Kasson, MN to Walcott, IA -- heading to MI

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right well it's november november 18th i'm just about fixing to leave as they say in alabama [Music] come on okay the headset is connected here's my headset we connected my american phone yeah i just signed up with a new broker and these guys were easy they didn't want me to go online and spend 30 minutes you know my life filling out the pre-filled uh fields basically all the information they they still wanted to go over and click yes okay next next it takes forever this guy says no just send us your package so okay so i sent him my mc number my cvr number from canada i sent him my insurance i said you want generic insurance or customize with you as a certificate holder and he's like oh what do you mean generic and then i explain he says okay yeah regular just if we need customized one i'll i'll ask you and so we agreed on a rate well actually i couldn't argue with them they gave me a rate which was okay for the weight because it's very it's like 15 000 pounds but you know i could not find anything else okay where's iowa 80 come on [Music] it should be pre-chrome pre-programmed already here here we go i o 80. that's my next stop so i'm gonna go there and i've been sitting at the truck stop using my own wi-fi because i couldn't find them and they don't have their own and uh and this guy says i'm sending you the rake information shortly so i'm sitting there one hour hour and a half and that's it i want to leave because i want to be at iowa 80 you know go take a shower stuff like that and it's uh almost 400 clicks so it'll take me more than four hours you know and as soon as i press the button to start recording to leave right my phone beeps and there's an email and they say please provide us please provide us your banking information for payment like nobody ever said anything about them paying me i thought i'd be using my um my um my factoring company because actually i checked their credit and uh surprise they approved their pre-approved so they have good credit it's some kind of a big broker from quebec and they say they've been in business for like since 1981 you know for a change and i mentioned in the previous video so yeah that's the challenge with uh with this canadian load board is that it takes longer to book a load because many brokers are not licensed and they're just carriers and so and so i'm very careful about who i'm trying to deal with and i went i dropped my trailer i went across the road the price is still 359 which i know at iowa 80 it was 379 and even in my favorite place in marysville michigan it was 369 so this is the cheapest i've seen so far in u.s and so i went there and i i filled up i filled up both tanks [Music] and then i came back and i um i dropped the suspension i put a board under that tire there somewhere there because yeah no reason to run with all the you know four tires on the ground right and i can [Applause] and i can raise this guy like this ah before i leave it because of course as soon as i start driving these broker the broker will start sending me messages so i think let me just call them to make sure we're on the same page i need to ask them how how long they take to pay yeah so the lady replied back 30 days they pay after 30 days and i replied too long i'll use my factoring company for this they pay me after delivery you pay them after 30 days how's that 30 days my ass all right which way are we going here all right alright [Music] 300 meters turn left west ramp onto the montana turn right onto the ramp to us-14 east then merge on the us-14 east kilometers so so empty guy running with lights yeah some guy just called me uh another broker from quebec says i have some local work in ontario a couple of pieces one piece is 161 000 pounds can you handle something like that 161 000 pounds i said no i only have 10 axles but i guess that's not enough so that just proves the point that you never have the right equipment you know like you you will have a hundred time trailer somebody will call you and say um can you load 200 000 pounds no wait actually wait 200 000 that's kind of top no let's say you have a i don't know 50 ton trailer and then somebody calls you and says hey we have a hundred thousand pounds but we're not sure it can be 105 110 you know okay hold on i gotta i gotta pay attention here so i need uh 14 east uh okay that one yeah 52.63 and i'm not sure why google just looks like the faster ways to go on some backward roads why i cannot stand sick on 63 because as soon as i turn i take this exit and it's basically kind of like a dual highway 14 and 52. like your triple highway and 63 and then i just stay on 63. what's the big deal you know whenever possible i don't care if i i'm gonna lose one minute and 15 and 15 seconds according to google right i try to stay on the same highway to make it easy because you know if i was local probably i would do some shortcuts right but since i'm from ontario canada right i just try to stick to one route which is easy in case i'm lost or something and so this is so this is rochester rochester minnesota so now i'm going south and east on 14 52 63 is the right lane 52 south 63. and 63 it's a u.s highway and so i don't like this other route it's sending me on [Music] i think i drove here actually yeah last time i was in these parts wow 15 miles per hour these guys are nicely parked and i have a yield sign