Justin Bieber Barely Survived Hollywood

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Justin Bieber is probably the last person on Earth you feel bad for the blonde-haired blue-eyed tween made a few YouTube videos singing in 2007 got swooped up by the major record labels and they forced his generic pop songs onto us then every young girl in the world became obsessed with him making him millions of dollars and keeping his songs in rotation on the radio he was an easy person to hate or just completely disregard however in the early 2010s he started to change he was lashing out in public assaulting people and starting to confirm people's suspicions of him being a snobby-rich brat and although this video is not going to be me trying to convince you that Justin Bieber is an unproblematic Saint there is another perspective to consider that might make his Antics a little understandable for example the many times he was blatantly assaulted or harassed in public can I say this lean into me again you smell amazing how old are you oh thank you it isn't very difficult to see how uncomfortable Justin is James Corden is leaning in as close as he possibly can with his hand resting on Justin's back thank you so much look at him look at that what a beautiful beautiful face all right rubbing Justin's face was just disrespectful but he couldn't resist touching the boy Bieber awkwardly tries to go along with the joke but James makes it even worse just mess around don't tease me Bieber people couldn't keep their hands off Justin including Katy Perry who had to get herself a handful as she mouths to the camera sorry Selena at the end of this interaction Justin says we can do that forever if you want which made some people think that he was okay with this Behavior even David Letterman put his hands on Justin during the 2012 interview David insisted on denouncing Justin's tattoos is that a new tattoo this is well tell me that's the last one it might be no no it is you don't I mean honestly David decided to treat Justin like his son's troubled friend looking for guidance even though it was never asked for funny thing is Justin ended up doing exactly what David told him not to do but Letterman took it too far when he put his hands on Justin well you know I got [Music] although this one wasn't explicit in nature it was still totally uncalled for David would later apologize for his behavior but it's odd to see how many people were so willing to put their hands on the boy luckily he was able to prevent Leah Remini from getting her hands on him during this interview on The Talk [Applause] [Music] Justin had to shout no five times before she would stop but that's not all earlier in the segment she was forcing him to answer a really strange would you rather question would you rather mother be naked on stage during one full song one full song or drink a cup of Blended worms [Applause] answer Justin Bieber for no reason at all Leah insisted on pushing this very sexual question while there are little girls and boys directly behind her in the audience Justin realized he was trapped because no matter what he tried to say she was trying to force the answer she wanted out of him but he stood his ground and chose to not give in to her manipulation this wasn't the first time Justin stood his ground when a host got sexual with him while doing a radio show called Mojo in the morning the host Shannon Murphy brought the conversation in a strange Direction have you had hang on giving you the sex talk yet I mean like I I really like I really don't want to have that conversation with my mother yeah like I've kind of had it with my with my father you want to hear oh really see my parents my parents never gave me this next stop okay so why don't you give me the sex talk I I really I feel uncomfortable right now oh why do you want to know the sex talk from a 15 year old boy that's pretty weird he very clearly stated that he was uncomfortable when the host brought up sex but the circumstances that built up to this are a bit confusing because earlier in the conversation this happened Justin what are you gonna be doing after the show tonight um well I thought I was picking you up now when I was 15 years old I probably would have said some dumb stuff like that to an older girl but apparently Justin couldn't keep his hands to himself that little kid is like a walking set of hormones he is wow got a little too touchy feely with you uh he he wasn't just like patting my butt he was grabbing my butt and he kept saying is it inappropriate is this inappropriate I'll grab it harder though is it inappropriate now is it inappropriate now oh my gosh she's kissing me [Music] right here Justin Bieber just like uh comes up and you just started making out with me you know that [Music] Justin was obviously flirting with Shannon in a juvenile way then she said live on air how Justin was touching and kissing her we can imagine there were definitely some instances where Justin felt like he could probably touch whoever and whatever he wanted since well it was often done to him but regardless the 26 year old shouldn't