Justifying Hatred

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I'm saddened by these peoples mentalities in a way i cannot even express.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/R50cent πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Colorism? What's colorism? Is that "same as racism, except it's not racism because only white people can be racist?"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xternal7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

What is this "doxing"? Am I spelling it right?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GanttGuru πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

It annoys me how much he picked on the "suffer" element, I don't think he genuinely meant physical harm, just some form of punishment for someone being a bad human.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iTheCreep πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
a new campaign in Brazil is attempting to put racist comments on social media on blast now the campaign is not identifying the individuals who make the racist comments on Facebook specifically however they're trying to make a point about how this type of racism does have real-life consequences now the campaign virtual racism real consequences is using the location tag from Facebook posts to find where the offenders live the group is then buying billboard space in their neighborhoods but blurring out the names and photos of the commenters is it just me or is this a really dumb idea this just strikes me as a method to encourage teenagers to post racist comments on Facebook as publicly as possible with the hopes of getting their comment on a billboard so they can break the fence a look what I've done haha I know awesome so we have one quick example of it for you right now now of course this is port in Brazil so it's written in Portuguese and I'll go ahead and translate it for you it says I got home stinking of black people okay I'm going to just assume that this comment wasn't a joke because I really want to know what the young turks response to this is going to be because there's a very good chance that the person who wrote this wasn't white ah so wow the campaign decided that this was a perfect example of a racist comment and they put this up no I'm glad that they didn't actually show Bill O'Reilly's picture there I think that's nicer than to blurt out talk about low-hanging fruit anyway um so what do you think about the fact that they're blurring the pictures do you think that's a good way of doing this look my gut like my needs like I want them to show the people and I want them to put their their names but the ones you are what Pradaxa ng you want these people's information to be on Billboard's so members of the public can randomly harass them to make themselves feel better I harass the races today aren't ia good person of course you can't do that because they're gonna get death threats because no matter what you do on the Internet you will get death threats so that's the only reason the harassment would be okay the death threats are too far but kudos for at least being honest enough to acknowledge that death threats come from almost every quadrant of the internet and eventually there would be violence against one of them and we don't want people to be killed or hurt obviously so as much as I would want that to happen I don't think you could actually do it okay so you desperately want them to be dogs you want them to be made public so they can be harassed so they can be socially shamed but you don't want to be murdered well good for you well done that's that's progressive morality for you I suppose yeah I think I think that it's a bad idea to put their pictures up even though these people are despicable in their comments make me despise them yeah nice virtue signaling their honor don't worry nobody thinks you come home smelling of black people like people will go there will be some some guy or some girl and people around them think that they're just great people and they're in a relationship and they think that they're great people and then they go and read it and they just fucking say the most horrendous stuff and it doesn't get tied to them they're allowed to be awful and so exactly what should the punishment for being awful be a year in prison ten years in prison public stoning what what what should be the crime of being awful in your opinion I wish people who are awful would suffer for how awful they are but the way that the Internet is constructed generally they don't Jesus Christ are you listening to yourself I wish people would suffer why reasons I wish people who are awful would suffer for how awful they are seriously fucking listen to yourself there what you are saying is I don't like that person I don't like what they're saying I personally subjectively disapprove based on that I want them to suffer I want to inflict harm and suffering on someone else because they said something I don't like are you fucking mad there is something wrong with you good people do not wish for the suffering of others no matter what the other people have done what you are asking for is not justice it is not fairness or Karma what you are asking for is retribution well the way that I see it is they're likely to already be suffering in one way or another I may be yeah all that gives me a lot of comfort maybe hopefully these people are already suffering because that's what good people do they hope and pray for the suffering of others and they take personal solace in the idea that they might already be suffering I don't know about you but I would normally call such people sadists so the online anonymity used to bother me a lot because of course a lot of those pretty terrible comments are directed toward me and people on the show I mean it's going to be in the YouTube comments for this very video right do you think it might be a direct consequence of you guys being completely in favor of daxing and secretly wishing for harm to come on the people with whom you disagree I mean do you think it might be anything to do with that no probably not you probably don't think so but what I realized is those who hide behind the anonymity are cowards and instead of feeling upset about it I feel sorry for them yeah right because we live in this in this great environment where we show our faces we have strong opinions we share our opinions there based on research we've done on on