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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story crazy karen attacks me over a toy sweet karma shows up i never thought i would run across an actual karen like those i read about here but yesterday i was proved wrong so wrong a bit of backstory i have a five-year-old girl that is best friends with my neighbor's daughter who has special needs the two are inseparable my wife had bought our daughter a toy a few weeks ago as a reward for doing all her chores and for being awarded as student of the week in her kindergarten class she immediately took it over to the neighbor's house and the two girls love to play with it it's one of those toys that comes with accessories slime stickers and so on well since then this particular toy has been featured on a very popular morning talk show and is now pretty hard to find my daughter's friend first day is the day after thanksgiving and she asked me if we could buy her best friend the same toy as her gift we couldn't really say no to her request for her best friend so we started looking online to see if we could find one after a few days of no luck one of the very popular more bogey of the big box stores had some in stock cara store about 30 minutes away i hit the road to try and get my hands on one before they were all gone and this is what happened when i got there and i still can't believe it actually happened i got to the store grabbed the shopping cart because i was going to grab a couple other things while i was there and walk straight to the toy department i looked around for a few minutes before i finally saw the toy i was after there was only one left and i grabbed it and put it in my cart i was so glad i finally found one i started to walk away to continue shopping when i heard the voice behind me say um excuse me but that toy was mine i put it down and was coming right back for it do you mind oh i'm sorry i have been looking for this toy as a gift for a very special little girl and it was on the shelf so i'm sorry but no i am going to buy it she instantly shot daggers at me with her eyes and said excuse me i was here first and i need it more than you i have a customer that ordered it and i need it now so please hand it over and that's when it struck me she is a reseller and had promised something she didn't have at that point i didn't care i was pretty much like oh well that's not my problem but maybe they have more in the back you should ask someone that works here i went about my way to finish my shopping as i was walking away she snapped you're a real jerk you know that i sarcastically responded maybe but i got what i came here for have an awesome day and walked away i made my way to the laundry detergent aisle and quickly forgot about the woman a few minutes later as i grabbed some detergent and dryer sheets i stopped to check what else was on my list the same woman entered the island quickly said ah there you are listen i asked an employee and they said there aren't any in the back and they don't know when more are coming in i would appreciate it if you would do the right thing here and just give it to me before i find the manager and tell them you took it out of my hand i quickly responded huh what are you talking about this toy was on the shelf and nobody else was around when i picked it up so please leave me alone you cannot have it and that's it i tried to walk out of the aisle when this crazy carrot stepped in front of my cart reached into my cart and tried to take the toy away i quickly pulled the card back and said what's your problem lady get away from me she then tried again but this time i put my hand on the toy before she could grab it she then dug her nails into my arm before i smacked her hand away what the heck lady get away from me and this is when the crazy karen act went into overdrive she instantly started screaming for help at the top of her lungs help help he's attacking me somebody help me naturally a bunch of people quickly came over to see what was going on and there i was a 6-3 man with tattoos and a shaved head and beard standing there as she threw herself on the floor yes she actually did that screaming for help i thought to myself ah this is going to end badly for me two employees were a couple aisles over and came running now there were a few people and the employees looking at this carrying on the ground pleading for help and screaming for someone to call the police the employee asked what happened while helping her up from the floor and she immediately lied and said that i attacked her and took her items from her cart i quickly stated that this crazy lady is lying that she attacked me then threw herself on the floor to get me in trouble a manager shows up and asks what happened while karen is standing there with crocodile tears saying i assaulted her over her toy i quickly denied the false acquisition and demanded the police to be called the manager had the police called and i waited right there the lady had a crowd of people around her consoling her and they were all looking at me like i'm some sort of woman peter all the while she is telling everyone around her what a monster i am and that she intends to press full charges against me for assault after about 10 to 50 minutes two police officers show up they start to ask questions about what happened i explain what happened from beginning to end and she told her twisted fairy tale then the officers asked if the security cameras had a shot of the area we were escorted to the manager's office and while one officer reviewed the footage with the manager the other one asked for our ids and stepped out of the office more than likely to do a warrant cheka soon this is when glorious karma showed up after a couple of minutes of the officer reviewing the camera footage and her continued lies about what happened he asks karen ma'am i am only going to ask you this once would you like to change your story about what happened i instantly smiled from ear to ear what are you talking about he attacked me and i want him arrested said karen the officer responded ma'am that's not happening he then turned to me and asked if i wanted to press charges for assault my answer heck yes karen went bail as a ghost and she went on a tirade just then the second officer came back into the office handed me back my id whispered something to the other officer and then asked karen to stand up and put her hand behind her back then he arrested her for an outstanding felony warrant along with an assault charge what an awesome outcome the manager apologized to me for all the trouble as karen was lit out of the office in cuffs the officer photographed the