Kailub Russell | John Penton GNCC | GoPro Hero7

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what's going on guys gonna do this voiceover thing for the first time give it a shot jon-fen GNCC round number six and man it was tough it's a lots of rain leading up to this event track was very similar as far as the ruts go to round number five and act at the X Factor but man this place is just a monster of its own it's a super slick and these types of conditions it can be it's tacky here and there but it's really deceiving because it digs out and the ruts are just like ice they get pretty steep but you get to a hard bottom and just no traction to be found so it was you know a lot different and similar than the last race and it kind of shows I wasn't feeling quite as high point had a good result ended up getting second here's a start [Applause] and row number one the xc1 Pro will be up and rolling at this way so jumpin GNCC yes I get a great jump and yeah just out dragged there by Ashburn on the inside I sneak around smooth sailin think I'm gonna get the whole shot and I'm barely blows my doors off again but he goes wide so sneak around the inside he gets 250 bucks but yeah I lead everybody in the woods so I guess you can call it a compromise I don't know hey maybe I should work for the money but yeah so here we are across the road up the up the hill and as soon as we make this right-hander man shall a little rut on the outside and that's already I'm like kind of feeling out the track and seeing it just how slick it is underneath me and I was a little bit timid I knew that I always try to push here like soon as I get in the woods just feel things out and just see exactly how much traction and just exactly how hard I can really push my bike but yeah like I said it's just one of those things I got in this little patch woods and I felt just like just a little sketchy I mean just didn't didn't have it to where I could really go for it I didn't feel like so I ended up settling back down here in a minute and just kind of cruising around this first lap and just trying to stay smart and pick good lines because there's a ton on this tracker and you'll see in just a second [Music] yes we we come into this I kind of Jack that journalist that little inside but as soon as we start heading up this hill I know it's just gonna be a kind of a slow pick your way through the woods kind of first lap and yeah almost missed this German Ashburn still right on Maidan we finally getting into supplied ruts and yeah it was pretty brutal this first lap the UH the morning the morning race they make a lot of these straight up and down ruts and they're really deep and awkward to go around because there's you lean your bike over on the turn you just kind of there's no you can't get any meaning or you just you you you kind of frame out in the rut going around the turn so doesn't all it's not a doesn't allow you didn't go super fast and obviously see how deep that was water filled up with water already in another bonehead move going up and I should have known better here come out the middle of this hill kind of lost all my drive all my momentum should have stayed at the bottom yeah it was gonna be a tough day after this first half a mile of racetrack and was already making uncarrier uncharacteristic mistakes and just not really head in the game right away like I normally can be so yeah like I said I just kind of settle down and just make sure I'm not doing anything dumb right here and to go way back in the pack that's the biggest thing when you're not really feeling it there's no reason to start pushing it right over your head and make yourself go backwards you just kind of settle in and just race race as hard as the track really allows you to and I feel like I've gotten really good at that here later in my career you know before I would have done something dumb and tried to keep pushing and I slid over that hill or something silly you know just just dumb little mistakes and I've really been able to eliminate that so far you know late in my career and but yeah that's that's one of the biggest keys to staying up from the entire race tubes like I said there's opening laps you know you're all fresh and ready to go and you don't really know how the tracks gonna feel underneath you on the bike and it jumps up and bite you really quick and then once you put yourself in the hole it's really hard to dig yourself out another bad line I should've left the outside buried it in there yeah yeah as you can see man it's just ruddy muddy spots and it's even hard to see this section right here there's pretty sloppy and slick right here kind of you can't hardly tell but this was another tough little section here is super long ruts and yeah the bike you can see the main line is just kind of polished away like under those ruts there's no traction at the bottom of those wrestlers in their attraction another bonehead line here the morning guys must have got bottled up I mean I kind of got sucked right into it but the bottom was waiting faster and I was trying to wiggle my way back down there I kept I kept going left I don't know why I kept going left it was way faster to be over here and what looks like slop but just one of those days come up to some teen guys here the the morning guys a lot of them miss this hill so it's stay kind of good but it was it was still slick they didn't doze this part of the track from yesterday's quad race so or they didn't doze a lot of it from yesterday's quad race just because it was what made it so sloppy and would have just kind of killed the race track to begin with so we had to deal with the blob that's there for a while that's really tough to the first lap it's uh that's pretty challenging himself and then late in the race that creates these straight up-and-down ruts you see Ike almost like down wedged in that thing right there yeah [Music] [Music] another bad line right here to get more [Music] this little hill got pretty challenging it was already super as you can