have brought up the sex conversation on the air even men were infatuated with young Bieber LA Reid music executive who signed Justin to his first major record deal said this kid was beautiful like a woman can be beautiful and Men rarely are and he turned it on as soon as he stepped into the room he recalls how Bieber had grown his hair down almost covering his eyes and says he could see immediately that Justin's Hair would be every bit as important as his songs his voice his face or his presence Justin was simply beautiful he gushes his superpower was his face the context of this article makes it seem like Ellie Reed was attracted to the young Bieber but we don't really know that for sure he was definitely right about his star power but how he came to that conclusion just seems a little odd however the most deplorable assault was by Jenny McCarthy at the 40th annual American Music Awards [Music] [Applause] I feel violated right now A shocked Justin Bieber couldn't say anything but the truth I feel violated right now by this point this was all too common for him the craziest part is that Jenny straight up admitted to her crimes I took the opportunity in the window considering I'll never get to do it again and kind of molested them if you like cougar Jenny clearly enjoys the predatory behavior as she described it as molestation and r word she thinks it's cute and quirky and even bragged about it on Twitter after now if this all happened while the cameras were on could you imagine what happened while the cameras were off just like many child stars just in turn to drugs every teenager experiments but he was trying to cope and Escape which led to behavior that left a permanent stain on his reputation for all the people that hated Justin he was about to give them a stronger reason and for all the people with unrealistic expectations they were about to be crushed his first controversy began in 2013 when TMZ leaked photos of him holding what appeared to be a blunt although Justin faced no charges for the incident this was our first clue that Bieber was beginning to shed his wholesome image things took a turn for the worse later that same year while on the European leg of his belief tour Justin stopped in England just in time for his 19th birthday later that day Beaver tweeted big night anticipating his birthday celebration he and his Entourage had planned a 8 000 Birthday Bash booking tables at the Cirque du soir Club in SoHo unfortunately the celebration didn't meet expectations after members of Justin's Entourage were denied entry into the club because a few of the members of beaver's party were under the suitable age of 18. Justin tweeted worst birthday complimented with a message to his Instagram account voicing his side of the story I love how the club wanted to give the Press another reason why we didn't stay at their weak ass Club so they wouldn't look bad for me walking in and right back out people thought Justin felt entitled to come into another country and break the rules because he is a star from there he allegedly showed up two hours late for his debut show at the O2 Arena after throwing a massive tantrum several backstage sources claimed Bieber was in a bad mood after waking up late because of a night out and proceeded to lock himself in his dressing room to play computer games the crowd reportedly began booing at about 9 30 PM almost an hour before Justin ultimately hit the stage if the Wii couldn't get any worse Justin lashed out at a photographer outside his London hotel after the man called him a [ __ ] little [ __ ] Washington I just love the irony of this situation the photographer tries to get a rise out of Justin then Justin responds with threats then the photographer gets really mad at Justin for getting mad at him and the guy also taking a video of the situation gets upset when someone starts filming him it's ridiculous he responded on Twitter by saying he had a rough morning and that he let his emotions get the best of him but this incident started his lifelong beef with the paparazzi in June of 2013 Justin and his Entourage were involved in an altercation with a photographer outside the Hit Factory studio in Miami the entire exchange was caught on tape [Music] later that same day Justin was skateboarding outside the Hit Factory when another photographer began snapping photos of him beaver's bodyguards allegedly rushed the photographer and one started choking him the photographer claimed that he grabbed his camera and removed the memory cards it seemed like every few months there was another controversy just slowly chipping away at his reputation like when he peed in a cleaning bucket while partying Justin and his friends left a nightclub through the restaurant's back entrance before stopping to relieve himself in the kitchen more specifically in the bucket that is filled with water to clean the floors this is just another inconsiderate drunk teenager doing what a million others have done before but Justin should know better then while passing through China during the Asia leg of his Believe Tour a picture was posted of him being