Karma Memes

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dog travels more than 100 km to bite its owner after being abandoned I grounded my kid this was his response I'm done being the victim how to bite a mosquito bag this driver was not paid his monthly salary so he parked his boss's car like this and quit his job your PP is probably the size of a Tic Tac well no wonder your mom's breath is so fresh got him boy urinates on elevator panel gets stuck inside a man throws a brick at window brick bounces off window brick knocks man out undercover cobs posing as drug buyers are arrested by undercover cops posing as drug buyers 100 retweets and I'm going hurt the president there's cops outside my house I'm seriously going to jail we've introduced Wellness geese to campus to help students distress during their exam period transgender woman silences weirdo who sent her a peee pig by sending one of hers back driver attempts to destroy a giant snowman not realizing it's built on a large tree trunk this is what irony means you buy an electric car to save the the planet and a tree kills it this annoying kid wouldn't move his legs for three adults so this guy comes and just sits on his legs and up sucking poop from sewage tank Karen who was filmed coughing on people in Supermarket Los his job a man held racial slurs and punched a FedEx driver then died after he was punched back damn he sent him to God same day shipping no thanks says the sea and spits that that's a lot of trash Texas man shoots armadillo bullet ricochets back into his face cadillo whoever wins the lottery is gay the winner of 15,000 B coins is AFK congrats wait no see this is an educated crazy ex she did not break anything she just made it super annoying to get inside the car my son got mad at me yesterday and opened all the bananas in the house what type of passive aggressive monster police in Turkey tried to stop pride parade with water cannons accidentally creating rainbows Karma friend's car after a hit and run my two older children were laying out all of their Pokémon cards but the youngest kept intervening so they duct taped him to a chair when his height starts with 5T when your weight starts with 20000 everyone shut up I just got accepted for a NASA internship language suck it I'm working at Nasa and I am on the National Space Council that overseas Nessa a man was killed when he tried to shoot down a 125-year-old cactus the man blasted most of the way through the trunk and then poked at one of the plant's arms the 500 L arm then fell crushing the individual YouTuber facing 2 years in prison after feeding homeless men toothpaste filled Oreos Thomas had teased Gordon about the time he slid into a ditch then Thomas fell down a mine serves he right Thomas Sir Isaac Newton died a virgin bro that's what you get for inventing calculus cop tried to shoot this dog for barking but he accidentally shot himself instead it's a summer break so I woke up my 12-year-old daughter at 5:15 this morning I've been waiting for this Revenge since she was 4 when she asked me why was up I told her my blanket fell off the bed Sometimes the best reveng is watching their life fall apart on Facebook 15 years after they said that mean thing to you in high school every night when I'm sleeping my cat gets in my face and bothers me so now when I see him sleeping I get revenge the chicken is the T-Rex's closest living relative the T-Rex ate animals and now we eat chicken this is how Karma Works my ex sent me a picture of her doing the deed with her boyfriend I sent it to her dad why is and XG 10 times more fine when your up I think only men experience this you get uglier to us my cat yawned so I stuck a finger in his mouth he sort of stared at me curiously as he shut his mouth but did not bite down hard a few minutes later he's been sitting on my chest and when I yawn he proceeds to put his whole paw in my mouth Instant Karma this man was just about to kick a starving dog but he slipped over and fell on his back a homeless man gave this student his last3 so she could get home student raises over £21,000 for homeless men who offered her £3 so she could get home safely driver who kicked stray dog watch his car get destroyed after same dog returns with a few of his friends bullied Primary School student nine sends 25 classmates to hospital after putting glue in their water bottles for Revenge this lady was being rude to me in the grocery loan so rather than saying anything to her I invited everyone behind her to go ahead of me today I had time mugshots.com puts people's mug shots online and then demands payment to take them down the site's founders were just arrested for extortion here are their mug shots if you are ever in a fist fight and you win call them an ambulance now not only have you kicked their ass but they also have to pay $5,000 for an ambulance ride when your girlfriend cheats but you paid for her floor I checked his phone to see if he's cheating and found screenshots of me cheating guy told me to f off when I asked him to move his truck now he's going to stay in the porter potty until he learns some manners and apologizes for being rude the man who just drove into the parking space I was waiting for and told me to fov has arrived for his interview with me # Karma wins again today I found out my 7-year-old daughter really did lie