The Deadliest Variant of Kang the Conqueror

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hello everybody and welcome to a special Time spanning episode of history of the Marvel Universe for today's video we're looking at a complicated character one whose non-linear life is difficult to lay out chronologically since it evolves so much time travel and several Divergent realities so the actual order of events greatly depends on your point of view for that reason we're going to be exploring the life of Kang the Conqueror specifically the version who is generally considered to be the prime Kang from his own point of view we'll also be touching on Divergent counterparts when they are relevant but this is primarily going to be about Kang Prime's personal timeline as it originally unfolded starting with his birth and ending with the destiny War I will also note that for this week I will sometimes be referencing the original publication dates to note where in the timeline we are in regards to the heroes of the Marvel age because of the nature of Marvel's sliding timeline these dates are no longer canon in modern continuity having been moved up to within the past 20 years or so but for the sake of Simplicity we're not going to address that further and will simply refer to the years that older stories originally took place in but first let's start things off by introducing the timeline from which Kang originates reality 6311 AKA other Earth in this particular timeline the Dark Ages never happened and Mankind landed on the moon sometime around 900 A.D this denoted the first year in a new calendar and Humanity established a thriving lunar Colony but eventually a war broke out between the colony and the Earth which ended in the destruction of the entire moon this of course horse had catastrophic effects on the entire planet plunging civilization into a more primitive State the world became like a mix of Science Fiction and Fantasy and what followed was two more centuries of fighting and War then one day a man appeared who would change the world a time traveling scientist from another reality Earth 616 by helping rebuild the world and Elevate its people he became known as the benefactor but his real name was Nathaniel Richards settling on this Earth Richards married a woman named Cassandra and the two had a son together Millennia passed and by the 31st Century other Earth had entered an age of peace and Enlightenment in the year 3000 a child was born one who was apparently a direct descendant of the benefactor and thus was given his name team Nathaniel Richards however it's also been alleged that this child's lineage could actually be traced to another time traveler Victor Von Doom in either case young Nathaniel grew up feeling restless and yearning for adventure as a teenager he designed a dull-sized stimuloid robot but was relentlessly bullied for several years by a boy named Morgan when he was 16 this escalated into a fight that resulted in Nathaniel being hospitalized after his throat was cut by the edge of the bully's anti-grav device it took him a full year to recover and his parents were nearly bankrupted by the resulting medical bills nonetheless Nathaniel reached adulthood despising the overall mundanity of the 31st Century using recordings brought to his world by his namesake he studied the heroes of the 20th century like the mighty Avengers as well as the Fantastic Four who were led by Reed Richards another son of the previous Nathaniel Richards he also came to respect and even admire the latvarian dictator Victor Von Doom and apparently discovered inconclusive evidence that Dew may have been his true ancestor one possible reason for this confusion is that the senior Richards once claimed to have fathered Christoph Vernard a boy who was chosen to be Dr Doom's Heir and at one point actually believed himself to be Doom however Kristoff's parentage is actually unconfirmed and any connection between him and the Nathaniel Richards of other Earth would be speculation at best seeking answers in the year 3025 the future Nathaniel traveled to the long preserved ruins of the benefactors Citadel discovering a hidden chamber he found Parts about belonging to his ancestors time machine as well as plans for how to use them with his body aging slower than people of centuries past Nathaniel spent years rebuilding and redesigning the Machine during this time he was visited by alternate versions of the Fantastic Four from different timelines and while he did not remember these encounters I bring them up here to point out that by this point he'd already mastered his technology and weaponry enough to defeat and Destroy at least one incarnation of the FF intending on taking advantage of the superstitions of ancient people he completed his time ship forging it into the shape of a sphinx-like idol his ultimate goal was to raid a different time periods for weapons and Technology while operating out of a base in ancient