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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story this isn't even a store lady a few summers ago my family had a garage sale and my mom decided to put out a set of bed sheets that she didn't want anymore but were still in decent shape a few hours into the sale a group of women came by and i saw one of them examining the sheets she looked them over then clicked her tongue and turned to me do you have any other sheets um not for sale ma'am but you must have more sheets well yes but there are sheets we're using them they're not for sale can't you check and make sure there aren't any others at this point i had no idea how to respond she was essentially asking me to check in the back i've worked customer service and that was very much her attitude in my own house i went and got my mom who was even more confused than i was but firmly reiterated that yes these were the only sheets we were selling and no this woman could not go through our linen closet and make us an offer apparently this made the lady realize she wasn't going to get anywhere because she shook her head at us gathered her friends and left glaring next story overbearing karen thinks i work in a doctor's office and tries to get me to violate hipaa then threatens to have me fired when i don't so as part of my actual job my company sends me to different clinics to audit their invoices to ensure insurance companies aren't getting scammed for unnecessary or unperformed patient procedures it happens more than you know normally when i'm at a clinic they'll stick me in an unused office or a cubicle so i'm out of sight and don't interfere with their normal operations however yesterday during a clinic visit they didn't have anywhere to put me except the front desk with the receptionist this wasn't a problem for me since it does happen on occasion and i'm just there to get the job done and head out so i'm sitting there in the front office desk looking over the clinic's documents when the receptionist gets called back to assist with a patient after a few minutes i hear someone cough slightly to the right of me and look up i'll call her karen because she had the haircut and the attitude karen in a rude voice i've been standing here for the past couple of minutes and you've yet to acknowledge me you should be ashamed of yourself is this how this clinic is run me i'm sorry ma'am the receptionist just stepped out for a moment she'll be back soon i can't help you as i don't work here she looks me up and down like she's judging how i'm dressed i should mention that i'm dressed in standard business attire blazer shirt tie and black slacks with my company logo and name tag hanging from a lanyard how stupid do you think i am you're sitting at the front desk of a clinic dressed like that and you don't work here i should file a complaint against you with your boss listen ma'am i've already told you i don't work here take it or leave it but i work for company name and hold up my badge now if you'll excuse me i have to get back to my work and ignore her karen now infuriated how dare you do you know who i am my husband works with the owner of this clinic and he'll be hearing about your poor customer service skills still looking at documents i say good for him i repeat i don't work here wait for the receptionist karen tries to change tactics and fake smiles at me look i'm sure you're busy so i won't take much of your time all i need to know is my daughter-in-law's next ob appointment her name is x it shouldn't take you too long to find her in your calendar i just need to know what time it is so i can be here to meet her now looking at her i say are you deaf i've already told you i don't work here and even if i did you're asking me to violate hipaa laws do you know how serious that is you need to ask her directly if she's actually willing to have you with her though i doubt it you don't know what you're talking about that brat should have told me when she was scheduling her first ultrasound that's my grandchild in there and i need to be here to see him now tell me when her appointment is otherwise all have you fired you need help lady you need to leave now before i have someone call security you're threatening me the doctor and receptionist hear the loud commotion and come out to the front desk doctor what's going on here meet this woman doesn't understand that i don't work for you and she's trying to find out her in-law's appointment karen now panicking your receptionist here has been useless and won't give me the information i've asked for he needs to be fired receptionist to karen he doesn't work here doctor all take care of this and she intercoms the security office hi we need a guard to come to office 123 to escort someone out she's disturbing one of our vendors and says thank you once they confirm someone will be here shortly once karen realizes she's about to be escorted out i'm not leaving i have a right to know how my grandson is doing i have a right she starts shouting profanities at us for a couple of minutes when a burly security guard arrives and tells her to leave otherwise he'll call the police on her for trespassing she refuses so he grabs her by the arm and drags her screaming out of the office i was told she kept making a fuss so they called the police and they took her into their car outside the building that was the last i saw of her but the receptionist called the daughter-in-law to inform her what just happened after the call the receptionist laughs and tells me that