KANYE WEST (2018 Documentary)
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Channel: True Geordie
Views: 766,148
Rating: 4.9086757 out of 5
Keywords: Kanye West, Ye, Kids See Ghosts, Kim Kardashian, album, review, reaction, Jay Z, Kid Cudi, Drake, Yeezy, documentary, interview, live, theneedledrop, Joe Budden
Id: NZiFNPwWhbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 13sec (5173 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Great doc but how can Brian say Jay’s verse on monster was better than ye’s
It was alright. He had his own opinions on Kanye’s music which is cool, but not my opinions.
He definitely hit the nail on the head of knowing exactly where I was when I heard Through the Wire and the exact feeling it gave me