Kathryn Kuhlman Interviews Sid Roth & Other Washington Businessmen

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i believe in miracles [Music] i don't have to tell you i don't even have to remind you you know that i believe in miracles and i feel sorry for the human being today who does not believe in the supernatural power of almighty god we forget sometimes that god is still god almighty and there is no such thing as failure with him oh we're gonna have the greatest time today when i tell you that the name of my guest is sid roth that's sterling in itself i'm so excited about it because sid roth is one of those wonderful young businessman from washington dc who has had this gross experience of knowing the messiah in the forgiveness of his sins before i introduce you to my guest here he is jimmy mcdonald [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] he is my strength from day to day without him i would fall [Music] no other one [Music] [Laughter] he makes me glad and he's my friend jesus is all the world to me i want no better i'll trust him now i'll trust him when life's fleeting days [Music] [Music] with such a friend beautiful life that has nowhere yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] my friend sid roth first of all i want you to know how wonderful it is to have you as my guest today i'm privileged to have you believe me and to know that we're related now there'll be thousands of folks who don't understand that somebody with a name like kathryn kuhlman and a man with a name like sid roth and they wonder how in the world we can be related we belong the same family heirs of god and joint heirs with christ jesus that in itself is a miracle you know it well said the washington daily news classes you with the other very prominent young men in business in our nation's capital as white-collar jesus freaks i think that's the greatest compliment that they could pay you fellas really how in the world did you ever get involved with jesus christ well considering that i come from an orthodox jewish background that's uh take more than a couple of seconds to give you an answer i know and you're a very successful stock broker in washington dc you've been in this business for how many years well i'm 31 years old and i've been in the stock business about eight years and i've been in the business of jesus christ about one year i'm one year old and you're a great success both as a christian and as a stock broker a very successful christian and a very successful stuff broker well tell me all right tell me about your early training as an orthodox jew well coming from a family where my father is a deep believer in god he gave me the traditional background of training um i went to school hebrew school i was bar mitzvah at 13 that's when a jewish boy becomes a man and my family was steeped and deep in the ritual and the tradition of judaism and i feel actually today i feel more jewish than i've ever felt in my life because i'm very proud that's all said please i i feel that same way about uh a jew coming and accepting uh christ the true messiah you are a better jew than you've been your life report right i believe that now i'm truly an orthodox jew i'll hold you i believe this so do i so being brought up in an orthodox as an orthodox jew and uh how did you ever get involved well you know to me the jewish religion as proud as i am of it it's not today the way it started it's not god-centered it's more man-centered and i never felt for 30 years of my life a need or closeness or reality of god and today i do fortunately for me god knew my heart and he put me in a position you see uh being a salesman successful in sales i've read every book i'm positive thinking and uh i i began to believe that the man the individual can do anything and so what god did is he backed me into a corner stripped me of everything he got me involved in the psychic world and uh i didn't realize i was tying in with the devil when i was involved in astrology and in mind control activities i was looking for power uh i found a power there i found that astrology isn't fake it works the brilliant mind you you have you have a mind that works very quickly it is uh you like to explore the unknown i was looking for power and i found it let me tell you about some of the things that i was able to do and i'm not saying that i'm bragging i'm trying to explain it to you uh i was able to open up a dictionary and ask myself a specific question and just turn it random and point to a word and i'd have an exact answer to my question i was able to close my eyes and you someone would give me the name of someone i'd never heard of before and i could describe them and tell you what was wrong with them physically and i thought that this power was really tremendous i began to be able to impose my will on people then all of a sudden within me a feeling said where is the power coming from and i went to the instructor that taught me the course and i said where's the power coming from and he didn't know so he sent me to the instructor for the all east coast for this particular course and i asked him the same question and he wasn't able to answer my question and i remember at the time i had met a lot of born again christians and they started telling me about deuteronomy 18 in which the lord jesus christ forbids having anything to do with this sort of activity and i asked him about it at the time and he said to me sid the only evil is in your mind that's the only hang up there's no such thing as the devil and i walked away from that man not being completely satisfied because although he told me what it wasn't he didn't tell me what it was he didn't tell me who i was tied into and then he was still not satisfied no jesus christ he's you know he knew how tough it was being a jew to get to me and i praise him for what he did time after time little things like i'd go to my car and find a tract about jesus just happened to be laying nearby there i quit i quit my job in this search for power and uh i decided to hang up my own shingle to go into the investment business for myself and because i had this great ability why should i work for someone else and the first fellow i bump into says sid i've got an extra office a secretary a desk i'll let you have it at no charge until you get on your feet telephone would you like it sure you know this this was my mind i felt it was god turns out this fellow though he was in the computer business was a born again christian had prayer meetings there morning noon and night more born again christians were walking in and out of those doors holding prayer meetings for me