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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] today's first story is coming from our channel's dear regular becky i hope you'll enjoy it hello crown i was listening to a story on your channel about an entitled teacher it reminded me of a teacher that acted the same with my daughter now for some background my daughter has had issues with her bladder since she was born this issue was attached to her school records as it was important that she not wait long when she needs to urinate she has never abused this and was always quick to return to class one afternoon in the late winter i called her school to inform them that she would be absent the following afternoon as she would be attending her grandfather's funeral i let them know her father would be picking her up i also told them the reason that i was calling instead of writing a letter as i was having some medical issues with my writing hand the day after the funeral my daughter comes home and she has some friends with her so they could hang out one of her friends approached me in a low tone so my daughter would not hear her and told me that miss power trip that's how we're gonna call her had told my daughter that it was not a legitimate reason to miss class to go to her grandfather's funeral and the fact that my hand could not even hold a pen was not a legitimate reason to not have a written note she doesn't accept call-ins even if the rest of school does i was so shocked at this news that i was completely dumbfounded i called my daughter up from the family room and asked her if this was true she said she wasn't going to tell me because she knew i would be upset she said she had been berated by miss power trip in front of the class i told her i would take care of it i called the school and asked to speak to miss powertrip when she answered the phone i introduced myself first then said i just wanted to know when going to grandparents funeral is not a legitimate reason for missing class i think your daughter is exaggerating you should teach her to tell the truth i was starting to get angry my daughter is not the one who told me there was a moment of silence before miss power tripp spoke again well she didn't have a note i called the school and explained that i have a medical issue with my arm at the moment and cannot write i do not accept unwritten excuses fine then i shall have someone else write it for me and you can call to verify i paused for a second then continued i do however want to make it perfectly clear that i believe you owe my daughter an apology for your remarks on her missing class to pay her last respects to her grandfather i trust you will take care of that tomorrow i don't really think that is necessary necessary or not it is the proper thing to do i trust you will take care of this she finally agreed you would think that that would be the end of it but no such luck the next day when my daughter went to her class she handed miss powertrip the dictated note from me it was at that point that she had to go to the washroom and ask to be excused miss powertrip looked at her and said you realize you will only have one more washroom break until the end of the semester my daughter looked at her and said i have a medical note attached to my school file that states i have permission to go whenever i need to that doesn't fool me i have no time for nonsense and lies in my class my rules are the only rules that afternoon when my daughter got home she told me about her talk with miss powertrip i was infuriated seriously what is wrong with this woman i called my doctor and asked for another letter explaining my daughter's need to be able to use the washroom as needed i made two copies of it one for me the original for the school records and one to go along with a letter i dictated to her brother i gave my daughter two envelopes to take to school in the morning one for the office and one for her teacher i wanted to bring the letters in myself but because of a medical appointment i couldn't my appointment had been painful and the medication they gave me made me feel sick to my stomach my son had taken me to my appointment at nine o'clock and i wasn't finished until nearly 2 30. when i got home i got a call from my daughter she was very upset miss powertrip looked at the letter then threw it back at her stating that it didn't change a thing her rules were the only ones that mattered at this point i was done with this crazy woman my son had already left the house i was not able to drive from the medication i had taken so i started my over one mile walk to the school with every step my stomach felt like i had the flu my arm where the injection had been placed was burning and now my head was hurting each step each pain was just making me angrier and angrier without question i was now in full mama bear mode i was about three quarters of the way to the school when a friend of my daughter saw me walking she pulled her car over where are you headed and where is your car i'm going to the school my car is home i'm not allowed to drive right now get in the car i can drive you i smiled and said thank you i know i didn't have too far left to go but i was very appreciative considering how i was feeling i opened the big door in the front of the school i remember it feeling so much heavier today probably because of the medicine i am greeted in the entrance way by the school principal hello ma'am i look at the principal and say i want to speak to miss powertrip now she is teaching a class right now i do not care i want to speak with her you seem upset i am very upset perhaps i can help very well you can give her a message and you can forward that to any other teacher that wants to challenge me when it comes to my child's health the principal looks baffled and obviously does not know about the teacher's response to the letter and medical instructions that had been sent to her when it comes to my daughter's health my rules over all other rules please explain to me what is going on after i told the principal everything that had happened he did not hesitate to assure me that he would talk to miss power trip and my daughter will have no more issues with her i really hope that this is now