facts and I feel proud of what I do right hahaha The Young Turks is not famous for their levels of research but ok fine you guys can feel proud of what you do and what you have done today is support this statement I wish people who are awful would suffer for how awful they are I wish people feel Fe would suffer for how awful they are remember Anna that these are people who have not actually broken any rules they haven't committed any crimes but you're on board with them suffering I guess that must be the progressive way because most people don't even want murderers and pedophiles to suffer not for any love of the people who have committed these crimes but because the things you do to others are a reflection of yourself therefore if you are happy to not only desire someone else's suffering but also take comfort in that and enjoy it that means that you are a person with severe psychological issues and the thing is I want to know how far this principle extends for you guys will extend to a black person saying this all white people are races and I generally me personally I generally assume that all white people are racist until they prove otherwise to me it's been proven that we are living in a racist and also sexist white supremacist Society you know this means that every single white person born into said racist white supremacist Society is indoctrinated practically you know from birth with certain ideas about race through it you know be it through you know unconscious biases or implicit biases or you know outright you know just straight-up no-holds-barred racism and every single white person even you that thinks you're the cool white person born into this society holds certain ideas about white supremacy until a certain point in life when they become aware of this and hopefully begin to work to unlearn it so that's totally rational basically this young lady thinks that the United States is effectively run by the Klu Klux Klan in the image of what the Klu Klux Klan would like the United States to look like a country with a black president is a white supremacist Society I mean next she's gonna be telling us that she's not prejudiced against white people all of you every single white person there are no exceptions you know and that's not prejudiced because prejudice by definition is a prejudgment oh yeah god forbid that she would make negative pre judgments about white people it's not like that could be considered racist or something but Young Turks guy what do you think do you think that what should happen to her I wish people who are awful would suffer for how awful they are you know or a forming of an opinion before becoming aware of the relevant facts all right I'm clearly not talking about that I have formed my informed opinion it is an informed dependent and it is based off of facts what I'm saying is fact we live in a racist white supremacist society all white people born into that society are a product of their environment they are all racist until they reach a certain point B where they become aware of this and hopefully work to unlearn it that's everyone that's all of you every single x1 um so now I know that some of you are gonna have this you know knee-jerk reaction to the word racism like I'm saying all white people want to like eat black babies and like feeds into alligators which white people did do please go google it Holy Mother of God I think we'd better go google it so I mean I googled it and all I could find was stuff that sounded like complete bollocks like this black babies used as alligator bait in Florida this came from a guy in Sanford near Orlando who had a pammi heard this story from his grandfather where the the slave owners would steal slave babies why wouldn't just take them is beyond me since they owned them but the town that this apparently happened in the one town this apparently happened in denied it back in 1923 saying that was a silly lie false and absurd of course if you thing called white people racist and we live in a white supremacist capitalist patriarchy with a black president in it then you might well be inclined to believe that they were obviously trying to cover their tracks after building their hobby on the backs of dead black babies that they had fed to alligators I wish people who are awful would suffer for how awful they are does that include people who make up lies about white people feeding black babies to alligators just out of interest and does I include the people who then take this as a representation of white people even if it were true so you know let me they would start they would use black babies as alligator bait to catch alligators in Florida I'll include a link if you guys want to read it they really did do that I'm not just saying that you know they really did it another didn't this is what's called confirmation bias so I just want to make it crystal clear that I don't think all white people are bad or evil I might say all the time like white people are demons and I fucking hate them and this and that and that's normally me speaking out of rage or anger some type of emotion because of something that has happened but I don't think that every single white person on the planet is bad or evil I just that's no you know I just believe that all white people suffer from the disease of racism and honestly that's all of us and black people and manifest a little differently like it with with colorism which I did make my video about last week or whenever that was um what doesn't manifest a little differently with colorism but with white people it's like straight-up racism like y'all suffer from the disease of racism you live in a white supremacist racist society that instills in you from birth the belief that you're better than everyone else and it also you know insulates you from race-based stress and provides you as white people with a fantasy world to retreat to in order to avoid confronting their own racism this is a concept which I've talked about previously that's called white fragility and it's a whole society that is was created to really perpetuate you know the cycles of white supremacy and the idea of boy supremacy and you guys can just retreat you can turn on the TV at any moment and watch an all-white show in one of the movies at any moment and watch an all-white movie you can pick up a book and read an all-white book studies have shown that 70 to 80% of white people have an all-white circle which means they go to