Egypt but upon reaching the year 2950 BC a malfunction caused his vessel to crash into the sands Not only was he stranded but Nathaniel was injured and blinded in the crash but the falling ship was seen by a man named a bale of the Crimson Sands the leader of a nomadic people called the sandstormers the sandstormers recovered the injured traveler and Bale himself named him Rama Tut meaning the visitor from Beyond the Sun the sandstormers nursed him back to health over several weeks but one night the strange visitors Slipped Away heading to the lands of the Pharaoh he conquered the native people using robots and futuristic weapons he'd brought with him in the Sphinx furthermore radiation from his time machine had affected a rare Egyptian herb allowing him to use it to restore his eyesight not only did he depose the previous Pharaoh a menhotep but he sealed him within his own pyramid where he Sur survived by feeding on blood until he transformed into a vampire believed to be a representative or reincarnation of the sun god Amman ra Rama Tut ruled for ten full years and even forbade the worship of any other gods during most of his Reign there were few who could challenge him and even amenhotep's son Ozymandias served him as a general albeit while conspiring against him mere weeks after leaving them Rama Tut returned to the sandstormers seeking a missing piece of technology from his ship the eye of Ages when the sandstormers refused to give up its location they were massacred and enslaved some escaped and among them were Baal himself and his gray-skinned adopted a son sometime later the Pharaoh clashed with a sorceress known as Samira the Mr address of the Nile who refused to worship him around the same time Rama Tut discovered a temporarily charged object called a cronifact fragment when a man known as kill power was sent back in time to retrieve the fragment ramatut attempted to take advantage of the situation by manipulating him into attacking Samira the pharaoh's duplicity was soon revealed however and along with reinforcements from the future kill power retrieved the Crone effect and escaped ramatut meanwhile collected the residual chronal energy that was left behind no doubt using it for future travels around the year 2945 BC Rama Tut sired an illegitimate son named ramadis with one of his slave women growing up neglected remedies hated his father and eventually became a time-traveling villain himself Ozymandias meanwhile sought Power by joining the pharaoh's family and offered his younger sister nephrey to be Rama Tut's bride then one day after years of searching ramitut's vizier logos informed him that they had found the rest of the sandstormers furthermore among them was a powerful warrior with gray skin known as n Saba Nur of course ramatut having knowledge of the future knew that this particular sandstormer was a mutant who would one day be known as apocalypse wishing to make apocalypse's Heir the Pharaoh dispatched Ozymandias to retrieve him however the resulting battle caused a cave-in that decimated both sides and only Ozymandias and and sabanura survived meanwhile logos conspired to save Egypt from both Rama Tut and Ozymandias and allied with n sabanur hiding him among the slaves building the pyramid also when Rama taught forbade the worship of other gods the moon God konshu also began conspiring to end his Reign when a team of West Coast Avengers from 1987 traveled back in time to 2940 BC konshu masked their appearances to the pharaoh's eyes so that he wouldn't recognize them instead Rama Tut believed them to be Servants of the Moon God and after paralyzing them with his Ultra diode Ray deposited their bodies in Khan shu's Temple complicating matters further the Fantastic Four arrived in that same year coming from 1963 to investigate how the Pharaoh had supposedly cured his own blindness not only that but Doctor Strange had also traveled there from 1982 for completely unrelated reasons now if this all all seems like a massive coincidence it's fairly likely that all of these events were manipulated by konshu to result in Rama Tut's defeat after their arrival the Fantastic Four were enslaved by the Pharaoh using his Ultra diode Ray a ramatut decided to spurn nefri and instead make Susan storm the invisible girl his bride meanwhile en sabanur was discovered when his powers fully manifested inspiring other slaves to Riot and rise up Rama Tut presented the mutant with an ultimatum become his Heir and inherit his rule or defy him and die but in Savanna refused to cow Tao and ultimately escaped as for the Fantastic Four Doctor Strange was able to covertly liberate Ben Grimm The Thing by changing him back into human form before transform forming again into the thing Grimm succeeded in freeing Susan from ramatutt's control she in turn restored her brother the Human Torch who forced the pharaoh to flee elsewhere at the same time the West Coast Avengers had recovered and were battling the pharaoh's