fasting for me you know it i didn't know it and i and and the thing is this is how beautiful that god works i had nothing to do with this this was god laying it on their heart to pray for me and then god had a few other things happen within the occult to me for instance i remember one day i was in a seance type meeting and i had my eyes closed and all of a sudden i saw something come out of my body and it was me and i told the lady next to me and she says oh that's terrific that's your astral soul that has just come out of your body but be very careful because sometimes when you're new with this your astral soul won't find its way back into your body and this scared the heck out of me then the next day next day i talked to someone and they said by the way sid and you know this is a completely different person they say if this astral soul of yours uh comes out of your body while you're uh it was explained to me that while you're sleeping your astral soul goes out of your body and you don't even know this and so now here my soul's going out of my body i don't know it i may wake up and my my soul won't be back in and i'm really worried at this point and then i get a hold of a book which the lord gave to me i went in a bookstore to get some books on psychic phenomena and i saw one book called the bible the jew and the supernatural didn't know a thing about it but you know i was interested in in i was jewish and in supernatural so i started reading this book and it talks about brian epstein of the beatles and a number of other prominent jews that have lost their lives the reason being they fooled with the occult because it's a sin for anyone to fool with the occult but it's a greater sin for a jew to fool with it and you know we're so prone to do this being jews looking for power and not having had it for 2000 years because we we didn't realize that jesus christ was our messiah but anyway these things kept happening i read this book and it described it was sort of like when you break into the occult there's a manhole cover and you can take one step over that manhole cover and get into the supernatural world but the only way back is straight down into hell and i remember all of these things happening to me and i came home at night i had a mezuzah that's a jewish thing with the torah in it around my neck i had a bible which i'd gotten by that point i put that under my pillow i said to my wife who uh was born baptist and converted to judaism i knew she knew more about god tonight say a prayer for me so so i had the jewish god i had her saying a prayer to jesus i had the bible under my pill i was afraid to close my eyes because of the fear of this thing about my soul leaving that god did this now looking back it's you know i can laugh and joke at it but it was a very serious thing and i although i didn't say it with my my mouth with my heart i said god you're the only one i can turn to and you know something he was there he was there and praise god so many beautiful things have have been happening since i've invited him into my heart what was your experience that moment that new birth experience it was the most real thing in the world to you jesus christ is as real to me as you are sitting right opposite me and you know what you're talking about and you know the thing i want to emphasize is i had because i guess i was jewish and he just kind of hit me over the head over and over and over and i'd like to tell my story because he did i want to emphasize the point that the bible says the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed which is a tiny tiny little seed and you take jesus christ which is this tiny little seed and you put him into your heart and you feed him with the word and he'll grow just like that acorn isn't an oak tree instantaneously jesus christ doesn't grow instantaneously he grows on faith and i know from my own personal experience and from the experience of many of my friends that if you'll invite him into your heart he's on the outside it's sort of like you're driving an automobile you know and he has a difficult time driving your car from the outside but he can do it because he's god and look what he did to my life but you know when you invite him inside that automobile you know what happens it's a heck of a lot easier for him and that's where he wants to go and boy i'm just so grateful to him and i feel like i can't do him enough justice for what he's done for me do you know that this is a very successful stockbroker who's talking this is a businessman from our nation's capital a successful stockbroker but sid it's real it's now it has been something in the past it's jesus now this wonderful relationship now that this is what's so exciting in other words like i'm telling you what happened a year ago but you know if i can't tell you what happened yesterday or the day before two days ago i'm in serious trouble with god because he's so real every single day he influences my life just a couple days ago i was giving a talk at a junior college for mutual funds this was an adult education class and the professor was a client of mine he said sid i know where you stand with god don't don't give uh anything about god during this talk because it's a school you know and i said okay these are the ground rules fine but i wore a little pin that said ptl and the very last question from the from the students was what does ptl stand for praise god you know he planted that question and i said well the professor has said that i cannot comment on this until after class however anyone that's interested in staying i'm going to tell you about the most important thing in my life and 10 students stayed and i talked for about an hour about ptl which is praise the lord and two people accepted jesus christ one was jewish and i it's just this is jesus christ now you see i uh i had nothing whatsoever to do it as a matter of fact that particular monday night i was asked to talk at a church for a a bunch of of christians that most of them were not born again have not gone through this experience that i'm talking about and i really wanted to go to that church more than talking about investments i was trying to figure out some way in my mind to get out of that talk but you see how beautiful god is instead of me doing my will god blocked me i couldn't get out of that talk for anything i had to give that talk and two souls came to jesus christ that's your mother's attitude about all of this well is there an understanding a mother is a mother uh yes there's an understanding but when it comes to judaism there's something ingrained that's uh it's a shame that so many people think