rectified i can assure you if there is any more of this nonsense that could cause her any medical issues the next time someone comes up to this school won't be me it will be my lawyer mr feared by all with a lawsuit and charges of endangering a minor the principal was shocked at who my lawyer was he had a reputation of going after government agencies when they didn't play by the rules the principal knew this was very serious and from the expression on my face he could tell that i was dead serious i shook the principal's hand i had somewhat calmed down i left feeling that this was finally resolved but i was wrong the next time my daughter went to miss powertrip's class she had an evil smirk on her face and snickered as my daughter sat down i don't care what anyone says in my class there are only my rules regardless of who says what my daughter realizing that this teacher wanted to dart an argument to try to get her in trouble didn't say a word she simply got up from her desk and left the class she called me right away i couldn't believe the audacity of this woman i couldn't take any more of this so i made a call to my lawyer friend within minutes of telling him what was going on he said he would make a call he asked me if i wanted to sue i told him if they remove my daughter from that class and put her in a different one and respect the medical note on the student records for her then no but if there is one more incident by any employee at that school then i most certainly will be suing within minutes my lawyer had called the school board now for the quick response that i received from my daughter's school i am guessing that the school board had barely hung up from the lawyer's call and had called the school right away the principal called me hello is this mrs x yes i thought this issue was over so did i but apparently your teacher seems to think differently so i did what i said i would if things were not changed please be assured that your daughter will now finish that class with mr nice teacher and miss powertrip has received a suspension also if your daughter has any more problems like this she is to come to my office right away and i will be sure to rectify the situation immediately the principal was really apologetic and gave me his word on making sure her medical note was followed i thanked him and said goodbye the principal was true to his word and my daughter was transferred to the other class with mr nice teacher that was the last i heard about miss power trip and that made me very happy next story small victories this happened years ago before the time of the karen i was in my local wall fart heading towards the checkout when my strange encounter happened as most of us know in the front area of the store there are pallets of merchandise candies movies batteries and such in front of each cash register that you can navigate around the entirety to pick and choose from at will but cannot take a cart around buggy if you are from the south i only had a few items in my cart for purchase and was starting my ascent into one of the lines there was a customer at the register at the time no big deal that's the norm i was just passing through the large pallets when i encountered my very first karen a young woman a few years younger than me with the now well-known haircut we will identify her as karen in training she sprinted past the palette on my right between it and the register block with a hand basket in tow cut me off and looked directly at me with a triumphant smirk that she was ahead of me in line it was like whatever i'm not in a hurry anyway she had to wait to place her items on the conveyor belt since the person in front of her had it packed full it was at this time that i saw another cashier walking up to the register on our right i struggled to pull my cart out of that queue and line myself up to the next register just as the cashier settled into place i got into position and had my first item placed on the belt when karen noticed what happened she quickly came around the corner and tried to put her basket in front of my item the conveyor belt was not moving yet i glared at her in a don't you dare try that look she would have had to shove me to the side to get past me by now karen with her basket hovering above the belt clenched in her lee press on nails like talons tried to stare me down with a simple statement of are you serious that one sentence dripped in seething hatred and the look she gave had an entire tirade of expletives in it that she probably vomited all over innocent bystanders in later years as her victimizing super powers increased that one statement said so much why are you not letting me ahead of you i am more important than you you are not worth my time you are beneath me everything a karen would scream to an unsuspecting person i smiled sweetly at her and said yep i figured that she had made her bed now she needed to sleep in it she tisked in disgust and went back to her own line i'd like to say that someone else had taken her place in line before she got back but no she was right where she started my only delight was that i was checked out and out of the store even before she placed her things on the belt chuckling at her conceit in audacity next story i do work here why are you acting so entitled hey reddit i decided to share a story of when i actually worked at my dad's restaurant just a quick recap my dad owns a restaurant in china that also has a bakery i am trying to keep everything as vague as possible because of privacy reasons this event took place last summer i was actually hired by my dad to help the two ladies in the bakery i was getting paid 2 yay we are going to call them susan and lindsay now this bakery isn't like most others because this one focuses on cakes and other desserts people could throw parties at the restaurant and choose a deal that comes with a cake birthdays graduations reunions anniversaries parents could also drop their kids off to learn how to make cookies or cakes one day i was in the bakery with the ac on relaxing and minding my business it is so hot in china especially in the summer when a woman walks up to the bakery wearing all black how does she survive in all black at like 40 degrees for now we are going to call