Justice League 2017 vs 2021 Comparison: Superman Fights Justice League (Zack Snyder vs Joss Whedon)
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Channel: thomas is insane
Views: 15,749,149
Rating: 4.8057151 out of 5
Keywords: josstice league, snyder cut, comparison, justice league, zack snyder's justice league, joss whedon, zack snyder, superman, henry cavill, batman, ben affleck, wonder woman, gal gadot, cyborg, ray fisher, aquaman, jason momoa, flash, ezra miller, restore the snyderverse
Id: TQF0L2n9FM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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kal-el no.
Interesting insight into the work that happens in the cutting room. I only saw the Zack cut, and had no idea going into it that it would be so damn long. I can see how the extra sequences add to the drama of that part.
In a regular 2 hour movie, it must feel like killing your children when you cut scenes that took maybe weeks to plan and orchestrate and maybe millions to shoot. And you can never be sure you cut the right ones - even if it smashes box office records, you'll always regret cutting/not cutting some footage.
This is very interesting. Especially because I was asleep at this point for both versions.
What is up with the aspect ratio? I haven't seen a 2/3 film since the days of vhs. Any insight of why he chose it?
felt like I was watching a preamble to a fight for 8 minutes but no that was the fight.
In my Josh Whedon voice: ummm this is not ok right now.
Those guys in the first humvee are very dead (look at how long it took the guys in the second to escape). Supe's bodycount was already in the tens of thousands though, so I doubt he cared.
The saturation level looks better in 2017 in terms of skin tones and the sky. But the costumes weren't made for it and the brighter colors look out of place. Snyder's version is, unsurprisingly, more consistent from design to execution.
The stuff with the individual police and military people was pretty unnecessary. Not sure why that needed to be added back in.
The pet sematary line was good to cut out because it undercut the drama.
hey look, 2 bad movies side by side.