the in-law didn't want the woman anywhere near her and her baby to be it seems her and her husband are no contact which explained part of the craziness next story tales from a vaccination clinic volunteer so i volunteer at a few vaccination clinics a week as a non-medical personnel generally we do about 1 300 per clinic my job is to sort people from a winding serpentine line like at airport security to one of the one to six lines where you'll get your actual jab each table has two nurses and we all take a 15-minute lunch break in shifts two quick bathroom breaks if we're lucky my favorite part about the clinics especially for older folks is how nice they are and happy to be getting the vaccine the late 70s and older folks are my favorite as they have experience with mass vaccination from the measles when we get backed up and i have to wait for the lines to thin out i get a nice chance to chat with some of them when i say sorry for the wait when i have to pause dozens some days nearly a hundred of them when we're targeting older folks will say something like oh i don't mind this is moving much smoother than the measles vaccine site so one of the nurses had the audacity to take her lunch break which led to there only being one nurse for the line and it temporarily moving slower hugh the karen she gets out of line to storm over to me to tell me her line only has one jabber and i shouldn't have sent her to that line complaining how slow it is compared to other people's lines etc i apologize and explain the nurse will be back from lunch soon offering to get one of the county employees to come talk to her now here's an interesting part almost every time someone complains and i explain i'm a volunteer and i look very young for my age that i don't work there and when i offer to get a manager they become indignant and say some version of no i'm talking to you karen was one of these folks so the cop in my section and i have really bonded over the crazy people we have to deal with a few times a day so he looks at me huge eye roll starts walking over with his chest puffed out and hands under his bulletproof vest to look imposing and hover around karen she gets the message and gets back in line not three minutes later she comes storming back to inform me she does crowd control professionally so i should listen to her her latest bit of feedback is we need people going through the lines taking elderly people's costs and sweaters off of them before they get to the table sounds like a quick lawsuit to me cue the cop her going back to her line this process repeats every two or three minutes with her coming back to give new feedback and ideas now the final time this happens i genuinely have no idea what she was complaining about that time i'd just tuned her out this sweet little old lady at least in her 80s walker and all was waiting at the door to be sorted and had seen karen's perpetual berating from further back in the line little old lady to karen excuse me karen still ranting about whatever she's saying little old lady excuse me what has anyone ever told you you're a real witch karen's mouth stays agape for 20 seconds then she screams how dare you no how dare you this young man is a volunteer and offered to get you a manager and you're just being a bully the police officer walks over i can see him having a harder time suppressing his laughter than i was karen demands the women probably 30 years older than her be removed and that she wants to press charges cop laughs and says what for next story lady at bath and body works candle day my teenage daughter asked me to pick up a couple of candles for her on the annual candle day pre-covered at bath and body works little did i know she was pulling one over on me crowds make me cringe you absolutely will not find me out fighting over items on black friday if someone really wants something that bad they must need it more than i do anyway i am standing in this pool of fairly friendly people waiting for our turn to check out the candle selection i put my earbuds with a cord because i'm not cool in and had music going quietly to help control my anxiety suddenly a well-to-do-looking woman taps me on the shoulder and is yakking at me with a pissed-off look on her face i pull my earbuds out of my ears and politely say i'm sorry i had my music playing what did you say she shoves a coupon four inches from my face and says i said can i use this on the candles oh i'm sorry ma'am i'm not really sure let's ask someone i start looking around to see if i can spot an employee my god well you work here don't you i glance down at my hair stylist attire solid black everything and wonder how she could have mistaken me for an employee i'm sorry i don't with that she threw her hands up in the air and stormed out of the storm mumbling to herself she was obviously upset that she couldn't just command some rondo to answer her coupon question still trying to figure out if i really looked like an employee or if i just look like a person who knows stuff next story i don't work here quit following me so glad i found this subreddit because i've been wanting to tell this story for quite a while this story takes place about six years ago i was 12 at the time and was shopping with my mom dad and younger sister at the grocery store as a kid i really liked pushing shopping carts so when my mom asked me to take the cart to put things that my younger sister had thrown in the cart without anyone seeing i was so excited i was walking by myself towards the pharmacy since my sister had