all-white schools which means they work at all-white jobs every person and their family is white you know you can go to certain places in the country and still in 2015 we quite people that have never ever ever met or seen a black person in real life okay our whole society contributes to this concept of white supremacy and white superiority and all white people you know are our product of this environment all of you I thought I just let it talk for an extended period of time just to tell us exactly how people who don't happen to live near black people are racist for not living near black people people who read books that don't know any black people in or watch movies that don't have any black people in there racists black people never get to make their own movies it's not like The Fresh Prince of bel-air or bad boys or anything like that with you know centrally black cast it's not like these things exist it's all about the fact that why people hate black people and you need to know it this is of course exactly the same social justice logic that feminists apply to men which is why she said racist and sexist at the beginning of this thing it's intersectional don't you know but it's these kind of Marxist principles that are being applied to all of this there are two different classes whites and blacks men and women straights and gays and one is absolutely oppressing the other by virtue of simply being numerically superior so in addition to white fragility white people also benefit from concepts of you know white skin privilege period I have people that always want to argue with me about this there is no argument you don't have a leg to stand on oh absolutely I mean we've already presupposed that every white person is a racist because of the racist society white people live in because of their numerical superiority it is a kind of chicken and egg thing which came first but we can we can be safe that this is definitely a result regardless of which one came first why people benefit from white skin privilege they're treated better they go to better schools they eat better food they get better jobs and they have disproportionately better wealth and health than black people except for this guy son of a multi-millionaire a man with much more privileged health and wealth than 99% of all white people on earth we know white people they feed black babies to alligators look it up this includes poor whites a dirt poor white person studies show that they statistically still have better chances than a rich upper class black person doing what's remaining Porton stupid and having a shorter life expectancy what the fuck you are you serious you think some fucking redneck more opportunities than a rich black person okay because no one no one knows that the upper-class black person is upper-class just by looking at them oh yeah no one's going to look at that of class black person getting out of the fucking Mercedes in a $300 suits and then walking into one of the finest stores in the country and think that guy's clearly not upper-class he's just an amazing thief obviously is black skin and black skin is inherently in this country and in other countries around the world linked to being poor to being criminal to all these different stereotypes only in the minds of fucking racist though this is thing you've convinced yourself everyone in the country is a motherfucking racist and therefore they must think the very worst they can about black people seriously the sort of people who genuinely think the color of a person's skin is a good a way of assessing the content of their character is not really very well looked up to in society and that's why we are calling people like you racists because this is what you are doing it's fucking awful it's really fucking awful I don't want you to suffer though I don't work for the Young Turks you could have someone that's dirt poor go into you know the store in Belgium we're Oprah Winfrey tried to buy the bag and if they're white and they're just a certain way they're not going to get any pushback they could be fucking poor as hell they get everything they have on could be stolen but they're not gonna get any pushback because they're white are you fucking serious if they're white and dressed a certain way what's that certain way Oh in a respectable manner and yet they didn't know that those clothes might be stolen of course they fucking didn't how would anyone know they don't know if a black person has stolen the clothes I was fucking joking it really doesn't matter what race you are if you dress like you are dirt poor and you go into a store that is selling products designed for affluent people yeah you're gonna be treated like you're not a customer whereas if the same person goes into that same store with all the trappings of wealth about them dressed very nicely then yeah they're going to be treated like a ten to a customer I really don't think the store is going to discriminate against that person on the basis of skin color when it seems far more logical that they're going to discriminate them on the basis of wealth well you have Oprah who's a fucking billionaire who's gonna get pushed back because she's black are you fucking serious you think that world-famous celebrity television personality billionaire Oprah Winfrey is walking to any shop on earth and getting pushback because the color of her skin I are you serious they white people sue me you have white skin privilege is not debatable I'm not debating this with people that's because you'd lose that debate because the point you're arguing is clearly nonsense people love to argue with me about privileges if it's debatable but it's not it's a point of faith at this point isn't it every white person living in a country that has been colonized by white people where whites are the dominant group which is a lot of motherfucking countries y'all all benefit from white skin privilege but especially here in the United States here in the United States specifically white people benefit from being white in a society that was built off of slavery and the denigration of one race for the Advancement of another okay but why then say white people instead of European Americans or something like that because saying white people implies that people from Poland and Finland are complicit in this terrible oppression as well okay you benefit from entire systems created to maintain that sense of superiority I've never been out those