The 2015 Student Protests

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It might be a little long but is worth it, it gives a summarized version of the various event together with commentary.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ProblematicReality 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2015 🗫︎ replies
so we're going to talk about the 2015 student uprisings against racism and it's going to be annoying really annoying and I've also got a sore throat so I apologize for that in advance so what I would recommend doing is pausing the video getting a drink and a snack and possibly something you can punch without breaking it and we'll begin so we're going to begin with trolls at the University of Missouri using social media platform Yik yak to wind up the students take this conversation post all the race jokes you want but when you threaten someone's life you've gone too far so it's the troll has replied fantastic hashtag death to monkeys university of missouri alert went out here's a screenshot area alert alert someone is trolling me on the internet but the thing is if you're an early 20s college student of color who has been deeply indoctrinated into your social justice cult and you live entirely within an echo chamber considering any kind of dissent or trolling at your expense to be racism then this will cause you and your fellow social justice drones to flip the [ __ ] out you might be inclined to go on social media and post stuff like if you're black and on campus go home there is a racist meeting in speaker circle they are threatening us saying don't come tomorrow the cops are holding this white guy back he is in speaker circles screaming me Jayla and a beanie had to run to the car there is a blue truck with white guys and there is no license plate on the truck they are circling around us or there are white students at Mizzou right now riding around in pickup trucks terrorizing black people there are groups of white students standing in circles chanting white power black students are evacuating campus in 2015 because threats of violence towards black bodies online it just goes to show cut school and get your education doesn't change our bling black being oppressed me criminais didn't terrorize respectability be damned this is what is happening at the University of Missouri right now white students have been reported gathering on campus chanting white power white students in pickup trucks are driving around harassing black students its rednecks there have been numerous threats on social media we even have a picture of a thug who assaulted three black students thirty year old son Louie Aryan neo-nazi leader Samuel Hyde I'll look at him he's pictured with a gun what a dangerous dangerous man but of all of these things that never happened this never happened the most we literally walked past a racist cult in speaker circle did you did you really Haley I mean you don't feel safe at Mizzou anymore you're ready to go kind of sounds a little bit entitled doesn't happen so when I look at the rest of your Twitter timeline and it says I'm literally so spoiled that it's ridiculous but I'm forever grateful and humble and relatives already asking so what happened at Mizzou I can't help but think that you are a spoiled little rich kid who is desperately trying to get daddy's attention by making things up especially when fellow student protesters post something like oh I don't know I'm sorry about the misinformation I've shared through social media in a state of alarm I was concerned for all students of the University of Missouri and wanted to ensure that everyone was safe I received and shared information from multiple incorrect sources which I deeply regrets but what about the neo-nazi leader Samuel Hyde the thug who assaulted three black students well it turns out that he wasn't a neo-nazi and he's actually an activist at Yale and the threats on social media were obviously complete [ __ ] as well because it turns out that people who are actually going to shoot up a school don't threaten to do it on social media I mean it's almost like it's actually incredibly counterproductive to warn people you are going to go on a killing spree before you go on a killing spree so the question is was anything about this [ __ ] at the University of Missouri true and the answer is yes one thing about this event is true the poop swastika and here it is in all its glory tremble before it this is confirmation that at the University of Missouri racism is alive and well the poop swastika was doubtless the cause of much oppression to black students at the missouri campus before it was cleaned up the poop swastika was originally called vandalism but when it was realized that there was no damage done to the bathroom the swastika was downgraded to tampering but to make sure they didn't waste a good opportunity university officials classified the situation as a hate crime as well because if there's one way to get the concept of a hate crime taken seriously its to make sure that it encompasses when someone draws a swastika ran human feces on a bathroom wall okay there's just no way of making that sound anything other than stupid and juvenile and it's really hard to believe anyone would give a [ __ ] about this well it turns out the answer is humanity students and ex students of the University of Missouri one of whom called Jonathan Butler went on a hunger strike until the President Tim Wolfe resigned Butler and other protesters confronted Wolfe at the university's homecoming parade where Tim Wolfe the white racist oppressor decided to run into him with his car at least that's the narrative that the progressive press would have you believe unfortunately for them someone was videotaping it what happened was a number