Kamado Joe DoJOE Pizza Accessory

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hey guys I'm John Setzler welcome back to the kamati of joy Cooking Channel the dojo rolled in here this week so we're gonna have a look at it so let's get started the dojo is a pizza accessory for the Kamaraju classic and the Quemado Joe Big Joe it's a wedge-shaped device that's a lot like the Joe to Sri in that design but this guy's designed to hold heat deflectors and a pizza stone and allow you to cook your pizzas at high temperatures without having to open the dome lid fashioned around the inside edges of this device there are some lips here that hold your heat deflectors in the low position and another set up high that hold your pizza stone and give you an air gap between the two to help keep the top stone where the pizza cooks from overheating during this process the first stage and getting your dojo ready to cook is to put the heat deflectors in place and these go oriented left or right on the gap you need to install the front side first and then the back side and then all you have to do is install the pizza stone on top right above that and then we'll set this on the grill this guy fits on the grill it sets on here just like the Joe Tesori you set it on and it rides on the gasket and then you just close the dome lid on top you can line that up and at this stage it's ready to cook and then your dojo behaves just like a traditional pizza oven it gives you that gap that opening in the front where you can use your pizza peel the slide pizzas in and out real simple to use and you can kind of see how the design works here there are holes around the outer edge all the way around that allow heat from the firebox to come up circulate through the dome and there's a lip back here that's designed to direct the airflow over the top of the pizza where you shouldn't have to spin your pizza during the I've had some pretty good luck cooking pizzas on here without having to turn them so that's a plus here as well the dojo comes with a latch attachment on the lip here on the smoked lip that allows you to connect the classic to and classic three dome lids to the latch if you need to if your dome lid won't sit flush adequately you can use the latch to hold it in place and that's just our brief overview of how the dojo looks how it goes together and how it sits on the grill the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how to start up the grill and get the dojo ready to cook you're gonna want to start this process with a clean firebox you want to get all the debris and all the ash out of your firebox you're gonna remove your divide-and-conquer rack if you are using a charcoal basket you can leave it in place but you want to take the divide-and-conquer rack out if you're using a charcoal basket you'll want to fill your basket almost to the top edge but not quite complete you're gonna more be 2 or 3 inches below the top level of firebox you don't want to fill this all the way up ok to get this process started the light in the fire I have put three come out or draw fire starters spaced out in my firebox and we're gonna use these to light the fire we're gonna set the top vent or we're gonna set the bottom vent fully open then we're going to close the lid and we're gonna open the top vent fully and we're gonna leave it just like that until our grill temperature gets up to around 450 to 500 degrees in the dome and that's going to take 15 to 18 minutes so we'll be back okay we're almost 17 minutes in and my grill temperature here is just under five hundred degrees in the dome it's at about 480 so what we're gonna do now is slowly open the dome lid and we're gonna set our dojo in place then we're gonna close the lid and then we close the dome lid fully you leave that guy closed and we're gonna let this continue to preheat now that we've got the grill hot we need to preheat the stones so we will be back once the grill temperatures up the grill temperature and the dome here we want it to come back up to I don't know 550 to 600 after an additional 15 minutes here our dome temps back up to about 525 or so and it's gonna keep climbing a little bit more and like I said we've still got the bottom vent fully open we're gonna let this stabilize here for about an additional 15 minutes the leather stone temperature stabilized before we collect declare that this guy's ready to cook and after about 43 minutes total here we're almost up to 550 in the dome and the pizza stones are about the same temperature I just checked that with my infrared thermometer and this guy's ready to cook at this point now the temperature here may continue to climb I actually expect that it will climb probably up to around 600 degrees and it won't go much further than that based on the testing I've done using this technique to light the grill so that's the overview of the dojo and the overview of how to fire it up for a hot pizza the next thing we're gonna do is cook a pizza okay guys please excuse the noise they're doing road construction here they've been doing it all week so we're gonna do the best we can here I've taken the dough recipe that comes with the dough Jo and I have made a pizza using that crust and I've topped it I've got the dough Jo ready to go so we're gonna toss it on we're gonna slide it right in and we're gonna give it four or five minutes before we come back to give it a turn okay guys we've been going about five minutes so I'm gonna pull this guy give it a little turn not that I think it needs it but we're just gonna do it anyway let it go for about five more minutes okay guys after about another five minutes this guy's ready to come out so let's pull this over here and have a look okay guys our pizza's done this thing looks perfect the bottom side of it see if I can show you some of that it's got a beautiful cook on the bottom so when this noise stops I'll come back no finish discussing this so as you can see the dojo makes it a really simple process to cook a pizza keep the dome lid down where you don't lose that heat when you open it helps the pizza cook very nicely very evenly and you cook multiple pizzas a one right after the other in this without ever losing your dome temperature so for those of you that have this already let me know what you think about it and for those of you are thinking about getting it if you've got any questions leave your questions here on the video and we will answer them the best we can so until next time this is John Setzler with the commodity cooking channel [Music]
Channel: Kamado Joe
Views: 87,248
Rating: 4.8233438 out of 5
Keywords: kamado joe, dojoe, do joe, doejoe, dojo, pizza, insert, accessory, oven, attachment
Id: 3p77u8m7uQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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