Kamigawa Neon Dynasty "COMPLEAT" Story | Magic: The Gathering Lore

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hey everyone and welcome back to the ether hub i'm simon bringing you more magic the gathering lore wizards of the coast has done something different for the story of kamagawa neon dynasty and the entire story has been released in very quick succession so i've taken the time to compile the entire story right here in one place for your enjoyment remember to hit that like button the forexions don't want you to see this one so make sure you subscribe and share it so their plot on kamagawa doesn't go unnoticed i thank you all so much in advance for helping support the ether hub and now the complete story of kamigawa neon dynasty [Music] the story of kamagawa neon dynasty starts with a young boy and his sister being dropped off at the steps of the palace in ganjo the seat of the emperor of kamagawa this boy kaido and his sister ekko are orphans from the plains undercity seeking a new life serving the emperor as well as the whole of kamagawa they are taken in by an advisor to the emperor herself a kitsune teacher named laypaws through her many years of service lightpaul's senses potential in these two youngsters and welcomes them to inganjo life in the palace was not easy for the siblings every day they trained in hand-to-hand combat with light paws learning the basics required to defend the emperor from harm should their service be needed kaido and aiko sparred with one another time and time again watching as they became more skilled with each passing lesson but a time would come when they were no longer children where they would need to choose a path a purpose that would serve kamagawa and their emperor kaido would be pressured down the path of a samurai the elite warriors who protect the emperor directly while his sister aiko would go on to be a kami diplomat someone who converses and negotiates with the ancient spirits known as kami who bridged the gap between the physical and spiritual realms however kaido never felt it was his destiny to become a samurai and he bucked at this responsibility until a chance encountered with a mysterious girl behind a paper screen while skalking about the rooftops of nganjo kaido runs across the silhouette of this young girl about his own age it was the emperor rather than shooing the rogue away from her window the two talked and enjoyed each other's company they quickly became friends and their nightly chats became a regular thing it wasn't until kaido's first day of training as a samurai did he actually get to meet his new friend in person as this new sparring partner stepped forward it was clear from her voice that he would be training alongside the emperor their friendship only grew from there during the day they would spar and at night kaido would sneak out and they would enjoy a more candid conversation without the eyes of formalities or advisors they had a pure bond between them but as they got older it was clear that their paths too were diverging the emperor whose growing duties required her to serve the whole of kamagawa and kaido's training eventually leading to him serving the emperor behind the scenes political intrigues are taking place on kamagawa a group known as the uprisers are growing in significance renegades who want to tear down the imperial system of nganjo and end the empire at the same time the futurists scientists looking to push the bounds of technology on kamagawa say their extreme research is for the good of its people however their tech is heavily regulated by the imperials thus causing friction it is in this climate that kaido finally finds out what he stands for during an encounter with a soratami or moon folk named katumasa he learned what the futurists were all about how they wanted to spread tech to the neediest of kamagawa the sick and the poor people like his parents who died because they couldn't get their hands on the needed tech to cure their disease and when they scrapped some medicine from the black market they were arrested by the imperials dying in prison with that kaido became a futurist and endangered his relationship with the emperor though the two no longer sparred with one another that didn't stop kaido from rushing to his friend's aid when the palace alarm sounded an intruder he was the first to make it to the emperor's quarters finding it empty deep within the sacred temple halls of kyodai the guardian kami of all of kamagawa kaido would first spy the man he believed was responsible for his friend the emperor's disappearance a man with a metal arm though the stranger would escape that night it would kickstart kaido's journey to find the emperor and restore her place on the throne so he could again take his friend's side fast forward a number of years later kaido has left palace service seeking answers joining a gang known as the heils and reckoners who may have access to information regarding the emperor's whereabouts he receives a new mission from their leader yumazala to find a soratami conducting illegal experiments on kami and bring that tech back to the reckoners he travels to the zhukai forest one of the most spiritual places on kamagawa teeming with powerful kami so he calls in a favor from his sister who is now an inspiring commie diplomat it's a good thing he called aiko in too because if he hadn't akami probably would have crushed him the moment he stepped into the forest together they find the target of the reckoners a slender moon folk named tamishi confronting the scientist they demanded to know what he hoped to learn by studying the kami and fusing them with his technology tameshi's intentions were pure he didn't study on any unwilling kami and kamagawa had changed so much with technology that one day the