forces not only that but they'd already Allied themselves with the priests of konshu and destroyed Rama Tut's robots and weapons with his Reign at an end the time traveling Pharaoh used a small ship he charged with chronal energy to escape into the time stream when the remnants of his machines within the Sphinx exploded the FF assumed that he had booby-trapped his own equipment in truth it was apocalypse who had destroyed the last of ramitut's Technology between this and Nathaniel himself wiping away knowledge of his existence as he left the reign of ramatut went largely unremembered by history but while navigating the time stream the Pharaoh encountered a temporal storm that diverted him to Earth 616 around the year 1964. there he found his alleged ancestor Dr Doom stranded in the vacuum of space after his own previous encounter with the Fantastic Four taking him on board his vessel Rama taught intentionally gave do misinformation causing him to suspect that they may actually be the same person from different times after depositing to back on Earth he attempted to jump forward again but was briefly stranded he captured the mutant mechanic blacksmith himself from the year 3800 of Earth 4935 however blacksmith was ultimately rescued by his ally the time traveling Freedom Fighter cable escaping into the time stream again ramatut created a new armored identity for himself the Scarlet Centurion under this guy as he traveled to 1963 where he mesmerized and manipulated the original Avengers into neutralizing the rest of Earth's superhuman population this created a Divergent timeline dubbed reality 689 which was then primed for the Scarlet Centurion to rule since these Avengers were his only remaining threat in that timeline he attempted to tie out this loose end by pitting them against the Avengers of Earth 616 from 1968. however the Hank Pym of Earth 616 was able to use Dr Doom's time machine to banish the Scarlet Centurion from Earth 689 discarding this armor he then attempted to return to his own 31st Century but a timestorm caused him to overshoot his destination and he landed in the war-torn year 4 000 the science of this era was even more advanced and so Nathaniel Richards sought to conquer it inspired by Dr Doom he created a new technologically advanced battle suit regardless of his true Heritage he chose to become an heir of Doom and renamed himself Kang the Conqueror and Conquer he did rallying the Barbarian hordes to his cause and swiftly bringing Earth under his control he struck outwards as well beginning an Interstellar Empire starting with the destruction of the alien badoon he repaired and refined his time travel technology allowing him to go wherever and whenever he wanted and seeking to test himself against the Avengers he jumped to a relatively early point in their history 1964. at first they seemed to be no match for his advanced technology and can quickly gained the upper hand however the tenacious Heroes continued to fight destroying his weapons and wearing him down until he was forced to flee he returned to the far future and continued to cement his dynasty he eventually controlled everything within a hundred late years of Earth and even alien Empires bowed to Kang he continued to watch his enemies through time and thus learned of another time Lord immortus but was not yet aware of his true identity for now we'll simply point out that he considered himself the master of time and resided in a limbo Dimension that existed apart from normal space-time but in the 41st Century Kang's control over the Galaxy was unmatched while he found it difficult to maintain a foothold in between 20th century other dimensions began falling before him including the realm known as cosmos the insectoid natives were enslaved and forced to build weapons for Kang including the growing men robots based on Kang's stimuloid design but infused with cosmosian pollen allowing them to grow in size he then hid doll-sized growing men in key locations throughout the timeline for future use but in all of his conquests the one land he spared was the tiny Kingdom of examitatious ruled by King corellius this was because he was enraptured by the beauty of the princess ravona rensslayer he wanted her to be his bride but she had no interest in wedding someone of ignoble blood no matter how powerful he was and so Kang brought The Avengers forward in time from 1965 intending on defeating them and proving himself worthy of the princess when both the Avengers and ravona refused to relent a furious Kang overwhelmed the tiny Kingdom with sheer force he intended on taking rivona as well commanding his men to prepare a royal wedding but baldhag the commander of his Elite gerd reminded him that they always executed to the leaders of conquered kingdoms to prevent future rebellions his refusal to follow through caused unrest among his men and baltag led his own Uprising seizing control of exomitatious ultimately Kang sided with the