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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story so i hucked it in a sewer this happened yesterday afternoon so i'm still waiting to see exactly how it all played out my best friend works at a swanky hotel the kind that has a spa two restaurants a bar saloon whatever a pool and a hot tub and a gym really classy place i don't work there i mean i'd love to work there they make good money but after this incident i doubt they'd hire me it was a saturday which is my only day off and like i sometimes always do i was at the hotel just chilling out on their patio waiting for my buddy to get off work so we could smoke bowls and watch movies it was my day off so i was wearing my day off outfit dirt tier clothing gray sweatpants a dirty red gold bordello shirt and a pair of ratty torn ten-year-old nikes in red only a complete [ __ ] could have mistaken me for an employee enter complete idiot i'm watching people fight each other on youtube on my phone leaning up against one of those brick not quite walls they put around fancy hotels you know the kind that only come up to about waist height and don't actually connect to each other any place i distantly noticed the sound of a car pulling up but like who cares this happens all the time there my face is buried in my phone between drags from my american spirit black when suddenly something really hard hits me in the shoulder it didn't hurt badly but it stung and startled me naturally i spazzed out and almost dropped my phone from being startled while i'm still collecting myself and remembering to breathe after i thought i was about to break my phone a voice says yeah pay attention kid i'm 31 with a full beard and a dad bod i cannot be mistaken for a kid of any stripe looking up i lay eyes on the jerk that ever traded up from gap to banana republic he's middle-aged bald but rocking a ponytail with a blazer distressed jeans and a ramone's t-shirt that still probably cost more than my car the thing that hit me was a key fob for a really nice car it was a bmw but it looked like the bat mobile if the batmobile was a shiny opalescent blue and white i don't know about cars but it had those doors that opened up like on the hinge and it was clearly really really expensive this balding jerk is getting out with a leather man-purse as he chides me for not paying attention i'm still reeling from having almost dropped my phone on the ground as he brushes past me toward the entrance as he goes by he says i'm gonna need it at eight if you're actually paying attention when i get back i might have something for you and he's gone walks into the entrance like he owned the place maybe he does the key fob is sitting on the ground by my foot the bat mobile is idling by the curb its weird sideways door still open now quite frankly i'm a jerk too i think cruel people should be treated with 100 times more cruelty i think murderers should be murdered and thieves should be robbed so what i did next should be no surprise i closed the door i have since been told this is called a gull wing door pressed the lock button while the car was still running and hucked the key fob in the sewer grate a few meters away then i just continued waiting for my buddy for another 10 minutes before he finally got out he came out and was like whoa whose car is that i shrugged probably some jerk and then we left the moral of the story before you dismissively throw the keys to your probably very expensive car at some schlub who happens to be standing in front of your hotel make sure he actually works there next story no lady not mall cop actual cop okay so slightly disingenuous title as i'm english and we don't have mall cops just regular security guards in a former life a few years ago now i was a police officer here in good old england i moved from a team dealing with action-packed 999 calls speeding around in old ford focuses or is that focus c and dealing with interesting things while working in a team that supported a large shopping complex shoplifting anti-social behavior real hard-hitting stuff the uniform was a white shirt black tie and if i was out and about a stab vest over the top with one of the big pointy hats too if i was on a break though i'd just put my normal jacket on to cover my shoulder numbers this was mainly for personal security so to a casual observer i was just a bloke in a white shirt with a black tie cue the moment i just finished dealing with the paperwork from a shoplifting and had a hankering for a sandwich i locked my vest and hat away but left my belt of tools can of spray cuffs and metal stick england again on i popped a plain black jacket over the top and ventured into the shopping complex in search of a footlong sandwich specified and acquired i paid the well-known outlet and ambled to a seating area to mind my own business and chow down probably no less than five minutes later i clock a woman the usual type attempting to buy a sandwich now from her big arm gestures i skillfully deduced she wasn't happy that's not a crime so back to my sandwich i went until of course the voices became raised and a hand was slammed on the counter i tucked the remnants of my sandwich in the bin and ambled over to see what the commotion was now working in the team i did i was a known face in the center and i enjoyed a long sandwich so the staff knew me in my job so they relaxed a little which really irritated the woman i quickly realized they