of these protesters from a group called concerned student one nine five-o blocked the road you saw that red convertible there that's the car that's holding in the homecoming parade the President Tim Wolfe and this action was significant because there is a claim made and it's right in the demands demand number one when they got president Wolfe to resign was that he apologized for his driver hitting one of the students it's a real serious accusation that accusation was made by this man Jonathan Butler and he made a big deal in fact that he was hit in fact he tweeted a couple of times he said it's been four days they even apologized he brought it up he said it's okay that his tuition paying student gets it but let's take a look at this and see if Jonathan Butler is telling the truth let's see if Jonathan Butler is being honest about the fact that he was hit by a car serious allegation part of what led to the resignation of Wolff I urge you to watch the whole video yourself but the action starts about five minutes into the video you see how the protesters are blocking the red convertible president Wulff agenda and they're trying to figure out what to do because the car is a distance away from them and so you can see the protester is moving in towards the car you can see here there they've locked arms are moving in backwards towards the car and the car is not advancing on them now what happens is if you watch this part the car actually backs away from them take a look here you can see the car is moving away from them it's moving in the distance away from them and they don't know what to do about it they're still locking arms and a little confused and then here comes the pivotal moment here watch this that right there is Jonathan Butler did you see that that's Jonathan Butler running up to the car and you can see he's pretty clear here he's the but he's the bald guy in the glasses being blocked by the white guy here it is again in slow motion watch he runs right up to the car the link to that full analysis is in the description with all of the other resources I've used in this video but as you can see this is completely cut and dried there is there is simply no other way of interpreting this other than Jonathan Butler deliberately standing in the way of the car and then lying about his own actions in order to attempt to hold Tim Wolfe accountable which they eventually did with Wolfe finally responding with an apology saying I regrets my reaction of the MU home coming parade with the concerned student 1950 group approached my car I am sorry and my apology isn't long overdue my behavior seems like I did not care that was not my intention I was caught off guard in that moment and Wolfe subsequently said that stepping down was the right thing to do for some reason even though the only thing that has happened is a poo swastika a poo swastika and a bunch of black student activists who repeatedly lie but of course Tim Wolfe was a white man which means that he's probably racist and he is of course oppressing the students the poor students the poor oppressed black students who just can't catch a break there's nothing that can be done it doesn't matter the Jonathan's dad is a multi-millionaire it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that he is the son of a top railroad executive worth 20 million dollars who made eight and a half million dollars last year it doesn't matter doesn't matter his skin is way more important than his filthy rich father well what a surprise yes another one of these student activists is a wealthy privileged kid who clearly has so few issues in his life he has to make them up so what is the deal with these peaceful protests and what is concerned student 1950 they are apparently an activist group that has led the fight to end racial hostility in the University of Missouri apparently the situation would not have escalated to this point or garnered national attention hell international attention without the protests organized by concerned student 1950 the activist group that had been peacefully demonstrating since Missouri Students Association president Payton head who is black obviously was called a racial slur by a group passing by in a pickup truck in September remember Payton head from earlier in the video who apologized for lying to people about what had happened because none of this is true Payton head is a liar these protests have been fired up by a student activist group that has nothing real to complain about and apparently after that incident the Legion of black collegians a student government organization at the University why you would have such a quite obviously racist organization is beyond me was apparently rehearsing for the homecoming parade when an apparently drunk white student yelled racial slurs at them there is no evidence for this of course and given the amount of allies these students have told in the quest for their moral high-ground I'm not inclined to believe them now but this is being used as evidence of institutional oppression since had posted on Facebook about his incident project the end of the incident that didn't happen protesters have organized racism lives here rallies and peaceful demonstrations from concerned student 1950 during one of the latter an organizer asked the crowd do you know why we want to get Tim Wolfe out of here their response bickers Marge my students belong on this campus because marginalized students should not be marginalized you know despite the fact that they weren't being marginalized by Tim Wolfe and another chant the group has used comes from an Assata Shakur poem it is our duty to fight for our freedom it is how a duty to win we must love and support each other we have nothing to lose but our chains is this not the most batshit