i think i was sleeping on the job because there were cars going across otherwise i would have to wait okay so now we are on yeah i'm not doing that like it wants me to go on some crazy 11th avenue southeast forget it yeah i'm just gonna take 63 all the way south and 63 connects with i380 at the bottom there and then i take 380 south east towards 80 and that's it and my destination for the day iowa 80 truck stop is in uh or near rather walcott iowa on 80. so that's what i meant by saying that you know i prefer to keep things simple even though i can lose a couple of minutes but especially when you're from out of town or out of the state it helps to you know stick to one route so it's perfectly nice you know yellow color which means this this is a big highway it's not like a white line okay where is it oh it's still a few miles down okay this is uh 14 east bran branches off over here 14 east and now now we have two highways 52 and 63. okay 63 63 where are you where are you hiding now if you were highway 63 where would you be oh oh i think we are in trouble i see a sign 15 11 maximum height and then underneath it says shoulder only so that means we okay because 15 11 on the shoulder but it's higher higher on the main main section and it was minus two celsius in the morning 29 half now it's minus one so things are warming up soon we're gonna see people in shorts and t-shirts actually as i was sitting in the truck stop just checking my load board one last time oh and that's uh 63 right in this lane this lane leaves exit 51 63 south perfect and so as i was uh checking my load board one last time on my computer sitting inside the truck stop i saw a sheriff a local sheriff walking outside and he just had his uniform but it was short sleeves man it's like minus 2 29 f and these guys are walking around in short sleeves man so better better not mass better not mess with that sheriff department you know yeah i'm pretty sure this is what i took last time as well i took the 63 i was going empty towards i think ohio or michigan something like that sana [Music] which way am i going 63 that's stupid google maps you know it's 63 63 this way which one is this turn turn turn straight or left for frontage road i think it's this one yeah because i went to ride oh yeah broadway avenue it's this way that's broadway avenue okay we're good to go but you know never hurts to check right because i'll be going till the next intersection [Music] 63. talkers and that's it so now we just stay on this 63 all the way to 380. 91 kilometers an hour 56 miles per hour we should be there probably in a couple of hours and i remember this truck stop this is where i spend the night before delivery in minnesota but not this time last time lots of parking you know beautiful and this is a small town i forgot the name but it's like the first town on 63 when you uh when you enter from minnesota i was just chatting to my friend the broker and he's an edmonton and it's much colder over there so now we're at plus one plus one so 33 f head southeast on main street u.s highway 63 south toward preston street beautiful 108 kilometers somewhere so i don't have to worry about anything you see i'm on the same highway i'm not doing any oh check this out cool an old pickup truck [Music] so i took the turn and google maps got kind of confused kilometers and started sending me back to the main road to the 63. and this is exactly the route i took last time when i was coming back to iowa 80 empty because yeah this way you go around waterloo and it's a good road and there's no signs you know some of these small roads it'll say no trucks but here everything is cool and right where you jump on 390. there's a bunch of truck stops and i i think it's called evansdale evansdale iowa so now we just go east used for five clicks to elk run road elk run road and that should take me right down to flying j i think they have a danny's in there we'll see so it's 18 18 clicks and 11 miles from here so we're going east and then south and the temperature is at zero c or 32 f and the sky is all gloomy and nasty and it's about to snow oh i saw in iowa when i entered iowa i started driving in 63 i saw something amazing i saw the diesel price it was i'm pretty sure it was a casey's uh casey's general store it was below 3.5 per gallon it's been a while since i saw i think it was like 335 us a gallon and i filled up at 3 59 this morning so farmers are taking it easy today i did see some big vehicles you know like agricultural machinery uh driving on the road on 63 like a couple of big combines all right i think the turn is somewhere here yeah i think that's the road over there it goes like this 600. continue on i saw a small sign like a truck stop or something i wanted to go inside i use the bathroom and and i see the pylons on this side basically no entry but i see trucks inside and then i realized that those trucks are they all have the same company name on the door and so and i see a guy cutting cutting concrete in front of the building and there's no pumps all the pumps are removed even though the science has uh uh gas and diesel price it says restaurant you know so some trucking company took over this little gas station and as i'm leaving i'm going back some guy in a in a blue pickup truck says hey you wanted something i'm guessing he's the owner i said no i thought it was open no no open open where are you from like man i hate when as soon as you know they