Katherine Ryan's SEX & DATING Confessions | 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown

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some people have accused catherine of being two-faced but to be fair one of those faces is underneath the new one at the moment who do you like oh well you know i'm massively into cardi b very much on your own explain well cardi b is an incredible artist and very famous social media comedienne of sorts but she started as a stripper she got a record deal on love and hip hop now she's famous my favorite person cardi b and i have a lot of the same experience and growth and in life even though i never started as a stripper in the bronx i started as a hooters waitress in canada and hooters waitress essentially as jimmy tells me all the time why it's a stripper that can't dance right i'm guessing is it your accent or is she not for this country okra cardi boy like this all the time you know what i'm saying so sorry what was the bird noise she invents a lot of her own language so she calls money shmoney and then when she says okay she goes ok like that can you do that no because i'm not at primary school so catherine recently appeared on who do you think you are when she found out her nose lips and chin date back to 2017. oh well i discovered that my grandparents are cousins they were cousins they were cousins and not only were they cousins um one cousin was placed in the other cousin's home to live with her parents when she was a baby and then when she turned 18 they got married so your grandparents were sort of like brother sister cousins wow yeah just i just look at you and think that the gene pool needs a little chlorine catherine you eating carbs well i found out this whole time i've been celiac you've been a celiac the whole time and i just thought i hated bread what was the effect what did it cause nothing you see there's no negative effects i have decided that i would like to become attractive to men and it's not even difficult to do no offense rachel i've researched it and i think for the last 35 years of my life i've been putting men off i've been saying things like you know i don't want a boyfriend i feel that men are like dolphins they should be enjoyed on holiday and i believe that but i think i need to be just more palatable to the average man there are men who like me now but they are perverts and foot fetishists i want to broaden my horizons and so i know that men like a smiley gal so i've got this so that even when even when i'm feeling cross then the men see me being very welcoming smiling and i'm immediately more attractive my sister's genuinely just had a baby and named him dick like a 1950s spy and uh it's great because when i want to see pictures of him i'll text my mom be like mom you got any dick pics from me i'll take some dick pics at lunch so i've asked all the players to write a poem okay john you're going to be judging these poems uh well catherine you ought to go first take it away my poem is about being single okay i really love the lonely life my house is always spotless i do know married women though i would describe most as a hot mess will i stay this way forever the trouble with men is they're dicks i won't deny there's one thing about them that i can't resist their dicks i've got some tape here just to tape up my eyes because i've been wasting a lot of time on botox jimmy cut to the chase just tape them up so i look more friendly what are you typing just making myself look younger and more attractive oh baby you look gorgeous i've heard jimmy that my hands are too large i've got kind of man hands so men really enjoy it when you've got teeny tiny hands it makes me a lot more approachable also i will always be carrying around sandwiches uh just to to give an offer to any man to see more attracted him right if it goes very well jimmy i might be ambitious with this one i've had a tattoo done that just says grateful for the opportunity catherine you recently celebrated your first anniversary how is married life going you're married your childhood sweetheart right yes i married him at the end of 2019. and when i say your childhood sweetheart you both knew each other at school it's not like you're going out with a much younger man no i've never dated any children i don't i don't know i don't really date anyone and then i just went back to the boyfriend i had when i was 15 because i everyone else [Laughter] and we're gonna mix things up a little bit let's play count upside down [Music] okay underneath your chairs there is a box with special goggles that make everything look upside down pop those on and then make your way to the podium i think you want us to walk around here yes yeah catherine catherine come around this way no i don't want to get okay i feel like we can't do this okay so all right catherine has obviously been walking most of the way you can't do it i'll die where's this movement who's that we can't see you well you can see if it's just upside down joe you're moving like there are things in real life joe you're this side i wish i hadn't done ecstasy will only count if you write it down am i in front of it yes you're in front of it that's it you're in exactly the right place catherine move across and your time starts what now yeah only counts if it's written now [Music] okay uh catherine how many seven seven okay and joe how many four four yes okay take your goggles off joe what's your word pint pint is a word and four's pretty good for you uh catherine uh what is your seven i had pelting or appealing uh seven points to catherine catherine you've lived in england for a while now what's the worst thing about living here um i think you're sometimes polite to a fault i was on a train with my partner he was eating a very garlicky korean barbecue burrito delicious but there was a lady across the way who just didn't really like the smell and um he's american so he's very rude and he didn't care but i've been here 10 years and i knew it was a problem so she's covering her face just like and i asked