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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story a passenger wants compensation because someone died during the flight i 33 female work for one of the largest airlines in the world i am a reservations agent my department handles reservations for our frequent flyers members who have status this event occurred about five years ago one evening i received a call from a passenger demanding compensation because the flight arrived later than scheduled the cause of a delay like this is what determines if compensation is offered what form of compensation will be issued and how much while searching through the reservation to determine the answers of these questions i discovered that the reason the flight was delayed is because the captain pilot of the flight male early 40s had a heart attack mid-flight and died this pilot had a wife and i believe three children waiting for him at home so it was so heartbreaking that he died so young even more so because he had kids that he would never get to see grow up because of the tragedy the flight was diverted to another city to allow officials to remove his body from the plane so this passenger called demanding compensation for the inconvenience of his flight finally making it to his destination late he kept yelling that he had been late to or completely missed his business meeting even after i explained the reason for the delay he still felt he should get some kind of refund or voucher solely because of the inconvenience he was saying that we could have just continued to his destination and then take the pilot's body off the plane he continued to say a lot of ignorant and cold-hearted things always insisting that we inconvenienced him and he is entitled to compensation i eventually lost my patience with this jerk and told him sir i'm sorry that you were inconvenienced but this man was barely 40 years old with a wife and children they feel having to unexpectedly plan and pay for his memorial service to be quite inconvenient as well but they understand that this was something completely outside of our control there was nothing we could have done to prevent this he continued to try to argue and wanted to speak to the corporate they were going to give him a refund or a voucher he also threatened that he would post on social media about the horrible customer service and the flight delay i basically told him good luck with that and ended the call someone dies and you're inconvenienced get back to your senses what the hell next story karen demands the power to be turned back on during a blackout this happened when i worked in customer service when i was 17 in 2007. i'd recently dropped out of school and moved back to my hometown where i got a job working in a grocery store this town is small with a population of about 2 000 people so i knew a lot of the people there mostly from my sister attending pony club there for four years before we moved to new zealand when i was 14 my dad being a tradesman had done work for the owner which is how i got the job i'd been working in customer service since i was 15 so i picked up the work quite quickly and before long i developed a good relationship with customers and my fellow team members this was in the stone age before self-service was a thing and we only had three registers so needless to say it was a little crazy during the busy times of the day between 3 and 5 pm but i thrived on the adrenaline of getting things done at lightning speed i loved everything about the job except for one customer calling her a karen is an understatement and an affront to karen's everywhere she was a middle-aged woman with a permanent scowl like she just sucked on a lemon here's what i can remember about her she was deliberately slow at putting her items onto the conveyor belt making it take so much longer to put her order through which in turn made me contemplate throwing said items back at her she argued about the price of everything and would demand i scan it again or get someone to check it the potatoes are 2.99 a kilo not four dollars the chips said three for five dollars those tissues were marked down i thought the milk was three dollars not four dollars why are the chocolates scanning a five dollars they're on special the list of her arguments and demands goes on and on she'd complain about how i was packing things or tell me how to pack things before i'd even put them in the bag as if i knew nothing about my job in her eyes i was clearly too young and stupid to know that the cold items go together and you don't put the bread underneath heavy items so i'd get comments in a patronizing way like you should put the ice cream with the frozen veggies just saying and i know you don't know this but the long life stuff goes with the long life stuff and muttered under her breath you clearly don't know what you're doing with that remember how i said i could get things done at lighting speed karen would usually come during our busiest hours when each register was 5 to 10 people long and cheat often decide halfway through her transaction that she wanted something else she'd walk sloth speed to get what he wanted and then walk back still at a snail's pace back to the register with what she deemed necessary to purchase this was infuriating to deal with and tested my patience to no end i have extremely tough skin from getting bullied for most of my school career note the reason for dropping out of school but karen almost managed to tip me over the edge on countless occasions with her endless entitled behavior we offered free home delivery if you called before 1pm i endured the wrath of the karen on countless occasions when she'd call after 1pm and when told it won't be until tomorrow that she'd receive