of christianity uh in in in the light of what it really isn't in other words when you read the bible and find out what a christian is you know most of the things that have gone on for the last hundred years in the name of christianity really aren't i've got a cousin that uh was was in germany when hitler was there and she had twin children and she uh the gestapo took one of the children and threw him out the window and uh died and in her mind this is christianity this was the christians did it they don't understand a lot of people take the title christian but they're not unless you're born again and know jesus christ it doesn't matter where you're born doesn't matter whether you're born in a jewish home or a christian home it's a new birth it's a brand new experience and if you haven't had it you haven't you haven't had life you have you haven't experienced anything as the businessmen in that article they're all very very successful and money just can't buy what i'm talking about and most people can i can't put it in words you have to experience jesus christ tell them to come into your heart and take over your life the scripture says flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee but my father which is in heaven it's a spiritual revelation it's not the intellect yeah you you depended on the intellect for so long didn't you that's right you're a brilliant young man just from the very short time that i have had an association with you said roth you're a brilliant young man you've always known that you had this ability when it would come to the mind and you sought everything through the mind but you don't get this experience through the mind i gotta approach the kingdom of heaven like a child it's a heart thing has it changed you completely well my wife says you're not the man that i'm married i'm a completely new person and i praise god for it because i didn't care for the old sid roth and you knew the old sid roth better than anyone else that's it every person has to live with himself instead you and i would be amazed what a mask most folk covering up the real person that they are that's what's so beautiful about jesus you don't have to cover up you don't even have to direct because he becomes your lord he just takes this hunk of dust which he created and he tells us what to do he's my boss if uh and he boy he's doing such a beautiful job of running my life i wouldn't want to take it over again for anything he's well look at this here's a jewish boy that knew nothing about jesus christ you know the only thing i knew about jesus christ i read a ripley's believe it or not and it said jesus christ was a jew and i remember going to my parents with that and saying is that true and i got so mad jews today don't know about jesus christ they don't know about the scriptures in the old testament the bible says the scriptures say the jews will have spiritual scales over their eyes and it's unfortunate now you see i had an excuse although i had an orthodox training i never read the scriptures i never searched them i knew the bible stories and things of that nature but i never searched them now i'm searching them i'm reading the old testament and page after page is nothing more than prophecy about jesus christ it's all god's word the old testament the new testament and if a jew if a christian if anyone will just search the scriptures it's life what does he say in john in the beginning was the word and he was with god and he was god and the word became flesh well this is god this is god and if someone will just read it they'll experience that new birth it's a very personal type thing it's it's between you and god it's not between you sid roth or you catherine coleman and god you can go directly to god by reading his word and the last few people that have come to know jesus christ that i had a chance to testify to came to christ from only one way i gave them enough in seeing what the changes occurred to me to want to read the word and when they read the word they met jesus christ and sid roth today you're a better jew than you've ever been in your life i like to use the term completed jew and yet you and i are members of the same family the same heavenly father the same messiah the same wonderful holy spirit how better can we tell you i sit here so deeply moved by the words that sid roth has spoken he has told you better than i have the ability to tell and yet neither one of us can tell it as the holy spirit will reveal it to you whether you're jew or gentile jesus said he must be born again he must be born again there's no other way jesus is all they said that he was the very son of living god the true messiah won't you just now whether you're kneeling whether you're seated just look up and just a little child come to him as he said roth came to him and just look up and say dear jesus i want to know you in that wonderful experience i want peace of mind and peace of soul please come into my heart it's so simple it's so simple you'll take those scales from of your eyes you'll know him in reality not just as an example but the very person of the son of god your messiah and when you know him like that then you've just started [Music] delay [Music] i believe in miracles [Music] you know exactly what i'm going to say so you might just well say it with me i believe in miracles and i feel so sorry for the person who does not believe in miracles because sooner or later there'll come a time in each of our lives when we're going to need god to perform that miracle and we believe in miracles because we believe in god my guest is a very exciting person he's one of those four businessmen from washington dc who has had that wonderful experience of being born again whose life has been completely changed by the power of god you'll just enjoy the next 30 minutes so very much and so don't go away ray bates i consider you the perfect example of the mercy of the lord jesus christ paul knew what he was talking about oh that great apostle of paul when he said the mercy and the grace of the lord jesus christ who can fathom it and the love of god and who can fathom it and you are an example of what the love of god will do with a man you are an example ray bates of the mercy of the lord jesus christ because you're the most unlikely person i think i've ever met you know for the lord to take and completely change your life and it's been a complete change a marvelous change i know what was your life prior to this wonderful experience of being born again well i i think in the contemporary christian idiom i would be the deepest kind of sinner i've been i did everything i was a sort of a