Katherine Ruonala - Coming To God With Expectation - Glory City Church

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I came to worship tonight and just he's always happy to see us it's just they're always happy to see us I was encouraging our people are at the prophetic school on Monday night to use worship as an opportunity for a prophetic adventure with God every time you come God wants us to come with an expectation then we're going to encounter him in a fresh way you know we don't come and approach worship like oh I hope something happens I hope something happens but you come like the woman with the issue of blood and you say I am gonna touch him and virtue is gonna flow out of him I'm gonna be healed I'm gonna touch him I'm gonna encounter him I'm gonna see him in a fresh way and like Daniel in the Book of Daniel it says I looked and I saw he looked with expectation in his heart I'm looking with an expectation that you're gonna show me more and it says I looked again and I looked again and God shown into the end of time like how much do you want to look look and see look and see because I believe God is wanting to take you higher and higher I love those prophetic encouragement tonight to press in go deeper go further because God truly has laid a table before you and many have not even begun the main course hallelujah there is a banquet he's laid up before you in the presence of your enemies and he's saying come come and eat taste and see that the Lord is good eat of it take it you know that's not selfish that it pleases God because you are then partaking of the inheritance that he has given to you he wants you to to explore and know the fullness of His goodness toward you he wants you to know who he is he wants you to feel his heart he wants to break your heart with what breaks his he wants to show you that the amazing grace the amazing love that he has for you and it gets more and more glorious and as you look you know don't just be satisfied with just a little encounter but you know like it says when when Moses saw that the bush was burning he turned aside and when the Lord saw that it and aside he began to speak to him and it was out of that that he was commissioned and many times we miss the fullness of what God wants to do because we don't take time to look a little further to turn aside to look with an expectation and a hunger that God is gonna do more amen so I mean I always have I have lovely times with God and he knows exactly where I met he knows how to to to restore my soul hallelujah he'll speak words it'll just you'll just go where you may have been struggling with something all day long and and then in worship you begin to worship and he'll come and you'll just drop the answer in your heart and go first we think we are we're worrying with God more than a we're praying too often we think we're working it out with God but in fact we're just worrying it through with God and then when you come to worship Him o me because I love you here's the answer Oh anybody know what you I'm talking about yeah that's why I love worship God knows how to touch you better than anybody else can he knows how to heal your heart undo the knots hallelujah and he wants to speak to you and show you things to come and prepare you hallelujah he wants to show you things that are coming up and it wants to help you and excite you and help cause you to birth and conceive the things that he's showing you you know Lex at the very beginning of the service began to talk about the language of the Spirit and I want to share a little bit with you tonight on that on the language of the Holy Spirit I love to listen to what the Lord is saying and especially through the service we make the opportunity for people to share because we want to hear the full counsel of God we all prophesy in part but it's so good when you start to hear the different parts come in and you begin to hear what the Lord saying and it's just beautiful and it gives a fuller picture of what the Lord's doing I'm reading from Hebrews chapter 11 I've been encouraging all of our school students and all my interns and now I'm encouraging all of you to make a habit of memorizing the Word of God I just love it Pastor Joel get up and you it'll just sprout out of him and you know the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance the Word of God planted in you but you've got to be involved in that it's so powerful my interns know every time we get together I'm going to hear what they're memorizing some of them will memorize a whole chapter that's Adam and nobody wants to go after Adam even if it's just a just one verse that's really resonating with you as you commit it to memory the Holy Spirit can bring it back to your remembrance at the right time so that you can wage war with it hallelujah so that you can encourage someone else with it so I it's not a religious thing it is a powerful thing to do if you can get the Word of God on the inside of you but many would you would have this already memorized Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good testimony faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen I wanted to share with you a little quote from young eacho biggest church in the world at the moment he says here are talking about prayer he says get a clear-cut goal and objective have a desire that burns to the boiling point and then pray until you have the substance the assurance then begin to speak the word about which you've been given assurance and I like that you know we don't have to twist God's arm when we come to pray that is not the purpose of it but we do need to press through until we get that oh that assurance that you go yes hallelujah I feel it I've got this substance on the inside the assurance yes God's gonna do this hallelujah and God wants to give it to you so the out of that place you can begin to make declarations it's like Abraham and Sarah can you imagine a 90 something year old man and his and his wife his wife calling out to him father of many nations when they had no children at all and if there's something very powerful about when we're making declarations speaking out those things that be not God had him