hear some uh slightly strange accent where are you from i said canada and the guy oh no no europe europe right yeah okay somewhere here somewhere here is the flanging dubuque road 1.4 clicks i'm not sure why i should have just gone straight to flynn g but so it's somewhere here that's going to be an interesting turn and oh and i just passed the the plant where they make uh you know all this green green machinery like like john deere i saw the place where trucks were loading it's right on this road turn left are you sure sometimes you gotta take the advice okay 380 go left all right yeah okay and straight there's a side says no trucks well so now it's easy so trucks can only go this way because this is the truck route and over there the speed limit is 25 miles per hour that's never good that means that you're going downtown yeah see so we're turning this way i don't think flying g will be somewhere right off this road oh no you got a turn okay oh yeah so you follow the signs for uh 380 because flying j is right next to 380 but to get to three eight you have to take this next uh next turn because if you don't you'll go [Music] yeah if you don't take this turn yes you two 380 it says go straight oh 380 this way let's say so that's a bit confusing and this one is a truck route but looks like we don't have any allow turn on the red signal because there's an arrow i gotta wait till that arrow turns green here we go [Music] and there should be a ta and i think uh road what is called roadmaster no oh check this out 335 diesel oh yeah i wish i knew this oh road ranger and these guys have a restaurant but i think i'll go here oh i think i remember this one this is not a very good flying j because it's it's pretty small [Music] shoot i should have stopped over there at the road ranger like this one it's a cluster you know what yeah now i remember this one i had the same issue i think last time i was here i came in and i was looking for a place to turn around you see these guys are just sitting on the road because they're waiting for waiting for a pump to open and this guy just fell asleep so the guy the guy behind him went forward [Music] uh [Music] uh so [Music] i hate this flying j so i'm going back to the road range forget this vs [Music] uh beautiful ten times bigger look at this people are killing themselves over there nice but that guy was funny right the guy in the flatbed just fell asleep right in front of the entrance inconveniencing everybody and just talking on the phone what are you talking about [Music] i don't like that some kind of a garbage on the ground it can be nails [Music] so that's it they can't break and from here let's say continue how far is uh highway 185 clicks so it should take me they say basically two hours so i'll be there at 2 30 local time perfect well my quick break is over i went inside they don't have a restaurant actually they do have a restaurant but i don't want to stay there too long so [Music] i was trying to find some burgers because usually surprisingly actually at truck stops have pretty decent you know burgers but these guys still had only the breakfast kind of like you know sausage and cheese and [Music] an egg kind of a deal like a tiny baby's sandwiches so i went to [Music] to the subway also inside i got me some spicy italian six inch beauty i like that one so now we just need to get to yeah i see these guys over here they're all following the same john deere actually a guy offered me this there was a load on the american load board but it was 250 a mile 250 a mile and i said maybe you should try putting it inside the dry van then maybe you can you can put it inside a drive and maybe you can um this guy didn't even wave nothing and i remember this place i also spent a few a few a few days here and i remember over here they had a cool looking uh freightliner and i remember i took pictures i was walking around here and i was driving that way in a bobcat pop bop tail okay 380 in north now we need south which way this way over here they have a small hotel arby's mcdonald's and actually you can if you're a small truck you can pocket mcdonald's see another guy with a john deere and so yeah that load was cheap because it was uh the guy said it was 30 000 pounds but still thousand miles on an igm for for 2500 us thank you but no thank you and check this out even flying j which is usually pretty greedy the price is 335 a gallon so i overpaid 20 cents this morning [Music] that's it so from here is gonna be uh easy sailing down to 80. south so in two hours i'll be at the iowa 600 80. [Music] going 91 clicks an hour my fuel mileage was somewhere around 36 liters 400 kilometers and we have an oversized some kind of a cool what is that oh it's an off-road dump trailer check this out and the guy has a globe trailer yeah i think over here i'm gonna set up my cruising speed at 60 miles an hour 97 clicks an hour and that puts me pretty much at 1400 rpm one four zero zero that's how you know that i run a 391 exo ratio because if i had 410 at 60 miles an hour it would be around 1450. but i got big tires right that's what oh yeah i remember this bridge i dropped my trailer and i bopped tail there and i remember standing on this bridge and i was taking pictures pictures and i did a video over here so this was a waterloo iowa yeah it's funny that my dozer guy disappeared a guy wanted me to move a dozer from toronto to new jersey we agreed on the price we agreed