Kate McKinnon Breaks Down Her Rudy Giuliani Impression

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-A lot to talk about, because you just got nominated for your fifth Emmy award? [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ -That's crazy. -Isn't that crazy? Isn't that cool? -That's really crazy. -You had a fantastic -- but you're up against some of your co-stars and your pals. -Yes! -Leslie Jones. -Yes! -Aidy Bryant. -Whoo! -Kenan Thompson. -Y-e-e-es! -Are you -- -My friends! [ Laughter ] -Are you -- You're not competitive in that way, right? -I am just so excited for my friends. God, I love my friends. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Good friends and colleagues, wow. I'm so happy. -Do you hang out with -- Do you hang out with them outside of the show? 'Cause I know, on "SNL," when I was there, I would just stay -- you spend so much time together that when you got time off, you're like, "I'm good." -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -Do you ever go back to their families and do stuff? Do you hang out with, like -- -I hang with Leslie sometimes. Leslie -- We like to go on adventures. We -- Our most recent was to The Met. -Wow. -We went to the Knight in Shining Armor room. -Ooh, wow. -And we found a friend, who we did a lot of bits about who had, um... What would we call it? I guess an upturned codpiece. -Okay, yeah, yeah. I understand, yeah. -And so, for my birthday, she sent me a picture of it in a beautiful Tiffany frame. -That's so interesting. I've never seen anything like that in my lifetime. -So, she loves to do a Tiffany frame for a birthday, and she loves to get them engraved. So this one says, "Knight of the Protected Penis." -Yeah. [ Laughter ] Just a very interesting thing. I've never seen anything like that. -And there's the codpiece, as you see. You know, Leslie loves to do a dirty Tiffany frame. [ Laughter ] -A dirty Tiffany frame. -Yeah, she had to call and yell at them. and said, "Please print the words that I'd like you to print on the Tiffany frame." [ Laughter ] -It's so funny to see you as you because you do so many great impressions on "Saturday Night Live" that you're always under makeup, and you look totally different. So when I see you as you, I'm so happy. It's refreshing. Yeah, I miss you, yeah. -This is me. -But when I was -- Last time I saw you, we did a cold-open sketch, and you were Rudy Giuliani. -Oh, my gosh. And you were Jared Kushner. -Yeah. -God, I love that Jared Kushner. -No, no. -The definitive Kushner of this or any generation. -That's you. That's Kate McKinnon. [ Laughter ] -Yeah. -That's you. I mean, did you realize that you could do Rudy Giuliani? -Well, so, you know, ÷Lorne is always poo-pooing impression ideas, 'cause he says we don't look enough like the person. -Yeah. -And this was his idea. And I was like... -"You think I look like Rudy?" -..."What are you saying to me, Daddy?" -Yeah. -But then, you know, it was like -- it was -- it was an idea on a Thursday, and we had to do it on a Saturday. -Did you have a Rudy Giuliani? -I did not have Rudy Giuliani. -[ Laughs ] You did not. Nothing at all. -I didn't have that at the dress rehearsal. -You did at the dress rehearsal. I was like, "Wait. I didn't know if she's gonna get this or what." -Thank you. Thank you for being honest. -Yeah. -I didn't have it. -No, you didn't have it. Well, it was such a big sketch. There was so many of us. I thought if I do bad, they'll just cut me, great. But then, they didn't cut me, and I was like, "Oh, my gosh. I guess I'll just go look dumb on TV." -No. -"My favorite." -Dude, you -- you were unbelievable. I saw you. You were sitting there. 'Cause I think -- I don't even know if your dressed in -- You know what I'm talking about? At dress rehearsal, you were great, but the regular rehearsal, you just had kind of a fat-suit thing on or something or a bald cap half on or something? And everyone's moving around -- -That was in my clothes, and it was my hair. [ Laughter ] -Yeah, right. Okay, good. -That's your memory of it. -No, it was not -- -I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. -I know. But you're doing that, and you're getting it, and I was like, "That's interesting. That's her move for Giuliani. That's interesting." -Yeah, yeah. -As the show kind of happened, you kind of moved your fingers around, your arm around, your hand, and your eyes. -Well, he just -- In this one interview, he was just moving his hands like this. [ Laughter ] And you have to find something, so I just chose to... make that the thing. -It was unbelievable. -Well, thank you. -And you crushed it. I was like, "Oh, my goodness." -Thank you. And you with the Kush -- a very, very beautiful Jared Kushner. -Yeah, no. Of course, please. But we don't get to see you now during the summer, 'cause "Saturday Night Live" is off, but you figured out a way to let us see more of you. You're in a movie -- a big, giant movie. -It's a movie. -Opening up. [ Cheers and applause ] "The Spy..." -It's called "The Spy Who Dumped Me." -"The Spy Who Dumped Me." -It's me and Mila Kunis... -Mila Kunis is fantastic, as well. -...who's the very best. -So, Mila is -- I don't want to spoil anything. But, basically, she was dating a spy. -Yeah, yeah. Dumped. -Dumped. And then, she -- You guys have to finish the mission. -Yeah, yeah. Two regular gals get sucked into this, like, international espionage adventure. And we're not prepared, okay? [ Laughter ] -I want to show everyone a clip. Here is Kate McKinnon and Mila Kunis in "The Spy Who Dumped Me." Take a look at this. -Henshaw, my office. -[ Inhales loudly ] What? Wait, wait. This is your -- you're the boss? We have a real-life Judi Dench in our midst. You are the boss and yet, you have not sacrificed one ounce of femininity. Why have we been spending all of this time talking to the men when this...being has been floating through the halls of the building? Oh, my God. -That's a complement. -That is the Beyoncé of the government. -Duffer, stay here. -I have so much respect for you that it has circled around into objectification. Ma'am!
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 1,648,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Rudy Giuliani, Impressions, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Kate McKinnon, Kate McKinnon interview, Ghostbusters, Kate McKinnon on Fallon, Saturday Night Live, Rough Night, Office Christmas Party
Id: jl0uUuwtS7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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