look up at the stars so that he had something tangible to to look at because the language of the spirit is in visions and dreams and God wanted Abraham to get a vision of what this promise was gonna look like something tangible on the inside oh I can see it now you know God has actually given you your imagination your imagination is not a bad thing a lot of people are always saying oh I don't know when it comes to the prophetic if it's my imagination or not your imagination is the screen that the Spirit of God works through hallelujah it's the screen that he wants to ride on depending on who writes on it will be dependent on whether it's good or evil and when you come to God and you say Lord here here I am you've given me the mind of Christ I'm asking you for something good God will write on the screen of your imagination and in the same way it's this language of the Spirit God is speaking to us in dreams I'm having some really wild encounters in dreams actually going to countries and also I'm waking up in the morning I'm Tom I just had a I the other night I had a dream I was in India and I was it was like whoa interesting stuff that God was doing but God speaks in our in our literal dreams but he also speaks in your daydreams and he speaks in visions and he wants us to be looking and seeing and getting a picture of it I remember when I am years ago I was waking up in the mornings with very stiff fingers and I used to I'd immediately start to panic and think oh no my mother had terrible arthritis with great big swollen knuckles and my first thought was oh no maybe this is her thright is coming in my knuckles and the next thought was no that is not the will of God and so I took that thought that was exalting itself against the knowledge of Christ you see in Christ hallelujah I am healed so that thought was trying to exalt itself in in my mind so I took that thought captive and I cast it down and then I used the language of the Spirit by imagining myself as a 90 year old woman with these supple fingers able to put my rings on playing the piano getting my nails done I got a good imagination and the next morning woke up still had some stiffness immediately bang took that one cast it down and I went Lord I just imagining myself Lord according to your will I see it this is your will that I will not have any form of sickness that I will have supple fingers that I able to play the piano and my ring spit on very easily I'll never have to get them resized it'll just be lovely every morning I did that for five days that was ten years ago I'm had any form of arthritic pain ever since hallelujah you see there's power that comes when you start to step up and recognize and remember who you are you see you are now seated in heavenly places with God but we got to do something with that that glorious position God wants you to wake up and be fully aware fully awake to the privilege that you now have to the power the greatness of the power toward us who believe you have power to to create hallelujah you have power to change things and it's a power it's a wonderful thing as you come before God and you say Lord I want to see your your will done it's not a matter of your words Jesus says when you come to pray don't don't pray like the pagans do and think you're gonna be heard because of them the many words that you've got but begin surpri gonna pray according to the will of God recognizing are you my daddy God you're my father your will be done speaking it with declarations making the declarations of God and expecting him to do what he says you'll do amen God is wanting us to be like he is and that is to conceive it in our imagination and to speak it out I'm with my with my interns they know about this that I just make these random statements quite frequently I'll just I'll make it I'll make a declaration calling those things that be not as though they are like um you know I'm going to Iceland and they'll go well with me I'll say God told me I am hallelujah and I go yeah okay we're playing the game and we call it the game where we're just speaking these promises of God we're declaring those things as so they be not I remember when I was traveling overseas and I had to get a warm coat I bought the coat and as I bought it I went this is my Iceland coach I haven't been to Iceland yet but Cindy Jake has prophesied I was going so I've got my Iceland coat every time I put this coat on this is my Iceland coat people in England said that's a nice warm coat I said yes this is my Iceland coat hallelujah I did this before I was ever preaching God had spoken to me that I was going to preach so I am the next time I went to buy a suit I went it was back in the days when preachers wore suits um I brought a suit and I went this is my preaching suit hallelujah because I had a picture on the inside I knew God had said it and I just wanted to come into agreement with him you might think I'm mad but I tell you it works God God is wanting us to recognize that we have power when we when we come to the place I've got an assurance I know this is what God is saying and you refuse to let in the other thoughts the other doubts but you fix your eyes and say thank you you are so very faithful father I believe it and you begin to expect it what's it gonna look like when you're praying for unsaved relatives instead of worrying and thinking about what they're like imagine what they're going to be like hallelujah imagine them saved imagine them worshiping God and out of that place of assurance whoo-hoo that's exciting begin to rejoice about those things that you haven't yet seen seeing or burying you who've not born hallelujah so that you can begin to rejoice and go wow this is awesome thank you God I have it in the spirit and as you say as you have it the substance then you can begin to speak it out and see it activated amen
Channel: Glory City Church
Views: 8,241
Rating: 4.9619045 out of 5
Keywords: Katherine Ruonala, Glory City Church, Glory City TV, Jesus, Christ, God, Love, Church, Bible, Gospel, Revival, Miracles, Brisbane, Holy Spirit
Id: SNcpF7kFiHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2013
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