about my husband's other girlfriend as revenge for being grounded and that he never cheated on me at all we're well into our divorce proceedings and he won't forgive me for not believing him when he denied it FML she literally got a drink of water then walked over to my boots and spat the water in them was it revenge for the braids if women paint their eyebrows we can paint our beards in 2012 a Chicago man bought a car for $600 then registered it to his ex-girlfriend's name parked it at an airport and racked up $600 and 78 parking tickets totaling $100,000 that awkward moment when you break into a car and leave your wallet what an idiot trucks are taking over the roads we're just mobbing at 60 while your cars are doing 25 ah and he crushed the car this woman dropped her wallet and I said excuse me and she was like I have a boyfriend no thank you so me and my guys ate McDonald's off of her I'd be like like so my neighbor called the police because I was smoking on the balcony the police get here and ask where the drugs are I said I smoked at all they said why did you buy it from I said from the neighbor now they're at his house searching my dad used to live in a pretty bad area growing up surrounded by a lot of gangs and he told me that there was this kind openly gay boy that used to tutor all of the gang leaders for free and one day a homophobe insulted him and five gangs found out and went to go beat him up I know I've been rude most of my life but I need your help my fat cousin got mad because I said something to him cuz he hit his pregnant girlfriend so he decided he wanted to hit me now he's going to jail with a bullet in his leg that's so tragic I told Charlie off for being a bad dog Todd I will beat you up I went out for Chinese food and told him I have a severe allergy to seafood and this was on the check when I paid no no shrimp or he dead my mom would wake up early just to cut the crusts off my sandwiches for lunch she knew the crusts were my favorite part she hated me so much Michigan men arrested after he told numerous homeless people there was a drug stash buried in his ex-wife's lawn I'm mad teachers told us if you don't do well in school you're going to be the garbage man and never told us the garbage men made more than them my Uber profile says I'm deaf so when I get into Ubers I usually just sign hello to them and don't speak but this Uber dver just called someone and said this deaf just got in so I can talk for a minute my husband annoyed me so when he wasn't looking I poured water on the floor in front of the dishwasher he's been fixing it for the past 2 hours last night some creepy dude was trying to hit on my home girl so she took his phone pretended to put her number in thenen mowed herself $20 and bought the gang of pizza with it I have carried Chalk in my car for 10 months just so I could do this once yesterday was the day there you go I just took one of my ex's orders at work and looked her dead in the eyes and asked for a name for the order as if I had absolutely no clue who they were girl tries to pour acid on X's face Wind Blows it onto hers instead thinking about a girl from Camp 15 years years ago called exu whose name this other girl named Britney refused to pronounce and gave her the nickname sunny and now exu as Revenge decided to pretend she couldn't pronounce Britney and called her Bing Bong instead we just waited an hour to see our pediatrician as soon as he walked in my toddler looked at his hand and pointed to his watch and said this is a clock which was the most passive aggressive thing I have ever witnessed the driver of the orange truck was being a nuisance truck proceeded to do this told my dad I ran out of alcohol and did not have any money to buy any for the weekend so he gave me the huge bottle of vodka from the cupboard that I stole and replaced with water when I was 16 life really does come back to bite you in the butt I got dumped for having red herir my boyfriend's mom did not want to risk having Ginger grandchildren so she made him dump me he married a blonde girl and had two Ginger Kids Karma my kids are blonde laptop was stolen from a shoot this morning I tracked it using find my iPhone got the people arrested so my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend trashed my car but it's cool because I have it all on video and him to watch it with my dad cheated on my mom so my mom printed out the texts of him telling her that he misses her and mailed them to his girlfriend karma is so nasty because 6 years ago when I was 19 I ghosted the nicest guy who had the best intentions for me and tell me why he's the person that's interviewing me for a job that I desperately need tomorrow the founder of match.com lost his girlfriend to a man met on match.com my boyfriend cheated on me so I convinced him to get matching tattoos he went first and I went home I was being mean to a taxi driver tonight and did not pay my fair so I did a runner and left my phone in the car because I am a stupid and this is the taxi driver writing this status best revenge this nerd was bullied throughout high school but today he's an adult who owns several Funko Pop figurines dear to the kid who graffitied some cool rayb bands and a mustache on me I'm not even mad he has 17,700 bottles of hand sanitizer and nowhere to sell them I had an ex that cheated on