carried up the stairs which caused people on the internet to label him as a diva his controversies were definitely minor in the beginning he was being heavily criticized attacked in blogs and by TMZ for the situations that were were pretty small but the controversies just never stopped the coverage got more detailed and the reactions just got worse including the time he caused an entire revolution in Colombia in November 2013 Justin was undergoing the Latin American section of his Believe Tour while in Pagoda Colombia Justin snuck out of his hotel to do graffiti in an area where graffiti is banned he painted a marijuana leaf and the Canadian flag while the police provided him with security we aren't sure why the police decided to protect him and the locals were outraged because two years prior a police officer shot and killed an unarmed 16 year old kid while he was spraying graffiti in an area similar to the one where Justin did his Rebellion against law enforcement broke out because of Justin Bieber can spray graffiti so can they and if the police protected Justin they should defend graffiti artists instead of harassing and incarcerating them 300 artists came together and occupied the area where Justin sprayed his graffiti and over 24 hours painted more than 700 pieces of graffiti Justin Bieber was the cause for all of the this to happen the poor dude had no idea what he sparked said one of the young graffiti artists the rebellious graffiti Trend spread like wildfire to other major cities across Colombia with hundreds of other artists joining the movement he also had a spitting problem with multiple reports over the years of him spitting on people during violent outbursts including his own fans who were visiting him outside of his Hotel in Toronto where he spat down on them breaking out into laughter with his buddies and he took a photo of his view which was posted on Instagram supporting a caption about how he has the best fans in the world in 2014 he spat in his neighbor's face after a heated argument which started by Justin driving his Ferrari at over 100 miles per hour down the road when his neighbor confronted him at the front doorstep Justin told him to get the F out of here before spitting in Jeff's face and saying I'm gonna effing kill you a year later he had another altercation with the same neighbor which resulted in Justin throwing two dozen eggs at his neighbor's house hey yeah come right over here you [ __ ] call the cops months later Justin pleaded no contest to one count of misdemeanor vandalism for the incident in exchange for The Plea He was ordered to pay 80 000 in restitution and to stay away from his former neighbor and the neighbor's family for two years by this point Justin kind of proved he was a privileged boy with an attitude problem but this last controversy would send him spiraling down in June of 2014 a video emerged of the 15 year old Justin telling racist jokes about black people using the n-word multiple times as the video went viral Justin issued an apology stating I thought it was okay to repeat hurtful words and jokes but I didn't realize at the time that it wasn't funny and that in fact my actions were continuing the ignorance some people gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was young and dumb but then a second video showing a 15 year old Justin circulated similar to the first he sang his own song One Less Lonely Girl replacing the lyrics with one less lonely and using the hard R stating that if he were to kill one he would be part of the KKK he apologized again a day later and was released stating facing my mistakes from years ago has been one of the hardest things I've I've ever dealt with but I feel I need to take responsibility for those mistakes and not let them linger at the end of the day I just need to step up and own what I did once again I'm sorry for all of those I've let down and offended I don't think I really need to explain why people were absolutely outraged with this and for a lot of people once they saw these videos their mind was made up about Justin Bieber and they're never going to change their mind and I can't blame them for that Justin dragged his reputation to an all-time low he was stamped as just another child star gone mad after a drunk driving incident in Miami he was never the same Justin was seen at SCT nightclub in Miami Beach Florida he left the venue driving a yellow Lamborghini before police spotted him in a residential neighborhood beaver's Entourage allegedly blocked the street so he could drag race singer Khalil who's driving a red Ferrari authorities initially conducted a traffic stop for drag racing but arrested Justin once they realized he was intoxicated he was arrested on suspicion of driving Under the Influence driving with an over six month expired license and resisting arrest without violence his mug shot depicting him smiling was concerning to fans police claimed Bieber told authorities he consumed alcohol smoked marijuana and took prescription drugs he and Khalil were locked up in a jail cell for 10 hours Justin was later released from these charges