thing you've ever heard apart from we have nothing to lose by our changes practically quote from the Communist Manifesto what on earth are they talking about fight for their freedom they are obviously free they're going to a posh University and many of them have rich parents what are they [ __ ] complaining about it doesn't even look like they know we want to get Tim Wolfe out wide because marginalized students belong on this campus what does that mean what's Tim Wolfe supposed to say to that just like well I agree which is what he said incidentally the group has called it self concerned student 1950 because that refers to the first year that the University of Missouri admitted a black student I wonder how that student would feel about the sons of millionaires whining about their oppression on the University campus when everyone is doing everything they can for these people so okay what has happened nothing apparently a bunch of false information has been propagated one act of someone smearing poo on a wall and the university president has resigned under this pressure he didn't have to resign he hadn't done anything wrong but screw it there are loads of black people saying that they are suffering from racism and this white guy doesn't want to think for a second that he might be part of that so he has stepped down so what next surely that's what they want to I mean that's literally what they were campaigning for but remember kids when a social justice warrior asks you to jump and you say how high you can never jump high enough after forcing the university president to resign they've got new demands why not they've just got exactly what they wanted why not just ask for more so the new demands are an immediate meeting with the University of Michigan system faculty council Board of curators and the governor of the state of Missouri to discuss shared governance and create a system of holistic inclusion for all constituents and these demands must be met in totality and this is also including previous demands that require long term planning and execution that have not yet been met in full among them is a strategic ten-year plan that will work towards increasing retention rates for marginalized students continued diversity training and create more safe and inclusive clampers climber's maybe I am reading this wrong but this seems to be an attempt by concerned student 1950 activists to take over their University and impose a social justice regime on it and they want government backing with which to do it there wasn't an awful lot of media coverage about the concerned student protests and that's because frankly they didn't want the media there in fact they went out of their way to prevent the media from being there which led to this viral video well then we will just don't have a right to take our photo if you are like a photogenic please give them space do not you cannot be disclosed to them my name is 1950 on the line we'll ask you to respect that and I try to talk about for history respect they're being respectful about it everybody else is too but they're being respect okay they are together no you're not and what they need right now would you know you love sister Brooke you just love you love this back up hey what a sign that just put the sign in his face Rosie back up justice fight you love this battle just back up so look we got a perimeter get to the middle they got a terrible shot to shoot get away from them you got the wall get away from especially for disrespectful people I made can I talk to you no you need to get out you need to get out so I don't you need to get out I actually don't all right I apologize for subjecting you to the entire six and a half minutes or so of that infuriating video but I wanted you to see the entire context in which these students as a group as a gang decided to act like children absolute petty children which was encouraged by an assistant professor called Melissa clique who ironically is an assistant professor of mass media at Mizzou's communications department desperately trying to intimidate and eject journalists from covering her protests why I have no idea if those legitimacy to the protest would you not want it covered I have no idea what clique thought she was doing but thankfully the Mizzou faculty were voting to get rid of her because there is no excuse for this inciting a demonstration against the press of all people a move that was supported by the students that she tried to bully away from the protest but the question is can Missouri afford to let Melissa click go look at those research interests media audiences and fans gender race class or sexuality in popular culture television analysis and criticism media literacy that sounds important doesn't it look at this important work she's done bitten by Twilight youth Culture Media and the vampire franchise all this collaborative piece relating to Twilight responses to love and romance in the vampire franchise bitten by Twilight youth culture media and the vampire franchise I really don't know how loser he's getting to get by without her most of her career is built around studying Twilight how does she even have a job no wonder she's got so much [ __ ] free time unsurprisingly the Society of Professional Journalists ethics committee are not on board with assaulting threatening journalists or denying them their First Amendment rights and I don't blame them why would they be what the [ __ ] kind of excuse could Melissa clique possibly have with all the media pressure on her clique finally issued an apology for her behavior and eventually was forced to resign finally a faculty member from Missouri University who has actually done something wrong has actually resigned for their wrongdoing the MU professor who has gained that