Avengers to free the small Kingdom from his own troops it was this which caused ravona to begin seeing Kang in a new light baltag was was defeated but as he was being taken prisoner he broke free and attempted to fire on Kang however rivona jumped in front of the shot sacrificing herself to save the Conqueror baltag was of course gunned down and killed by Kang's loyalists with ravona hanging on the precipice of death Kang placed her body in suspended animation until he could find a way to revive her for 18 months he spent half of each day mourning her loss bitter and angry he committed fully to his conquests even defeating the Shia Imperium but on Earth the Rebellion started by baldhag continued to grow and Kang was determined to stop it before it spread to the rest of his Empire he decided to retrieve one of his stimuloids and found that a growing man had been accidentally activated and was battling The Mighty Thor in 1967. okay jumped to that point in time and attacked Thor unleashing his rage on the Thunder God he then returned to the growing man to doll size and attempted to escape in a hidden time ship however Thor used his hammer to generate a universal Infinity Vortex sending Kang kareening into the Timeless dimension of limbo how long he wandered there cannot be calculated since time has no meaning in that place but he eventually Came Upon a citadel and inside there appeared to be the corpse of immortus the self-proclaimed master of time exploring the Fortress Kang found countless monitors depicting different points in time and space and on one he beheld the point in time moments leading up to ravona's sacrifice but before the Fatal shot was fired can used mortises machines to transport rivona into Limbo with him he was reunited with his beloved butt then he saw something that made his blood run cold his own dead body on the monitor for without ravona to take the shot bald hag had hit his Mark by changing the past he had created another Divergent timeline and with it a Divergent variant of himself albeit a dead one but by monitoring the time stream from limbo he soon found that his exploits in time had inadvertently created a multitude of these Divergent kangs in one variant Incarnation Kang sought to solidify his power and traveled back to the year 1901 under the name Victor timely he founded the city of timely Wisconsin in a quiet wooded area this cane created the Palace of chronopolis in the same space as the town but out of phase with time making it undetectable this served as a gateway to the city-state with the same name located on the edges of the limbo Dimension chronopolis as a whole existed half in reality and half in limbo as a physical Crossroads in time that touched almost every era of human history this was perhaps Kang's greatest creation and would serve as his seat of power in future temporal conquests as Victor timely he also introduced basic principles of Robotics and computer science to the people of the early 20th century in 1929 he recruited a young Phineas Thomas Horton into timely Industries and a mere 10 years later Horton created the world's first real Android the original Human Torch Whom The Fantastic Four member was named after by the 1980s timely Industries was the foremost supplier of computers and Robotics technology with Kang running the company under the guise of Victor timely III another variant frustrated by the 20th century turned to other time periods and decided to strike at Camelot while its Champion the Black Knight was occupied in battle with Morgan lafaye he attacked the wizard Merlin and defeated his magic with advanced technology it should be noted that this was not technically the real Merlin but an imposter who would one day be referred to as Merlin demon spawn Kang took on any Knight who dared to challenge him but none could defeat him in single combat he planned on creating another Divergent timeline which he could control by Conquering the world and ensuring that no superheroes would arrive eyes to stop him however this plan was thwarted when uwa to The Watcher sent the thing and the Human Torch from 1965 back to stop him Kang would later note that it was unusual for The Watcher to interfere so blatantly and wondered if this was actually the work of immortus while one version of Kang was diverted to Limbo by The Mighty Thor in 1967 another successfully returned to the 41st Century where he crushed the rebel forces with the growing man he'd retrieved it was perhaps this same variant who was then approached by The Cosmic gamesman known as the Grand Master the Grand Master challenged Kang to a contest of Champions offering power over life or death to the Victor and since this Kang is not the one who traveled to limbo in his timeline rivona was still in suspended animation hanging between a life and death planning to use his prize to revive his beloved he chose the Avengers as his Champions pulling them from 1969. the Grand Master meanwhile created a