didn't have the filling she wanted and she was refusing to take no for an answer me is everything all right here the woman turns and eyes me over now i'm in my early twenties at the time so she makes me for a security guard karen i don't need security this little jerk won't make my sandwich okay firstly you need to stop swearing secondly i'm a level up from security she didn't like this oh piss off i just want my sandwich she ignores me and goes back to banging her hand on the desk and gesturing wildly at the teen behind the counter me you need to stop that she rounds on me again i said piss off i know the management here so get lost back to standing around outside debenhams or i'll get you fired i don't care i'm warning you that you need to stop swearing it's a public order offense or what i just want my sandwich not some jumped up plastic policeman interfering get lost stop swearing you're causing a scene and stop hitting that counter or you'll be arrested don't tell me what to do you're just a wannabe cop you can't arrest me get me your boss now too she was slamming her palms on the sneeze guard with each word and i think i'd been patient enough at that point so i unzipped my jacket to reveal i am in fact a uniform police constable her eyes widen as she sees the cuffs on my belt me nope i'm arresting you under section 5 of the public order act the arrest is necessary to prevent injury to others and damage to property you don't have to say anything but it may harm your defense dot etc now i had no intention of cuffing her i was twice her size so not necessary instead i steered her spluttering to a table and sat her down as i called for a car to pick us up after another 30 minutes of her refusing to believe she'd done anything wrong i eventually gave her a penalty notice to dispose of the matter so her nun sandwich swear fest ended up costing her 80 pounds instead next story i don't work here and neither does my dog here's a story with a difference that i always find funny to think of but it needs a bit of an introduction i used to volunteer for an organization that trains service dogs for people with a physical disability for example the dogs can help people in a wheelchair by fetching objects and opening doors i was a puppy raiser which meant i looked after a dog from when it was a puppy up until it was old enough to undergo its full training a big part of the puppy raiser role involves taking your dog everywhere you go you take it to work you take it in cars on buses on planes you take it shopping you take it to restaurants cinemas bars and libraries you basically attempt to socialize your dog as much as possible so that when it becomes a service animal it won't get freaked out by people places cats horses elevators hats cameras or anything else out of the ordinary it also has to learn not to take a dump on the floor at home depot which we had to learn the hard way and for which i apologize to all concerned anyway the other part of puppy raising is simple obedience training with commands like sit stay heal leave it lay down shake a paw kennel etc because the dog is intended for someone with a physical disability you can't teach it with a tug of the lead you have to give a voice command and it has to be said firmly when you tell the dog to sit you have to put a tone of authority in your voice and say it as if you really mean it so to the story one day i stopped at a supermarket on the way home from work i'm wandering the aisles with the dog who's wearing a high visibility doggy vest i can see why they don't let animals into a food store apart from the hygiene issues because i can tell the smells are driving him wild but he bravely holds his ground as he should and all as well until we reach the chilled food cabinets i hear a snuffling noise and look down to see my dog with his nose pushed into the packets of bacon evidently enjoying the glorious smell without pausing in a loud but deep voice i issue the command for him to stop leave it as i do that out of the corner of my eye i spot a lady freeze in the act of taking a pot of yogurt from the shelf she slowly turns her head in my direction i'm standing there with a dog in a high visibility vest and i can only assume she thinks i'm a security guard for the store or something she stands motionless for a second and then to my amazement carefully places the yogurt back on the shelf and squeaks out i'm sorry as she slowly backs away i was a bit stunned myself but then i blurted out it's okay i don't work here i was just talking to my dog and i could see the relief pouring off her but for a moment i was afraid i was going to get a pot of yogurt thrown at me as i'm sure some of the crazy people who get mentioned here might have done next story hangry family threatens to leave bad yelp review so this is gonna be a short story it was a couple months ago when i was on my lunch break and i decided to go eat at this hawaiian bbq place in the same plaza as my workplace i'm sitting there eating my food when a family walks in and stands at the cashier stand the cashier was in the back there's a bell to call them so the father starts tapping his feet in that annoying i'm waiting sort of way while looking at me i'm kind of non-confrontational so i look down and keep eating then he says the service here is terrible i'm gonna yelp that employees here ignore customers when they enter well now i have to speak up because i don't want that place to get overrun with bad