world traveler i'd been every place done everything i had affluence had a big farm and and all the animals had a pig named blossom and a goat named newbie you know i had really the good life by ratio to the to what the normal person would think i think everybody would have envied me but i found out one thing when i was in washington and inquired about you most of the folk in washington d.c you know when it comes to the society of washington they know about ray bates why do they know you so well over there well i'm i've been in business for myself for 25 years an interior decorator designer yes and you did the uh interior decorating for the palace at nicaragua what else for luis and mozama i did a numerous hotels motels uh the most famous restaurant i've done was a jackie club in washington and and circle one and harvey's and and a very famous place called billy martin's carriage house uh did part of that but you did more than interior decorating oh yeah we're designers um uh we've become broad in our scope as as the years went by and uh i i was flying you know really quite far up there and i i now know uh unequivocally that as high as i was that's how really low i was by comparison to now the lord jesus christ is really the only way hallelujah were you satisfied with that kind of light or was there still a seeking for more and something else did you know there was more hunger but i didn't know there was anymore and if i had known there was more i didn't know where to find it just say and then a a a a a book by a very remote character named catherine coleman came to me in the mail and i've heard about her yeah how did you ever does but i have a little inside information for you she doesn't do it but i'll tell you she has three persons behind her the father the son and the holy ghost and they do it how did you happen to get that book well i was a do-gooder type i had you know affluence and so if somebody came in the mail like i was taking guideposts which had been sent to me by someone and and this was advertised i believe in guideposts and so i just sent 2.88 cents or whatever it was and the book arrived and very honestly the the devil did not want me to read that book because uh at first i looked at the name and god can do it again instead of god is doing it or whatever you know whatever i had my mind at that time and and the jacket didn't appeal to me and i and i decided i put it aside and then in god's perfect timing he had me pick up the book one evening and i i read this account by it was it jamie buckingham yes and uh it was just phenomenal to hear of a very sophisticated writer crying joyous tears seeing miraculous healings and that wasn't the sort of reading material you'd been using and when when i finished reading his account i just felt it was absolutely impossible that this could be going on and a man as well known and well read and well everything as i was could not know about it i just did not see how i could not know you knew everything that there was to know you tried everything that there was to do but i really thought i knew but but the channel of god is so wide open yeah and that we we just don't see it you know we we we don't even try to swim across it you see and uh how were you affected as you read it did you put it down do you read just a part of it no no no no no i sure didn't i i read this thing uh tears welled up in me i thought this is just so phenomenal i read straight through the book and i didn't put it down where were you in your home in my home and i i was so impressed that i immediately ordered 30 copies a typical rebates of the time and uh i sent one to everyone who i could think of who had a headache or a female female problem anything and then didn't you have one of your uh employees or oh yes tell me about that young 16 year old girl was she in your employee she wasn't 16 katherine she was 20 but she was just all hung up she was on dope and she was on uh she was drinking the better part of a fifth of booze a day and and uh she was really um her morals were just really quite low by a new standard and uh she was so emotionally hung up she had a complex uh that was all intermingled with her family and and fatherhood and she needed she needed desperately did you know that she had gone to pittsburgh uh when i sent her the book i gave her the book and she was working for me and i gave her the book and she was just struck to the heart you see and she went instantaneously to pittsburgh on the next available transportation when she knew that you were having a meeting and she was she was led by the holy spirit and she came back immediately from the thing and told my wife and i about it and i'd now read the book and i had seen a few things but i still had not given my life to the lord and i i i just knew i had to go to pittsburgh and see for myself yeah you saw reality in her life yeah right i saw it and i still wanted to see more of it did you know that um it was right in the middle of a miracle service a friday morning in the first presbyterian church in pittsburgh when this young girl who was in your employee came walking down the main aisle of the sanctuary of the first presbyterian church a perfect stranger to me and jesus walked up while all of these healings were taking place and she just looked me in the face and said do you think jesus will forgive my sins and i remember how she cried she laid her head on my shoulder and and and just wept so and i remember putting my arms around and i said why of course and then she began telling me some of her sins she says do you think jesus will forgive me it was also new to her i didn't know her i didn't know the story behind the story she was instantly born again and she went back to washington dc evidently and told you and you had not yet been converted no i had not but you saw the change in your life however instantly it's an unidentifiable thing now uh now i see how things are identified i can almost tell you uh that someone is a christian just by a kind of light that they have you see and you saw it and i saw it and they did that and that's what it's called i saw a calm that she never had before you see and an assurance that she never had before she was always hung up and she was just so beautiful and and so marvelous and i thought oh i just gotta go i gotta go and i went and i did i had a jamie buckingham experience except i didn't sit on stage with you i did cry for the whole hour and a half and i did you fly to pittsburgh no i drove i i drove to pittsburgh and uh and the lord does things the right way i i oh and he always does a complete and perfect job always raid dates fantastic