national attention is now backtracking one day after this video went viral in a statement released this afternoon mu communication associate professor Melissa clique said in part quote I regret the language and strategies I used and sincerely apologize to the MU campus community and journalists at large for my behavior and also for the way my actions have shifted attention away from the students campaign for justice what the [ __ ] what a total [ __ ] non apology I'm sorry I got caught I'm sorry that I'm the story and not these students I'm not sorry that I denied this student his individual rights I'm not sorry about that that's all I'd do it again happy I just hope I don't get caught next time that's what Melissa clique is saying let's hear from the student journalist whose rights she violated this is Marsha Becker I'm the journalist who recorded the video at the University of Missouri Monday I I took down the video I wanted to get the video out there so that people could see what's happening to journalists my my pro bono of public publicist now Danielle Moscato who is his former public relations director for American Atheists was awesome and a loud loud made to to bounce to talk to her and she she talked to the press for me and she arranged a lot of things like remote most of what I had to say was were my own word to my own feelings until until today today I was his speaker last minute speaker at skeptic on its an atheist conference held every year in Springfield I was asked to go on two days ago to represent my side of things and my publicist worked through me with this and then I feel made me say a few things that I don't agree with and I can I can never can never came down she made me Danielle had me say a lot of things I didn't feel comfortable with that such as that I acknowledged my own mic privilege she also wanted me to go on record if I was a racist I was extremely uncomfortable with the entire aspect of it I didn't speak up with it though because I was told this would be good for my career but as as we as I found out today Danielle Moscato is right now writing a press release disassociating herself from me and is is not going to work with him for that I know further ties with her from this point going support so these are my words and my own words only again sorry for the long clip but I wanted you to see the whole thing in context just so we're all on the same page this guy was forced to speak and answer questions at skeptic on which is a atheism plus convention as far as I can tell and he was forced to say things he didn't agree with because otherwise he was going to be called a racist otherwise he was going to call oppressive and he was going to be castigated he was going to have his career cut short by these people for doing journalism and exercising his own rights you should see how they were talking to him at this conference validate the perspective and to honor the black students I find a highly problematic that the point of this is to uplift your narrative as a white male entering a black space and then having to cite the audacity to file a lawsuit about about assaults as a white person you were assaulted when black people are dying everyday in the streets that we can't even get a police officer to be indicted and you don't have another white woman if you're gonna uplift black people uplift fat don't make this make this about yourself and what you want to do in this point the point is to upload black people do that I'm sure anyone who's been following my liberal ideas series is probably screaming entirely after listening to that but this was the sort of caliber of responses that mark was getting at this Q a I'll probably do a full video on this at some point just to go through them individually because they're amazing that he is at fault for standing up for his own rights that's what their opinion is because of black people what I find most incredible and hypocritical about the concerned student protests is that the way professors who don't agree with their goals or methods are being treated or even professors who are just simply not taking part they're not necessarily against what's happening they just have a job to do for the other students who aren't participating take this example of a Missouri professor who offers to resign after refusing to cancel an exam amid all the protests this is literally the whole story Dale Bingham refused to cancel an exam that was going on because his students needed to take that exam he was then bullied out of his position by concerned student activists because I have no idea because I suppose they wanted deference from him Beno there's such a brave gang of snowflakes when you get enough of them together they form a veritable blizzard and no amount of bad weather is going to stop them oh yes oh well so around the United States many other colleges universities saw students walking out and testing in solidarity with misery for some reason I / / the pooh swastika presumably all more likely the lies that were told and then disseminated on social media these demonstrations spread to campuses all across the United States and almost all of them had a list of demands that were collated on the demands dot-org yes you are reading that correctly 60 different universities with their students all making broadly the same demands we demand more diversity and end to racism mandatory diversity training often diversity initiatives or specific staff members who are tasked with enforcing diversity you know creating positions and demanding money for problems that only seem to be real in the minds of these students that they have been caught lying about in order to try and hype up I wasn't joking when I said that they wanted money students at Yale have released their demands which