KA-BAR BK7 Field Test (Awesome Survival Knife)

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alright guys well today I'm gonna be doing an infield knife review and we're gonna be looking at a K bar and this is actually the BK 7 honestly I'm not familiar with K bars latest iteration of nods and I believe the BK 7 has been around for a little while what I wanted to do is start exploring some better made-in-the-usa bushcraft knives and survival knives that I can put in type of a survival bag or a camp bag so I'm gonna bring you guys along with me and the first one in this series is the K bar-b-que 7 if you guys have any suggestions please leave them in the comments below I want to give a huge shout out to OpticsPlanet for supporting the channel both 7:04 tactical and 704 gear and sending this out for us to try out if you like this knife or any of the other gear on OpticsPlanet remember to use a coupon code 704 at a tool for 5% off your order something like this is a rather large knife but I believe this is gonna be a very nice knife to carry in place of a hatchet or a machete or something like that if you want to take one in one tool only for all pretty much types of cutting needs something like this comes with a really nice sheath made in the USA and everything I've read about it is incredibly durable and reliable so we're gonna be putting it to the test today I'm walking some trails in the land wind has blown down some brush and limbs in the way of some of the four-wheeler and truck trails I try to clear some of that away with a knife like this to see if it's capable of large brush and maybe we'll try to do some fine work and see what else this knife is capable of there were head of the box this thing has a razor-sharp edge so we'll see if it holds the edge throughout the rest of the testing today overall I love the way this feels in your hands it fills it up very nicely and has a very nice pommel you can see it's a full tang knife which is what I like to see and some type of outdoors or survival knife this thing is not going to break on you it's got a rather thick spine again for that durability and longevity especially in the field when you're gonna be only carrying one knife the one thing about this knife already though I'm seeing is the handles are very slick they're more of an ABS plastic and they don't have any texturing so it may get a little bit slippery if your hands are we may try to wet our hands and see what this knife is capable of in adverse conditions it's got some jimping on the back so you can really choke up on this guy and do some fine work for camping maybe starting kindling for fires but overall I really like the way this knife handles and it took a lot of time to pick my first knife in this series from OpticsPlanet s-- website and i think i chose the right one to get this thing started let's try it out and see how it does so this tree right here has been kind of getting in the way of some four-wheeler trails and I've been chopping little bits and pieces of it off trying out this knife and it's working really well but I want to demonstrate about right here in this area it seems about two inches in diameter so it's a pretty thick tree that I wouldn't normally take a knife to but something like this I'm hoping can double as a hatchet so let's see how long we can chop through this and kind of clear out this trail for the four-wheelers and trucks to get through without any problems bad guys is impressive for such a small knife it worked through that big tree now you could take your time and take down even trees larger I believe with this knife because it does have a good weight to it although it's not overly heavy you could see how thick that limb was compared to the knife overall I think it did a very good job and it seems to be retaining its edge very nicely oh yeah it's sliced right through that I want to show you guys how clean that cut was the sheath itself for this knife is actually pretty slick you can see it's got a velcro compartment and inside here you have a plastic liner to put a second fixed blade knife if you want something for fine art asks and then it also has a compartment that you can put fire steel fire starting equipment or even a knife sharpener it also has a retaining pin or a retaining strap right here to hold everything in and then that nice velcro patch you can see on the opposite side it's got Molly attachments you can hook it on any pack you can think of it also has a belt loop with velcro which is very slick in a few different tie down spots so to mount this knife you have infinite possibilities I'm gonna do a strap everything in you get a little rattle but not much at all I like the fact that that sheath actually has a protective plastic lining that prevents you from chopping up the nylon sheath over time overall I really like the way this guy is set up now I'm gonna see how it does in creating fine kindling I try to do a little bit of fine work on this dead twig and see if we can generate some shavings that would be used for kindling overall it's actually fairly easy to control the blade definitely has a nice enough edge to do some of this fine work even though he just hacked down a huge tree and I've been chopping up some wood today so you can see you can do some very nice feathering on the end of a stick to drop into a fire to start a fire and use this to create some kindling so overall that's really cool when that jimping right here allows you to get a nice spot right there so even though this is a pretty thick spine that edge is still razor sharp for that fine work I'm really beginning to love this bk7 so I'm at some running water I'm going to try to get this wet now and see if it starts getting too slick I'm also going to try to wash out some of this dirt in the brief to see how the finish is holding up after doing some chopping today well surprisingly it's actually not that bad to get a hold of this really does cup your hand very nicely even with the knife being wet I feel like you could still do some serious chopping with that no problems whatsoever also you could tell I washed off most of the dirt and debris and there's really no damage to the finish which is knifing nice it means you can use this guy for a while you really not worry about messing it up this is gonna be a heavy duty knife so when summer I can absolutely recommend this bk7 it seems like it chops through whatever I put it through and as I was just walking the trails I continued to chop different sized limbs brush and briars to clear paths again for that four-wheeler trail I think something like this is a perfect asset for a bug-out bag or a car bag or a camp bag because it's not overly large yet it is big enough to baton some wood I tried a little bit about that one of the fire rings and it did really well up at awning wood the wood was a little bit dry but I feel like this would do very well I was not worried about cracking the tip at all because I felt like this is a solid built knife again with a thicker tang and a full tang it was a little bit worried about getting my hands wet and using this knife since there is ZERO texture right here but what's really cool is if you do get your hands wet it seems like the palms swell and contour of this knife allows you to get a good hold especially at the bottom so it's not gonna slip out even if your hands are wet so that is a pretty cool feature I'm glad I tried that out because I don't want to mislead anybody the handle material itself again is pretty slick because this whole thing will just wash off and come really clean and I did wash it down at the creek and again I've been chopping some more stuff after that so it seems like the finish is holding up I do love the fact that the pommel right here is very abrupt and flat maybe you could use this as a blunt object or to pound something in I feel like this is a really solid knife that is not going to let you down I absolutely love the fact that it's made in the USA and you can come to trust it as well as all the mounting options on the sheath the sheath itself can be practically mounted anywhere I'm not quite sure if I'm going to carry something like this on my belt but the cool thing is it sits on my belt right now you can actually under velcro that strap do that real quick for here so you don't have to take off your belt every time you want to swap out this sheath so maybe you attach it to your bag with the Molly then you can clip it onto your belt to carry it around and then when you're hiking back out you can attach it back to the Molly so a huge shout OpticsPlanet for supporting the gear channel and again let me know in the comments below if you guys have experiences with this knife or any other knife you want me to check out for the channel we're also gonna be doing some camping pretty soon it's it's actually fairly nice even though it's January thanks for watching guys have a good one
Channel: 704 Gear
Views: 19,073
Rating: 4.9291139 out of 5
Keywords: bug out, bug out bag, survival, camping, trip, tent, shtf, zombie, prepping, knife, knives, kabar, fighting knife
Id: mCh2FPaAlok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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