If BLUELOCK Season 2 Was Perfect...

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so blue lock season 2 was recently announced for October of this year following a successful season 1 besides raking in the money with manga sales and a movie the second season was pretty much mandatory as manga readers know blue lock really starts to get good with the ark season 2 covers it brings you from watching the anime on your couch maybe with some popcorn in hand to throwing the popcorn and jumping up and down instead at the sheer sight of a goal and I know this sounds like anime Tik Tok or any anime social media right now just wait until the anime gets into this Arc and then the anime ends up disappointing but blue lock season 2 if Done Right could be one of the best sport anime Seasons we've ever seen and that's exactly why I'm going to be listing what can make a perfect blue lock season too and then also listing exactly what could ruin this whole season because there was a pretty good amount of things in the first season of blue lock so I made a long long Christmas list of what I want to see but I decided on three main factors that would make a satisfactory maybe even perfect blue lock season 2 before it eventually comes out in October we have two objectives here to talk about the three things that would make a perfect blue lock season 2 and to prove to G smoke that this is indeed it by the way if you're an anime only don't worry there won't be any spoilers for the majority of this and I'll give a Waring before we get into any of them whenever someone mentions the blue lock anime I feel like the first critique that's somehow programmed into every single person's mind to have the same critique is the animation in fact I think the animation for the majority of it was actually pretty good it was watchable and my expectations do not lie in having some UFO table Demon Slayer level of visuals this is a video on what would make blue lock season 2 perfect given what we have so I'm not going to say spend a bajillion dollar on the animation to make every single frame look smooth but we also don't want some of the best drawn panels in the manga to look like it was made in Ms paint season 1 kind of suffered from this so for season 2 specifically I think they should highlight some of the more important moments basically saving the budget for those important moments in season 1 there wasn't many visually appealing goals we get some basic direct shots some cool curve shots maybe a midair shot somewhere in there in season 2 though that is not the case some goals are just absolutely stunning and unlike anything we've seen in season 1 the goals have certain effects Aura is literal spirit animals don't be surprised if you see a Kung Fu Panda type of goal in season 2 and it's not just the goals there's many other I guess you could call it elements that make blue lock blue lock for example the specific orur is for every specific character we see nagi's Aura being that whole skull thing I think that was done pretty well we're getting a lot of new characters for season 2 and some of the old characters have moments with their respective ores I just hope they don't mess it up I'm not going to lie we can rip off the Band-Aid right now and talk about isogi's Aura which looks like he just came out of the dumpster this was and has been a huge complaint for blue lock season 1 and just blue lock in general as much as I do understand why they switched it manisi looked 10 times better with the blue one this downgrade is like Marvel movies going from Avengers Infinity War to Madam web any big downgrade in the hall of fame of Big downgrades can't compete against isogi's Aura turning from blue to green with a bunch of new characters and a bunch of unseen auras you just hope that they do it way more Justice than isogi's Aura especially because some of the aura eyes and stuff like that are some of the best parts of blue lock what makes blue lock blue lock which is why I think it's almost a requirement to focus on those important parts rather than making crisp animation all around the CGI is also a pretty big thing in the anime this is what really gave blue lock the bad rep for its animation yeah I understand the CGI looks like Roblox but I don't think there is really any way around it and it's not even super noticeable unless you're nitpicking it as well it is something we have to point out though because we're talking about perfect season for blue lock because there was a 100 million memes about the CGI and specifically the walking animations it does kind of suck because in season 2 there's going to be a lot of moments where we have these overhead shots and players are moving all over the field they'll be using the off the- ball technique way more this season the weapon isogi stole from naraya where you go off the ball do I really need to explain this so more players are going to be off the ball moving into certain positions especially when blue lock turns into blue dialogue and we get a whole explanation before a play starts up everyone's walking will be slowed down so it's almost a guarantee that they'll use CGI for this again I don't think it's that big of a deal lots of animes use it and if there's no other way around it there's no other way around it doesn't matter to me about the CGI I know that's been a huge complaint in blue lock season 1 but a perfect