KAISER or ISAGI? A CHOICE of LIFE or DEATH! | Blue Lock Chapter 264 Overview | Blue Lock Manga

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the bastard Munich versus pxg match has taken a turn for the best as I believe within these next two chapters we're going to witness the craziest goal from either isagi Yi Michael Kaiser or kior Jin what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name is Anam mosu and today's video we're going to be taking a look at Blue lock chapter 264 titled death death Death life if you enjoy my chapter overviews and would like to support the Channel please go ahead and click that subscribe button comment below your thoughts and also feel free to join my community Discord down below if you'd like to talk directly without further Ado let's get right into today's chapter and after watching go comment below who you think will be scoring the next goal in this match as always you start off with intro which states one player calmly seeks an opening between the boundary lines this introduction seems to be in reference to Bas meix number 69 kin as he happens to be the first person on the very first page the narrator then goes on to confirm this by saying that Ken has always been destined to to stand on the boundary line of Life supporting my prediction that last chapter's title wasn't reference to him the author clearly wants us to have all attention on Kiora because this chapter even goes on to explain a bit about his childhood as we see two nurses frantically rushing a pregnant woman into an operating room the narrator says that cogen's first life or death scenario happened when he was still in the womb with an eing machine then being shown displaying his mother's heart rate as 147 over 68 bad signs are already being shown as this is most definitely very high blood pressure on top of that the narrator goes on to further explain that his mother suffered from some serious illness while he was still in the womb and sadly the doctors only estimated a 50% chance for him to live through the birth luckily for both him and his mother Fortune ended up smiling upon the family and a healthy baby boy named Koren was born into this world the narrator then goes on to give us some context about his childhood as Kira was the middle child of two older brothers he had one hot-tempered older brother who was slightly taller and wider and one younger brother who was taller and also aggressive apparently every day in the Kira household the like a WWE match so JY would constantly be forced to choose which brother he should side with the way he lives life and his combat instincts were formed by this constant need to choose between one thing or another to be born or to die as we see a scale tipping in favor of one side CER believes that his presence and Alliance is what determines the Victor in most scenarios moving into the blue lock facility and facing these strong opponents has done nothing but sharpened these instincts of his even more and thanks to this mindset he's managed to make it this far into the new egoist League being out of the top 23 though and in the final match kajen has now faed with yet another Dead or Alive scenario in his life looking forward to see two star Strikers running towards the box he must decide what person he should Ally himself with to ensure his own Survival we didn't get a badass shot of Kiora locking in and sprinting ahead the narrator tells us that his instincts were telling him now more than ever that his time has come to make another Dead or Alive decision Michael Kaiser and isagi Yori are both positioned well and possess very powerful weapons to each score gold so what is the true best option for Kiora here moving on from from Kiora though the chapter then changes over to the perspective of our main character isagi yoi sprinting up the field the puzzle pieces flying all around containing players like NES kunami Yuri raichi and even zantetsu for some reason isaki is fully aware that this entire field is currently revolving around him not only the other Bast munic attack patterns completely centered around him but even PG's defense is fully focused on shutting him down before he can score a second goal among all this chaos though and with all eyes on isagi one player seems to be making the best of the scenario Michael Kaiser has now started to move individually because rather than being focused on ruining is sagi's game the emperor is once again locked in and is searching for goals of his own we see him lurking just behind yagi to his back cry and he's even completely abandoned Alexis Nest to chase after his ideal even crazier than that Kaiser started passing to other bluck members out of desperation which isagi admits he's not even mad about after all how could he blame his OG homies like raichi or huri for just wanting to boost their value especially while isagi is 100% locked into the top 23 they're both still teetering the line kazer understands the situation and mindset that they're operating by so using this to his Advantage he's making a lasage effort to try and reclaim his throne and devour isagi it seems like Kaiser has finally understood the concept of egocentrism because he's now taking into account his teammates and opponent mindsets Tendencies and anything else to gain the advantage rather than being afraid of this Awakening isagi grits his teeth and doubles down on this goal of crushing Kaiser he even points out that now is the perfect time to plummet his value because if isagi manag manages to score the brace after all of Kaiser Shenanigans there's not even a little league team that would want this man with he Sagi than making a pass off to Corona he questions of kao's evolution will truly be enough to devour him or can he fully go on to solidify his status as bastard Munich's true king let me know what you guys think will be the outcome of Kaiser and is sagi's rivalry in this match because I honestly think it could go a lot of different ways and continue even into the u20 arc back to short boy though tokumitsu has unfortunately arrived just to his right as he's trapped the ball promising to prevent Corona and he saw from linking up anymore toi looks geeked out here too like he popped his Z or something before the match so if I'm Corona I'm not risking injury against this refrigerator our King can care less though because Corona ends up just bunkering down here to successfully offset tokitsu Center of balance even tells him to piss off while calling him an introverted meit however with n sprinting in from behind