DoJoe Kamado Joe review. Is the Kamado Joe DoJoe worth it? Head to head review | Smoking Dad BBQ

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hey I'm James from smokin dad barbecue and today we are responding to your question which is can the Quemado Joe beat the comodo Joe I need to explain a little bit more a couple weeks ago I did a pizza on the kamacho Joe using a brand new dojo accessory which I got after having pizza off of her friend's woodfired pizza oven and I thought can I make pizza just as good in my backyard using the grill that I already have I'll put a link in the description below if you want to check out that video but today's video is answering your question do I even need the dojo can I make pizza just as good off the kimono Joe without adding that accessory I don't know we're gonna find out so today we're doing kimono Joe versus quemado Joe let's fire it up and find out ok so it just started raining so I won't leave the camera out here too long but let me walk you through the setup for each joke so this one I'm gonna throw the dojo in we're gonna let it come up to about 450 degrees Fahrenheit before installing our dojo that's to help get some radiant heat in the domes which will act like a broiler and help cook the top of our topics the Joe over here I'm going to show you but I'm using my heat deflectors in a pizza pie ironically position to allow some heat to escape in between them and come up and also add some heat to the dome I love any chance that we get warm our ceramics up gradually versus just shocking them with some eat so let me bring you a little closer so you can see each of the two setups depending on what you have at home I'll walk you through how to do each one okay for our dojo setup we've got just the charcoal basket in with some big block and we're gonna just let that burn and start to fill this up with heat and then we'll go ahead and throw on our dojo so I'm gonna just let this fire build up a little bit longer and we'll be ready to install the dojo okay for the traditional set up I've installed the dividing conquer and on the second level I have a classic three so depending on if you have a classic - or a classic three if you have a two level or three level you want a bit of an air gap between your pizza stone and your heat deflector plates and so on the three tier system I'm going for the second level is this will give us a little bit more space on the charcoal so that heat isn't just captain held at the bottom but it's allowed to come up and help broil our toppings and when we reach the temperature that we want around also about 450 degrees what I'll do is I'll slide these together once we've got some heat and our dome and then we'll install our grids and we'll add our pizza stone so it can also heat up so both piece of stone to be heating up around the same time let me again close this dome and we'll let the heat build and I'll rejoin you when we're ready to move on to the next step all right so that's what five minutes of leaving big block alone does we've got our fire ready on that come on oh and we've got our fire ready on this tomorrow so I'm gonna move back to the tripod and we can close our plates and install the dojo all right so you're gonna want a pair of high heat gloves for this there's a lot of great ones I put an Amazon affiliate link which means I get a small commission if you order those don't need to buy these ones you don't pay any extra but it's down below if you're looking for a good pair these are rated for nine hundred and thirty degrees it'll last forever but man do they protect your hands when you're moving something this hot around so let's go ahead and slide our plates into position and install our dojo [Music] so as you saw on fast-forward we've got our dojo in place the dojo written right on it has a max temperature of 700 degrees Fahrenheit so when we get close to that we're going to start adjusting our bottom vent and we will close the top fit and when we do that you'll get that rush of hot air which comes up through the dome since it can xscape and out the front so you get amazing convection with the dojo for our commodity Oh set up with a pizza stone what we're gonna do is we can get away a little bit hotter since we're not using the dojo so I'm gonna look for about 800 degrees and the reason I'm doing that is we have to open the dome to rotate our pizza and slide it in we're going to lose some meat but when we do that the pizza stone is going to be too hot and so what I like to do is once we've got our stone in our deflector plates closed it's gonna allow that stone to heat up more gradually versus just being shocked with direct exposure to any flames is I'm going to get a wet rag and not a good one my wife's already reminded me that don't use the good rags I'm just passing it along and we are going to cool that stone right when we slide our pizza on and what I found that helps balance is the perfect doneness from the heat coming up from the bottom as well as the radiant heat coming from up top this is gonna be close I don't know we're gonna find out if the pizza coming off the Quemado Joe as is is any better as good not as good as the dojo and we'll go from there all right our grills are up to temperature so we are just over with six hundred and seventy degrees on the dojos that's about where I'm going to stop giving maximum of 700 degrees no such worries on this kimono Joe we are sitting at 850 we've almost pegged this at 900 and that happens so fast so I don't really want to go above 900 is the pizza will just cook quicker than I can even turn it so I'm thinking this one I'm going to rotate every 30 to 45 seconds or so and it should be done in about a minute and a half to two minutes and I think in the dojo at this temperature will be two to maybe three minutes so in order to be able to do a side by side we've got four pizzas ready to go but we're going to do two of the exact same type of pizza as close as possible at the same time and a mother nature is not cooperating with us but what I'll do is I'll cook to take them in bring them back out put the camera back out in the rain for a moment and we'll do a little bit of a taste test and see if there's a difference in taste texture look and anything else that we learn between the two