studies that prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt you think there are countless studies that prove people's state of mind and attitude you think there are countless studies that prove that Western society probably particularly America is designed to give white people a sense of superiority and you think you have countless studies to prove that I'm telling you you do not have any studies that prove that see this is why people don't take Social Sciences seriously think you have studies that prove how people feel you can't prove this you can't know this this is nonsense so to attempt to say otherwise black people and white people is to just be in a complete state of denial you have your heads buried in the sand your children you have childish logic you know and all you but I don't have privilege and I'm in privilege I actually had to get a job when I was fifteen I don't have privilege all y'all white folks can just too if y'all didn't leave when I said y'all racist y'all can go ahead and dip out now Dothan nah but your booty with the door closed okay um so moving on basically in her lectures dr. joy debry asks what happens to a person that has spent years you know essentially you know they've been living detached from reality I have no idea but I think that you guys seem particularly well-informed on the subject I'm guessing through years of direct experience so do go on and they've been living in a bubble of privilege you know what happens after they spend years and decades and then centuries that way they end up electing a black president apparently um and her post-traumatic slave syndrome theory posits that you know not only are black people essentially dealing with centuries of unhealed trauma from being oppressed but also that white people are dealing with centuries of unexamined pathology from being the oppressor I wholly sure I'm done I tap out don't you win this is too crazy even for me okay I I can't believe you would let someone tell you that you are in fact being oppressed by events that happened over a hundred years ago and now you have to be at odds with an entire race of people in your society because they have a different kind of skin to you if someone tried to persuade me of that I've like no why because that's insane and I think you're actually a terrible fucking racist but you have not only accepted it but you are now advocating for the person who done this to you honestly I think this is a form of abuse taking the burden of the terrible things that happened to individuals hundreds of years ago and placing it on the shoulders of some young woman who has never been anywhere near any kind of situation like this is unconscionable how could you do this to someone why would you want to do this why would you want them to be consumed with this kind of hatred and paranoia about their own ancestry it's been said before but it's worth saying again if we lived in societies that genuinely were not bothered by these concepts were generally genuinely accepting of the idea of racism and sexism then calling someone a racist or a misogynist would have no power it wouldn't do anything nobody would be bothered by that but you know that these words have power which is why you use them you're doing it to try and get control of the situation your delusions are simply that and I just can't imagine turning to another human being and trying to justify my own hatred of them by things that people who looked like them did in the past it's just like the guy from The Young Turks why would you want to see people suffer like so it makes me feel better I can't believe that these people can't see that justifying and enjoying their hatred is making them terrible people you know it's making them say terrible things and advocate for terrible things I wish these people would suffer I wish white people whatever this person was fucking I dread to think where this woman is going with her treatise on why she hates whitey but I didn't get the envy goes on for like almost an hour and she is just batshit insane 15 minutes in sir I can't I can't even I feel like I've been talking to black Hitler's wife and you know what it's not even that the racism itself is such a big deal right you know you might get people who are an intentionally racist and they see a black I'm not fucking her I'm not hiring a black guy and then they might get some say you know that was wrong you know that was wrong with me this guy's qualifications are actually good I judged him purely on his race even though I've got no reason necessarily to do that other than maybe a stereotype completely unfair if I look at the guy in through the guy he's alright I can make amends for my behavior but if I act like you then I can never rectify my mistake I can never make this situation any better I can never undo the damage that my racist reaction has had if you then go well now I need a reason to just find my racism and it turns out that black people there's bubble bla bla bla then I'm never going to rectify my mistake that it's going to stand it's going to become a fact and a part of this guy's life and a part of my life and I will know better and yet I will still delude myself into thinking I don't know better seriously if you need to be taught how you were oppressed but you are also told that it is acceptable to hate your oppressor and you go for it then there's something wrong with you Paul Ryan somebody who has supported immigration reform has to work with somebody like uniquely cherish who's the chair is is very respectful it's highly of Paul Ryan this is somebody who's trying to govern after Wanda I feel you but spread is one I want to pause on one thing because I don't disagree with you that I actually think the throne is a great choice for this role but I want us to be super careful when we use the leverage hard worker because I mean I actually keep an image of folks working in cotton fields on my office wall because it is a reminder about what hard work looks like I feel you very hard worker I do I actually keep on an image of folks working in cotton fields on my office
Channel: Sargon of Akkad
Views: 344,756
Rating: 4.9114413 out of 5
Keywords: funny, stupid, feminism, mra, news, comedy, politics, hilarious, Hatred (Quotation Subject), Justified (TV Program), Television Program (Media Genre)
Id: 42sW4gIk-A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2015
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