reviews if i can't help it so i go you know i don't work here right dude suddenly turns 180 and starts apologizing and says the one thing i'll never forget he said you're lucky cause i was close to throwing your food in your face he said it in a joking way but i wouldn't put it past him so i tell him to ring the bell and finish my food and leave i go back to work and an hour later i see them in my store and hurried to a different area to avoid them next story technically not a karen story but perhaps sufficiently adjacent recently i a woman of definitely senior years returned a car to the rental agency and told the employees that they'd need to do a more thorough job of eliminating smoke odor because the next client might be more unwilling than i to put up with it for even a short term i'd coped with it over the few days i needed it because although unpleasant each time i got in the smell wasn't overwhelming enough that i wanted to take the time and trouble to return to the agency and switch vehicles and after some time behind the wheel my nose mostly tuned it out from overload nevertheless i'm probably not the only odor-sensitive renter who'd object to being a victim of the obnoxious scofflaw who'd ignored the agencies prominently placard banning smoking in the vehicle in obvious mock anger i exclaimed so i now demand lifetime free rentals for your terrible customer service the manager a district manager at that replied he really would like to do something to make up for it and i responded nah i'm not that much of a karen whereupon he and the others burst into laughter they knew the trope of course but we sure didn't expect to hear it coming from you he insisted on giving me a modest discount on his card should i need anything further perhaps in part for my having added unexpected amusement to their mourning while mildly subverting an old lady stereotype next story i mean yeah technically i'm working here i'm an actor not the famous kind and was filming a local commercial for menards large hardware home improvement type place playing a store employee we were filming in the store during open hours so they'd block off the aisle we were filming in set up camera and lights film and move on to the next location there's a lot of downtime for actors between shots so i'm basically just standing around doing nothing an older lady approaches me looking confused excuse me can you show me where the light bulbs are oh i'm sorry i don't actually work here pause but can you just show me the aisle i look around hoping to find an actual store employee but no such luck i'm really sorry i know what this looks like i say gesturing to the blue vest with menard's name tag proclaiming me as kyle and that i'm here to help i'm actually an actor she pauses again completely bewildered now but where are the light bulbs i look over at the very conspicuous film crew and see that they are still many minutes away from being ready for the next shot i realize i won't get her to understand and my minnesota niceness won't let me leave her in the lurch so i take her with me and help her find the bulbs happened to me two more times during the day and i didn't even bother trying to tell them i was an actor next story where do keys get made i don't know just happened a mere hour ago had an order for pickup at home depot and obviously trying to spend as few minutes in public as possible with coronavirus so i am wearing a mask nitrile gloves and a jacket with the logo of my employer on it i very obviously do not work at home depot no orange apron etc so i go to get my order it's not up front it's in the back still the only customer service agent walks back to go get it for me i'm standing there waiting on the customer side of the counter when a man approaches me and asks where do keys get made in the store i shook my head and said not sure sorry he walks back to his wife and mutters worthless jerk doesn't know anything i heard this and snapped i said buddy i don't even work here he quips back screw you jerk which prompts me to explain to him that nothing about my current outfit or the position i am standing at customer service even suggests that i am an employee of the store walks away and flips me off woman comes back seeing i'm obviously pissed i tell her some jerk came over looking for where keys get made nothing to do with the weight signed for my stuff wished her a wonderful day and rolled out dude and his wife were still meandering looking for the key cutter next story i don't work here but i'm more than willing to help so i was at a music shop today just messing around with guitars when a lady comes in maybe mid-50s and asks if i could help her she wanted to get a guitar for her grandson easy enough i point her to the squire line of guitar since they're good for a start and are pretty cheap she picks out a standard burst strat and asks for me to ring her up i told her sorry that i didn't work there and that i thought she was wanting an honest customer opinion instead of an employee's she apologized and thanked me for the help but she said since i know so much and was so helpful that i should work there i asked her to tell the manager that and she did and now i'm putting in an application and hoping to leave my current terrible job for one i might love and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 13,279
Rating: 4.9353099 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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