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we are going racing since i've been traveling australia full time with the dirt bike we've been the conversations kept coming up whether we should just pull up at a local town if there's a meeting on and just randomly randomly do a race or something we did a little bit of riding up a broom uh the guys up there were absolutely awesome when rode the motocross track up there just as a on a practice night there and it sort of just it sort of got the bug back in me a little bit so mcallen ended up putting the heat on me and we put it out to you guys there on the socials if you hadn't had a look go back and have a look there we had a good probably 300 300 to 400 comments on there of support saying get your ass out there let's get our retirements let's go do a race so there was a couple of people as well that was a little bit concerned about me safety in that which is really really respect that but since my whole racing career i've always always known my limits and you know and this is this is all going to be for fun but in the same time we've got we've got a week and a half to get ready for this uh you know it is going to be it's going to be solely fun but the same time just like everyone put out there to you guys is we don't half-ass as well so we really want to give this 100 100 fun but also we are getting a bit of a cracking and see what we can do so absolutely massive support there guys so he's got me out it's been eight years since i raced a motocross race three and a half years since i raced the desert race so this isn't in any way a motocross park it's an it's enduro bike i'm a big 15 litre tank on there so it's big quite heavy but we're going to give it a go so i'm actually here the port headland motorcycle club already so we pulled up there the guys have been extremely accommodating stream supportive so that they've actually let us stay here for a couple of a couple of days so we can um look at a little bit of a ride on the track and a bit of a look around and yeah we can just stay in just out of port headline it's really really nice place in town here the clubs are here to sew they all support each other and really liking the community so we're committed now we're doing it i'm off the beers for a week and a half uh eating better cutting out sugar and that just so i need a little bit of a restaurant in too much of holiday mode so keen to get into it uh yep was going to train every day right we're going to go about two days to ride in and that's about it so cutting a little bit fine there but got to gear up now and go and have a look track and see what we reckon [Music] so [Music] hmm oh man that that definitely blew the cobwebs out it's uh you forget how much how high intensity motocross is it's so different to the enduro and also just out doing the nice cruisy beach rides followed by some uh fuzz buy some jack daniels what we've been doing the last sort of two or three years so it's so high intensity and it's it's 35 degrees out here it's so freaking hot the track at the moment uh it hasn't been raced on for a while and it's just because of the heat the wind the waste the way you stairs it's literally like concrete it's so slippery to ride on it's just starting to tear up me already so i've got to be real careful how much we do out here i don't want to be don't be reckoned there wrecking the tire i need a new one before the race but the track the layout's awesome they got they bring in a big big gray to rip it up smash the water in and the tracks are going to come up really really good so happy with the layout and yeah look i've still got it i bloody still got it so i'm actually quite i'm actually quite excited now it's going to be going to be really really good so uh yeah it's been been confident yeah i've known you already like i'm so out of shape but we've got a week's plan we're going to be nice and healthy back to smashing me four liters of kangen water that's going to flush out all the all the toxins that in me which is going to help avon pump for the guys that do ride and suffer arm pump this stuff is absolutely magic it's just if you don't know what arm pump is just try grabbing like a pair of socks or something soft and just squeeze it for you know until your arms just pump up and you can't sort of they're really starting to hurt and then go try and ride a motorbike that's exactly what it's like and that's that's usually the worst part of what's what flares up with your throttle handling that on the bike so if you do race you know exactly what i'm talking about so but it's all good it's um yeah it's really stoked to be out here i'm gonna go out and do a do a five lapper that's where how long the laps are gonna be for the race and we might go and do one and and uh see how we see if we can make it through [Music] me how they go yeah good how do you feel it's hot i'm so dry it's uh yeah no it's different it was different doing five consistent laps like i didn't know why i thought it too i definitely feel but it was like pretty consistent still oh yeah yeah that's where i was quite like around two minutes of that give or take really was that last i hate slower was it pretty easy ah your first life was the slowest slower yeah i didn't start off there by a couple of seconds yeah i did the start off there so the extra beer so that's all right that's not too bad i'm pretty happy that i'm probably gonna call there it's just it is so slippery out there i had a few little moments and it's um yeah it's literally it's literally a lot of ride on ice so i can we're done we've done two motors it's not it's not nowhere near enough as i wanna as i'd like to do but um yeah they've started rip the track and get water into tomorrow so we'll call there we'll probably go wash the bike do a bit of maintenance and checkout ring get a new pair of goggles from in town and then i'll just reckon we're going to hopefully go down to karatha for a week and chill out there and i might even try and find a few more tracks a little bit more bike time would be ideal but i cannot i'll rack it up there so i cleaned out