me but denied it which pissed me off even more than than the actual cheating because it's like he thought I was too stupid to know as Revenge I slashed his tires but not any of the ones on his car I slashed the spare for a slow burn and ultimately a better end game screw you when you get rear ended the guy doesn't pull over and ticks off but the license plate gets imprinted on my car thought you were slick the next time you're worried about being too Petty in a Yelp review just remember that 3700 years ago some babyon took the time to Chisel this epic complaint about a copper delivery into stone thus achieving a level of pettiness we can only aspire to reach complaining about delivery at the wrong grade of copper good morning to everyone but especially the woman in the crosswalk on my way to work who didn't like that someone honked at her to hurry so she stopped and did a couple of jumping jacks thanks I guess I asked for a joke on the inside of my box I guess your employees thinking insulting me was hilarious my cousin punched a wall left the hole and started laughing when he got his first house I went over and punched a hole right in the wall I waited 11 years to do that when I was a waitress if a middle-aged woman was ever rude to me they almost always were I would happily offer them a senior discount 65 and above only it felt so good to see their eyes bulge out of their sockets and their mouths drop open in shock my bike was stolen last week and yesterday I saw it for sale on Craigslist so I messaged the seller met him at McDonald's and when I noticed it was 100% my bike I dumbly asked to take it for a ride he said yeah just don't write it off which is exactly what I did I stole my bike back going up with a female friend to get her card oted I love this we do it every year they ignore her entirely and talk to me since I'm a man I know nothing about cars she however was for many years the chief mechanic of a Formula 1 racing team she will pick her moment Motorway fly tippers escorted back to rubbish they dumped and made to pick it up this lady at jumo juice just cut me in the line and the workers saw it so when it was my time to order he goes congrats you were the 18th customer today you get a free drink of choice oh my her face my ex is stupid she really signed into my Domino's account and ordered stuff what's funny is the dummy didn't even change the address I was actually hungry too good looks on you stupid you are all invited to my bouncy castle party funded by the guy that sent me his credit card after I said no to a date Texas teacher who tried to contact Trump to have her students deported is officially fired one time my teacher gave me an F on a paper and wrote see me after school on it and I was stressing all day but when I went later to ask her what was wrong she changed the F to an A and said said you were pissing me off this week I wanted you to suffer for a few hours and I didn't trust her for the rest of the year Troy Leon Greg a death rat in m and Georgia escaped the night before his execution only to be killed in a bar fight the very same night I pay this rat 1,800 every month and all she does is complain about making too much noise walking around so I bought a dog whistle and I blow it in the hours of the day and night and now I complain about how much her dog bgs and how it keeps me up this is the ultimate Petty move and I applaud you Hunter fighting for life after to be he shot lands on him in Alaska haha that good natured joke about me was pretty funny my revenge will be swift but brutal when your baby mother brings her family to beat you up but they get pulled over out front and the police find drugs in the car look at God working you living well is the best revenge me Google's second best revenge if you hurt an introvert they don't seek revenge they just slowly Drift Away seen texts unanswered calls dropped plans they don't want no conflict no stress no headaches they just want peace and they absolutely have no intention of hurting you they just disappear quietly who hurt this man my ex randomly hit me up telling me she was feeling lonely and wanted some company no lie I kind of missed her too so I told her to come through we hanged for a bit and then she went to the bathroom to freshen up next thing I knew this girl is gone and I have no toilet paper woman stunned after guy she rejected for a third date purposly farts on her at a bar a year later bus drivers in Japan went on strike but they continued to drive D their Roots while refusing to take fairs from passengers so keeping Japan on time but costing the bus company's gas on top of lost Revenue the girl that used to believe me in high school just asked me what my skin care routine was I'm going to tell her St Ives apricot scrub they'll get their karma and their Cala is a new car vacation overseas new job and a better credit score thousands of people plan to attend a barbecue in front of the home of a vegan Australian woman who took her neighbors to court over the smell of meat cooking in their own backyard how can you take someone to court over that me after hitting no tip for the cashier when all they did was hand me my food when you get killed and teab bagged in an online match but they get killed while teabagging a lawyer who slapped a lady is arrested and presented to court by the same lady man dies