include firing people they don't like and giving their favorite programs a budget increase of at least eight million dollars a year students at Occidental College basically had a sleepover in the president and administrators offices inspired by the protests of Missouri a multiracial mix of fellow students took over an administrative building for a week camping out on air mattresses and holding workshops on diversity which I guess would be the equivalent of drum circles or prayer meetings sympathetic professors even held classes in the building where are the administrators well they're gone they completely cleared out the students have given administrators a list of 14 demands to address what they say are systemic racial biases on campus these include claims that the he activists say their voices often aren't heard in classes they feel isolated on campus and apparently they've routinely profiled by security and Knights among their demands is a fully funded Black Studies Program and an increase in tenured faculty of color and the creation of vice president for diversity it's all totally normal nothing kooky man it's not that they've created a problem lied about the things that have happened and are now demanding that their own people are being given money and jobs and status it's nothing like that it's all about honest protest because of actual things that they claim have happened but nobody can prove and there was also apparently a million student March where if you can believe it students demanded even more than they had already asked for a statement from the activists reads we are people of all colors genders and sexual orientations and we are united to fight for education as a human right ok no one's on the other side of that everyone thinks that education is a human right and everyone should be able to have access to it which obviously new people have protesters are calling for tuition free public college mm-hmm cancellation of student debt mmm-hmm and a $15 minimum wage for college workers plus a lot of other stuff abouts whites male capitalist patriarchy it's interesting how solidarity comes with a whole bunch of students expecting to get something out of it but the thing is you've got to understand student activism is serious business according to a bad feminist Roxane gay anyway look millionaire Millennials pretending that there's something wrong and going out of their way actively to lie about their something being wrong just so they can have their moment in the Sun and feel like they're really making a difference is really serious don't you dare laugh this off that's that's not funny but the reason they wanted to deny the journalists their First Amendment rights is that they wanted to create a safe space not only from the racism they encounter on campus but also from the insensitivity they encounter in the news media we might be thinking of that doesn't justify anything who cares if they want to create a safe space from insensitivity in the news media that doesn't mean they have the right to do any of this but you have to understand that social justice can be used to justify anything especially Orwellian doublethink like this certainly tie the journalist in the clip had a legal rights to enter the space given the it was a public area okay but that shouldn't be the end of this story know what it is though we in the media have something important to learn from this unfortunate exchange the protesters had a legitimate gripe the black community distrust the news media because it has failed to cover black pain fairly is this the rich black community or the poor black community just out of interest I mean you guys don't think you represent the ghetto or something do you but either way it makes no difference the story does end that they had no legal rights to prevent him from entering this public area so what they did is wrong regardless of their reasons establishing a safe space was about much more than denying the media access it was about securing a zone where the students blackness could not be violated doesn't mean anything how can I violate someone's blackness what I mean that sounds kind of rapey yes the hunger strike the safe space and other demonstrations with protests and protests should be covered births seriously are you even listening to yourself but what was fueling those protests was black pain in most circumstances uncovering people who are in pain journalists offer extra space and empathy except these people weren't in any pain I mean most of the protesters the encountered Thai were white but that didn't happen in this case unsurprisingly these young people weren't treated as hurting victims that's because they can't prove that they're victims of anything instead after the confrontation with Thai you know where the the students were very very aggressive and physically forced him off aggrieved journalists responded with a ferocity usually reserved for powerful entities with the means to inflict lasting damage on their First Amendment rights these students are such an entity [ __ ] idiots that's why everyone is complaining that's why they were able to literally physically violate this guy's ties First Amendment rights and yes they will have lasting damage if they aren't brought to heel they are trying to take over universities and eradicate the idea of first right on these universities and you are apologizing for this stop making excuses for them look at this Smith College students say journalists must swear vow of loyalty to their cause quote we are asking that any journalists or press that cover our story participate and articulate their solidarity with black students and students of color by taking a neutral stance journalists and media are being complacent in our fights that's saying that