on a 2500 Bond a toxicology report revealed that Bieber had THC and Xanax in his system at the time of his arrest following Bieber's arrest on the DUI charge more than 270 000 people petitioned the White House seeking to have him deported from the United States although the number of signatures received was sufficient to require a response under published White House guidelines the Obama Administration didn't take the petition seriously but it turns out behind the scenes Justin had a much worse drug problem than people realized it was a time where I was sipping lean I was popping pills I was doing Molly um you know shrooms everything and it was just an escape for me I was just young Justin's drug abuse got so bad he was even caught in the most dangerous areas of Los Angeles buying drugs nice seeing you bro have a good one I just saw beaver I just seen beaver leave it to Bieber that's crazy his addiction got so bad he was willing to put his own life at risk Justin says his substance use was normal in the beginning but gradually became a problem to escape from the pressure of being this pop star and although many people look at that as Suffering From Success the level of expectation he needs to meet is unattainable surely a lot of his controversies were deplorable but the ones that were minor were treated just as bad that likely led to him giving up giving up on his health his body and lashing out since they were going to criticize him anyways he couldn't go out on a bad note though so he made one last push after teaming up with Skrillex to produce a number of different sounds where are you now then what do you mean which was his first number one hit single sorry which kind of doubled as his apology to the world for his behavior love yourself and plenty of other radio hits to help him release his most successful album of all time purpose it's hard for his opposition to feel bad for him when in the end all of his Antics will just help him sell more records no matter what he does it will be seen as the wrong step it's quite literally is the child star curse because nothing you do will ever compare to how you were introduced to the world as a perfect innocent child and with that he finally stepped out of the spotlight and when he returned you could see how bad things really got first of all his music got worse yummy was terrible but more importantly in the Press runs that led up to this you can see Justin physically suffering his anxiety was so bad to the point where he was constantly fidgeting slumping over not looking at people what that does to a person's brain at such a young age or any age when you're when you're surrounded by that kind of noise and excitement for so long I mean did you realize that that was I mean looking back on it what it was doing to you perhaps the most profound moment was during his Zane Lowe interview when he asked Justin about Billy eilish since Billy in 2020 was the 18 year old pop star who was thrown into the industry very similar to Bieber Justin felt like he wanted to protect her yeah so um yeah I just um I just want to protect her you know I don't want her to to to lose it I don't want her to you know go through anything I went through I don't wish that upon anybody so um yeah if she ever needs me I'm I'm just a call away just the mere thought of Billy and during what Justin had to endure brought him to tears and recalling those dark moments in his life made fans realize that this was not fake this young man was likely abused by this industry Justin's Antics have slowed down considerably he's 29 has a child and a wife he's fully focused on does he still have an entitled pop star attitude at times absolutely is he still have beef with the paparazzi you bet some of you will never see Bieber as anything but a privileged boy who didn't have to put in much hard work to see the heights of the music industry but even the benefits of his success being universally loved being praised and constantly receiving validation are also bad variety magazine dubbed him a once in a generation Superstar who charted a Swift and stunning rise from precocious YouTube talent to Global phenomenon how the heck do you live up to that Bieber was being cheered and rewarded for a smile and a hair flip the world put him on this unsustainable pedestal which ultimately caused him to break all I know for sure is no money or fame is worth whatever the heck he had to endure to get it
Channel: Patrick Cc:
Views: 2,437,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patrickcc, patrickcctv, patrick cc, patrick Cc:, justin bieber sa, justin bieber james corden, justin bieber assault, justin bieber fight, justin bieber controversy, justin bieber, justin bieber harassed by predator, justin bieber bucket, justin bieber katy perry, justin bieber letterman, justin bieber leah remini, justin bieber addiction, justin bieber crying, justin bieber tweaking, justin bieber billie eilish, jenny mccarthy justin bieber, justin bieber i feel violated
Id: bl5KydBlwZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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