KASM: Isolated Disposable Remote Workspace Via Your Browser

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hey guys what's going on it's Don here from Nova Spirit Tech and welcome back to our Channel and today I got this really cool software to show you guys which is isolated remote workspaces by Chasm so let's get started [Music] so technically I would consider this as a virtual machine but I use that term very Loosely because this is actually a Docker and container setup the way I would break down what this software is is basically uh disposable isolated remote workspace that you can stream through your browser now I did also meet with the guys who actually created this piece of software and they are really cool guys I wish I recorded that session but man they are really cool so they're basically a group of guys who work together in network security went their ways and then later on came back together to create this software how I stumbled across it is I was actually in the process of creating something similar to what they had already but nowhere near as good trust me on that I tried to figure it out but this software is like fine-tuned I always have one isolated environment in my network setup just so when I'm doing some research or clicking on some suspicious links I could throw it into this isolated VM and if something was to happen I could just restore a snapshot take that idea in mind and they just basically did that with steroids instead of having to emulate a full desktop which you can they also have just the software installation or if you just need a tour browser or Edge browse or whatever it is they just have that instance instead of having to emulate the full desktop which makes it so much easier to use now this is geared towards more corporate environments and I would say teaching institutes especially teaching institutes like schools and stuff so imagine you have a classroom of 30 kids who are trying to learn blender or trying to learn vs code or something like that and in order to get the supporting hardware for each computer say like eight gigs of RAM or 16 gigs of RAM with an I3 or an i5 you're going to be costing a lot of money just to get 30 computers for that one classroom so imagine replacing all those computers using thin clients or even Raspberry Pi anything that supports a browser and then all you have to do is just log into the chasm server and you could deploy as as many remote workspaces as you need what's crazy cool about this is yes you can transfer files between them but if somebody was to misclick something or go to the wrong link or destroy data or something like that it's isolated you could just redeploy it within 10 seconds and you have the same desktop as you started off with there are a couple of additions for it you can actually deploy yourself since it's open source you can run your own operating system deploy this in your own home server or you can have them host everything for you like Cloud because they have all the hardware that you need and it keeps everything up to date so if you're a teaching Institute that don't want to run your own Hardware or a corporate office that don't want to run your own Hardware you can have them post everything for you now I'm going to be showing you guys my installation which is on my home server and it's very easy to get up and going first off you need a base operating system it could be a regular desktop or it could be a virtual machine something that you could run either Ubuntu Fedora or Centos and once you install the based operating system you can download the script from their website which is is right over here and I could just go to resources Community Edition you can download their script which will run the installer and grab all the docker and set up the environment for you now setting that up from scratch took about 20 to 30 minutes to download everything and get all the environments up and going but once you do you will be presented with this desktop you log in through the browser and I am going to show you guys the user part and here we go this itself has all these VMS that you could just deploy so if I wanted to say run a full desktop Ubuntu Jammy click on it launch session now I'm not even going to speed through this I'm just going to let everything go and within probably 10 seconds desktop is fully booted that is it this is my Ubuntu desktop and if I wanted to say oops I deleted this icon or I went to a website or changed something or like I said if I deleted all this stuff all I have to do is go back delete the session redeploy it and it'll be like I never left it's everything comes back to where it was from before and nothing's changed it's basically disposable I know if something goes wrong with it I could just restore it within the click and I'm telling you the boot time on these are like within 10 seconds and I'm not even using a super fast uh virtual machine right now if I was to tell you my virtual machine is running off um a commercial grade CPU it's not Xeon or anything if I could show you summary yeah there you go I'm running off an i5 eighth generation this is not even built for running VMS I just put it on this Mini PC and that's what I'm using and it runs that fast off this type of Hardware now you can and actually enable microphone and your webcam to be proxied over to the VM this way you could use zoom or use a telegraph or whatever it wants to your video sessions which is really cool they also have a way to transfer your game controller and stuff because they do have some experimental GPU stuff working on these desktops so you can actually play some games with it and you could pass through your controller I've seen it happen I haven't tried it myself but I've seen it happen and it's really cool say I want to go to Google Chrome boots right up I could go to say youtube.com audio will also pass right through so you don't have a problem with that and I'm using Firefox I think it works a little bit better with Chrome I just gotta say but it works with Firefox as well I've tried both the browsers and say if I'm gonna let me see if I can click on something let's um I don't know click on this relaxing music whatever it is you can actually stream video through their streaming technology I mean it's not frame to frame you might have one or two skip Prints but it it's possible playing games means it's possible too I mean like I said you might have some drop frames because you are running some sort of media through the browser but the technology that they put together to get the streaming working works so well and that's the part I couldn't figure out when I was creating my own thing how do you stream this smooth through the browser now another thing is that say you have files that you want to transfer or upload I'm gonna go here and let's say I wanted to do go to my website I'm gonna grab something I don't know at the HTML as soon as I hit save it goes to the download folder and in this download folder let's see how it has like these things I could just head over here and click on the download and I could download exactly what's in those things so if I was to download here it'll actually download to my browser so that's how you are able to transfer files you can also upload files so if I want to upload something back into that area I could just go to open the folder here and let's say I wanted to transfer an image okay so I'm going to upload click here or you could drag it over I'm going to go to my downloads and then I'm just going to where is that picture I had here we go I'll picture that one sent over which is a PNG open it uploads over to that area and all I have to do is go over to the upload folder and there's my picture now if I wanted to can I set it as wallpaper yeah set it as wallpaper there you