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like the video and subscribe right now and watermelon doggo will become the defender of your room i caught the sunflower thief yellow-handed here she is trying to explain why she is entitled to come onto the property to steal flowers that i've spent all summer caring for she stole my favorite mammoth and some of the other best looking flowers i don't care how bad your day is don't steal my ducking flowers those with two two three-year-olds what time is bedtime what's your bedtime routine we used to let her lay down by eight to nine with a movie for quiet time and when the movie ends its bedtime lately she's been standing up in bed jumping or singing slash screaming during the movie so we took the tv out of her room trying to figure out a better bedtime routine would you consider free for us coming from petaborg wanna get this for my special needs nephew for his b day please highly sir i'm so sorry but unfortunately i can't give this away for free this is my sister's stereo that i'm selling for her and she's pregnant and can use all the money she could get really sorry though if you can't afford a kid keep your legs closed any tips on detoxifying young children two three five years old after vaccinations ps before you jump to conclusions i'm not a supporter of vaccines we adopted these three little ones and they've already been given all of their shots of course i need a huge favor all my [ __ ] for christmas was stolen from my home yesterday and i need a new bus pass to go to stores and try to steal her new gifts could anyone do donate 40 dollars for a bus pass please or even 20 dollars i'm trying to replace everything that was stolen anything and everything that i can get helps right now if i don't have to go boosting for new gifts that would be splendid but i gotta do what i gotta do i can receive texts however i can't answer them or retransfer me look my oldest daughter is gay i look back at her catch-up vaccinations for kindergarten i was a non-vax mom she got caught up on so much because i was lied to that she needed all the vaccines to go to school i believed my trusted doctor i loved my daughter and wanted the best for her this was 2004 those changes her personality and her sexuality she was robbed i'm so sorry to hear that i wish people understood that you aren't born this way we poison ourselves so much this is what can happen and one day when the doctors are stumped and can't help cure your problem then you'll turn to a whole food plant-based diet to cure yourself the raw vegan diet has a 95 success rate for curing cancer the other five percent simply don't want to live my daughter seemed quite proud of the scene i made at our local health food store yesterday i've supported the little organic store for years but when a masked man standing at the door told me we had to put gloves on to enter my blood started to boil i got mine on and then struggled to get nora's on holding up the line by her second glove it hit me that i still had other options i ripped them off all four of our hands and threw them in the cart i'm sorry i can't support this i said i'd rather support ingles i yelled as i stormed off ingles is a big crappy grocery chain but they don't make people stand in bread lines or cover their hands and mouths in plastic the man looked so confused along with the rest of people in line probably wondering what kind of terrible person would want to expose others to gasp germs it's about way more than that for me it's about not subconsciously programming my daughter to be afraid of her own skin or breath it's about not programming her to be afraid to touch anything or anyone ever again it's about not programming her to live in a culture of fear especially fear of microorganisms which are everywhere all the time she herself is made of like 99 bacteria a healthy biodiverse blend i might add after seven years of breastfeeding no antibiotics and rarely washing her hands you can't invent a germ invasive enough to throw off that balance my 14 years old got vaccine and now he's gay what do i do i asked a woman who was standing too close to me in line at home depot to give me six feet of space she laughed and said her i'll give you some ducking space and is now like 15 feet behind me thinking she won and not realizing that is my absolute best case scenario a blind woman was told to get her ducking dog off a bus by a passenger who didn't believe guide dogs could be any other color than yellow megan 22 was on the bus with her guide dog rowley when the unnamed woman approached her and said why is there a ducking dog on the bus get it off but when megan tried to politely explain rowley was an assistant dog she claims the woman called her a liar because guy dogs are yellow labradors and your dog is black this one for whipping up cookies this one for whipping little asses how do i convince my cousin who is dead set on a home birth to not do an at home circumcision her husband is a dog breeder who crops ears and dogs tails so she thinks that he should be able to perform a circumcision just fine this makes me very nervous for the baby she believes it is fine so i will be showing her these replies to prove to her that no the duck it is not holy [ __ ] please be a ducking joke pregnant with my second child my first i vaccinated now this one i'm not wanting to have any of you ever chose to do this our visit was wonderful but we never saw any bears please train your bears to be where guests can see them this was an expensive trip to not get to see bears didn't know it was that many next child think i'll refuse them doll represents how many vaccines a child receives by age two any questions featured comment macago mercil karen the term karen is as insulting as the n word me say the n word karen no it's so insulting me but you said karen karen well yeah me so it's not as insulting as the n-word it's all coming together if you want to be featured in the next video use hashtag dankness ladies is it true that a newborn can sense their mommy is pregnant my father-in-law swears up and down that i am because my baby keeps holding her head up moving her neck around every time i hold her and put her head on my shoulder me and my fiance did have shreks while i was pregnant i feel really bad and should not have shown up for my appointment but i desperately needed my nails done i tested positive for the virus two days ago so who please quarantine yourself i asked you before you even got here if you had been exposed to the virus and if you have had it at any point you have known i'm immune compromised and legally wasn't supposed to take your appointment if you did i was just desperate to get out of the house i was quarantined in two days i'm sorry i needed my nails done so bad you saw how hi i'm contacting you on behalf of i assume you've received our other mls regarding our project yes i have i gotta say everything looks super interesting and i'd absolutely love to work on the music do you have a budget in mind or is that up for negotiation well that's the thing we don't have one you're young right what's wrong with working for exposure i can promise you that you'll be given full credit for any and all work you do unfortunately what my friends and i do is provide a service services cost money unless you can pay us we can't really work for you that's just it though you aren't working for us you're working with us you'll be treated as an equal to all of the other designers and artists you'd work with the connections you would make are almost worth more than the publicity in some cases don't you think that's true but unfortunately connections in publicity can't buy my vocalist a new microphone or myself new headphones again i repeat if you can't pay us we can't work for or with you i'm glad you and are pursuing your passions that's genuinely a great and wonderful thing but danielle and i simply don't have the time you'll have to look elsewhere i'm sorry you know people like you are the reason your generation is so entitled you can't expect to get paid for everything you do sometimes you just have to do your job i'm doing my job ma'am and i'm truly sorry you're dissatisfied but if you really want our help you'll come back prepared to at least negotiate a price have a nice night my boyfriend broke up with me and has been ghosting me for weeks now so have fun and buy yourself something cute he found out mayo you've been visited by smoker lizard help the lizard to quit smoking by commenting no i don't have a lighter thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos [Music]
Channel: Memellion
Views: 384,536
Rating: 4.9587598 out of 5
Id: SzDs13K5Jno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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