kami too would need to adapt or be threatened by humans continuous advancements tamishi simply wanted to help the kami and kamagawa with that said he came to the forest seeking one kami in particular a spirit in the shape of a tanooki he saw flash from kaodai's temple by happenstance the very same night the emperor disappeared kaido believed this kami born in the physical realm could somehow be connected to the missing emperor this connection was confirmed when the tanooki spirit in question called out in a tone similar to the voice of kodai a song only kaido could hear using the tech tameshi had designed that could contain the spiritual energy of akami without restraining it essentially a robotic drone the tanuki kami leapt into the suit and made its allegiance to kaido apparent this was no ordinary kami being born of the physical realm with the ability to communicate and command other kami even those more powerful than itself it was the first of its kind it possessed strange powers that it bestowed to kaido a feeling of pulling and stretching of sinking and falling the tanuki kami now known as the kami of the spark himodo made kaido a planeswalker with their fates tied kaido and the kami of the spark felt a pull to explore the multiverse that somehow the emperor was no longer on kamagawa but out there somewhere beyond the blind eternities together they traveled and learned but always finding time to return to their home and check in on aiko and tamishi it was during one of these reunions that aiko provided kaido with some troubling intelligence in the 10 years since the emperor's disappearance and their friendship with tamishi began kamagawa had tilted further and further to disorder the empty throne was ripe for the taking the futurists grew bold the council of advisors bickered amongst themselves and the uprises were growing in strength and fervor but that wasn't all as it turned out their greatest enemy could be someone very close to them aiko revealed that tamishi had been involved in some very shady dealings and even has had contact with the man with the metal arm the target kaido has been searching for this past decade the one who took the emperor kaido rushed to ottawa the floating city of the moon folk and the location of tamishi's research lab using his skills as a ninja and rogue kaido tracked his friend and found he was up to some very secretive business experimentations that even the other futurists didn't know about but still no concrete evidence he knew the man with the metal arm he intercepted a vague message from one of tameshi's drones a meeting in the undercity it was a chance to catch his betrayal in the act and perhaps the man with the metal arm as well before leaving kaido took some blueprints showing a small device like a chip with elegant tendrils of blue light dancing from its base it was the only thing connecting to mishi this meeting and his illicit research now spying on the meeting to me she was attending in the undercity the situation seemed much more dire than kaido first realized the laboratory was littered with beacons of neon filled liquids stuff he had never seen from any futurist lab before behind locked cages he saw commie strapped to metal tables tubes and wires connected to monstrous machines their spiritual energy being drained kaido may be no imperial but he didn't want the kami treated like this the fleshlings previous utility is irrelevant doubt and weakness must be excised from the whole finalize collecting the necessary materials and transfer their quiet specimens do not slow progress the subjects regaining a full conscious state is an inevitable outcome all evidence must be eradicated expansion of the work will continue in a more optimal location courtesy of the fleshling it was a monster it's the only way kaido could describe it with that command the beast ordered his henchmen hired hyos and goons by the looks of it to set blaze to the stores of glowing beakers quickly the place took the flame and kaido struggled to gather anything of value any clue that could lead him to the missing emperor among the cataclysm he spots a body barely moving it was tameshi mortally wounded slashed through the chest by that hulking metallic monster as his friend laid there dying nothing mattered not regrets not betrayal kaido needed to know who was he working with who was the man with the metal arm with a final breath tamishi whispered the name tezeret with that name kaido lost a friend but he gained a new lead kaido searched the ancient archives and living historians of kamagawa for any reference to the name tessaret only one thing popped up an incident in an azumi village some years ago recorded that tesseret appeared to the rat folk with a broken mind a victim of his former colleagues and organization who subsequently burned down their village killing countless and left tezeret there for dead the nazumi took the man in and healed him best they could but it was clear tezrit's mind was lost until one day a dragon came to them and negotiated for tesurat's body the village so feared retribution from tessera's organization that they scattered vanished and became ghosts say for one youngster whose name became public nashi kaido went to the poisonous marshlands of the nazumi and among their fungal farms found no love from the refoak they despised humans and their sense of civility they looked down on the nazumi as nothing more than beasts so they tried to civilize themselves to no avail kaido found no allies here he feigned giving up his search but uttering nashi's name alone put the young nizumi in danger which caused the village to react exactly as kaido had counted on using his tanuki drone housing the kamihimoto he spied on the rat folks conversation and intercepted a crude messenger attack