this little managed to barge into their duel and steal possession from himself honestly seems to be getting a lot of attention this game with how locked in he is even having flashbacks about his strength what do you guys think his ultimate contribution will be for pxg will he end up just being yet another example of wasted potential in the blue light program rolling above all though Michael Kaiser comes flying through the air directly in front of Nan catching everyone off guard for the second time poor Kan and Toki couldn't just get two damn seconds for themselves nor could nanay be allowed to Shrine Kaiser is too locked in for any side character to get more than three pages because he successfully taken possession and is sprinting Full Speed Ahead isagi is of course watching this unfold from afar and taking mental note is he's now realized that Kaiser is not just targeting him directly he's now taking the more logical route to just allow the opponents to use effort and pressure is sagi's allies as he can then aim for the cracks to swoop in and take the ball glancing over frantically isagi figures out Kaiser's next Target to be kunami R insuk is we indeed see him looking over towards him and Shido Michel then makes a pass to his right over to kogami who's desperately struggling to hold back Shido here but the two dueling and kagami really having no other options he ends up working as an inchor for Kaiser passing the ball right on back to him as he passes up Chaba this evolved version of Kaiser seems to be finally causing some Fright with in isagi because on top of having perfect movements his use of egocentrism is even more knowing that kagami has his hands full locking down chido Kaiser forced him into a scenario where he had to cooperate and pass back to the emperor Michael has thrown everything aside and now completely understands the team he's playing with and by manipulating his teammates he's managed to adapt to the situation he's plunged himself into being an egoist was able to destroy and rebuild himself to achieve his own goals Mel seems to have a holistic ego type just like isagi we even get a little chart here showing off other people's ego types is obviously Shido and Bach are self types and players like Rayo and Hur are ballistic types anyways back to the action Kaiser is in some trouble here as both itoshi re and keru are standing right at his front while kosu was just standing there hurling insults and jokes towards Michael R seems to be completely locked in even saying the word kill again could we possibly be seeing his Flow State once again soon or will he SOI sweep PhD before that could even happen kisu actually manages to LEAP in in here and deflect the ball straight up from Michael geyser causing him to take on a very weird look alongside isogi ran also dove in to provide some extra coverage here I guess but good to keru for keeping up that good defense this loose ball luckily falls into the grasp of yoori who also agrees that luck seems to be on their side here taking on a serious look and locking in himself yur begins to pull back his leg as isagi Sprints forward asking him to resonate although two Defenders tried to prevent it Yuri manages to successfully pass the ball the direction of isagi although he didn't even want this pass instead of going right in the direction of hur's pass isagi side steps to his left allowing it to continue on while also passing up a Defender the pass's true Target ends up being Corona Ron once again because as you see him leaping in front of Nan in the air Aro goes on to make a perfect pass right towards isagi sprinting ahead of everyone right into the box with the ball bouncing just at his front all that's left for isagi to do is finish through sadly instead of going on to witness the Galaxy hotline we get to see Charles return from being AFK as he leaps through the air to deny isagi his second goal you can actually see him running just behind isagi in the previous panel but I honestly understand how he forgot about this little kid Charles literally rage quit the game and hasn't been seen for a good few chapters however despite that he still goes on to makis Sagi by calling him a brat and knock the ball away despite that crazy Twist from pxg the loose ball once again falls into the grasp of a bastard Munich player this time being the magician Alexis nest with AA flowing all around in a magic circle forming near his foot this assures Kaiser that it's not over yet because He Still Remains by his side this comes to a surprise of both Kaiser and isagi who glance over in confusion but Koren is here in the bottom left calmly watching everything going on also it kind of looks like Kora has an earring on his right ear there but I think it's just an oddly drawn sweat drop anyway the outro text for today's chapter says Charles decides to reinsert himself into the game and cuts off Corona's cross to usagi with the ball bouncing to Nest despite being cast aside Alexis shows that he's still loyal to Kaiser it's pretty crazy to me that Ness is still taking the side of Kaiser but I think in Awakening of both of their parts for a super chemical reaction would go super hard here but that being the end of today's chapter all that we're left with until next week is the title for the chapter 265 being the unfortunate ones let me know your thoughts and theories about this and next week's chapter down below because I have a video Brewing tomorrow where I'll be sharing my own opinions but that being the end of today's overview I just want to thank you all so much for watching all the way through if you enjoy the content I push out would like to support me please go ahead and click that subscribe button comment below for the algorithm and join my community Discord down below if you'd like to interact directly I hope you have an amazing day and make sure to stay up to date via my community tab
Channel: Animasu
Views: 23,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metavision, blue lock, blue lock manga, blue lock anime, barou, isagi yoichi, kunigami, neo egoist league, bastard munchen, manshine city, bluelock, kaiser, kaiser impact, animasu, manga, yo hiori, kiyora jin, pxg, itoshi rin, shidou ryusei, nagi, itoshi sae, bm vs pxg, charles chevalier, blue lock 256, karasu, Isagi scores, episode nagi, blue lock 259, blue lock 260, kaiser impact magnus, blue lock 261, kaiser backstory, blue lock 262, blue lock 263, blue lock 264
Id: wsNd5X2m1oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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