her bounty her karen ness would be released full force on whatever unsuspecting victims had the misfortune of being the one to answer the work phone now that you're familiar with the workings of this prehistoric creature we so fondly refer to as karen let's get onto the story and the reason why all you bloodsuckers are here it was around 5 p.m when for reasons that wouldn't be foretold until later our power went out i was working the register that day and guess who happened to be next in line to be served you got it karen while dumping her items haphazardly onto the non-moving conveyor belt why did you turn the power out that was a bit stupid of you me not yet knowing what was going on or what to do i'm not sure let me call up the manager i was about to call the general manager when i spotted him at the other end of the store walking towards me there were only five or six other customers still in the store as it was right after our busiest hours of the day i'm not sure what happened there do you have cash on you we can process your order that way the general manager told her no why would i you know i only pay with a card in that case we'll have to wait for the power to come back on or we can deliver your items tomorrow instead karen not understanding or choosing to ignore this compromise offered to her nah that's okay you can just turn the power back on and all go um ma'am there's a blackout we don't know how long the power will be out now would you like these items to be delivered tomorrow or not it was at this moment that i had a newfound respect for the manager for diffusing the situation for me his tone was polite yet firm and made karen shut her yapper and accept the delivery for the next day karen left in a huff and i served the last remaining customers that were carrying cash i was a lot slower with this method of payment as i was used to the computer doing it for me but it didn't take me too long to do and i was allowed to go home early as i was walking home i discovered the cause of the blackout there was a car jammed precariously against a now wonky power pole with emergency services and tradesmen assessing the damage the driver was fine and nobody was injured and i was grateful for the early mark after a full day's work next story customer thinks he owns my father's stall my father owns a hockey and fried noodle shop the rule is that each customer can only have one plate our portion sizes are four dollars five dollars six dollars and eight dollars i want the eight dollar size the customer asked okay here you go dad served him the plate oh can i have an extra plate quote sorry sir but each customer can only have one plate what how do you expect me to share it with my kids the government has prevented it because of covid why didn't you order two plates of four dollars instead quote why don't you pour half of it onto another plate quote sir the four dollars plate and eight dollars plate are different sizes as well you are wasting my plates either i give you a refund and give the food to my son or you just take it quote he immediately snatches the plate and all of our utensils okay if i can't have more than one plate i'll take your forks and chopsticks every bite i take all use a new one he then leaves luckily my father had spare utensils other customers were happy too edit i see that some of the comments are saying that the one plate rule is arbitrary allow me to give more context my dad is suffering from health issues and he cooks noodles with a heavy walk from 10 a.m to 2 p.m takes a break 5 p.m to 8 p.m then closes my father orders noodles from his supplier which he estimates how much noodles and amount of plates will be equal he sometimes sells well that he ends early but he is already at his limit so he won't order more which means limited plates still of course since it's a rough estimation there are errors some days with extra plates some days we run out and we can't serve customers on the spot and they have to order take away it's not about washing the plates but more of the plates could have been given to another customer next story woman tried to take my dog away from me for breeding so this happened not so long ago and now i have time to share this story backstory i am a 16 years old female and i own a two-year-old chihuahua named natsu he is a well-behaved dog that knows many tricks he never barks without my permission or goes crazy about other dogs nor so far from our main park there is a house of a woman who is breeding her two dogs they look like russian toys chihuahuas constantly i've seen them and the female dog definitely has problems due to her pregnancies along with the problems of a male dog now back to the story it was approximately 1 pm on tuesday after finishing with my schoolwork i've decided to have a walk with my dog to calm my nerves hard school week and also to repeat some of his tricks we were already at the park running around playing and enjoying our afternoon when i noticed that woman standing at the other end of the park staring at us i get anxious when people are staring at me for longer than a few minutes but i tried my best to ignore it however five minutes passed and she started walking toward us i knew that she was planning to have a talk with me and being a polite person i put natsu on his leash and waited for her then this conversation flows hey kid is that your dog yeah he is a very beautiful dog you know very beautiful um thanks i guess have you ever thought about having puppies from him no why not you know i have a dog and they will look perfect together okay now i know where this is going so i quickly said that i'm not interested at all in breeding natsu and decided to go home but i guess she is not a person who accepts no as an answer this woman was