season 2 just needs to do the good things right it doesn't need to do everything right which is why one of my requirements should be that they focus more on the important stuff like the goals the auras the eyes specific hype moments that get you out of your chair another want for me on the Christmas list for a perfect blue lock season 2 and this kind of falls under the animation is the literal background of the show there was many moments in the anime where we got a blank white background for moments in the manga that wasn't a blank white background it sounds really nitpicky but there's a reason why I'm pointing it out here and that's because in the u20 match that was announced at the end of season 1 it takes place during the night so going from season 1 which had a lot of bright lights in the facility to a darker background with flood lights on it's kind of a Jurassic change that may be hard to pull off you might need all hands on Deck to animate it they could very well just skip out on the dark background nighttime animation and pretend it never happened I kind of bring this up because another anime that being my hero suffered from the same fate my hero was a victim to the boogeyman who haunts animes with bright daytime backgrounds all the fans including myself thought it was during the night time just to get it during the daytime it really didn't change much but the mood or seriousness wasn't there for blue loock season 2 specifically it kind of captures the whole mood for the match you know their careers are at stake with this match like said at the end of the show so if it was all just bright lights in your face like they're fighting in the soul Society it really ruins the mood I doubt that they would miss something as crucial as the match being played during night time but again we've seen the mess up backgrounds before if season 2 were perfect I think this is kind of a requirement getting back to the animation though the studio hasn't changed it's still 8 bit and it's been about a year since season 2 was in production which seems like a short amount of time but I think normal 12 episode seasons do usually only take a year and by the way we'll discuss whether season 2 will be 12 episodes or 24 episodes in a second because this Arc is one of the longest arcs that we've seen I think people are a little scared that it only took a year to make season 2 there is a lot of content which I obviously can't say due to spoilers but just for measurement sakes the first 12 episodes of the anime took 38 chapters season 2 is expected to cover 56 chapters which is 18 more in the same amount of time if they did 12 episodes it is really important to discuss this because pacing might become an issue I mean they're doing way more chapters in the same amount of time at the end of the day I will say though I have high hopes for the animation even on a quote unquote shorter time schedule I know everyone complains about the animation that's literally all I hear in the comment section but I don't think it's that bad like I said at the start I'd rather they focus on the more important parts like the goals and auras and making those perfect because certain goals and certain moments can and will 100% go viral on Tik Tok Twitter social media stuff like that so you want to make sure it's going viral for the good reasons good animation and not for being bad another thing is if you didn't know season one was a little rushed out due to the 2022 World Cup that's why there was a fallof in animation towards the end of the season it does make sense I think this is the correct decision blue lock went viral alongside Japan's run in the World Cup I don't think it would have been as popular without it but this time around there was no World Cup to rush out another season for so now it's a double-edged sword some people think it's good that they're releasing it this early and that we're getting a season this quickly but then the other side is if they have all this time why not wait and make the animation perfect instead of doing it in a year again stop talking about the animation though and talk about one thing blue lock does absolutely right and that is the voice acting and osts I think they have it absolutely spot on with this this is the perfect sausage roll I don't even know any analogies for this because this is just perfect the one thing people can all agree on for blue lock is that the anime has an amazing voice acting and OST cast season 1 already had a stacked cast I think everyone had an almost perfect casting and with Shido having Gojo's voice actor everyone else having voice actors that absolutely fit their characters like You' literally expect them to talk like that when reading the manga the voice acting in blue lock is just absolutely perfect and I think it will stay that way for season 2 don't need to change much here I will say there are certain lines that can literally make the anime go viral so I hope they don't censor it or botch it up osts I think are another thing blue lock does absolutely perfectly they have really good timing with their osts what I mean by this is they know when to play it at certain times and then there'll be certain pauses when it's needed I think isogi's game-winning goal against Team B is the prime example of this they had this OST going on stopped it to build tension and then isogi started screaming yeah that had me