Kamado Joe's that we're using today one with the dojo won't Oh so without further ado let's make some pies it's go time all right I forgot to mention one helpful tip if you're using a Kamado dough out the dojo is once you see that temperature cross seven to eight hundred degrees one of the things I like to do is just close my dome a little bit and give that about a minute and you'll notice the temperature will very quickly drop but doing that traps a lot more heat in your dome and it gets us the heat that we want to radiate and can broil a convection oven effect on our pizza so you only need to do this for a minute or two and then you're ready to open that back up but what we've done now like I said is we've trapped some of that extra heat in our dome and it'll just really help your pizza get that broiled look so now what I'm going to do is use this damp rag and we're just going to cool that stone so that we are not over temperature when it is time to put on our pizza so let's go ahead and do that now okay that's great that's all it takes we don't want to get too much water on there just enough to cool that down a little bit and make sure that we get even done this on our pizza let's get them out all right it's go time we're gonna start off with two pepperoni pizzas let's go ahead and get them on again our temp is right under 700 degrees and this is now over 900 degrees so I'm gonna do the dough Joel first and use the timer on my watch don't mean to be looking away from you but this is gonna go fast so let's get them on so now that we've got our two pizzas on what I want to do again every 45 seconds or so is rotate those you can go from 45 up to a minute and a half we'll just take a peak at about the 45 second mark and by the time I get to both of them will probably be averaging about a minute so if you're doing this at home at these temperatures anywhere from 45 to 60 seconds is a good mark but you can go as long as a minute a half and that won't be a problem you just likely rotate it once that'll be really easy on the dojo because we can actually take a peek do a pitmaster peekaboo on our pizza see how it's going and then for the jewel behind me where I can't see we're just gonna go on instinct and know that we want to rotate that and give it one or two rotations for the total cook so speaking of time we are coming up on our first minute so that's a rotate our dojo pizza and it will rotate me come on Oh Joe pizza oh that looks good that looks really good don't look how bad either all the things will happen on live camera let's continue on and we'll check it and another 45 seconds or so let me bring you a little closer so you can see the pit master peekaboo this again is one of the advantages of the dojo is that we can just peek right in and see that crust is rising that's not the piece of learning that's parchment paper and you guys asked a lot about that last time that does not flavor the pizza in our experience at all let's take a look over here look how put that temperature recovers we are right back to 900 degrees I just have not opened and we are getting our pepperonis charring on top the advantage of that residual heat stuck in the dome all right so we are at the two-minute mark so I'm just gonna go ahead and rotate this peak to see how we're doing again I think we might actually close done I think we are done let's get a look over here I also think we are done all right all right so let's take a look at the bottom of our two pizza pies here we are that's pretty good yeah that looks pretty good let's take these in slice them up and we'll give you twenty tasted all right so we've got our two sample pieces on the Left we have the dojo versus the right kymaro Joe regular pizza let's dig in and find out we can taste the difference I'm gonna start with the kimono Joe Pizza I haven't tasted both yet I don't know what's gonna win but if you're contemplating a pizza oven woodfired pizza oven versus kimono Joe I just got it this is the regular one it's so good you've not had pizza until you've tried to look five people this is amazing and we are now pegged beyond 900 degrees two minutes this is awesome let's try the other one the dojo so there is the slightest difference this is splitting hairs and we're relying only on my taste buds I'm not a food critic the dojo I am going to give a 1% advantage on taste and texture that crust just hit my tongue a little bit better than the crust off of the regular dough I thought it was actually going to be dead even but I can taste the difference is it worth to 300 all a difference no the only reason I would look again at the dojo is like me if you were tempted by a pizza oven you had some fear of missing out when friends got a pizza oven you can convert your jo into a pizza oven and have that same experience where you can bake and see what you're cooking for taste alone don't do it not worth it 1% it I mean it's very close 1% so go for the theater go for the fun go for the pizza experience but if you don't have that my gosh can you make a good pizza on your kimono jo so I don't really think there is a loser here because they're both really good pizzas but I am surprised I actually thought we were gonna end up in a dead tie I was not expecting that coming in today anyways I really appreciate you guys suggesting this video in the comments I read through all those respond to them so if there's something else you want to see me do please let me know in the comments of this video I'll be sure to add it to an upcoming video if you haven't already please hit that like and subscribe button and I look forward to seeing you next time [Music]
Channel: Smoking Dad BBQ
Views: 218,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DoJoe Kamado Joe review, kamado joe dojoe pizza oven, dojoe kamado joe, kamado joe pizza setup, kamado joe pizza stone, kamado joe pizza cooking, kamado joe pizza stone set up, kamado joe pizza temerature, Is the Kamado Joe DoJoe worth it?, DoJoe, dojoe pizza, dojoe review, dojoe pizza oven by kamado joe, dojoe classic, dojoe worth a buy, bbq pizza on the grill, bbq pizza oven, bbq pizza stone, best pizza oven, kamado joe vs, should I buy the DoJoe, dojoe compare
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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