of heart attack after burying girlfriend in backyard what the Trophy Hunter who kills endangered elephants and lions eaten by crocodiles what goes around comes around Karma sure they could have went under or around the car but that teaches us no lesson I told him if he told me to end myself one more time I would punch him in the face he didn't believe me and said it to me I punched him in the face broke his glasses and gave him a nose bleed and he never spoke to me again a man walked into a shop put a $20 bill on the counter and asked for change when the clerk opened the cash drawer the man pulled a gun and asked for all the cash in the register which the clerk promptly provided the man took the cash from the clug and fled leaving the $20 bill on the counter the total amount of cash he got from the drawer $15 I hate when people say well it could have been worse oh you know Susan it could have been a lot better too why him in start podcasts instead of going to therapy the same reason females start an off instead of getting a job going to watch a movie there better not be any goofy stuff what the it's time to run a blood test oh no this is the funniest thing I've seen all week I mean I'm kind of dumb and loud and my head doesn't always look great but I can make you laugh and I'm good at petting animals so why not date me one time my boyfriend and I were cuddling and he was like I know how to read palms and he looked really intensely at my hand and then gasped and looked up at me and went it says that you're a nerd why hasn't anyone offered my parents five camel for my hand in marriage yet what am I doing wrong it's because you are worth at least 10 camel and they just can't afford you this is the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me when you're trying to take a pill and it touches your tongue and you taste it Elon has lost his wife his kids $40 billion and his spaceship crashed it's like a genre of country music that doesn't even exist yet my boss deactivated my cooworker emao who just quit too quickly and did not realize it controls our company calendar so now all of those events for the next 3 years are gone on our way to do a little drugs and they got arrested I am sick to death of watching you lot fight over my money I am not dead yet so here you go I'm spending it I am putting this message in every magazine I can find and we'll keep doing it until the money is gone then maybe you can stop all the bickering shame on you all how Petty can you get I once edited a Wikipedia page to win an argument my my brother constantly does things he knows are going to annoy me for no other reason than personal satisfaction so I decided to change the audio balance on his computer it can lower the volume on one earphone and raise it on the other in the span of 5 weeks he went through six different pairs of headphones until he eventually had to go get a new computer almost 1,000 bucks later and he still has no idea what the problem was or who caused it to the driver of the white Akira RDX who threw their Tacker Bell drive-thru garbage out the window onto a highway I've got your garbage I will drop off your garbage and your full license plate number with the enforcement you can pick it up there or they can deliver it to your home address though they might have some paperwork for you littering and illegal dumping costs residents hundreds of thousands of dollars each year a 77 year-old grandmother beat the hell out of a guy who tried to rob her when Winfred attempted to get catch from an ATM in Liverpool three men tried to push her aside and take her money you're not having my money young man she thought then grabbed one of them by the collar pulled as hard hard as she could bashed his head into the wall three times and scared them off what the I gave my girlfriend my Netflix password while we were dating and asked her nicely not to use it after we broke up she continued to use it so I waited until she was two seasoned into Pretty Little Liars to change the password once I made fun of a movie on her and the woman who wrote it followed me for 6 months and only favorited one tweet where I said I had gotten sick keying or graffiti in someone's car is old news now if someone cheats we go at their wardrobe with a team Ripper paluto 1994: 2018 she glowed up so hard on us everyone said she isn't a planet and she went out and got a whole Revenge body now you all will keep saying you miss paluto being a planet but you had your chance look at her she has moved on funny story from my childhood my mom bought a ringtone it was that CEO Green song you well on our next phone bill it didn't specify what it was it just said screw you 199 so needless to say my dad was pretty annoyed that AT&T just decid decided to add a $2 you charge to his bill doesn't kill the person who tortured and murdered her father figure because Revenge be has killed Gods because someone stole his cake Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Tony Perkins the leader of an anti LGBT hate group who claimed that God uses natural disasters such as hurricanes and floodings to punish homosexuals and their supporters had his own house destroyed by a flood instead of have a nice day I think I'll start saying have the day you deserve you know let Kult that out for them poacher trampled by elephant I love you I have a