Kathleen Battle, Wynton Marsalis: Baroque Duet Part 04

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here we go Jake what's up the song we're doing it up pops analyzed it I don't remember that can we just go over there do you know that right yeah yeah let's do that one man JJ my chaps is so tired from doing ecchi let's do it let's do let me cuz I won't get their needs to form now something else we leave it out a certain form and structure the form it's a it's a progression it goes don't don't bump bump bump bump bump on the lamp in love um but unload um put on lava don't bump you know they go around chromatic yeah Oh so tomorrow we're gonna really be with morning all true I mean are they yeah gee yeah I got one but I'm I'm trying to I'm trying to learn how to do that without him all these peoples in it huh Oh dr. Weir who off the shed on that man first to see it all now she could see other lake take the toxins right okay you transcribe I've heard is your transcribe a little bit really I never transcribe late writing it down it's more terms of hearing so much that you get your whole so in terms of like what do you transcribe some musical but you to me on your own that's just a given if you say you won't be a musician especially professional musician because it's so hard to get a job amidst thousands of cancel one play nobody can find work in classical music and in jazz everybody thinks it's just in jazz you in classical music then to trumpet open as a year and 600 people go out for it and one get it to two people get it but when you go to those auditions it's a certain type of technical profession city if you're not even serious enough just to get like basic stuff together on your like knowing are your skills and it cause shed and get your flexibility being able playing different registers dealing with your tone your strumming plan studying class music in every conservatory every school over United States of America need no job so now what do it is you can play on any DS you want no man I mean it's fine it's a service let's go play embrace me you me and you play we just have traded phrases off we'd have to necessarily play a melody you know alright we just play like and just develop that idea you don't mind embraceable yeah okay so I'll play it for you a cool impression I play freeze and it's you know not symmetrical hmm and imagine a blues you can play wherever you hear space to play get home right as long with that huh wherever he is being like Blake your friend you hear you hear me and Jace I'm gonna play that alright but you can play on the two numbers oh go ahead swinging him and just you play that reveille your daddy Jason feel petals in your soul well is it that's what me and you and Jason alright and it blows it down everybody well ups it twelves it you remember that well I know the song but the notes this gave me at the moment I'll dig it out no no okay you got a home you got your on your side I'll give them to you know just we need to play we play one time I got it how do we might not get a chance do we open it right now very hard I see but we got to get on the pie gotta get crazy play I'll be playing want a second come on man go over what cut that out I didn't do that something isn't my thing I'm sure at all yeah Jesus Christ how do you man sir Kane yeah yeah your voice dropping on my way yeah but he's tall man oh yeah excuse me sure he'll be like lucky oh no I'm Everett I love Halloween go out and create around you hollow hollow sign I think I can't get over your voice man daddy oh man are you your voice is breaking how did you see you man it was yeah it was real out man not you know I used to sing solos I cannot do that no more it happens it one day I'll say uh I cannot seem so how your voice is cracking up okay man I can't change you're still sing solos are just being a lower pitch but I will wrestle them now how awesome is you I've missed you growing up that's what I'm believable second not even my brother I missed you so much opera all Carozza my scarlotti and I bar and some pretty Airy don't talk to me about prettier I never saw that piece before and I think I don't want to see it again after method we ladies and gentlemen are in for a rare jazz treat with no tricks indeed we're about to witness an unprecedented jazz event with Ellis Wynton Branford and 13 year old Jason Marcel is performing together on stage believe it or not for the first time and now ladies and gentlemen let's all sit back and enjoy the music everybody thank you all very very much for coming out and supporting these worthy causes tonight first of all I like to say happy Halloween y'all see I have all my orange and black fair and celebration of the forces that I'll tonight hopefully some of that witchery and magic will translate onto the bandstand and some good swing I'm very honored to play with my father and also my brothers even my little brother who's 13 he sounds like he's been practicing we're at him today right now a man of great dignity and nobility mr. Ellis Marcellus we had a joke in our family no because my mother she would always say that she used to sing so she would always go to the parent do this terrible rendition of embraceable you maybe we'd all stuck on old know we'd know it's time for us to put our horns up cuz she's gonna sing and embrace me so my brother branding myself and mr. Vail and hurling and my daddy we're gonna do and paying our respects to our mother who's Nadia tonight George Gershwin Brisby you you
Channel: Opera Buff
Views: 53,611
Rating: 4.9292035 out of 5
Keywords: Kathleen Battle, Wynton Marsalis, Baroque Duet, Documentary キャスリーン・バトル
Id: 6AvO9VV1-y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2012
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