Justin Thomas vs. Jordan Spieth | A Game of L-O-B

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you want to try it no come on you want me to kind of yeah I mean use Justin's wedge all right as long as everybody's you got to get way more this way okay this is going to hit me in the face is [Music] it we're here with uh two of the preeminent I would say wedge artists on the PJ tour Jordan Justin greetings we're going to do a little up and down contest this is something I've always wanted to do you guys pick the spots we're going to play kind of like horse I think we'll play lob you guys both have your lob wedges is that correct y okay we're going to play lob L uh and the way we're going to do it is basically one of you is going to challenge the other one to a shot if they hit it closer than you they'll get to pick the next shot if they don't hit it closer than you they're going to get a letter they'll get l o b first one to lob loses can you spell lob one more time l o got it l o traditional English spelling perfect uh and we will uh if you guys want to put anything on the line you know publicly or privately that's to you guys but we're just going to ask you some questions as we go we're going to watch you uh use these instruments okay sounds good Justin's got a te we're going to flip a te let's uh let's see who goes first do you want to go first play for whatever car we arrived in today play for DJ's job's going first that would be happily thats right now I wasn't listening who's first you're first now so you're going to pick a spot so what you're looking for one of Jordan's weaknesses does he have weaknesses with a wed can't get a letter he cannot get a letter so you got to over you got to you can't you got to like you know you can't lose unless you're serving the other way around dude you're supposed to guide us through this I thought that was pretty good once you guys once you guys started asking I'm not really sure what I would choose if I were choosing to find a weakness in his so not I feel like there's no real weakness in either one of us hopefully unless you do like a drop and hope for a better lie or something that's what I'm going for we're going to go uh pre pre- rule change drop we're going to go from the shoulder okay here it's not fair my should look at that teed up must spin too much all right what are we trying to do here um we give him the LIE yeah Jordan don't listen feel like I'm going to it's going to fly little downwind so it's not going to spin as much but it probably is going to Skid a couple times but land it probably 25 ft short or so looks like it's going to go left or right a little bit of spin not much should be hard to beat that's pretty useful it feels like yes bad lie that's pretty good it's not bad not bad taking a different path or is that the one that's the one okay one more spin a little more spin not much oh yeah that's a letter for me I can I think we'll check with our officials I think that's an L is that an L all right okay again Justin L got it the third of the way there all right Justin that means you get to pick again wow so I can't lose this hole either no you guys ever play games like this in your kids how would you like uh wind down your practice session we'd probably switch off but um you know you guys made the game so well you got to beat him I can I see the towel thanks course tell Mike no it's okay I think it's great how it's going yeah that's great we'll place this one just so you can control the spin a little bit more yeah I'll go you you can't land it on the green okay so it's obviously going to kick you have to land it over the green spin it back that'd be kind of fun all right yeah I think land it what probably four or five feet short kick down and left yeah see the check on that the check thank you I think I could get closer because I think I can go a little less to the right after watching how much his skid mhm crap oh my good go step off I think he's closer well this is going to be a quick contest it's l that looks like L wow I thought that was plenty good I I didn't realize how impactful the T flip was going to be oh very yeah all right we're going to do some fun hey man my course my rules how often so if you have you have any of these shots you know on a Friday on PJ tour are you thinking about hauling all of these what's the like you know what's the really yes right Jordan yeah I mean the only reason you wouldn't is if it was like three Paces from running off the green somewhere where you just HED on all right two feet shorts a great shot and if it happened to come out a little hot it's it's even better you know all right Jordan we makes an automatic win for whoever makes it I think that's right we got to use the uh the back stop though okay have a little fun like it has to get off the green at some point yes okay copy tell you what if I hit this in the forehead I'm going to smoke that dude up there also how like that it's also how we think um feels like some room inside of that one you think yeah but it's probably got to get back on the green doesn't it yeah and it doesn't have to land off it just has to get off at some point right yeah I didn't even get it off good job good hole all right feels like it did not qualify all right Jordan can pick the next one yeah I think I think that feels right change of possession holy smokes that was a gift well I thought it had to get off and come back on right wasn't like I could just fly it off flew it right here it would be Auto but I know any weaknesses in in Justin short game what are you looking at what are you looking to expose here no I don't apparently bunker shots yeah let's go over here let's go over here and then it has to fly onto the green and stay on that's nice that's really good sit all right nice shooting than you oh the side of the div what's that nothing all right stop I got him oo all right just barely heavy comeback starts now let's see a quintessential uh speed shot here let's what are we going to what's the worst spot we could put ourselves that's insulting but wow um that's a backhanded compliment I can give it back a little bit here I have not insulted you at all let's