how i'll be paid because my factoring company said yeah they're not you know too good but they're okay well we'll do it because the amount was not too big and then this guy says well my customer is out of the country he said it it might take a while to get to get connected but he says once i hear back from him i'll send you the raid confirmation and that was like yesterday i think around two o'clock in the afternoon time now is uh too local i haven't heard from the guy at all but then this morning unexpectedly i i saw the reply to my yesterday's email to one of the brokers on the canadian load board they didn't answer yesterday but now i see a message saying that yeah you know it pays this much which is not too bad and then it took him like six hours but finally i got the raid confirmation when i stopped for lunch i saw the rake confirmation so i i signed it and i noticed as usual they made a mistake in my name because my legal name is spelled differently from the trade name from the dba name so quite often what they do is they combine them together so i don't know why i did this why i spelled my my name in a kind of like a straight way colloquial way and that confuses everybody so i try to avoid using my trade name because it it uh it's spelled differently than my legal name which is my full name company name and so i signed the rank information sent it back and then i emailed them but i said guys i warned you about this i ask you not please do not mix two names you cannot take one part from the trade name and add it to my legal name what they do and and this guy did exactly the same that's what the rake information had my my full legal name the way it's spelt on the door no on the side of the sleeper and then they added heavy hole and that's not correct and and i knew something like this would happen right and the guy says ah actually i look at my email he says in my email i spelt your name correctly it's the the accounting the accounting when they were setting up your name so i emailed the accounting i said please you know remove the trade name just use my full name to avoid confusion and the lady writes back she says i have to use what's your insur what's on your insurance certificate so i look at my insurance certificate it's exactly how it should be it's my full name and then second line says dba trade name and that those four four words sergey dreisha heavyhold and so and she says i wrote what was on your certificate which is basically people are in a hurry you know they make mistakes so i called her and i said just take off the dba the trade name just use my full name okay i said merci bonjour thank you goodbye because then quebec so monday i'm loading in michigan and i'll be going to montreal that's the only thing i was able to find now i got tired of sitting there and this one the good thing about this load is that it's very light it's only 15 000 pounds but you know it still pays something the uh the credit rating of the broker is good my factory company loves them so i'll be able to get paid right after i deliver but yeah i was hoping to get that dozer you know because it would be a cool it would be a cool load and i don't i don't do too many dozers and well if the guy if the guy comes back to life i'll tell them i can do it after i come back from montreal because chances are i'll be coming back empty uh maybe not now that i have this canadian load board oh by the way this is the first load uh i think was in two months that i signed up for this overpriced canadian load board this is the first load i'm doing for them and the guy is a properly licensed broker they've been in business since 1981 so the factoring uh credit rating is excellent and and the rate was okay you know so now i set up with them as a as a carrier so i hope to do more loads with them in the future oh and i got set up with that conveyor belt uh that the broker that was trying me trying to get me to move that conveyor belt they also very nice company they're huge company with excellent credit rating you know and so i'm gonna save the email and their phone numbers for the future uh reference and hopefully i'll work with them again with the the conveyor belt uh lady and and and this uh french guys so yeah i think it's some kind of a ac unit or something it's something that it's but i did not notice at first but it is slightly oversized so i still need the basic permit in michigan because it's 104 inches wide you know like the height is okay the weight is okay but it's just couple of inches one inch on each side and i'm gonna check the wrecks the regulations see if i if i see if i even need a permit because some states they say if you're under nine feet it's not even considered oversized so i'll have to check that and on in ontario i'm okay because i have an annual permit no matter what and not sure about quebec i'll have to check the i'll have to check their rules too like you know it's a ridiculous situation to spend money on a permit when you're 104 inches wide and 15 000 pounds you
Views: 7,918
Rating: 4.9332094 out of 5
Keywords: trucking, transport, logistics, Sergei Dratchev, heavy haul, kenworth, fontaine, rgn, lowboy, truck, trailer, 60 ton RGN, canada, dodge, Dodge Charger r/t Daytona, charger, hemi, 5.7 L V8
Id: q-h9K29Uq7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 58sec (3718 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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