revealing someone was protecting this nashi in ottawa the floating city was his next target walking the streets of ottawa following the nizumi drone kaido is surprised that he's the one now being tracked spinning quickly blade in hand ready to defend himself a tall female moon folk with pale light skin magically floating scrolls around her stood before him she knew more than kaido had hoped respectfully asking kaido to give up his search which clearly he wasn't prepared to do he wasn't sure what these scrolls were but if they were spells he would need to act quick before she could cast them the fight was quick and graceful as kaido used his favorite tactic breaking down his segmented katana into sharp throwing stars and mentally projecting them with deadly speed though this moon folk seemed just as nimble able to dance through the attack effortlessly kaido changed his strategy attacking her scrolls instead hoping to shred them then failing that he cut the rope that secured her satchel of spells to her body as they fell the moon folks stumbled to collect them leaving her open kaido left and took one of her scrolls thinking it was her prepared spell but the moon folks simply grabbed another and cast it freezing and locking kaido's muscles in place he had become paralyzed the stranger wanted to cast a mind spell on the boy to wipe his memory of this protect her family from his intrusion though his lips were locked kaido uttered the name tesuret with a shocked look on her face she releases him from the spell and introduced herself as tamio together the two ventured to tamio's compound where they met with her son nashi yes this adopted rad folk is tamio's family now here tamio revealed that she too was a planeswalker and that she understood kaido to be one as well she had collected paintings on different worlds that kaido recognized as not of kamagawa and only a fellow planeswalker could possibly do that their conversation then turns to tezeret the young nashi himself doesn't have information to share really but tamio is quite familiar with this enemy planeswalker kaido learned that this man was in fact the man with the metal arm matching his description perfectly on the night that the emperor went missing but he also learned just how dangerous tezra was everything began to click into place tesret was interested in ancient kamagawan artifacts he studied the magical essence of the kami it's why he was in kyodai's temple he was researching kyodai that night it's also why the kami of the spark came to him his purpose was always somewhere outside of kamagawa resting with these planeswalkers while researching on kamigawa was enough to spring cameo from her usual decree of neutrality it wasn't enough to cause her to act rashly they needed to learn the whys behind his plan what was tesaret studying and to what end still tamiya was uneasy holding something back a revelation that would change everything for kaido and kamagawa during the war of the spark tamiya met with a planeswalker known simply as the wanderer they talked and in that discussion the wanderer mentioned tesret and a weapon the planeswalker was prototyping it was called the reality chip tamio wasn't sure what the tech could do but the night the emperor vanished in kyodai's temple tezeret was using the reality chip on the great kami hoping to control kodai however the device didn't have tezrit's intended results rather the effects ignited the emperor's own latent spark and she was flung from kamagawa taking the moniker the wanderer the wanderer and the emperor are one in the same kaido was shocked by the news his friend a planeswalker all this time out exploring the multiverse much like he had done but then why hadn't she returned tamio explained what the wanderer had told her that whatever the reality chip was it altered the wanderer's planeswalker spark she was unable to control this gift as they could she jumped aimlessly from plane to plane lost in a never-expanding blind eternity in a way she was trapped a prisoner to her own gift unable to return at will chance would have to guide her home relieved that his friend was at least still alive kaido turned to action the reality chip the schematics tameshi had been working on tezrit needed it for his plans and now they needed it as a means to bring the emperor home perhaps if it destabilized the wanderer's spark it could be used to give her more control allowing kamigawa's emperor to return tamiya was against rushing headstrong into an unknown tesra plot urging patience but kaido doesn't know the meaning of the word and runs to confront the man with the metal arm heading to tamici's forgotten lab where the remains of his friend's research sat breaking into the eerily silent lab kaido is disgusted by the sight of more emaciated kami tubes running from their barely alive bodies to large machines wires ran from those machines to a singular point where a small neon lit ship with blue tendrils danced in constant motion the reality chip he grabs the chip shoving it into his pocket feeling vindicated in his decision not to listen to tamio but as he exits a looming shadow stops him and speaks in a grating voice like metal shaving against metal your fleshling eyes suggest familiarity but knowledge of our meeting evades my memory the existence of a second gen cataxius on this plane is highly improbable therefore your recognition must be accepted as genuine schematics are unimportant in this instance theft is an offense that will require swift retribution the monster had a name gin gataxius from the shadows dozens of ninjas appeared henchmen to both jingataxius and tezeret the first steps forward blade raised as their master skulked back into the dark kaido used his throwing stars from his blade to strike at enemies near and