office am i right are enjoying it twice has she ever tried being funny without working blue which begs the question do you think you're blue who's that from my mother I have I actually have had to do gigs where I can't swear at all like it's contractual and let me tell you it's a struggle and I'm you know I've been I've been booed off the stage I've been fired and I believe I may have gotten other people fired of my use and embrace of the First Amendment I'm not always blue but sometimes bad words come out of my mouth I mean all the time money Bruce was a great friend of mine tell me oh he broke the barrier spent many hours with letting in he was he told me in early the early 60s they'll be nude on the Broadway stage before 1970 he says what I got arrested for will be commonplace how much I'm fascinated by this harmless how much do you feel that his feeling about his act changed as he got more into the legal issue he's got to legal okay at the end he were just was that real since I know he would read the transcripts there's me transcripts he was got he got warped let me so do you feel he wasn't able to have as much fun with it yeah he gets very seriously that's that is something I deal with and that's like a very real thing I think a lot of comics especially once you've been in the game this long sometimes you almost do have to go hey always keep it funny I mean and what he went through was was George Carlin took his whole career of money I mean I love George George was a straight comic didn't ya Mary Alice via Facebook how did you get your start as a stand-up I got my start as a stand-up when I was in The Groundlings here in Los Angeles which is like a second city improv group very famous group I was in there with everybody from Phil Hartman to Jon Lovitz to Cheri Oteri to you know many of the so many of the Great's I got to work with and then they needed someone to fill some time you know house there's always that moment Oh somebody go out and stretch and so I started doing stand-up on the Friday night Late Show when they just would somebody be running behind and they would just push me out and I would tell a 5 in a story and then I started doing it more and more and then I did a few clubs I bombed two clubs and so I then opened I started doing renting theaters so I actually started doing stand-up literally in coffee houses big and tall books on Beverly if you remember it I used to do upstairs fighting with the cappuccino maker and then I would do stand-up in small theaters and I actually have more experience doing stand-up in theaters than clubs although made you famous I think well I did commercials first I did commercials for years and they were fantastic in fact one of the stories in the book I was an extra in the Michael Jackson commercial where his hair caught fire I've been around babies for Pepsi yeah Bob geraldi directed it and it was at the Olympic Stadium downtown what were you doing I was an extra like member it was it was like a concert scene so I was getting my $25 for the whole day and I felt like I was a very much of a working actress and i schlepped down there like 6:00 in the morning and this is remember this is before cell phones internet and so when that incident happened none of us in the fake audience could see it all of a sudden they sent us home and in those days I didn't even know that it happened until the like 6 o'clock news came on that night what do you feel about Amy Schumer she's the highest-paid comedian female ever I I immediately texted her and just tweeted or II just said finally because it really is still such an issue the sexism and the ageism in stand-up comedy is so so prevalent and you know I make fun of the guys and I hope they're not mad at me but look I'm sorry I look at I look at Adam Sandler and I look at Will Ferrell and I look at Kevin James and I look at Ray Romano and I look at all these guys that are kind of kind of my contemporaries a little bit I mean many of them have had much more success but you know they're just there's so many still boys in the boys club and they help each other and the girls don't tend to be as good helping each other so what I love about that accomplishment on Amy's half is obviously other women see that and they go it can finally be done and that's one of the reasons I always loved Joan Rivers is Joan to this day the only female to have a network nightly late-night talker almost giving people oh don't even start you'll make me cry right now I you love her you're a doll I know I mean thank you Kelly Griffin is Oh cheery thanks to my guest Kathy Griffin Kathy Kathy Griffin celebrity run-ins I did my a tizzy index is out November 22nd it's available for pre-order now yeah and as always you can find me on Twitter at Kings things and I'll see you next time you
Channel: Larry King
Views: 109,014
Rating: 4.655726 out of 5
Keywords: kathy griffin, kathy griffin interview, griffin, kathy griffin's celebrity run-, kathy griffin donald trump, kathy, kathy griffin trump, kathy griffin tour, kathy griffin 2018, kathy griffin photo with head, kathy griffin's celebrity run-ins: my a-z, kathy griffin donald trump psychic reading, donald trump, kathy griffin donald trump photo photographer, kathy griffin psychic reading, celebrity run-ins, kathy griffin comedy
Id: MrRhEtZyZkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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