team of his own the Squadron Sinister he based his selection on a group of Heroes from a different reality the Squadron Supreme who he'd already employed in a previous game against yet another Kang variant who'd kept the armor and identity of the Scarlet Centurion but in the contest at hand Kang was ultimately the Victor however instead of granting life to ravona avengeful Kang demanded death for The Avengers but he was thwarted by the Black Knight who was not yet officially an Avenger and was thus unaffected another Kang variant once plotted to create a Divergent timeline where the Avengers never assembled by killing the Hulk's ancestor during World War one since a localized timestorm made it dangerous for him to travel there himself he instead attempted to manipulate the Hulk into causing this sending the green Goliath from 1971 back to 1917. this plan backfired however and in the end Kang was left stranded did in the storm while his body remained there this particular Kang survived by transferring his mind into another this may or may not be the same Kang who remotely puppeted a spare battle suit in a war against rival Time Lord zarco the tomorrow man meanwhile another Kang gathered multiple ravona variants from different timelines but found himself unsatisfied and began to lose interest in his beloved this is likely the same Kang who in the mid-1970s embarked on a quest to find the celestial Madonna a woman destined to birth the prophesized celestial Messiah he soon narrowed his search to three individuals Wanda maximoth Agatha hercness and mantis during this conflict that the Avengers found aid from a most unlikely Source Rama taunt seeming to already have knowledge of these events Rama touch attacked Kang the Conqueror however the Pharaoh was unable to prevent the death of the Avenger known as The Swordsman as the two fought they accidentally activated the younger Kang's time sphere plunging them both into a temporal Vortex however that same Kang emerged in Tombstone Arizona around 1873 in an attempt to found a base that could serve as a stepping stone in his conquest of the 20th century he battled Western Gunslingers and time displaced Avengers but this time defeat came when he fought with the Mighty Thor in his anger King overcharged his Battle suit's Force field inadvertently destroying himself but just before his body was completely ripped apart he successfully transferred his memories into another there are of course more instances of Kang popping up in the time stream like when he was abducted by the beyonder during the first secret war or when he was recruited into mephisto's Legion accursed during the second but now we must finally turn our attention back to the Kang who resided in limbo and watched much of this unfold having seen a myriad of Kings suffered defeat after defeat this supposed Prime Kang elected to cleanse the Multiverse of his lesser selves he Allied himself with two similarly minded Kings recruiting them to his cause this Council then brought other Divergent kangs into limbo where they could be executed without producing further variants kangs that had curved out empires of their own were replaced with robots bringing the entire Kang Dynasty under the control of one man the prime Kang however not every Kang was successful and some met their end during failed conquests many of these kangs had their armor and Equipment stolen by other beings but we'll return to them in a bit once every actual variant was dead Kang Prime betrayed the council leaving only one other to eliminate this was seemingly in spite of ravona's efforts to dissuade him from this violent path but there's more to that as well the final Divergent Kang attempted to kill Kang Prime only for his booby-trapped gun to explode his quest was over and there was at last only one true king or so it seemed immortus then appeared revealing that not only did he fake his death and manipulate Kang into eliminating his variant counterparts but immortus himself was in truth Kang primes future self furthermore or he had recruited rivona to his cause and she had been secretly guiding Kang's path immortus then held Aloft a psyche Globe containing the memories of every single Kang that had been killed claiming that it was what made him the master of limbo hungry for power Kang rested of the globe from immortus's grasp but this too was a manipulation that collected memories flooded Kang's mind and thus everything that every Kang had experienced coalesced into a single cohesive but sometimes contradictory history he remembered his childhood in the 31st Century as Nathaniel Richards his Reign Over ancient Egypt as Rama Tut his attempts to manipulate The Avengers as the Scarlet Centurion he remembered attempting to return to his own time but landing in the war-torn 40th century and he now knew that the time storm which caused this was actually created by immortus another way his future self had manipulated his own life he remembered