Racing a stock YZ250F in a Harescramble - NYOA Round 1

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we're back for another season of racing at the 2019 Noah Championship Series New York off-road Association Rob Juan dream riders let's do some racing this is gonna be my first race on the 2019 yz250 app haha baby let's do it [Music] have you ever had shy bladder syndrome it's kind of like the yz250 f starting at a hare scramble okay we're moving I'm in a huge rush to catch up to everybody just so I can get roosted that makes a lot of sense slippery slope really gonna pop a tear-off [Music] okay we can't see I'm out of bone stock yz250 em stock suspension no Ravel I turned a few clickers here and there set the sag put a skid plate I got some hand guards in an 18 inch rim some bibs and the tires that's it so this is a true test of how well the stock yz250 F performs in a hare scramble especially a body gnarly one this is going to be crazy is a butter Kitana taking it fairly cautious off to start here I'm just getting my senses straight on this Yamaha it's real slippery out here I don't know exactly how this Jana Mahad is gonna feel on this but quickly I'm starting to pick it up I'm like oh oh alright alright I can push her a little bit here and there hang on we got a hill Oh baby oh man does she put some power now needs so control alright get more about its it's unbelievable the four-stroke puts down some different power it's more tractable number 11 hunter siegel am i singing that last name right gets around me but hey i am focused on just riding the bike I'm staying calm and collected focusing on what I'm doing here what are the habits I'm used to on the two-stroke is up shifting and kind of logging in you can't really do that on the 250f it just doesn't work so I'm figuring that out oops and the rear brake and answer'd breakings kind of got me all screwed up but I'm getting all twisted here frazzled is a good word to describe what I'm going through right now little bit frazzled right I mean this is a bun racing this is not easy it's raining I can't see that well then these are the challenges you face I hear but you gotta keep moving everybody's got to deal with it everyone's riding on the seat track in the seat conditions remember about halfway through the first laugh and I got a few vet double-a guys coming off on me let us let them go again I'm just staying focused on riding the bike I'm not too worried got a long race here and it's just a matter of hanging in there and the conditions are pretty rough they're together here okay I've just reset myself oh my god get yourself moving Zack I'm feeling I'm starting to feel it the one thing these downhills were kind of screwing me the engine braking was throwing me off on the KTM I would just be sending it but then like you let off on a four-stroke and you're falling over the bars so it's a weird thing I gotta figure that out little bit of a grass track section then you could go to the left or right I chose the right here the bypass grass track got to go through a few rocks look get up go go I don't know what the time difference was but it seems like I made up some serious time doing that I don't know that was nice [Music] it's like riding on fudge I like to think of fudge because it makes it look delicious it's not though because I tasted it and it's not good but it's super slippery and just overall a miserable day because it was about 40 degrees out too she's kicked I'm in fifth gear that's tapped out I mean not full throttle tapped out that's one thing that 250f has a five-speed transmission the 250 FX has a six-speed and I don't know if that's gonna be a big deal or not we're gonna find out this season whether I'm tapped out in fifth gear a lot of the time we're at the end of the first lap whoa that was a terrible corner [Music] maybe one come to scoring up in 14th place there's 15 riders in double-a hi let's get moving let's push it let's get going a little faster now [Music] coming through now the second lap all 322 riders have now started and have worn in the track so we've got supporter rods now to work with this particular section was tough for me I just felt like I was riding really bad am i this bad at a 4-stroke well it is we got some activity here [Music] wow that guy is buried there in that run [Music] right yeah I'm basically telling myself to grant the rains and get this horse moving come on spank or a little vain kid what am I oh all right that guy heard the four-stroke coming and he was like holy crap get out of the way all right all right all right we got people all over the places to hillclimb scanning up scanning where's the line where's the line don't stop though Oh baby thread the needle nice write-off over that baby yeah yeah man man in the hand that section right there that's where it started click and now I'm thinking man now I figure out what this force drunk life is like it ain't so bad and I think it's time to call my parents and tell them I'm other than the fact that it sounds like I'm riding a trombone and that is one thing I cannot stand this bike is so loud I hate it I gotta get I'm looking at the Yoshi exhaust pipe you can put a 94 GB insert in I gotta do something I know the ffs out there but I don't know if it's that much quieter oh baby oh some of the fat couple ad guys battling it out there okay that maneuver didn't work as planned [Music] you can tell I'm getting more comfortable on the bike I'm feeling well you can also tell I am NOT going that hard I really am riding fairly conservative and when I get more comfortable I get to see screaming I got hit around this guy watch out baby this thing is gonna be hauling baloney sandwiches quick stop I get some new goggles [Music] one of those hell's that you have been inside it's so loud you have to grip with your knees you gotta grip with your legs and I got to remind myself as I'm racing to keep doing then and it really helps it really helps save your arms navigating through some traffic here keeping an eye out for any bottlenecks or Jam ups one thing I have to adjust is my handlebar position something was weird and just I don't know maybe it was too far back I don't I got to play around with my handlebar position because I just didn't feel this comfortable my arms were in an odd position long uphill here [Music] that's a pretty solid Hill Climb I mean you're going up for quite a ways the fourth stroke really puts down some good power oh yeah I'm taking my rock bypass I like this this is great I don't know what they did but they put on some extra grease on this part of the grass track it was ten times slippery or the second laughs you just had to be very careful we are about halfway through the race a little over an hour through the race and I come in for gas because I really don't know how much range I can get on the yz250 f yet it's got a 1.6 km tank so it's borderline whether I can make it through a two hour race that's an open item still I got to figure out whether I need to pit or not so I'm sitting at 14th place here going on to the third lap whoops I was the only time I stole it there where I had to actually he started I had no other tip overs no racks nothing he's a near-flawless ride which means I wasn't pushing hard enough I was definitely getting more comfortable on the bike though towards the end of the race and I end up gaining a few positions in the end I really just stuck with it I was pushing my lap times remain consistent if not a little better towards the end and I got ten in double-a out of the 15 riders and a 12th overall out of 322 riders I really thought I did a lot worse actually I was expecting to get like a 35th overall based on how I was riding so that's good because I know there's a lot of improvement I can ride a lot more aggressive and so I definitely think I can make up some of that time I can improve there and I will so that's good I've got some work to do but we will see you well a round number two that was a great accent to end it all
Channel: ZachAtk1
Views: 158,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zachatk1, zachattack, zachattack1, za1, dirt, bike, dirt bike, dirt bike videos, harescramble, enduro, dirt bike racing, commentary, motovlog, 2019 yz250f, nyoa round 1, nyoa dream riders, dream riders, harescramble racing, mud race bike, muddy harescramble, four stroke, 4 stroke harescramble racing
Id: sEhxqurVqyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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