the cut out the cobwebs and we're good to go well we're going to call it a day there we've got a good couple of rides in so we're absolutely stoked we actually started filming this episode just a couple of days ago we had some uh if you follow us on the socials there we had some awesome footage being a bit silly saying i'm getting into the training doing hardcore stuff up in these hills and now i've got a heap of drone for the agenda unfortunately i had a little bit of a mishap about sd cards i had all three of my sd cards uh all my drone footage my last trip i filmed a rig rundown all the stuff from the start of this all gone it's been 150 dollars on some program to try and recover it that didn't do nothing so that uh that hurt pretty bad but we've um yeah so we did a little bit of riding yesterday and then saying that's about it so i'll do a massive shout out to mali 4x4 these are the guys spud and the team back from back from a juror these guys are the ones that build our y62 patrol from from start to finish absolute legends local business from back where we used to be there and he reached out in the comments as well saying hey i'm going to sponsor the event i'm going to pay for anything you need leading up to the race uh and also if i get on the podium so i get the top three uh he's going to borrow some jack daniels so i can he knows my love for jack daniels so we're going to buy us color beer so massive shout out to those guys and look and a massive shout out to all users the support that you guys give to the the channel and behind us and getting behind i've got people coming out saying how to come watch and drive up from karastra if they need if i need to help in the pits and stuff like we appreciate it so so much so i'd love to show a bit of support back to melee 4x4 so if you're on social media facebook or instagram go ahead and give him the guy a follow in if he's not around you're not around to do any work that's fine they put up some good stuff that they do and i'm sure he'll be happy to help you everything so massive shout out to you guys and look maybe i could say um you know you'll be black's had a bit of trouble and maybe a new bike to race next weekend so we'll i'll send him a sentiment invoice for 17 grand and see how that goes so yeah we're gonna pack it up here we're gonna i just went in town and watched the bike gonna do the oil air filter a few little maintenance things i'm gonna head down to karatha and chill out for a bit do a little bit of forward driving uh probably catch up the guy some big odds again i know they're down there and probably do a couple of a bit of riding as well good old mate nathan bell from there who rides kdm's as well he's got a few tracks we can check out then we'll come back here for the race so can you get down there do a bit of swimming here at the beach and over some four drive tracks as well one thing i don't miss about racing motorbikes is doing bloody air filters it's probably going to be the worst job especially when you've got no no clean lines left but pretty much all done now so hey and everything's everything's good with the bike which is good usually usually it's like a broken spoke or a flat tire or there's probably something going on but everything's looking good so once you do this we can just kick back and just uh enjoy for a week all right we've headed down to karats for the week we're gonna get this chill out here for the week made out of our good made uh long lost mate uh nathan bell our dads grew up together back in portland so it's actually been a good 20 years since i've seen him so he's reached out and offered to stay at his place there so i've got some power and water for the week which is um an absolute blessing when you're traveling full time the road so we've come straight out to the uh karatha the jump up this is sort of the famous sort of four drive section around here and it is mega mega rocky so once again this spot up here there's actually a range right there at the moment so having quite a bit of trouble getting through so once i get through we're going to get up and have a look and then you can get through to a beach over there and then we're going to sit down have some lunch and just chill out so really looking forward to this and locking the locking nubs in all right the gun in front of us had to get uh had to get snatched up there she's uh she's pretty rocky so heading up now it's a little bit of saltwater through the front so it's gonna go really really slow through here so go on front rear lockouts because i got it and i don't want to risk slipping into stuff and also in rock mode and also with the i drive on economy three just because it's these things are really jerky i just found it helps a lot so just cruising up now so that is on the slider yeah dream well i made it over nice and good put a tiny little nick on one of the rims there it's just so so so slippery through there but um no i'm really happy with that outcome so i'm gonna head on head on down check out this beach [Music] and absolutely beautiful little spot down on the beach here the water and the rocks now here is just absolutely beautiful the water is so blue so clear so got a little bit of swim here cook up a little lunch got some sausages on the menu for lunch and i was gonna sit here and just chill out for a little bit there seems to be a lot of other little islands not all out there so i better get the drying up having a peek of that but yeah we're just keen to just chill out today and just yeah we're gonna hopefully go try and find a few more little four drive tracks there seem to be tracks to just go everywhere up here so which is really really good it's been a while since about to have a good four wheel drive [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right another another here we're going to hit up here this more just goes up to a bit of a lookout so appear just for a little bit of fun so it's actually quite steep and extremely extremely rocky that's slippery [Music] this stuff i do major panel damage if you're not not careful a little bit of a gnarly spot up