casting aside his previous identities and becoming Kang the Conqueror as well as challenging The Avengers to prove his superiority in his memories he set schemes in Motion in the 20th century as Victor timely and established his Fortress with the sprawling city of chronopolis he attempted to Infiltrate The Avengers with a Spider-Man robot battled the thing in the Human Torch while trying to conquer Camelot and joined a mob of villains in an assault on the wedding of Mr Fantastic and the invisible girl there was his takeover of corellius's Kingdom eximitatious after which he fought alongside the Avengers to quell ball tags rebellion and of course there was ravona's sacrifice to save his his life he remembered both being trapped by and escaping from Thor's Infinity Vortex as well as accepting a challenge from the Grand Master he remembered attempts to manipulate the Hulk into causing the death of his own ancestor as well as the technology he employed to transfer his mind into a spare body at the moment of his death he remembered his clash with zarco the tomorrow man and perhaps most importantly he remembered his quest for the celestial Madonna during this event he battled with another version of himself who was still Rama Tut and while Kang Prime remembered this from the perspective of the one garbed as Kang he did not gain the memories of that Rama Tut but he did remember their battle taking them into limbo and finally learned what happened next while Kang knocked out Rama Tut both variants were then summoned by mortise immortus imprisoned ramatut and offered to help Kang defeat The Avengers however Kang betrayed immortus and held him captive as well using his older self's machines King gathered together a legion of the unliving from different points in time and after the legion Was Defeated Kang made one last ditch effort to capture mantis the true Celestial Madonna however immortus thwarted him having replaced his captive with a shape-shifting space Phantom after several more memories including his clash with Thor in the wild West and his involvement in the secret Wars Kang recalled returning to limbo for a showdown with immortus but wait hang on wasn't it Thor's Infinity Vortex that sent Kang to limbon didn't that happen before the celestial Madonna Saga as you can see some memories over overlapped or contradicted one another but eventually he discerned which were truly his and which were variants he knew that it was he who found the fake immortus corpse in limbo which in turn started his quest to eliminate his Divergent selves with the tools his future self had left behind also that immortus could trick him into absorbing the memories of every slain counterpart and thus immortus himself would have them but the whole process threatened to overwhelm Kang's mind and so he performed a desperate final Gambit to save himself from Madness using his mind transfer technology he intentionally created one more Divergence another Kang with which to share the mental stress and this actually worked as the adult Divergent Kang emerged with the last thing he remembered being his Showdown with immortus meanwhile Kang prime or the king that still considered himself Kang crime retained the collected memories of his various counterparts and retreated to chronopolis to recover from there he organized his many Impostors and imitators from across the Multiverse most of whom had defeated a variant Kang and adopted his identity this became the Council of cross-time Kings and the final Divergent Kang created by Kang Prime was soon recruited into their midst to avoid confusion each member of the council gave themselves an individual name like Kang Cobra or Kang Kong and so the Divergent Kang chose the name Fred after Fred Flintstone one Kang appeared to be a variant of the space pirate nebula but her true identity is something we'll discuss a little later the cross time Council overstated their importance to the Divergent King Fred implying that what he'd survived was merely a local war and that their Council was a higher order this of course was simply a manipulation tactic and only the leaders of the council were aware that they reported to the true Kang Prime meanwhile Kang nebula plotted to betray the council and seize power for herself using appearance altering and mind control technology she was eventually discovered by the council and Kang Fred joined a Mesozoic Kang and chairman Kang on a mission to stop her they followed her to something called the time bubble a virtually impenetrable barrier surrounding the alternate reality 8810 within existed an Ultimate Weapon a variant of Galactus that had been altered and augmented by a renegade Celestial but one by one each of the kings were drawn into the inescapable temporal Vortex trapped in the sir surface of the time bubble Kang Fred phased in and out of existence from there he witnessed the events of the Demonic Invasion known as Inferno on Earth 616 in the year 1989 