her karen like last time quick note susan was off buying more creme at the market nearby and i had no idea where lindsay went karen not even looking at me says i want a triple layer cake by six o'clock tonight and i want to drop my daughter for a lesson she can help make the cake then she looked at me and did a double probably because i looked too young to be there also i wanted to make clear that she did not choose the celebration deal because if she did the manager would tell me and people usually order those a few days in advance great ma'am that should be around 450 yuan in total because she is a customer of the restaurant she was drinking tea with a huge group of people she gets a discount for the cake and lessons you must be lying i know it doesn't cost that much i am a paying customer you probably don't even work here you only look like you are in high school uh yes ma'am i do work here and because you are a customer you actually get a discount this is the lowest price i know the owner he said to give me a lower price then the memories of the last time hit me i was angry very angry but i still put on my best customer service smile hoping that susan would come back soon ma'am you need some proof that the owner said to give you a discount and he needs to tell me no i don't need to who do you think you are i do not trust you you're probably here to scam me ma'am calm down karen looks at her phone and fakely gasps the owner is on a business trip and he said i can have a discount i knew it was bullcrap because my dad was up on the third floor playing mahjong ma'am can you please give me proof no then unfortunately i can't do anything luckily at this point susan finally came back hi can i help you with anything ah yes i want a triple layer cake and my daughter to take a lesson today but this child is pretending that she works here and giving me an unreasonable price ma'am she does work here and the total price is around 500 yuan i didn't even correct her about the price because karen was being so rude to me but she said it was 450 yuan oh she must have got confused it's actually 500 yuan susan looked at me with a smirk karen grumbles and agrees to pay that much her daughter later came and was also very stuck up but only to me she acted like she knew everything about baking but didn't even know what goes into a cake i don't blame her because she was raised by a pretty crazy person honestly the amount of people who pretend that they know the owner surprises me thank you for reading this long story have a nice day next story threaten to hit me with your car good luck getting your car out i was reading a post today that reminded me of something that happened back in 2009 both of my sons were in middle school and high school old enough to stay home by themselves i worked the five to close shift at the local chain hair salon we lived in a condo and my neighbors were notorious for stealing someone's shoved parking space i knew someone was going to take my spot and asked my youngest son if he would start to shovel my spot out when i called to tell him i was on my way home i told him it was worth 20 and he was happy to do it i called him at 905 pm and he went out to get to work we had about six inches of snow on the ground and he only needed to shovel enough for my tires to hit the blacktop and for me to get out of the car i got home and i saw him standing there and no cleared space i did see a shiny new bmw parked where he said he was going to shovel out for me i got out of the car and i asked him what had happened this boy burst into tears and told me some woman drove up while he was cleaning out the space and threatened to run him over if he did not move and let her park where he had just spent 20 minutes shoveling for me he told her he was shoveling for his mom who would be there in five minutes she started honking and cursing at him to move she actually drove the front bumper of her car into him and was threatening him with the car she almost hit a 12 year old with her car just so she could have a clear parking spot to park her bmw in the best part she did not even live there she was someone's guest and was supposed to park in the guest parking spot i parked down in the next lot and walked back to the condo my son had gone inside and calmed down by then i checked and he was not injured just mad and scared i told him it was not worth someone almost hitting him with their car over a snow-free parking space i gave him the 20 and told him some people are just evil and to forget about it i wanted to call the police but i knew it was a rich witch a word against a twelve-year-old since i had not seen what had happened we did not live in the best area and the cops mostly could not be bothered with us lesser humans since the next day was a snow day no school my boys were up playing video games and my 12 year old told his brother who was 14 what had happened my oldest son came out and asked me if what his brother said was true about the woman trying to hit him with her car over a parking spot and i told him to go look outside for himself my oldest comes in and asks me what we were going to do about this witch i told him growing up in baltimore city if someone stole your spot in front of your house like that we would just shovel them in to teach them a lesson my oldest got this look on his face and told his brother to get his coat and boots on and to grab a shovel those boys spent from 10 pm to 11pm shoveling this woman's car in they packed so much snow around her car all you could see was the roof they took snow from all over the parking lot to pack around her car i know i should not have laughed or encouraged them but i felt it was justified that the witch bullied a 12-year-old boy and got her car almost completely packed in snow her car sat there like that for three days until the snow started to melt and no one figured out my kids had done it maybe next time the witch will think twice about bullying a child for a parking spot in the winter and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 33,728
Rating: 4.940104 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: xOWvmvNrTWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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