if you want to cover us you must be biased in favor of us this is how they think journalism should work and the college administration her apparently just fine with it even though it proces problems for the traditional media and the alternative media and anyone who wanted to just cover out of interest I suppose but they finally get to the logical conclusion of all of their own racism segregation Missouri protesters now segregating their members by race after the meeting that was cancelled due to inclement weather the concerned student protesters met at the school's Student Center on Wednesday and then the whites were simply asked to leave so is it any wonder the dozens of white student unions are appearing on social media amid of racism protests seriously they're actually going to complain that white student unions are appearing when they are being excluded from what are I guess now black ones and what really annoys me about this is that you idiots created this dichotomy by instead of declaring yourself simply to be students you have to cleanse yourselves to be students of color not white students you're not like the white students in fact the whites are oppressing you and when eventually you drive white people out of your spaces which you have done what do you think they're going to do they're going to look at what you've done they're going to follow your lead and say well okay we'll just create white spaces then because that's how this now has to work you have brought back this segregation you are opening the door to racists by being racists by demanding it in fact you are opening the door so people like Andrew Anglin of the daily stormer are being linked directly to by the Guardian you are giving them an opportunity to amass influence by deliberately disenfranchising the sorts of people he is trying to present eyes to would you cut it the [ __ ] out segregation is a bad thing I can't believe I have to say this although it may look like it's too late there are people in universities who are fighting back there are students who are writing their own op-ed saying we dissent there are of course a minority of non leftist professors on university campuses in America but God knows how well their careers are going to fare when confronted with the mob and there are even some big guns coming out like Alan Dershowitz ripping into tyrannical student protesters saying that they won't superficial diversity and I completely agree even WikiLeaks has come out against trigger warnings and safe spaces and the idea of microaggressions and similar terms as Pro censorship because they are they are about self-censorship but it's nice to see so many people with at least the common goal of personal freedom and individual liberty to talk about this but the thing is the students weren't paying attention to that at all they were doing what the rest of the world was doing and paying attention to the November the 13th Paris attacks and like everyone else they were devastated that they'd been a terrorist attack in Paris but unlike everyone else they were devastated because they were annoyed it took the media attention away from them they did actually equate their struggle on university with the terrible life of a female Isis slave with MS magazine here saying while Isis endorses rape and commits it American college administration similarly facilitate the rape of women on campuses if this is in any way comparable and the thing is they started getting really shitty about it really really shitty and of course being first world Millennials what did they do they took to Twitter and started a new hashtag hashtag [ __ ] Paris honestly just go on Twitter search for this and have a look if you want to see whiney entitled rich kids whinging that people aren't paying attention to them just over a tragedy as well over someone else's tragedy 130 people died but these people don't feel like their voices are being heard on campuses why because hundreds of years ago French people colonized Africa of course nothing to do the French people alive now obviously none of them or a life their parents probably weren't even alive but [ __ ] it who cares [ __ ] Paris on Isis people of color anyway shouldn't they be standing with them so as annoying and selfish as these protesters are at least it's not really going beyond the university right I mean okay that's not a good thing that's in fact awful and this does seem to be the intellectual death of Western civilization but at least it's confined to universities except it isn't just a few days before the events of Missouri Millennials had blocked traffic near the White House to demand social justice and no borders a New York Times photographer noted that they were pro-palestinian anti white privilege black lives matter activists I'm not making this up white people actually protested a black man for not caring enough about black people this actually happened this is the world we live in but decolonize your mind but the thing is this is just a common theme with these students they're actively against the old order in general for example Missouri student vice president first amendment creates a hostile and unsafe learning environment the First Amendment is the America moment to the constitution that guarantees their freedom of speech and this student think that creates an unsafe learning environment student activists at Yale went and disrupted a free speech panel because I guess they were freely speaking and they didn't like that but either way they went out of their way to silence these people and I also found this article on the Harvard Crimson Harvard University's internal magazine the doctrine of academic freedom let's give up on academic freedom in favor of justice I'm not joking I am I mean I don't think this