to prevent life on Earth from being destroyed Kang Fred successfully activated one of his growing men which allured several Heroes to where they needed it to be and in 1990 Kang nebula manipulated the Fantastic Four into penetrating the time bubble allowing each of the trapped kangs to escape however the three council members were soon defeated with Kang nebula manipulating the Human Torch into killing Kang Fred Kang Prime meanwhile planned to use the celestial Madonna to gain the Ultimate Weapon for himself he clashed with the Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer in 1989 but mantis no longer possessed the power he required and so his scheme came to not perhaps he could have attempted a different method in a different time but Kang found himself growing tired he turned his attention towards running his vast Empire which spanned galaxies dimensions and timelines conquered by various selves whose lives he remembered a living during the infinity war in 1992 he joined Dr Doom on a quest to gain control of the cosmic containment units not because he needed more power but simply because he was bored he continued to toy with his enemies and recruited a team of Warriors from across space-time called the anacronauts and soon after that he discovered that he was being stalked by an assassin calling herself the terminatrix but when he uncovered her true identity Kang was shocked to learn that his would-be killer was actually ravona rensslayer do you remember how one Kang had previously accepted a challenge from the cosmic Grand Master to restore his ravona's life well after their game ended the Grand Master secretly took that ravona's body replacing it with a lifeless duplicate resurrected by the Grand Master that rivona wanted revenge on Kang for his shallow manipulations to this end she infiltrated the Council of cross time Kings under the identity of Kang nebula when those Clans failed she took the name terminatrix and tried to strike at Kang Prime directly impressed and intrigued Kang challenged her to single combat and ravona accepted however their fight was interrupted by The Avengers when Thor threw his hammer through the force field they were in it seems that Kang allowed this to happen since it passed through effortlessly and in a sacrifice mirroring past events Kang pushed rivona out of the way and allowed himself to be struck her feelings suddenly complicated ravona put Kang into stasis just as he had once done for her posing as Kang rivona took over running his temporal Empire and soon learned that his was not the only one on the grand scale of cross time the time variance Authority had a significant amount of control while much of the future beyond the Kang dynasty was controlled by Revelation herself a future version of ravona meanwhile the earliest eras of just about every timeline were controlled by a powerful temporal entity known as eliaith with no one else capable of holding the monster at Bay ravona was forced to revive Kang but not before eliaith had already wiped out the entire Council of cross-time Kings although it seems that this too may have been part of Kang's plan to tie up Loose Ends to push Elias back to its own domain Kang Unleashed tempus an artificial entity created by immortus tempus absorbed the temporal energies released by The deceased cross-time Kings and used it to grow large and powerful enough to keep eliaith locked in Eternal combat at the beginning of time with that done Kang presented rivona with two options go to the Future and become Revelation or stay with him and help rule the Kang Dynasty however rivona rejected both options stabbing Kang in the back and putting him back into stasis eventually however she revived him again this time on her own terms and the two decided to try working together she adopted a new guys as Rebecca tormente Victor timely's bride in 1903. Kang was also briefly captured alongside other Time Travelers by a powerful being known as Akhenaten when that crisis passed he returned to chronopolis but the years began to weigh heavily on him he had grown weary of Conquest as he approached his 60th year of life and found his mind drifting back to a time when he ruled a small land that worshiped him instead of a sprawling Empire that demanded all of his attention he decided to leave chronopolis under ravona's control and retired to ancient Egypt this time he intentionally stranded himself there thus beginning the second reign of Rama Tut however this time ramatut ruled with virtue and compassion and by the time he was 70 years old began to feel fulfilled he was however troubled both by the events of his past and by his future Destiny to become immortus he intended to break this cycle but he was without a working time machine and so he placed himself in suspended animation for several thousand years with help from The Wizard shemaz and so Rama taught awakened and aided the Avengers during the celestial Madonna Saga in the 1970s he