her excuse me is he bothering you and not in a like is he bothering you like not like i was asking anybody and uh she was like no no no no and she wouldn't admit it i had to rough her up quite a bit just say it just say it if it bothers you just say it and she was like it doesn't bother me she would not he's just eating his burrito like an idiot and then uh when we got off the train she said sorry to me what a this is difficult for me because in college and by college i mean hooters i was i was targeted by an inflataphiliac who tricked me into putting like clear bags down my like different again even talk about it um he challenged me to put he said if you put clear bags down here pinions and then like inflate them somehow if you can figure that out how to do it and take photos and email them to me then i'll give you three hundred dollars okay and i thought it was smart because i put these like clear plastic bags i went down to the petrol station i used like fake bombs and then i pumped them up so i had these huge legs and then i just did it for like weeks because i he kept challenging me like artichokes and then those pictures were on a website for people who get off on balloons and he still follows my like career and he still reaches out every once in a while and this is gonna be bad and if anyone's interested 300 did you get the money no you know what you want to be careful what you eat john genuinely because i've had stratus for like four days because i kissed my dog on the mouth and he definitely was eating fox poo so you got your little dog yes you kiss it fully on the mouth i kiss them right on the mouth i can't help it right and then and then i did it the other day and i was like whoa it was foxy i knew there was a problem and then i just you know went about my business but i have been violently ill until pretty much noon today and that's four days would you kiss a dog i kiss him every day it's been so hard for me not to kiss him if you saw him do you kiss your dogs of course no really might as well rim it okay the aim of this game is to go into the audience and pick out three different people whose ages you think add up to 140. yeah you cannot ask their age but you can ask them anything else catherine do you think you're gonna be good at this yeah sure i can sniff out people okay you're against the clock oh while you go how much time is it uh okay you got 30 seconds but you got a microphone hello have we met before nope no um do you have a slow cooker no damn you have a slow cooker it's your opening question yeah you go up you'll be good yep one that's one uh what about this lovely couple um do you do how do you feel about gay marriage yeah um and you sir immigrants uh both of these this lovely couple please come up you're bringing that couple are you a couple just uh my mascot is my ex-boyfriend your ex-boyfriend is here they're all here jimmy may i present to you my favorite one bobby so i brought a picture of bobby and me when we were little cute right this is genuinely you two age we were like 15 or 16 in that photo so this is a classic countdown you brought in a trophy you won at high school yeah well we were split up for 20 years then we got back together and everybody thinks it's a cute story it gives them a lot of hope and we thought we'd read um our breakup letter let's hear it let's see the breakup letter okay monday am i hurting you no you're good okay i'm slightly uncomfortable look how cute we were john this feels like every house party i was at okay monday june 19th 2000. okay bobby i'm gonna get right to the point parentheses about prom i know you saw me with the security guard sad face said you stormed off into the woods and kicked vince's tent i'm sorry that you were hurt but put yourself in my shoes please and imagine how deeply i was hurting after being dumped by the love of my life at prom why i've been a good girlfriend to you and you know i am getting my braces off in august maybe sooner if they have a cancellation so what the love cath and then i pass it to him and he wrote that okay kath really the prom party bouncer he's 31 years old and 285 pounds but now i realize for sure that we aren't supposed to be together it's funny you mentioned the future we're 17. i want my guitar back have fun with the bouncer why are you copying him i mean because he's in the right you made up with a school security guard so i wrote back bobby i was so wounded my world was ending i thought we were definitely finished otherwise i wouldn't have done what i did we can move forward even stronger but please think carefully because this opportunity will not be on the table for long i love you i will give you your guitar whatever happens all right i responded kath i don't know why i wanted to break up with you i just felt it was right there was no specific reason at all but i'm a man of my word and i have to stick with my feelings i'm sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted i don't know why i broke up with you but i've said it will so it will and then i wrote um can we still have sex at parties and i said no and that's the letter fingers on buzzers it's time for today's crucial countdown conundrum your time starts now [Music] oh my gosh downgrade let's have a look and see whether you're right catherine ryan everyone she believed in herself and she did it you
Channel: Channel 4
Views: 2,055,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Channel 4, All 4, #8OutOf10CatsDoesCountdown, Katherine Ryan, comedy, celebrity, late night talk show, comedy show, Jimmy Carr, game show, british, tv, countdown, Adam Buxton, Rachel Riley, anagram, Cardi B, Sean Lock, Joe Wilkinson, Jon Richardson, Richard Ayoade, Lee Mack, Joe Lycett, David Mitchell, Susie Dent, Talk Show, Competition, Quiz, The Duchess, Katherine Ryan The Duchess, Sketch Comedy, 8 Out Of 10 Cats, 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown, #AltogetherDifferent, Improv
Id: VUi8ebD-c28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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