in tears bro absolutely beautiful goal we can pretty much be guaranteed for good voice acting and good osts I did just want to point out how good it is because that means we're one step in the right direction towards a perfect blue lock season 2 unless the composers get infected with tone deafness and the voice actors get sore throats every time they try to record we can expect it to be damn near perfect the third and final thing I want to cover that can make a perfect blue lock season 2 is how long the anime is going to be we obviously want to expect how long the season is going to be I think this is crucial to knowing if season 2 is perfect or not it relates a lot to pacing animation falloffs and stuff like that and what exactly are they going to cover this season there is an arc before the u20 game so is season 2 just going to be that Arc before the match or are they going to cover the u20 game as well if there is any comparison I can give the next Arc before the u20 game is like the hhra training Arc we're getting for Demon Slayer before Demon Slayer released its current season people said they were just going to combine the hasher training Arc since it has like eight chapters with the next Demon Slayer Arc which is a Big Arc this is kind of the exact same case for blue lock but with 14 chapters instead of eight so are they going to combine it into One Singular season or are they going to make a whole separate season for it Demon Slayer with the whole separate season route adding in anime only scenes since you can't have a whole anime season with just eight chapters and blue lock could very much do the same with the 14 chapters it has if you read the Manga you know that there's a lot of offs screen stuff games and training that are happening and they could just make it into an anime only are kind of like how Demon Slayer is doing it however I don't think this is the case I think blue lock season 2 will cover both the mini Arc and then the main Arc we're looking forward to the u20 match in just the season alone the teaser shows itoshi Sai who is announced to play in specifically the u20 match so why should they show him if they're not also doing the match I believe this is the case and I really hope it is because I don't think blue lock fans have the patience to sit through a whole season of this of a pretty insignificant Arc like how Demon Slayer fans are so now that we know the arcs That season 2 will cover now do we think it's going to be a 2 4 episode season or a 12 episode season it is kind of hard to discuss this without going into spoilers so your warning is now for the anime only my channel is also on the blue lock manga so most of you guys are probably from that but like I said earlier from where we ended off season 1 the announcement of the u20 match that was chapter 94 if it covers to the end of the u20 arc that will be around 56 chapters and this is also considering the fact that they're not showing the whole kunigami and the Wild Card stuff that is around 10 chapters more than the first 12 episode season so are they going to make it a little bit longer with a 24 episode season or they going to go with 12 episodes the answer is a pretty obvious one they'll go with a 12 episode season instead I think they'll do it exactly like this four episodes for third selection and the Flow State explanation and then Eight Episodes for the rest of the u20 arc I think Eight Episodes would be enough to adapt the rest of the game I think blue lock season 2 will end in three ways in my opinion one of them being a perfect way to end the season the whole point of this video ending one is after the u20 match is finished isagi says he leads Japan to Victory I think this is the least likely however it is how the chapter ends the second way I think is with kunigami walking out of the wild card I think no matter what this is the best way to end the second season as well as the teaser for Kaiser they're both teased in the same chapter as well and the Third Way is somehow fit the day off chapter in an extra episode or maybe the last episode and then again with the Kaiser or kunigami Cliffhanger slt's I think that's still the perfect way to end off I think this would be an absolutely perfect ending for season 2 to build hype for the eventual season 3 and also think the three things we covered like the animation the voice acting the pacing if Done Right could create a very satisfactory maybe even perfect blue lock season 2 this is kind of my first anime related video to Blue lock I usually make manga related videos so if you're interested in the manga definitely check out some of those if you made it to the end though thank you guys so much for watching my name's Hario and I'll see you guys next one
Channel: Hiryo
Views: 63,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blue Lock, BLUELOCK, blue lock theory, blue lock manga, blue lock anime, Blue Lock spoilers, Blue Lock New Chapter, Blue Lock Chapter 264, BlueLock Ch 264, Blue Lock Chapter 264 Review, Blue Lock Chapter release, Blue Lock Stream, Blue Lock chapter 264 spoilers, Blue Lock newest chapter, blue lock new chapter review, blue lock season 2, blue lock every goal ranked, blue lock best goals, if bluelock season 2 was perfect, hiryo, blue lock new season
Id: pIhX27oKhGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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