go just full flop from right here you has to be considered a full flop we'll go drop shoulder height maybe must land on the green all right it's pretty great I was at uh Whistling Straits a couple weeks ago and the caddy was showing us your your spot on 17 I didn't realize how far up into the bulkhead you were oh yeah yeah yeah it looked on TV like you were kind of on the grass you were like full foot up like way up there oh yeah oh yeah what were you thinking on the way down when I was falling yeah I could have stopped earlier it was just like I need to get to flat ground ASAP no I mean it was just like if I tried to stop I might actually fall in and so trenle short wow all right too good wow so do we flip a t since he gave me the other do we flip a t for who's picking this one now that feels right that does feel right why don't you flip that t Okay DJ you got a t i do here you go man all right championship pick here nice flip dude dead side you me that means that means I'm going to pick you get to pick it that means I'm going to pick and then whoever's closest wins whoever is yeah perfect it's actually a good idea anyways downhill chipping like this you can place it figure out whatever you got to do but what talk me through how you'd hit this shot step one is trying to somehow get the ball to stop on this 35° slope again I I would figure out how to do it that that part's not hard okay just push it down man I want it to sit really nice it's going to zip it come on come on speed this part up all right yeah we'll get that done in post okay so what are you do are you changing your shoulder shoulder line are you changing your weight what are you thinking here you kind of get in and react a little to the slope but I feel like kind of have to swing with it a little bit so it's going to have some some natural draw spin but it's really just yeah could I'm going to open up my stance quite a bit so I can swing down a little bit more but it's going to I'm try to land it right in that little up slope on that false front cuz it's going to come out pretty low I got to clip it nice to spin it so be kind of medium height with a little draw spin God that was so close that's pretty good is that not really that isn't basically seven out of 10 no four out of 10 five okay I'm unfortunately playing against Jordan so I'm chalking this up as a loss to answer your question yes you get I I get um my my weights with the slope I'm creating a flat Li essentially you want to create a flat lie out of it and then from there the way you swing from there is the way you want to play the shot at as if it was a flat L recognizing like Justin said this ball is going to have a tendency to go left and below with the ball being down slipped and above our feet so that means that my weight's still forward like I hit every chip I'm lined up a little to the right and then now that I've got my weight and shoulders kind of with the slope I feel like it's more of a flat lie and I'm I can now create whatever motion I want for this shot where you want to add Loft relative to the slope like if I just hit a normal Chip Shot right here like Justin said like it's like you have to you have to get it up cuz it's going to come out low it still needs to land short of the hole so we have to actually add Loft but it's not coming from backing out right you have to keep your weight with the slope and then add it at the end so that becomes like a little like lead out at this point in time if that makes sense I don't know if just canot hit this inside of me this is like an auto loss for me right here Bingo perfect that's pretty well all right I think that's your winner there folks CER default by default I was given a I felt like an inside J I started getting sympathetic that's what I get the TV Executives might put their thumb on the scale there uh what's this over the head shot you're looking at uh yeah all right so you know I haven't had it I've had versions of it come up more like sideways over here it' be even easier but let's do it this is not that far off from the uh whistling straight shot oh except you're obviously trying to go over your head yeah the way this is though it should launch on the right line too oh too far too far come down come on oh my gosh I mean I feel like sick down though huh I feel like in October that comes out that's on the yeah no exactly we're just a couple months late oh yeah look at this one oh what a shot there we go that's the guy that built the place you know and honestly I don't know if there's a better way to play it if your ball happened to get stuck there no what else are you going to do that's a good one I'll file that one away yeah how much you fling your hands up you want to try it no come on you want me to kind of now yeah I mean use Justin's wedge all right as long as everybody's how much am I flipping my hands as much as you can okay so you got to get way back more this way okay this is going to hit me in the face is it hold the right fer way down you're hitting this thing right up in the air how's that you don't you also don't need to like open it a crazy amount okay get more this way like yeah but just yeah you can kind of do it like that and then try to like swing like you're swinging up on it over trying to hit it over that hit it over your left shoulder you're just doing like that oh it's close oh so close the right motion all right Jord set him up better if I think if your setup was better you got this watch Jordan get in and then you go in his in his feet I'm not even in the bunker okay I mean maybe right there if you want all right I'm like off my front flip you come in and hold me and see back foot further back lean lean your right shoulder down more more there you go now just looks like it's going to hit me directly I know but it can't okay yeah over your head nice backwards technically it went backward that's it if it just hit a little harder it's on the green need more speed good job man thank you I need a
Channel: Titleist
Views: 322,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 49DqSGHq0KI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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