here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] actually worked out really good how we took out the tractors went up that one you just seen there then we come down the back of it and we're we're out so this is uh there's actually tidal in here it's that little puddle went through at the start have a look now this is all salt water obviously so we saw a couple people before they went up there and it was actually pretty gnarly heading back up there but yeah they said it was just too much water here so definitely pace uh to look at your tide times if you're gonna become doing the jump up because yeah that's a that's a little bit too much salt water for my liking [Music] [Music] [Music] man oh snuck out for an overriding craft but nathan shows a little bit of a local track out here near the airport here it's actually it's actually pretty good some sort of nice soft bits and a lot of sort of really slippery stuff so it's not going in town today got some got some fresh goggles so everybody lashing out the other goggles are so old and scratched so it's nice to be able to see properly so i've been feeling been feeling pretty good it's sort of i'm actually pretty happy with how i'm feeling fitness wise i'm definitely sort of want to get that 10 minute mark i'm definitely i'm definitely ready to pull in so but it should just be enough to sort of scrape me in to be half competitive for the weekend but it's sort of tossed up at the moment now um the rear tire they're starting to get pretty pretty wore out so i'm going to reach out the golden tyres and see if we can get another tight air throw it up here before the weekend more surface safety razors there's a few spots around here where the rcn's sort of skipping out a little bit where usually i would feel nice and comfortable so hopefully going to get that and then uh things should be pretty sweet so we're going to sneak out for one more ride during the week uh today is monday at the moment we're gonna do a bit more full driving tomorrow we're gonna head back out and go up one of those big tracks there have been more fun wednesday go for a ride and then we're gonna polish everything up and then head back to the race on friday all right i've actually come back out to the borough today we've come out to do a little bit of a track we didn't do the other day we actually after we finished our day we come back down and we got god that have actually quite nearly go back up so i got a little bit of comfort today we've got chris from big os explorers and we've also got uh sam and brody from moisture v8 in their toyota so they've come out today oops they've come out today to give us a give a little bit of company have a little bit of fun so we're going to go up there now and get into this should be pretty good all righty this is actually uh it's actually quite gnarly the wombat holes at the top here jason she loves it she loves it foreign oh beautiful i could not have went any smoother i'm stoked of that [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um a rock go back [Music] [Music] so [Music] water [Music] all right that was an awesome live going up around there we've come back down it's not a little gnarly spot that goes up the hill it's actually probably going to be the be the hardest part it's actually quite a favor to jump up so i'm gonna cut this one nice and easy as i end up on a big angle oh yeah keep it going [Music] [Music] oh i'm stoked about i was friggin that was textbook oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so thursday before the race we only got one more day then on saturday we're going racing so it's been an awesome week so far rings sort of line up line up pretty good so we're gonna we got a fresh haircut my first haircut in four and a half months since i left i've been cutting the freaking thing myself just trying to figure it out putting on different settings and just buzzing it so it's been a little bit rough that's probably why he's been seeing me in a hat so much so i actually got a haircut just across the road we're still in karate here we're actually going in to go to f45 we went in there last night to get some uh get some true protein we've been using that stuff for years and absolutely love it so i went there last night and uh and one and the the girls there was absolutely amazing that actually invited us into coming to do some training and found out one of the trainers actually a good old friend from home so i i grew up raising motorbikes with her brothers josh nick and brody waters so she's actually going to be our trainer this morning so not sure if it's the best idea it's again we haven't we haven't actually we've been exercising we haven't actually actually gone and done a class in again about that four and a half months since we left homie we're doing some f45 at home the absolute legends the guys back there as well so absolutely awesome community that stuff so damn's the smartest thing for me to be doing it uh but i'm just going to go and just go really nice and light and um just get some movement going because the last thing i want to do is be really sore i feel i feel heavy enough as it is going into the weekend so we're going to go in there do that today we're going to get some new tires um just been questioning the tires we've got too much i mean right on the road now and the knobs now it's starting to starting to wear off because remember we do buy our tyres for them for them big fat knobs for that performance for us we're buying the tyres for performance so we don't want to be running tires that are that are that are sleek we're buying mud tires because we want them big fat knobs so so i'm going to go to that side then we're going out for one last ride at the motorcross tracking karatha which i haven't ridden uh today i'm going to wash the car get all the gear washed and all that ready for the weekend so i'm not going to take the camera in here just because we just we didn't i'm sure that'd be fun we didn't want to um there's a lot of other people in there and privacy stuff and also it's got copyright written all over once you're going to the gym there's