sure it is and he knows exactly what he's doing right and his timing is always perfect i just must tell you something i you know the the thing that really shocked me was a jury that was her name and she uh said you must get there at seven o'clock in the morning i said but that service doesn't start until eleven why should she get there she said well you won't get in if you then so i said you know i just don't believe it until i got there at 7 30 and there were this mob of people you know if there would have been a riot and a fire it combined i've never seen that many people so i thought wow and and the the you know that i have so much to share with you honey how long will you uh but i know what a blessing i got today and the lord uh used that service to begin a whole new thing that was the woven pattern that came out of that funny book that i put aside god can do it again and he did it for you he did it he really did in a dynamic was sitting there in the first presbyterian church in pittsburgh was there any sensation what was your experience well my first ex my first impression was one of simple or that 5 000 people could come someplace for this experience the strange thing about your book is it's chronicled and it shows let's say 10 or 12 or 20 i don't know how many people and so 20 people over how many years is a very small amount and so i came prepared to see you know some healing but i didn't become prepared to see that many and that dynamic the the one that most impressed me was a woman who was oh she was 20 years in a wheelchair and she could only move her head was the only thing she could move five degrees each way and she got up out of the chair and she raised her hands over her head and bent down and touched her toes and man that did it to me i was just nothing but a great ball of sobbing mess you know it really was fantastic but then when i left the service and i came back to washington the young girl was giving her testimony to the church on the following sunday and your employee yeah and i i went and i i heard i heard a different human being i never i've never heard that girl speak before so here she was before an audience of three four hundred people i guess five hundred and just as calm and assured and and just breathtakingly beautiful standing up there just telling you how she had this experience and so i was i was just done in really well and the minister approached me after the service and asked me who i was and i and we began talking and i told him that i had this fantastic experience of going to pittsburgh and attending your meeting and she said he said oh i know catherine very well i've been trying to get her to come to washington and have a healing ministry there i said oh no you mustn't do that you must do that yourself and he became quite shy you see and and he was like caught up in this but he didn't know what to do he did he didn't know to run for the for the back or what but anyway uh i knew i had no authority to say that and i knew i said it but i didn't feel like i said it if you understand what i'm saying and then the outcome of that was i wrote a letter the following day to him to confirm i didn't know that the lord confirms things but i wrote the letter to confirm it and he received the letter on tuesday and on wednesday a young minister walked into his office and said my name is chuck motley and i'm from norfolk virginia and the lord spoke to my heart and said i should come to washington dc and start a healing ministry in a place called christ church and i looked at the telephone book and there are 50 christ churches and i wonder if this happens to be the one so the minister practically fell under the desk and it was pretty fantastic and there started a healing ministry and uh the following sunday i gave my life to the lord you didn't expect so many things to happen so so quickly how has this wonderful experience changed your whole life oh my goodness have you ever got another seven hours now that is true there's no when it begins there's no end it's just phenomenal the lord sends people to us we we see dynamic healings we're where we're used in so many ways but how about your own life the change in your own life well i mean that's just a complete turnaround uh are you literally a new person in christ jesus absolutely absolutely in one way in in in every way my my my social life is different and so much fun what has happened to your friends um most of them have gone off this way but i but everyone that's going that away there's been how about your social drinking more coming this way how about your social drinking oh my goodness that was that was one of the most phenomenal things of drinking and smoking i owned a saloon at the time and uh i had this experience on a sunday and monday i went in and uh the bartender says mr bates you want the usual and i usually would have had a scotch and soda and i said no i'm i'm not thirsty i'm not i don't want to drink i feel thirsty and i think i'd like to have a coke and so i i had every intention after the coke of having never drank again the place you were converted on sunday monday walked in and the bartender said the usual mr dates he wasn't dealing with the man that he had dealt with on saturday you mean that was the end that was then and and a a couple of months later i i i have now learned that we can indeed lay everything on jesus christ who is just taken away we threw our cigarettes out the window and i said lord i don't really have the strength in myself to stop smoking so you're going to have to stop smoking for me and he did and that's simple and and and my my son said oh uh dad you've got to stop smoking i said i got a 5 000 wardrobe and every time i've ever tried to stop in the past i've gained so much weight and and and this time i gained three pounds you know it's the lord you know he had something else praise this precious name all on earth that we have to do it to just be willing do you know the prayer that you prayed when you came and asked jesus to forgive your sins it was a simple prayer because you didn't know how to pray what did you say to him well it's it it's the miracle of god when you say just simply lord i am a sinner yeah and i wish to repent of my sins and turn back toward you and i want you to come into my heart and be my own personal lord and savior and that that's it hello if we could only get men and women to understand how simple it is if you could only understand sitting here here's a businessman from washington dc who would give anything in the world he would give his life if he could stand on the highest mountaintop right now and let the whole world