far they were paid muscle but kaido was fighting with righteous fury yet these minions weren't kaido's target he had the chip he needed to escape stabbing at strangers and dodging blows kaido throws the device from his belt releasing a black smog as he tumbles out he activates its secondary function as electricity pulsed through the clouds zapping the henchmen clearing a path for kaido's escape jin gataxias had to have known that he now possessed the reality chip still the coast seemed to be clear until a lurching abomination rose above the rooftops it was a giant mech shaped like a dragon with teeth and a maw just as deadly kaido felt the reality chip whirl in his pocket thumbing with life and when he turned to face the mech its lights were extinguished and it ceased to move what stood above it was a warrior of white hair moving like water the wanderer the emperor of kamagawa had returned knowing more henchmen were on route the planeswalkers quickly escaped ottawa and returned to ignanjo castle it had been many years since either kaido or the emperor had been here and it was a reunion strained by a decade of silence the emperor went alone into kaodai's temple to see the great kami she shared such a strong bond with the emperor was the flesh of kamagawa while kodai was its spirit together they brought harmony to the plane and finally with their reunion the pain and anguish kyodai felt was lifted still anxiety permeated the great kami and an uneasiness fell over the emperor as well it was her spark it was unstable fate brought her back to kamagala but it again pulled on her to planes walk away she needed help if she were to stay and kaido pulls out the reality chip tamio places the device onto the wanderer's hand as its rising tentacles leech into her skin and fuse to her body the process was painful but this chip was what caused the instability and it was their only chance to reverse it after it was done the wanderer and kyodai felt at peace as if at least for now the wanderer's spark was under control now they needed to think of their next step kaido was so relieved to see his friend again but it's not like their friendship could just pick up right where they left off having casual chit chats on the roof of nganjo he was here to help her through these trying times fulfilling the role of a samurai that he so railed against and now he was happy to do so the reality chip stabilized her planeswalker spark but it also linked the wanderer to the monitoring machines back at tamishi's compound it gave her visions it saw recordings of the beast jingataxius and his next moves he's informed the leader of the uprisers rizona of the emperor's return the uprisers are mustering their forces to attacking ganjo before word of her return gets out to kamagawa they plan to end the throne tonight tamio fetches ako and lipos who are both stunned at the emperor's return but a heartfelt reunion isn't possible right now now they needed to strategize two things needed to be done first in ganjo the emperor and kodai needed to be protected they didn't know why jing cataxius has ordered the uprising to attack the monster itself doesn't want the throne he wants something else maybe even kodai regardless if it's a direct challenge or a distraction they cannot let the castle fall the second is that they need to destroy tamici's workshop all his research on the reality ship was crucial to this monster and tesserat in destroying it they would delay their plans significantly and perhaps render kamigawa useless to them it was agreed that tamio and kaido would go to destroy tamici's research while ako lightpaws and the emperor would stay behind and rally the imperial forces in samurai to defend the castle with kaido and tanyo again risking their lives walking into michi's workshop they find it quite open and quiet too quiet still they had a mission to destroy everything those same kami barely clinging to life before now laid their lifeless in shock the pair are confronted by the man with the metal arm tezerette tezeret barely remembers kaido from all those years ago that boy who flung a roof tile at him since then he had heard of a planeswalker trailing him but now in facing his unknown adversary tesret was disappointed he thanked the two for coming for helping continue their research for it wasn't the kami they were truly after it was planeswalkers jin gataxia slowly reveals himself from the shadows confirming that tesseract and this monster had indeed been working together this entire time and tamici's lab was simply a ploy bait to trap them in their ultimate plan is revealed their research wasn't just on the kami it was on the basis of the physical and spiritual kami are beings of physical matter comprised totally of spiritual energy a makeup very similar to planeswalkers the kami didn't share their sparks but they contained the essence of the multiverse itself housed in a physical vessel much like a planeswalker and kami are far easier to come by than what ferexia really needs the very thing they brought to them planeswalkers they are trying to make ferexian planeswalkers kaido wants revenge he's as rash as ever throwing bladed stars towards his decade-long target but he underestimates his opponent tesseret can control tech bend metal with his mind this was child's play to him stopping them midair he commands pipes to wrap around kaido and tamio's bodies covering the moon folk's eyes to ensure she cannot read any of her pesky scrolls tazered kept the pair just inches away from death blades and stars dangling near their necks if one would try to be heroic the other would die they only needed a single planeswalker for their experiments helplessly bound and forced to choose submission or a foolhardy death kaido pulls the explosives he planned to use