music and that going there so we're going to go on there so just trust us that we're going in we're going to train we'll come out some sweat we could just put some water on our face and we'll check in after that [Music] all righty why tom here in karate is all done we're all packed up ready to go massive shout out to nathan and kate they've let us stay in their driveway i've had power and water for the week it's just been an absolute awesome base to get everything ready and do everything i want to do around around karatha so we'll just clean up all the setup put the bush barriers back on just a little bit just a little bit of exposure for the weekend for as we're doing this for traveling campers and all you guys out there and a couple of our a couple our sponsors behind behind us so all the bikes ready to go i'm gonna wait till we get down to the track i'll show you what we've done for that to get ready for the race but everything here is absolutely looking schmick so we're gonna go into town get a little bit of get a little bit of um coffee and a little bit of food and i'm going to hit the road so time to get to the track and tomorrow morning we're going racing [Music] [Music] all right we've made it to the races this is actually it's actually pretty exciting it's actually michael's first time to ever been to a motocross race and we've been together the first time i've seen you do a motocross yeah yeah like me racing yeah so we've been together for nearly seven years now yeah so this is yeah this is eight years since our race this is kind of pretty special for us too so that's awesome so you got a good got a good little spot here um bikes are good to go to do a couple of checks over before we put some new new tires on i had to get some new tires in town golden tires have been a sponsor of mine for for years and years and absolutely awesome legends but unfortunately we couldn't get any up here it's a bit of a stock shortage and and yeah to get stuff air freight up here was very expensive so when in town got a set of bridge stones fitted up and then and got some new grips and that's about it everything's good she's just gonna i'm just gonna run the big girl called darren from track ride we spent a couple of a couple clicks stiff on there on the fork and shock which is this is set up for desert racing so absolutely nothing like this stuff but it's been fine so that's gonna that's gonna do the job so i'll show you live around the setup here then i'm gonna go and uh check out the track [Music] [Music] i've done an awesome job preparing the track it's actually it's actually looking really sick it's still quiet it's still quite dry and this this dirt up here is just so hard so you can really tell this is going to be a it's going to be a really hard pack track i'm used to riding all the sand in that back home so it's definitely a little bit of a challenge but and just sticking to the outside line saying all this stuff here like look at that i've got thongs on but it's a little bit of moisture under there but she's uh she's going to be pretty pretty dry still but it's looking absolutely mean there's been about 15 writers in my class i think and then for the final uh we do what we do of all the other classes the lights class as well so be good probably nearly full gate in there for the final so it's a lot of juniors here like the juniors are going to be like full grids it's 50 65 125's 85's it's it's a really massive junior club which is really good to see them coming up coming up through the ranks [Music] this is my favorite part of the tracker again this bit here is nice and nice and soft sand around this corner answers absolutely about fourth gear pin down here up and up onto a little ski jump up on the end here so i can just this is going to definitely be my strong point of the track this back half where it gets really quick it's going to suit the 500 and suit my style look at this compared to a four look at that finally the whole track was like that will be bloody set well the tracks are looking good we've done all we can for a week to get ready so i'm absolutely just killing to get out there and and have a go and just have an absolute ball so again massive shout out to you guys if it wasn't for you guys this wouldn't happen you guys all reached out on social media got behind it all so this that's what really got my ass out here and look we're really grateful it's really got our ass in the gear for a lot of things we've been back at there went back to be back once but it's really made us miss realize how much we missed the miss the gym and of course you know the only thing we should be doing at the moment is looking after our health in the his current situation uh around the world so it's really kickstarter that again miraculously really big crossfit isn't that for six seven years so it's really sparked us up to get us into gear while on the road which is a little bit harder than normal if you're just living in a city but we're going to make it work again massive shout out for mellie 4x4 for helping out and sponsoring this weekend extremely grateful for that so if you give a follow if you're not even around to do get a good work done there whatever still just give him a follow he might have some parts he can get sent out he'll send stuff australia wide and just look they're always always putting up stories out of their builds and and what's going on to get some ideas for your car we're gonna wrap this episode up here you can come you're gonna have to wait till next week i'm sorry to see how this race is gonna go down this episode to head out too long so wish me luck guys and we'll see you back on on the episode next week let's do it [Music]
Channel: Travelling Campers
Views: 5,387
Rating: 4.9749999 out of 5
Keywords: 4x4, 4wd, 4wd tracks, 4x4 tracks, nissan patrl, y62 patrol, patrol, landcruiser, motocross, mx, ama motocross, ama supercross, toyota, ktm, ktm 500, port hedland, karratha, western australia, patriot games, ronny dahl
Id: eoLj0O11Ztw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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