know that the same experience that happened to him can be yours if only you'd come to him and just the simple way that he came to him it isn't some hard thing you too just now you're just as hungry for this peace of mind and piece of soul as this businessman was you're hungry for something that'll satisfy and the only way that you'll ever get peace of mind is when jesus christ himself gives you that peace of mind you can only have that wonderful experience in the lord christ jesus if you just look up and say here i am i'm a sinner and the only person who sins he cannot forgive is the man of the woman who will not confess he's a sinner confess him confess your needs to him all the mercy of the lord jesus christ is mercy not a man not a woman can say they merit the forgiveness of sins it's his mercy his great compassion if you only knew no person is too great a sinner and the love of god who can fathom the love of god but he loves you as a person enough to hear the cry of your heart and the blood of jesus christ god's son this very moment will forgive you of your sins and you too can become a new creature in christ jesus it is the greatest miracle a human being can know believe me the transformation of a life a person becoming a new creature in christ jesus is the greatest miracle in the world hear the cry of that heart and give that one that miracle thou [Music] amen [Music] i believe in miracles [Music] i believe in miracles with all of my heart you believe in miracles too and if you've you'll only give god a chance he'll work a miracle in your life but always remember we believe in miracles because we believe in god well one of my guests today is a young man believe it or not before he was 27 years of age he had made his first million dollars i'm telling you bruce jackson i still am amazed when i think of you just 27 years of age and having made your first million and i look at you and i marvel at that where's your background how'd you do it and really did you uh was that your ambition to make money well i was ambitious in every way politically and materially and with the women i was trying to get ahead from the time i was a teenager i went to school on a football scholarship and i got out early and went into business my heart's ambition always was to be president of the united states really yes and and that that's what you aim for it was you mean ever since a youngster ever since i was knee-high well you see after all bruce you still have many wonderful years ahead of you you know it'd be a wonderful thing to have a spirit man president of the united states all right go back what happened well i first let me say that i'd rather be a sweet stripper street sweeper in the kingdom of heaven than president of the united states that's right well i i think i probably have been pursued every career except medicine i went into politics and i was running for congress when a fellow arranged speaking engagements and i spoke in the church weekly and i didn't have jesus in me at all but somehow out of that experience the word of god got into my heart and i went home to my office one day after church and and the lord spoke to me and i gave my heart to him that only slowed me down though hallelujah i then went into business i always did several things at once i was in business at the time while i was also an ordained pastor and the disciples of christ church but i my approach to it was similar to an ambitious man i truly had an experience with jesus it changed my life i gave up other women and my wife i quit cheating in business and so forth but when i'd preach people would come forward to receive the right hand of fellowship but that was about all my churches grew i had two churches and they grew in membership and and one went into an ambitious building program but it wasn't satisfying nor were my business activities completely satisfying uh i've been in practically every business you could name i've had a small airline i had a computer manufacturing company i was in the entertainment business i had the leading school in drama in new york in one of our one of our theaters there won in 1968 the off-broadway repertory award for the best company in the city uh oh i've had companies on three continents and but nothing was ever satisfying you're still a young man oh yes well about a year ago having done so many different things in my life and and seeking the top in all of them and never quite making it but going a long way in fact we nearly bought abc once we came pretty close yes we i i've tried everything but about it everything in a big way oh yes i was very ambitious and um a year ago i was attempting to buy a restaurant from a fellow i think you know ray bates and he started talking about jesus and you know i've now at this particular time i'd known the lord since 1963 but a year ago i turned away from him because i'd become so involved in businesses that that my prayer time and fellowship with people who love the lord had ceased also i knew there must be something else in jesus christ i'd given my heart to him but i didn't see anything happening you know i didn't see a lot of lives changing and people getting healed like they did in the bible and i i'd given it up well a year ago a man prayed for me and my leg grew i didn't want it to happen because i didn't think i could handle that sort of a miracle that was one thing that was too big for you it was too big for me and i couldn't i couldn't turn away from god any longer and i asked him what's god doing now that he wouldn't do when i was in the pulpit in the years when i served him and he asked me if i'd ever heard of the baptism of the holy spirit and i thought oh no you mean speaking in tongues and all that and he said yes well i'd grown up with sort of a stigma about that they were always the funny people in town you know and but i figured if god could make my leg grow by people who speak with funny language says i want to find out about it and that's what happened to me i got the baptism of the holy spirit and i want to tell you nothing else i'd ever done was satisfying nothing even when i was a minister in the pulpit and a successful one it wasn't satisfying but now when i received the holy spirit why my wife and i would go out on the street before when i'd preach i'd use good stories and you know lots of things like that but i just quote the scriptures and people give their heart to the lord left and right all over the hippies guys drug addicts well they couldn't resist the power of the holy spirit and uh i tell you that i'm so much in love with life and people and the lord and my wife hallelujah she went right