on the lab from his pocket the emperor was willing to sacrifice everything for kamigawa he was now willing to do the same to sacrifice everything for the people he cared about to finally ensure the emperor was safe he threw the bomb knowing he would die alongside tezrit in this monster bracing for an impact that never came it hovered for a moment before jolting to tezra's hand where it fell apart piece by piece tech the planeswalker had mastered in his sleep they were captured utterly as they're knocked unconscious back at kyodai's temple the wanderer is again having visions still linked to the monitoring machines at tamishi's compound she sees tamio and kaido in trouble they don't have much time if they were to live she needed the plans walk to them now but how her spark was unstable already she lets her mind meld with the great kami she was bound to the wanderer believed it was kaodai that managed to bring her home after so many years now she again turned to the spirit to grant her strength to control her spark and the reality chip with their bond the wanderer felt like a compass whose needle finally pointed home not just to kamagawa but her friends who made it home kaido never gave up on her and she wouldn't give up on him now as the wanderer plays walks from the castle to her friends in need in a flash of light the wanderer did not hesitate she did not announce herself quickly pulling out her blade and like wind soundlessly striking at her foe jingataxius taken off guard the ferexian was surprised by the cut of a blade trailing from his neck to his chest letting out a blood chilling metallic cry the wanderer then turns to the surgical tables holding down kaido and tamio breaking them free the fight wasn't over yet but finally all three would be fighting side by side tamio the wanderer and kaido took to the field clashing with tesoret and his forces of minions the wanderer was fighting like it was a well-practiced dance as the hulking body of gingotaxius laid their motionless with the three planeswalkers working in tandem and only tesrets posing as a true threat the group quickly got the upper hand tazerette finally being subdued by a paralysis scroll read by tamio tezeret was key to unlocking whatever he and this monster had planned he also had crimes that needed to be paid for with that judgment coming from those he hurt most the kami kyodai would be the arbiter of justice but there was still another concern where zona and her uprisers were laying siege to inganjo the wanderer was needed back at the castle to rally her people and stand for its defense while tesla couldn't move his body his mind and powers were still rather potent he willed the reality chip made of metal and still implanted into the wanderer's hand to dance to his will its tendrils dug deeper and with new purpose whatever he had done to it further destabilized the wanderers planeswalker spark she couldn't simply planes walk back to the castle or risk being lost to the blind eternities worse still she could feel that same uncertain pull from her spark beckoning her to leave kamagawa her only hope was to get to kyodai kaido knocked tesuret out with a well-placed crate to the back of the head to prevent any further interference while tamio removed the chip and placed it into herself it no longer provided its purpose to the wanderer but it still was useful in augmenting the powers of whatever it was placed in with it on tamio she was able to cast the spell and gain control of one of the many surveillance mechs circling ottawara with this boarded tech they could quickly return to enganjo their captured foe safely secured though the mech brought them to the castle quickly with the plane's walkers surveying the battle taking place below it wasn't without its issues though the ship concentrated tamio's power it took her mind away from her spell over tezeret and he could feel his magical restraints weakening below kaido and the wanderer were astonished at how quickly the uprisers had breached the main gates of the castle they fought at rizona's command and she fought with a burning rage that would have to wait however tezra had gained enough autonomy back to wrench smoke bombs from kaido's belt smashing them upon the mech's back and clouding them all in a coughing smog tazerette fell as the mech itself crashed into inganjo kaido worried for the wanderer's life after the crash but that worry faded as he saw her racing towards kodai's temple to again bond with the kami and protect her throne but he too spied tesuret chasing after her still believing she had the reality chip kaido again climbed the roofs of nganjo trying to protect his friend this time kaido was quicker more accurate tossing debris at his target smashing tesra in the side of the head and knocking him from the roof kaido knew of his opponent's tricks that bringing tech or metal to this fight would be a hindrance he discarded his weapons knives katana even his drone with the kamihimoto sending it out to find help he would face tesret unarmed but he didn't need throwing stars for this fight he fought for the people he cared about with a purpose tesserat could never hope to match the two clashed metal straining against muscle kaido managed to round a kick square to tezeret's temple though his enemy was still too strong for him at least alone himoto had returned with kaido's sister ako who drove a golden dagger deep into tezrit's thigh before bouncing away from his retaliation tamio 2 appeared in the sky above them paralysis scroll in hand tesret tried to distract the moon folk blinding her with sand but his fate would match that of their last encounter tezerette frozen in place but this time he noticed the reality chip was on tamio's hand not the wanderers tazerette grimaced as he commanded the