is a joke I don't think this is a Poe it might be and if it is bra [ __ ] though because I was fooled the article finishes with this short paragraph and I really think that it's worth mulling this over this is what an actual person in the West with access to a platform at a prestigious university things it is tempting to decry frustrating restrictions on academic research as violations of academic freedom yet I would encourage student and worker organizations to instead use a framework of justice after all if we give up our obsessive reliance on the doctrine of academic freedom we can consider more thoughtfully what is just if you don't have cold chills going down your spine you don't understand the implication of what they are saying here whoever wrote this is dangerous and they don't even know it and they think that what they are doing is the right thing to do no justice can ever be won by restricting the rights of others by ordering them to self-censor by preventing preventing avenues of research as if the truth can somehow be against justice and this desire for censorship is not an uncommon opinion 40 percent of Millennials are okay with the limiting speech offensive to minorities objectively offensive obviously according to a new Pew Research Center survey 40% of Millennials are in favor of censorship they're against the idea of free speech they're against your right to express yourself who has done this to these people how can they be deprogrammed they're people who are triggered they are afraid of microaggressions they can't stand the press filming them because God forbid anyone know what they're doing they are absolutely against academic freedom how they you research the wrong thing you might come to the wrong truth these kids seem to have been emotionally and mentally abused I would think these people are [ __ ] handicapped I don't think that they have proper control over their emotions like in normal adult I don't think they understand anything that's outside of themselves I think they are that selfish and entitled and they are causing so much trouble and of course the police are more than happy to cooperate call us about harmful hurtful speech why it's not legal in America anyway it's not legal nothing that has been said or done has been illegal why would you need to know about it why would you need to look at this to continue to ensure the University of Missouri campus remain safe the MU Police Department is asking individuals who witness incidents of hateful and/or hurtful speech or actions to call police give the communications operator a summary of the incident including location provide the provided detailed description of the individuals involved provide a license plate in vehicle description and take a photo if possible why nothing has been done that's a crime people have been disagreed with feelings have been hurt and offensive things have been said but none of this is illegal there is no need to report any of this to the police and yet the Millennials are crying out for authoritarian structures to rule over them that's merely what the police are responding to the thing is all of this talk of Nazis and fascists and white supremacists in the KKK it's all old hat it's last century this is not how the future is going to there is going to be Terran II in the future don't get me wrong without a doubt there is absolutely going to be tyranny there are too many forces arguing against your freedoms for their not to beating but the tyranny of the future isn't going to come in jackboots and it's not going to be led by a great dictator instead it's going to come in the form of conformity to the group and it's going to use your own good intentions against you it will be via guilt that you are silenced and your oppression will be enforced in a well-lit public space to mass public consensus where you the person being wronged will be told that in fact you are committing the wrong it will be born out of self-righteousness perpetuated by a constant desire to virtue signal to like-minded social activists to let others know that they are part of the collective and are free from wrong thing there is no amount of government tyranny that cannot be borne if it is for the good of the followers of social justice it doesn't matter if every move is recorded every word is heard every message is read these people are demanding the totalitarian government to protect them which is all the totalitarian government has ever promised its citizens not one word of sedition will come from their mouths they have nothing to fear and therefore they have nothing to hide these people herald the end of individual freedom and they think that that is a good thing so to commemorate this milestone along the road towards the death of Western civilization I'm proud to say that I have commissioned a piece of artwork from the one and only internet-famous Ben Zyklon Ben garrison if you know anything about him then congratulations if you don't then please just enjoy useful idiots frankly I think this picture perfectly encapsulates the danger of social justice they don't even know what they're doing but as the title goes they are useful idiots there's a link in the description to a large version of this that you can enjoy and feel free to share it around us out there it's free it's for you guys so enjoy you
Channel: undefined
Views: 357,857
Rating: 4.9542427 out of 5
Keywords: funny, stupid, feminism, mra, news, comedy, politics, hilarious, Student (Fictional Job Title), Protest (Quotation Subject), Student Protest (Film Subject), News Broadcasting (TV Genre)
Id: qAAeVU5jnHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 2sec (3122 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2015
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