battled his past self experiencing the same conflict from the other perspective he hoped he could make things go differently but Destiny it seems is a powerful force ramatut was defeated by his own past self and imprisoned by his future self he saw immortus Ally himself with Kang only to be betrayed and imprisoned alongside him but both were freed by The Avengers and that time at least Rama tot left them as an ally taking some of immortus's machines he vanished into the time stream once again however his failure to alter her events left him feeling powerless and he wandered the centuries realizing that everything he'd ever done was faded from the start relenting to Destiny he decided to make his way to limbo and finally become immortus but as he did he saw one more Chrono flash depicting his future self and what he was about to do he saw immortus pledging his servitude to the powerful Trinity known as the timekeepers he saw this Destiny and he denied it turned away from it and refused to step into limbo creating one more Divergence he rejected immortus shed Rama Tut and returned to chronopolis to resume his true role as Kang the Conqueror he observed other temporal agencies and Empires and plotted against them he weakened tempus allowing eliaith to break into the domain of the time of variance Authority he turned Revelation against the delubric Consortium and kept other temporal Realms similarly occupied finally he considered the device he'd used before to transfer his mind into other bodies and escape death feeling it had made him complacent he crushed it deciding there would be no more do-overs and no more Second Chances he studied immortus his Masters the timekeepers and the one who'd created them he who remains the last director of the time variance Authority who lived in a citadel at the end of time he was also briefly caught up in an incident involving the X-Men of 1998 and the crew of the USS Enterprise from an alternate 24th century in preparation for his war against Destiny he forged unlikely alliances with mantis's father Libra and the cree Supreme intelligence when immortus endeavored to end the life of Rick Jones a human who'd once access the power known as the destiny Force Kang violently opposed him he even had a Libra guide Rick's subconscious into activating that power again assembling a team of Avengers from different points in time to defend him the battle soon spilled over into Kang's own domain when immortus launched an assault on chronopolis and morta stole the power source for the city which he then converted into the forever Crystal this caused the complete destruction of chronopolis and with it the anachronauts and even ravona rensslayer however Kang survived and joined forces with Rick Jones the Supreme intelligence and the Avengers against immortus and his Masters the timekeepers it turns out wanted to destroy most timelines in which Humanity existed keeping only the ones necessary to ensure their own existence when immortus refused to allow such a vast temporal genocide he too was killed with Rick Jones and the timekeepers both calling in reinforcements things soon erupted into all-out war with Avengers from across space and time fighting each other in the Citadel at the End of Time the timekeepers then attempted to forcefully warp Kang into his immortus Persona and transform him into their servant however Kang's will was so strong he resisted so vehemently that he actually diverged into two separate beings while Kang remained King everything that was immortus split off into a separate younger version of himself the energy backlash resulting from this cause to the timekeepers to be weakened long enough for Kang to obliterate them ending the destiny war in the end Kang had lost his kingdom but he had conquered his own destiny and truly became The Once and Future King oh man hey guys thank you so much for watching this video I know everyone always tells you to like comment and subscribe but this one in particular was a significant undertaking I really enjoyed doing it so I'd genuinely appreciate it if you could do all those things and share the video if you liked it too uh I also have a patreon if you want to support more videos like this which is linked in the description along with other places you can find me oh and of course as always the issues referenced in this video are listed in the description as well but uh yeah if you like my content and you can spare a dollar per month please consider supporting me on patreon it really does help a lot it'll even get your name in these special thanks here but either way once again thank you for watching and until next time True Believers Excelsior thank you [Music]
Channel: MerryMarvelite
Views: 109,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h9e6znObU5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 6sec (3006 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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