added some medicine that we did not need and that is where the story takes place i'm putting away the cough medicine the body lotion and all sorts of medical supplies when i feel a tap on my shoulder turning around i saw an older man looked to be in his 30s and was quite plump where can i find the ex i don't remember what he asked for since i was too young to even know what he said my apologies i looked at him for a second wondering if i should answer him since i was taught not to talk to strangers going against my mother's teachings i answered sorry i don't work here i told him and walked away i continued putting things away until i heard footsteps behind me again quit lying where is the x he was getting closer to my face when talking which scared me a bit i don't work here i tried walking away again but he stopped my shopping cart yes you do you're literally stalking shelves in front of me you look like every other brown person working here just tell me where the ex is he was visibly getting frustrated which i guess is understandable if i were actually working but i wasn't where i live there's a pretty big population of filipino people and my mother herself is filipino although i'm only half filipino i'm still fairly brown and i was just below the average height of filipino women but other than that i was not wearing any employee clothing i didn't have a name tag and i looked my age i decided not to answer him this time and kept walking i guess he thought i was the only employee working there because he would not stop following me i gave up on putting the stuff away because i was getting scared and i was focused on finding my parents i was swerving through the aisles going in and out of the departments in the store i even passed many actual workers yet this guy would not leave me alone when i got to the bakery i could see my dad's pittsburgh penguin's hat and i called out to him dad tell him i don't work here i ran up to my dad and gave him the shopping cart and hugged his side he's following me my dad turned to me and stared at the man behind me my dad is a six foot four white man with an impressive beard and many tattoos before he was diagnosed with crohn's he was pretty buff and beefy and has the best resting brat face i've ever seen it's no wonder all my ex-boyfriends were scared of him why are you following a 12 year old girl around the store my dad spoke to him making sure i was by his side i don't remember the man saying anything to my dad at all just that he gave my dad the finger and turned away my mom likes to use that story as an excuse on why kids shouldn't talk to strangers there's really no exciting end to this story besides the fact that i was no longer allowed to walk around a store by myself until last year next story make me a bicycle clown usual disclaimers this happened several years ago so a little background my mom raised three kids basically on her own she is a bit of an eccentric lady and considers herself an artist above all but worked a day job to be able to put us through school and college helping where she could for extra money she would do things like face paintings at art fairs little league opening days kids parties she eventually learned balloon animals and developed a clown personality when i was freshly out of college i moved back to stay with my mom for a bit and she asked my help with balloon animals for bigger events as there would always be a line and most kids only want one of four things dog hat flower or sword so i learned the basics and would help soon i watched a bunch of youtube videos and could make more than her and would take the big line and she could back me up or do different clown things eventually i started taking gigs on my own and they pay pretty well fifty dollars per hour minimum two hours additional time on the spot typically 75 an hour anyway i used to attend an oktoberfest celebration with friends from college that was hosted by one friend's family the host had brewed all the beer 25 plus taps and people brought a dish or something to share it was always a blowout band's played there were yard games tons of food a magician bounce house you get the picture one year i decided my contribution would be balloon animals i would set up for an hour or so and make sure all the kids got at least one so i set up early ish on so the max number of kids are there to give a treat and immediately i have a huge line some kids are waiting 10 to 15 minutes but i'm making great progress when all of a sudden a wild karen appears with her child in tow she snaps at me you need to make my child a balloon animal i say of course i'm going to make sure everyone gets at least one s well we have been waiting forever i know i'm doing the best i can i'm just one man these are typical deflections you pick up after doing enough gigs to calm 99 of parents the woman kept pressing me and i finally lost my cool and snapped look lady i'm doing this for free because i thought it would be nice i provided the balloons and my time which i usually make fifty dollars an hour so i would appreciate a little patience she sort of mumbled oh i didn't know and got back in line yes her little girl got a balloon animal and i of course was kind to her i finished up the line and had a great time at the rest of the fest and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 27,609
Rating: 4.9063544 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: p48KHZtPitU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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