along with you oh yes when i came home telling her my leg had grown she thought i was out of my mind so that was one of your very first contacts then with the power of god oh yeah was this miracle of healing oh yes and it all happened through uh business dealing right he did he did ray bates you went to ray bates uh regarding buying a restaurant yes now we have restaurants that are called jesus restaurants where we have gospel music and and the waiters and waitresses say praise the lord instead of may i take your drink order you know what i mean in fact the lord you know isn't it amazing how he uses i've been in every kind of business and now in the lord i'm in every kind of business we publish the jesus paper that now goes all over the country um we have a jesus radio station in washington and in two churches this is the most exciting time of your whole life oh hallelujah you've never been in anything ever been involved with anything more exciting than what you're involved in now you've just started to live oh yes i'm only a year old in the holy spirit you've been through the spirit just one year oh yes and in that one year you probably have accomplished more and accomplished greater things than your whole life amen well you know something we're going to have another guest join us a friend of yours in just a few minutes and we're going to continue our talk regarding the holy spirit but remember i'm so sold on the holy spirit too because he is the secret of this ministry i know what you're talking about when you talk about the power of the holy spirit and before your friend joins us they're waiting you know to hear jimmy mcdonald i heard the voice of jesus say come on to me and rest lay down thy weary one lay down [Music] i came to jesus as i [Music] was [Music] i found in him a resting place [Music] i heard the voice of jesus say i am this dark world's light look unto me thy moon shall [Music] rise be bright i can't to jesus as i was i found in him [Music] of life [Music] days [Music] dawn don tobias i'm so glad you came and joined bruce jackson and myself we were just talking about the holy spirit praise the lord and i'm telling you first of all of course i love talking about jesus jesus you know nobody takes the place of jesus and of course jesus himself said that the holy spirit would glorify jesus but when it comes to the holy spirit there's nobody in the whole world more soul than the holy spirit than i am because he is the secret of the power of this ministry oh it's the holy spirit who makes all the difference in the world in one's life and you know something i'm so zealous for these folk who are born again who are christians and they are missing so much by not being filled with the holy spirit amen amen this uh this of course is really very hard of my testimony i became a born-again christian at the age of 21 and i just sort of dived in i believe whatever i do i want to do with my whole heart and i just really got on fire for god and i witnessed a businessman and time and again they'd come to christ i'd be flying an airplane i tell them about jesus and i've had them bow their heads there in airplanes and restaurants and i was really on fire for the lord and i thought i had everything that god had for me because i knew as a born-again christian and you can't be any more saved than being saved but i ran across a good baptist friend one day and he said he'd like to pray for my anxiety and i didn't even tell him i had anxiety but it just happened that at that time like all businessmen you have some problems from time to time and we need to borrow some money and i couldn't seem to get an answer to it and i hadn't even admitted that i had anxiety and he said i'd like to pray for your anxiety and so i knew something was going on i said how did you know i had anxiety or what made you say that he said the holy spirit well i knew that wasn't typical back this doctrine and so he started to pray for me and he laid his hand on top my head and uh that wasn't typical baptist either and he started praying and suddenly he started speaking in a language and i thought he was trying to impress me with this language that he knew but the thing i did notice most of all was that this anxiety departed immediately and he gave me a book that night titled baptist and the baptism of the holy spirit i didn't go to bed that night i read that read my bible all night long and god began to show me there was something deeper that i needed and i came into this experience uh after praying for eight days of course i was two days ahead of those in the upper room they prayed for ten days so i still got in the head out of them but i received this marvelous experience and even though uh my salvation was so dramatic such as change i almost felt as though my life even changed more after receiving the holy spirit i know that and and uh bruce uh had the same experience he was born again as a christian but bruce nothing really there was no power until after you were filled the holy spirit that's right oh i could witness to people and their lives would change but there would be no fruits you know oh what a change it made in my life i also never really knew what it was to love people i could be unselfish and i could give but man i never fell in love with the world until the holy spirit came into me that's right he's dynamite that's right i i noticed that i had i had prayed for people for healing before but had never seen really great miracles other than my own hands my hands were healed as you can see the crosses in there uh i was supposed to be a as far as my hands were concerned and my grandmother prayed for him three times a day anointed them with oil and i now have complete freedom in my hands and never touched by a surgeon they said i'd never use my hand so i knew the miracle healing of god but i had never seen it dramatically used until i received the holy spirit and then i began to see the holy spirit work and and you know when jesus uh testified to john he he said the the he said go back and tell john that the the lamer walking the blind sea the lepers are cleansed and my wife and i after receiving the baptism we suddenly started praying for people and people began to be healed from epilepsy palsy enlarged hearts high blood pressure these things were happening we knew we had nothing to do with it that's right and understand and this was one of the greatest spiritual revelations that i ever received after i became a queen with holy spirit and after being filled holy spirit was the fact that after all it was the holy spirit who performed the miracles through the person of jesus when he walked