go I mean it's not going to save the wallpaper but the point is you can actually transfer files from and there just so if you're working with something you are able to transfer files now I'm gonna get out of here and go back to my workspaces it still runs like I could hit resume and I'll go back to the desktop as soon as possible but if I wanted to like destroy it and completely start from scratch I could just go to delete and then recreate it now what I use most in this instance is tor I use this a lot and I'm going to show you why in a second because they have a really cool extension I use teams because Linux teams don't work very well so I am forced to use this one which works out pretty well I just literally did a meeting with this yesterday I also use a Chrome browser filezilla and that's about it those are the four that I mainly use I don't even jump into a desktop because I already have a Ubuntu desktop but if you needed to test something you can oh and I've also tested vs code just so if I needed some Auto completion when I'm doing a quick python thing I could just you know throw up a vs code on here now what you see here is basically everything here is Deployable I could click on it and it'll open and also there are about another 10 or 15 more VMS that I didn't even unlock you could just enable it this is they're not all enabled so there are more than just what meets the eye you can say now if I wanted to go say I'm going to go into Google okay you know what this is perfect um this is something with the moon I'm going to right click and open link in Chasm that's basically the extension that I'm using it'll automatically deploy the Tor Browser into a new tab that I set it to a new tab and it runs it in this environment and that way if I had a suspicious link all I had to do was just right click run in Chasm and it'll send the link over to the VM or the container and it'll run everything through here through a Tor Browser not just a normal browser so if I was to check ifsconfig.co this will actually not have my IP address and I'll have I don't know I'm in Europe apparently with the Tor Browser so that's how well this works and I use this a lot if I'm like I said suspicious about a link or if I'm checking for something or if I need to look up something that I know is suspicious you know just the Googling the term I would just throw it right into the chasm workspace this is all isolated and if I need to I could either a go back to my workspaces and leave that and check it out later or I could delete it not have a worry in my mind that it's going to come back to haunt me so that's the biggest reason why I use this a lot I I think I use this at least five to six times a day even more depending because if I'm doing some research on network security stuff I would just throw it into here it's just so common that I do it now with that extension it's just so easy now I'm going to pop out of this because this is the user environment and I'm going to show you guys the admin part you can create different local users and rename them but here I'm going to show you guys this is what you would normally see in the admin panel obviously there is the dark mode but I didn't enable it but you can see that image uses Ubuntu they have all the statistics for everybody you can see that I use the Tor Browser sometimes I use Edge Ubuntu Jammy you could see I just turned that on but I do use that and run it but teams I was using as well basically you can see all the instances and you can see how much memory it was used how much RAM I gave it so this machine the virtual machine that I have I only gave it four gigs of RAM which just not many and I'm still able to run it at the speed that it is you can go over to users set up new users if you want I got two of them like this you can set up different groups so if you've got developer group software Group whatever students you could change them all to groups so they have specific permissions for specific things agents I only have one instance so you could if you have multiple Chasm instance you could go through the agents and basically have a manager for all of them different zones I have not played around with this but I think this has to be related with the agents and managers I think I need to have at least more than one installation to test out some of these things oh one thing I forgot to mention you can cast everything so if I'm on Ubuntu Jammy or if I'm on the browser and I want to show another student something or I want to pull a student's information or if I wanted to show my friend certain things I'm doing I can literally cast the desktop to another computer or another browser or even to a TV you could just test that instance which is really cool you have sessions which is none because I you know got rid of all my sessions here's the interesting part which is the images now I'm going to deploy open this up and go to say 50. you could see they're not enabled there's actually atom audacity Cuda development Deluge if you want to do some torrenting they have Doom the game inkscape like there's a whole bunch of them that I didn't even enable what I could do is just go into there go to edit and then hit this enable Mark and it'll actually allow whoever the user is to have access to the Doom container and they could actually just play around with it now if you're a developer you can actually set up some API keys and you can monitor everything if you want don't want to use their dashboard and you wanted to use some other things you can set this up over here you have web filters so if you wanted to block specific you know websites or domains you could just do it through here so all the domains would be blocking that specific list branding obviously is something you will need to purchase with them to get add your own logo if you're a corporate environment that needs a logo or something you could go through this and add a licensing and then you got your settings uh different names for your host what you want to do when you want to scale down and stuff uh authentication you could use ldap open ID which is if you got Google the open ID was pretty interesting I didn't think they would add that but yeah the open ID system information and then logging to see who did what and what did whatever so the administration panel allows you to basically control over what's going on and what you want to add anyway that is it for me I highly encourage you guys to play around with this if especially if you guys need a disposable environment something that you do a lot of where you go to suspicious websites or you go to websites that you don't want to store the history for or whatever it is this works for you this will deploy super quick you could destroy it really quick and there's no trace or evidence that something happened it's all isolated so yeah if you are interested in this type of environment I would urge you to just set this up at least just for a couple of browsers not even the full desktop environment it is really worth it now I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys have any questions about this hit me up down in the comments below or you can hit me up on Discord if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing and also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and then I say my nerd cave hack till it hurts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 46,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, isolated, disposable, virtual machines, vm's, home server, home lab, ubuntu, chrome, docker, container, isolated virtual machine, virtual machine, proxmox, Daas, desktop as a service, kasm, kasm workspaces, remote workspaces
Id: go7n0FmNqh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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