following me and my pace which was increasing with each second next thing i knew is someone trying to take the leash out of my hand i'm not a calm person actually i'm very hot tempered and with that i turn around nearly knocking her to the ground while she's trying to walk away and taking the leash back what do you think you're doing i promise the puppies will be beautiful just look at my dog after that i got angry very angry at this point i was yelling at her that i'm not interested and that i knew what she was doing to those dogs lastly i said that the authorities will be informed and her dog taken away feeling that i was close to hitting her so i turned around leaving her with the face of terror behind p.s the dogs were taken away and now they're going through treatment at the vet next story extras cost extra what a concept just discovered this sub but i think i have a story that might fit here so a long time ago i worked for a particular sub shop known for its male mascot claiming weight loss via their subs and for subs of a certain length for a certain low price now it was a small location and during this day's lunch rush the line went down the length of the counter doubled back on itself and was about two persons shy of going out the door with all tables packed so it was busy as hell a kid that looked to be in his early teens if that steps up and orders his sandwich but wants extra cheese and something else i think bacon which are an extra charge i make the sandwich ring it up and tell him the price kid argues with me that since it's a sub of a particular length it should be the specific advertised price i informed him that his additives cost extra this goes back and forth a few times it should be x price you have extra cheese and bacon those cost more the sub itself is that price it's the extras making it cost more kid starts bawling this kid should have been old enough to not break down into infant-level hysterics upsteps his mom same thing she's giving me the third degree because apparently the concept of extra things costing extra money just isn't clicking in either of their heads i did offer to remake it without the extras but she wasn't having it she's screaming the kid is bawling customers after them just want a goddamn sandwich chaos eventually she decides to pay for it and all but throws the money at me and storms out customers behind her command me while calling her some justly deserved names then it happened a girl comes up and says excuse me i think i got that little boy sandwich by mistake oh no oh no no no someone on the line got the sandwiches mixed somehow lord have mercy and deliver me from this shift because wow next 15 minutes or so i'm watching that door like a hawk between transactions because i could feel the storm coming i ring someone up turn around and there she is mom in all her enraged glory sniffling snot-nosed and red-eyed child in tow you gave u.s the wrong sandwich luckily the girl who got it realized the mistake as soon as she opened it so we had it in the fridge for when the monster returned i handed her the bag she snatched it from my hand and stormed off so that's my contribution hope you all get a chuckle out of it or something customer service sucks be nice to your cashiers next story angry lady demands i move my shopping cart to clear up space hello fellow redditors this is my first time on this subreddit and i've read all these amazing stories so i'd like to post mine here this happened a year or two ago when my mum took me to the shopping center to go get groceries as i was waiting at the front whilst my mother was talking with the worker and scanning the items a lady who seemed to be in her 40s maybe 50s approached me m young man oh yes what is it could you please move your shopping cart it's blocking the way for others my shopping cart was not in the way of anyone at all people walked through without stopping or bumping into my cart it was a wide space to walk through about two and a half meters mom walked towards us excuse me what's going on here your son is clearly blocking the way and i can't get through my mother looked then said are you stupid you can walk right through she cut my mother off and in a hostile tone said he is blocking the way and how dare you call me stupid my son is not blocking the way it's not bothering anyone else well it bothers me so will you move it no don't move it son i said move it no i need to pack my bags of groceries and it clearly is not blocking anyone's way i don't care if you have to pack your bags now carry them and go there were six bags of shopping and some packs with water too so lifting them wasn't much of an option i can't carry all this let me pack first and then i'll go no move it now why should i karen starts thinking of an excuse for 10 seconds straight then she thinks of one i need to go visit my dying son it took you quite a bit of time to think of an excuse there i told her the lady was screaming at me telling me i was a degenerate and that i was nothing but an idiotic coward it didn't really hurt me at the time but it kind of stuck into me for a little bit of a while do not talk to my son like that you better leave and walk out nobody is being bothered by my son now get out hmph people are so rude she stormed off going through the whole damn space and we never saw her again my mum asked if i was fine and i was definitely okay nothing hurt me too much at all we were laughing about it later throughout the day and we never saw her back there again ever since and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 8,425
Rating: 4.9445543 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: NkzQVrKrMIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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