see how much I struggled just trying to make it up and wasn't even steep or anything just that rut was so deep as already feed off the pigs pretty much going up it I remember on the first lap and once you watch you get your feet off the pegs you can't really Center your weight all your weight goes the back you can't really steer so it was tough kind of scoping out lines there trying to look and see what's gonna open up later in the race [Music] that right here after we I'm gonna drop down this hill and at a fresh new section which we I don't think anybody had any idea that they're gonna put in I it got really gnarly we kind of go go along this bench in the woods here there's a super steep hill to my right you make a mistake we go down over it it's gonna be a long day and a long climb back out that's for sure but this section was actually gotten really technical at the end of the race you can't really see but there's coming up here in a couple little spots where we kind of go down into a these gullies it's quite rocky in spots it's already super slick so yeah like here's one of them it's got pretty ate out and a little slippery and we turn left and go up this hill and I bout getting hung up there's kind of rocks littered all over right there and it's a little steeper than it looks on camera and like I said just no traction once you lose your momentum you dead in the track yeah these quadrants are super gnarly to navigate on the first lap it's really easy to lose your balance try to tie the middle in spots but there's so slick yeah here's the hill you come down they're all pointing us to the right I had no idea I thought the track was supposed to go straight so I don't miss the turn here nice little kind of break and this actually was really sloppy down here super slick it looks like it's pretty good traction or anything oh but it's actually just ice [Music] so this hill crap plan right here this was pretty much a huge factor after the first lap and like I said it's not even I don't even consider that a hill climb that's just a standard Hill but we got a ton of that and be riders out there one little hill like that can ruin their day and they struggled up and all day we were flapping guys on the second lap and there are just people all over I actually didn't make it one lap two and how did you turn around and come back down just because we were trying to just trail blazed up inside of it but yeah it was definitely a tough little hill just to navigate with the lappers there's nothing too technical about it itself is fairly short I see another don't headline there missed the track a little bit trying to fall this year and like I said nope nobody walked this section of the track here because it was not marked for us on Saturday to see here's where we connect back in this got really slick and eight out to you give the camera a little wipe make sure she's clean supposed to turn left right there where I looked and I missed it so I'm gonna bust over some trees I almost got past my Ashburn right there sounds like he's right on me nice little inside line try to stay out of some of the rats and just straight line it from point eight it might be scoop this line out Saturday walking nothing really much faster but just kind of have the ruts not as slick straight down to the bottom of the hill instead of off camber around that's around the hill so yeah those are just kind of some of the lines I look forward just if it was a dry race I probably would have never taken that line but seeing it being wet ruddy I knew that hill was probably it probably ended up being a little bit quicker to kind of skirt down through the inside like I said we got 25 feet left and right of the arrows and that was well within the boundaries of the other course itself so another little technical right-hander that got pretty sloppy at late in the race too was slick and just it was actually kind of steep at the bottom of those ruts on the inside like I said they didn't fix a lot of this stuff in the quad race so it's hard to be in the quadrant cuz those guys just polished a rut out so quick so I just tried to get to the left of quadrats and then kind of skirt up through a bike only line and look like not too many for the morning rat riders have taken that so here I go again kind of missing a straight line to the hill and zigzag and losing all my momentum [Music] [Music] popping out to some trackside pitting here we're about eight mile marker so about three three quarters of the way through the lap and it's kind of nice this little section here just to get a breather and take it easy out here like I said this track was pretty brutal late in the race just because it told you so many directions and there's not a lot of traction to have so in any little break you can get out out in the fields out in the track side pitting it's nice to take your time and take a couple big deep breaths and get ready to go back in the woods this is actually a nice long section of just trackside pitting and that just skirted the outside of the motocross track [Music] it stood up in the ruts some deep stuff and if you pay real close attention right there where I go into the rut there's actually ginormous snake and if anybody knows me I hate snakes I took a couple looks down I felt the thing hit my front tire and my boots I was making sure wasn't like wrapped up on my foot bag or something yeah I was totally caught me off guard and like freaking out for a second but yeah we dropped down into this bike only section and it it's gnarly little creek and yes stuff like this is pretty pretty fun it's not bad I take a silly line right here and I'll fall out end of the creek but yeah late in the race and the sessions like that and a GNCC just really kind of suck because we catch so many slow guys and we always catch them in the hardest spots because that's the spots that they go the slowest and we go that much faster than three stuff like that and in a section like that they got nowhere to go so if you got a 10-second leave