ship and in turn commanded tamio the moon folk planeswalker released the spell as tesrik quickly opened a portal from his chest it wasn't like planeswalking but something else kaido couldn't place when the portal closed tesret and tamio were gone kaido had no time to process the loss the wanderer was still out there fighting and a war was waging on nganjo's steps the wanderer had leapt from the confines of kyodai's temple and joined the fray besting every upriser who dared challenge her until she met their leader rizona in one-on-one combat the wanderer had been trained not only by the best fighters of kamagawa but in martial forces throughout the entire multiverse rizona posed no real threat still she didn't want to execute the radical she gave razona chance after chance to surrender but her fury wouldn't be abated though misguided the upriser's words rang true even to the wanderer the people of kamagawa could no longer trust an emperor who abandoned them for a decade and had no clear way to prevent it from happening in the future before rizona got herself killed she fell unconscious knocked out by a rock thrown from across the courtyard by kaido who had returned to help his friend together victorious they returned to kaodai's temple but rather than reveling in glory the wanderer was buckled over in pain without the reality chip her spark continued to destabilize her time on kamagawa or any plane for that matter was finite it was ripping her apart from the inside forcing her to leave her home her friends though kaido mourned the thought it was the kami kodai who wailed the loudest their bond was what kept kamagawa safe and this plane would always need a strong and present leader after exchanging a few words only heard by emperor and kami kaido was told to fetch light paws his old teacher quickly the wanderer had made a decision kamagawa needed an emperor she would serve that role so long as she was able but when her spark made that impossible someone strong and true must lead in her stead light paws would be the new emperor of kamagawa blessed by kyodai herself with no way to know where tamio tezeret and the reality chip had gone kaido can only sit by and watch as he again lost his friend to fate as her power ushered her away from kamagawa her home light radiated from light paws the new emperor of kamagawa as ako and kaido bowed in the aftermath rizona and the uprisers were captured and light paul's was welcomed as a new blessed emperor kaido and his sister went back to tamici's compound to look for the body of jingataxius but it was gone likely whisked away by tesrik after he kidnapped tamio though it pained him kaido along with the kami of the spark himodo had a mission to accomplish again they would go out in search of a friend this time tamio who risked everything to help them and finding her and the reality chip maybe he could use it in tracking down the emperor and bring her home for good with tears in his eyes he bids his sister and kamagawa farewell promising to return and never again leave without saying goodbye while kaido's mission was clear the fate of tamiya was not stolen by tesret who had repaired the broken body of gingotaxius the moon folk planeswalker awoke on a strange plane rising from a cold metal table that felt all too familiar she looked around weird shapes appearing before her reading her scrolls in a language she didn't recognize but could still read all the same she felt wrong but natural as if changed but also corrected arise first of the ferexian planeswalkers you will not be the last gen gataxius had ushered in a new age for the ferexians successfully completing the first planeswalker tamio knew what it meant to defend her home and her family and now her family was undoubtedly the pharexians whom she would defend with her dying breath she looked over to the three ironbound scrolls she possessed spells of such power that she swore to never unleash them but now with ferexia swimming in her very bean she would use them for her new family at a moment's notice tesret appears verbalizing his distrust for their new creation after all she had just fought against their plans just days ago however gingkitaxius is confident in his experiment tamio had been completed totally she was now just as much an ally as he was word would be sent to ellis norn about this momentous achievement but still more information was needed other plans needed to come to fruition as tamio stands with ferexia her new home and her new family and that you guys is the complete story of kamagawa neon dynasty the plot of the ferexians thickens as we get our first ever feraxian planeswalker r.i.p tamio i loved her character as she was involved in so many amazing stories especially on innistrad now her moonlit beauty will forever bless new ferexia how do you feel about this new development in mtg let me know in the comment section below if you enjoyed the video please be sure to like subscribe and share it on social media as that's the best way that you can support our channel as always guys thank you all so much for watching and until next time see ya you
Channel: Aether Hub
Views: 113,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phyrexian planeswalker, tamiyo, tamiyo compleation, tamiyo compleation sage, phyrexia, jin gitaxias, jin gitaxias kamigawa, jin gitaxias progress tyrant, the wandering emperor, tezzeret, tezzeret betrayer of flesh, kamigawa neon dynasty, neon dynasty spoilers, neon dynasty story, complete kamigawa story, tamiyo kamigawa, kamigawa spoilers, kamigawa story, full neon dynasty story, aether hub, magic arcanum, return to new phyrexia, kamigawa planeswalkers, mtg, mtg story, phyrexian
Id: 7jrBK1z_v1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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