boyfriend you are so beautiful you deserve two boyfriends I already have three and I won't cheat on them you're not special for reading The Great Gatsby we all went to high school whenever you feel like criticizing anyone just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had Okie doie let's turnone it down here I was just making a joke so was I that's the first line of the book what I didn't read the book how do you find the vegan at a party don't worry they will let you know how do you find the meat eater they will tell this old joke and be eating the body parts of tortured animals I sent the B Movie script over iMessage to my friend who lives overseas but it did not send us an iMessage and sent us 3155 text messages instead and I'm going to be charged for international texting for all of them karma is real and God always protects the good YouTuber who licked public toilet seat now claims he's tested positive for the virus so I'm at the dollar store to get a spade to plant bulbs in the garden and this rude kid de decided to throw a fit over these larger candy bars and called his mother and I quote a because she wouldn't get him this particular bar I was waiting for her to slap him and instead she literally gave in and said I'll get you the bigger one when we get to the register well I'll tell you now I had no intentions of spending 24 bucks on candy bars but the look on that kid's face as I walked out the door with all they had left was priceless best $24 I ever spent OMG I hate my job my boss is a total perve always making me do stuff just to annoy me me I guess you forgot about adding me on here firstly don't flatter yourself secondly you've worked here for 5 months and did not work out that I'm gay I know I don't prance around the office like a queen but it's not exactly a secret thirdly that annoying stuff is called your job you know what I pay you to do but the fact you seem able to up the simplest tasks might contribute to how you feel about it lastly you also seem to have forgotten that you have 2 weeks left on your sixth month trial period don't bother coming in tomorrow I will pop your P40 5 in the post and you can come in whenever you would like to pick up any stuff you've left here and yes I'm serious to the person who stopped the washer in the middle of my wash cycle and took my clothes out just to wash yours yeah you're a dick unfortunately for you so am I you can find your wet clothes Frozen outside in the snow any problems come see me in 301 I bought my husband a new 50-in television last week because his old one broke down we took the old television and put it in the box that we took the old TV and put it in the box that the new one came in and set it out on our way porch Pirates came and picked it up on Tuesday night I just wish I could see his face when he finds out it's no good he saved us a trip to the dump and just got his karma some dude was spamming a class group me with memes so he got kicked only to come back with vengeance hello again I have collected screenshots of each instant in this group me of copying and sharing answers to the E quizzes if I am removed from this chat again I will be anonymously forwarding this information to the student conduct and Academy Integrity in the office of the dean of students all I ask is that I can post one meme per day the ball is in your court and I am a professional NBA player just saw the most amazing thing the people near me at this coffee shop are having a loud obnoxious meeting one on Skype about their new horrible hipster business they are muing over possible website names they've listed about 20 of them and laughed and patted each other on the back guy behind me says very loudly just so you know I've spent the last 20 minutes buying all of the domain names if you want them I'll sell them to you they stopped talking and left it was awesome I had a boss who I couldn't understand one day she banned microwave popcorn in the office because she hated the smell about a month later I bought one of those USB drives that has sented oil inside scentered like buttered popcorn I plugged it in on the side of her desktop it took her 6 months to Fig the sad reality of our world you have 27,000 tweets everyone has seen this meme but this person has been tweeting 28 times a day and they are still talking about how everyone is addicted to their phones wow you're a douche John other guys are starting their own business and you're just messing around with with some weird Bitcoin thing you seriously think you're smarter than them we need to break up there's no future staying with somebody like you hi John how are you this is so stupid and fake hey guys I hope your skin is clear and you get a text from someone you really like also that your lunch tastes good and you find $2 on the ground and that thing coming up that you were dreading turns out to be not so bad passing this Good Karma and that is why I downloaded this meme this is to you guys too watching this video
Channel: VaazkL
Views: 791,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karma memes, memes about karma, vaazkl memes, vaazkl, funniest karma memes, memes karma, funniest memes about karma, instant karma, instant karma memes, best karma memes
Id: 6gmW_1fGdBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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