this earth because when jesus was here in the flesh remember he was as much man as though he were not god we forget that that's the reason he could have been tempted and was tempted and could have yielded to temptation it was the power of the holy spirit who performed those miracles and the thing that i can understand is the fact that if jesus could trust the holy spirit if jesus had complete confidence in the holy spirit why should men and women be afraid of the holy spirit today well of course it's the devil who's tried to scare us off from this word tongues and and my own pastor my church uh thought it was the tongues movement i said i hate to tell you but it's not that it's the holy spirit movement that's what it really is all about and i found that's where the holy spirit's had he gave me that beautiful gift and i find now that as i pray for people the greatest healing comes about as i pray in the spirit and as i walk in the spirit this is how god really does i thought of matthew many times matthew 16 uh where he said go ye in all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be damned and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues which praise god he gave me that and they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them and they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover and i just believe god's word so we go about laying hands on on people and god heals them and something else that is so vitally important and that is the fact that the holy spirit makes jesus so real to us absolutely we must never lose sight of jesus you can be born again and jesus is very real to you he must be real to every born again christian but after you've been filled with the holy spirit he makes jesus so real to you that jesus becomes as real as any human being that you've ever known even more real than the person that you can touch and the person that you see well that's why the healings come about because suddenly jesus does become real to you that's right when we say we believe in miracles it's just the most natural thing in the world you know you don't hesitate to ask largely well i know as i've spoken in different churches people have come up and said aren't you afraid to make statements like this about all these healings that go on and i say no because i'm not proving anything all i'm telling you is what jesus does because jesus is the one that does all these and you don't become a super christian when you feel with the holy spirit it's just that jesus becomes so super real to you now that's one thing that must be made very clear i'm always so skeptical of these folks who go around saying now i have everything i've reached the very zenith of all things i have him i have him now you see even being filled with the holy spirit is just the big cancer it's it's the empowering to start that's right and one of the greatest of all christian virtues is humility and when you find a truly spirit christian you'll find humility in that life you know where you realize it's all jesus you have nothing the world to do with it not a thing praise god of course the greatest miracle in the whole world is the new birth experience but how can we get it across to these people who are christians professing christians that there's more there's so much more bruiser how can you tell them it's like in acts where apollos was a mighty man of god and he was used of god as an evangelist but when paul found out that the people he left behind had no power in their lives he said have you received the holy spirit since you believed in jesus they said we've not even heard if there be a holy spirit then he laid hands on them and they were all filled with the holy spirit i think that's exactly what's happening in our churches today as pastors who believe as apollos did in the baptism of jesus you know they've received jesus in their lives they we know that they're saved but now as as we as we divide to them a little bit more perfectly the word of god and lay hands on them and they receive the holy spirit for beginning to see the church really come to life in the jesus movement hallelujah i know but remember all of this is the fulfillment of bible prophecy the very fact that you're sitting there you are a part of god's great plan sitting here both of you businessmen you're not ministers your businessmen businesses in washington dc and the nation's capital people see you as businessmen successful businessmen but you are a part of this great plan and he's perfect wisdom he's perfect knowledge and he has chosen certain people to be a part of this great plan in these closing moments of this dispensation you can reach people i cannot reach know that as a businessman you can reach people i cannot reach he's chosen you to reach people that i cannot reach but this is the great movement of the spirit we are a part of the fulfillment of bible prophecy when he's in the last days i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh this great jesus movement of the young people nobody's going to stop it you can't because it's still the holy spirit moving upon them this last great generation of youth before the rapture the church this great hunger that men and women in every walk of life jew and gentile are feeling because every man knows every man senses you two sense of fact it's in the very atmosphere that things are happening now now this very moment is the moving holy spirit we're coming now to the end of the time of the gentiles we're coming now to the time when the holy spirit is about to leave and for seven years god will be keeping his earthly covenants with an earthly people israel we're on the threshold of the greatest suffering that humanity has ever known the door for salvation is open the holy spirit is pleading the holy ghost is working he's speaking to you now the prayer is simple is the confession of your sins now do what these gentlemen have done these businessmen you can have the same wonderful experience of salvation the same experience of being filled with the holy spirit he is the one who give you power power in your life [Music] you
Channel: Tony Francis
Views: 61,647
Rating: 4.9165087 out of 5
Keywords: catherine kullmann, i believe in miracles, it is supernatural, kathryn kuhlman, kathryn kuhlman businessmen, kathryn kuhlman i believe in miracles, kathryn kuhlman interview, kathryn kuhlman interviews sid roth, kathryn kuhlman volume 12, sid roth, sid roth it is supernatural
Id: 7rJmmaUQEw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 31sec (4471 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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