scratches on my arm for evidence gave me a copy of the report for court and wished me a nice rest of my day the manager even gave me a 50 gift card that i used to pay for my purchase and went about my merry way and all of this is over a toy and of course self-entitlement [Music] next story cotton line no food for you important at the airport this happened last night and it felt absolutely glorious the security line through tsa was insane there is an employee line but it's mixed in with a regular line hard to explain but it's basically not any faster if you will after me and a co-worker had already been waiting 25 minutes we finally hit the front of the line two employees apparently thought they were more important than everyone else and cut in line in front of us i was furious i remember their faces we have hog grab and go burgers and sandwiches at my store what we don't sell at the end of the night we usually walk around and hand them out to employees or random people flying out one of the lion cutters came up 20 minutes after close we had like 30 hot sandwiches left she asked if she could still order food and i said we were closed she says what are you going to do with those sandwiches um that's up to my manager she told me i better find out fast because her break is almost over i was counting my tail and had just finished it i told her i couldn't ask until i finished counting my tail i recounted it like six times until she left then i backed up all the sandwiches and handed them out to every single other airport employee i could find with a smile like i was santa claus take that you lying cutting jerick next story aren't you ashamed of playing health police i 23 female work as an assistant in some kind of charity focusing on the history of suburbs and challenging neighborhoods of paris basically my work is to take pictures of monuments and architecture that tell you a story of the evolution of these cities that surround the capital it's an interesting work and i quite enjoy it even though it's very badly paid and very disorganized i also create visuals for various events and projects relating to this organization today though my work was to manage the entrance of a building in which my organization was hosting an event a theater festival of sorts i was asked to scan the people's health pass a mandatory qr code which attests that a person has been vaccinated against covet and guide them to the rooms where the various shows were taking place at first everything was going ok some people were obviously grumpy when i asked them to put on their masks and show me their best no one was actually really rude at one point a family of four a mother father and her two kids showed up i said hi to them and asked him if they were coming in for a show to which the entitled mother karen answered yes she started making her way into the entrance to which i simply stepped closer to her and asked ma'am i just had to check on your pass i was cordial and smiling at the moment i didn't even register that none of them were wearing masks to my symbol request karen answered we just learned that we didn't have our passes this didn't really make sense because the only reason you wouldn't have a pass would be if you didn't get vaccinated in this case nobody would come up and inform you of the fact that you do not have a pass because well you obviously didn't do what is required to get one but anyway i didn't get the chance to think of this or even respond to her she started to get agitated and yelled at me in my colleague my daughter is playing in a show today are you going to keep me from seeing my daughter play i was taken aback and again didn't get a chance to respond to her do you not realize that you're excluding people this is social exclusion and you're here playing hell's police aren't you ashamed of yourselves at this point i reacted rather angrily i know i didn't handle the situation correctly but i was never good at staying calm when getting yelled at also i must point out that handling the public is absolutely not something i'm used to doing and i never was told that i would have to do such a thing when i took the job so yeah being the hot-headed mess that i am i myself started yelling ma'am i'm simply doing my job i don't particularly like having to tell people what to do and i especially don't like getting screamed at by total strangers i'm doing what i've been asked to do this is a social event and the law requires that people present a valid pass and wear masks to attend at this point a wave of people started to rush towards my colleague and i and i tried to manage scanning them and pointing them in the right direction while the woman was still screaming karen this is an outrage are we going to stay silent regarding this are we going to keep on being puppets are you happy with what you're doing to people i was trembling and people were given strange looks probably not really understanding what was going on it was very embarrassing eventually i yelled at the woman and her husband to move it since they were disturbing everyone then the karen insulted me but i didn't really register it her guy still gave me a salute i guess mocking me for playing health police and flipped me the bird in front of the crowd and his own children kinda lost it at this point and very loudly told him to screw you you donkey and i know this was absolutely unprofessional of me the lady i was trying to scan at the moment told me there is no reason to get so worked up to which i answered try and react gracefully when someone gives you the finger enjoy the show she wasn't pleased with my response and to be completely honest i understand why however i was so rattled the family ended up leaving after all leaving my colleague in eye dumpstruk my colleague told me she was used to people like this having worked at burger king for years and all she also told me not to be too hard on myself and that desensitization about these things only happens after multiple encounters with such people i called my boss to tell her what had happened remember when karen told me her daughter was playing in one of the shows well it turns out it was a lie she was nobody's mother my boss asked every female comedian if their mother and siblings were attending and nobody knew them this was my first thrilling counter with entitled anti-health laws people i ever had and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you very much and see you next time
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 13,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: Cz1zEBjp8ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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