and get behind one guy it's all gone so here's another little section some reason I thought we were gonna turn left there I have no idea why so I kind of stopped and check double check but yeah up this hill and man it's just ice like you can see the dirt in the center and then the dirt on the right in the left but in the middle of that floor of the track it's just pure pure like writing on a slick rock [Music] this section right here is always this side of the track usually has the best dirt every year it seems always like rut out and be the tackiest and lo Mia stuff but the ruts were just so deep that you couldn't really carry any speed just kind of had to pick your way through it they couldn't really they didn't fix anything yeah just like I said likes been saying the entire time and it was just uh kind of a - rut race just because of how we rode behind the quads and they weren't able to fix the track before our race and a lot of a lot of areas just because it was so muddy trying to get out of the quadrats finding a nice little bike line here and there not really any good just trying to get out of the ruts mainly find some find some stuff completely botched this I forgot about that logon outside and like I said super slick hit the brake just spun around but get passed by Ashburn that and here's Baylor so we're just going to jump in behind them and and I think this is the first time all year I've boosted a helmet camera I'm following somebody for an extended period of time [Music] yeah but like I like I said earlier I could tell at the beginning of the lap within the first half a mile that there's probably much of a chance I was gonna be able to sprint and try to get away so I've just got a fight in my time and not trying to make that big mistake you know I had a little little tip over that's okay it's nothing detrimental I'm in fourth place right here and the leaders you're just you know five seconds in front of me so I'm not really freaking out just staying calm and keeping myself in position and you know trying to stay off the ground and not make any more mistakes is key and I'm just gonna follow these guys and key off of them and see what they're doing differently than what I would have thought of thought of doing myself so it is kind of nice on a track like this to do you follow somebody especially if you know if you're not really feeling it just follow them and see some of their lines and you know come up with your own after that and put the mixture of both together just like this I'm falling steer and Bollinger comes the inside of me right there in that little spot gets ahead of me like now here's where in a situation like this for me I'm okay being third or fourth but past that I'm not too comfortable I like to be you know second through fourth I I don't like being any further back than fifth because if you do make another steak and another couple of guys get by you those leaders get away really really quick from the guys in six to eight so especially late in the lap like this it's already getting spread out so if you do make another mistake and go back to say seventh this track can be hard to pass on in spots just because it's kind of one line from the ruts and it's tough to just straight-up pass them be in the woods unless I take a bad line and make a mistake so yeah like I said I want to make sure I stay around you know a third or fourth fifth if I have to but definitely want to make sure I'm staying in touch with these guys in front of me you see that baylor theft takes kind of a bad line here trying to that outside usually fast in his defense but I knew this year wasn't gonna be able to really sloppy out there and they bought it also didn't really work out for me getting ready to come up on to the motocross track and the finish line area there's another tiny sections but not tiny but it's it's about a mile long just after the pro pits and I don't get it on camera because obviously I always yank my GoPro off my helmet and that's just so I don't you know lose the thing it's a three hour race and there were a few years ago when I was running my helmet cam I seem to always you know have trouble finishing the race with them on my helmet so I've just decided to start pulling them off after the first lap saved my GoPro and get more than one or two uses out of it but I know a lot of you guys are gonna say oh you should run the chin mount listen that and it looks better it's a better angle it's the only way to run it but you know there's a there's a few reasons I don't for one I've got this big giant red bull logo on my chin bar and it takes pretty massive priority over running a GoPro just so you guys can see it at a little angle of your liking they pay the bills so we're going to keep them happy and also I just personally it looks pretty ugly to me not a fan of the way it looks I think it looks kind of silly it's almost like than a mohawk on your helmet but yes so and also I don't I don't see how you can get much air through the you know how the front of your helmets ventilated you know that's that's ventilated for a reason like I said we're it's a three hour race I don't want to clog that man for the entire three hours either with a GoPro but yeah so I just twisted off my helmet you know if you yank on that thing it's never gonna come off but if you just slightly twist it with a little bit of pressure a little bit of force it's gonna little pop right off pretty easily every time so that's a good tip for you guys to get your you know your sticky mounts off your helmet if you ever see the need get it off but hope you guys enjoy the video and yeah maybe we'll do a couple more if you guys enjoy the the voiceover type videos and yeah thanks for watching
Channel: Kailub Russell
Views: 91,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KTM, Kailub Russell, GNCC, 350xc-f, offroad, moto, crash, dirtbike, racing, GoPro, Hero7
Id: sEBWp11S3RA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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