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hello there welcome to my Justice and jail tutorial for Dwarf Fortress in this video I'm going to cover everything regarding topics like card kaplings crimes interrogation punishments Fortress guard the hammerer how to build a good jail all of these things we'll see answers in this video so to get started let's talk about how do you activate your justice system that's by assigning you a captain of the god or the sheriff if your Fortress Is Still small it's a sheriff if it's larger than 50 people it's a captain of the god the captain of the god doubles up as a militia commander and as the head executive of your justice system so when we assign that person we get people sorted out due to their tactician skill because that's of importance here so the captain of the God will be the person who does the interrogations and all these things so social skills do matter all in all the moment you have assigned a captain of the God you have practically enabled the justice system the sheriff or the captains are going to go and persecute crimes and when you head on over into the Justice Tab and you select convicts you will see whoever is going to receive a punishment or is guilty of a crime which brings me right to the next topic what are punishable crimes we see here violation of production order the counterpart to that is violation of export bans these come from your noblemen that's when you don't get to when you don't make the mandates happen that's the punishment for that other punishable crimes are murder theft and Espionage pretty clear what they do Espionage though to clarify it's pretty much only foreign forces and that means you got to be careful with people from outside they might be part of an Espionage plot I'm going to to talk about that a little bit later when we get into the interrogation system though and the other punishable crimes are disorderly conduct building destruction and vandalism these are practically all code words for one thing throwing a tantrum so these crimes can and will see punishments what kind of punishments the Dwarven Society knows three punishments for their people the lowest one is the beating but actually that's pretty brutal and if possible should be avoided then is prison time and then comes the hammering which is practically the equal to a execution in a typical medieval Society therefore for a hammering you require a hammer and to fulfill a hammering you require a rope and a chain mounted somewhere otherwise not gonna happen if any punishment cannot be fulfilled in this game it's always going to get downgraded until you reach the point of a beating so if hammering can't be fulfilled it's not going to get transformed into prison it's going to get transformed into beating if prison can't be fulfilled beating so by all means it's pretty important if you want to avoid people getting maimed for life because sometimes these beatings can escalate quite quickly you should always try to fulfill the prison sentences alright so much about punishments except for one thing that I want to add a couple of people are not part of the punishment and crime system and those are children insane people and dwarfs under a strange mood these can be part of a crime but they cannot be punished for a crime because you won't punish a child for a crime that's just as it is so these are the punishment things I'm going to talk about the Fortress guide and the hammerer now a little bit more closely so whenever a beating needs to be fulfilled The Fortress guard will jump in the Fortress guard is an own Squad that you can found as soon as you have access to the captain of the god so as you create a new Squad you see here captain of the Gods Squad these are basically your policemen whenever Justice needs to be served in your Fortress the this squad will fulfill so the leader was always going to be the captain of the guard well as the name implies and you can't assign as many people as you want to so here's the deal with this with the fact that these people are part of a squad this opens up the option for you to decide what kind of gear they wear it does make a huge difference if a beating is done by a armed or on an unarmed dwarf you can also mitigate the damage by bringing up training weapons or things like these the same applies to the hammerer you can bring the camera into your squad here or in any squad and assign a specific suit of gear for them this menu here allows you to assign all manner of different things with those buttons below you can tell them exactly what they're supposed to wield and wear since everybody can only wield one weapon you can single out the instruments of Justice pretty decently with that so this sums up to however you want to play it you can bring up full-on role play immersion and get yourself a scary as hell Fortress guard that nobody wants to travel with and people that get a way of just as well just as well have its way or you make yourself a couple of tame dogs the other thing to note is if you don't have a hammer at all you won't do any hammerings we will only have beatings so you don't need to assign a hammer at the same time so there are things as you can see I hope I have brought up enough options how you can bring up the justice system to your liking because I think that's a really important thing to note about this game's justice system you can use the parts as you like them to use so enough about the Fortress guard and the hammer let's finally get into the interrogation system so when you open up these scales here you have the open cases menu this is where you can do all the interrogations these happen in the office of your guards Captain so let's quickly assign our guards Captain the stuff that he wants he wants a bedroom and he wants the office and his own dining room but I'll stop at the office because it's for the sake of demonstration here not too important he's going to be a little bit down happy about that but it's okay so I'll quickly sign this area here also as a dungeon it's going to be important for a later Starship part of this video so interrogations when you want to know something about an open case you know there's crimes who which get immediately put into conviction because you know those mandates for example the mayor does exactly know who's been busy exporting these things and take note that everybody who's been exporting or carrying anything to the trade Depot is culprit if there's a sudden case of uh of of export bans these are pretty harsh so all in all there are clear crimes but there are so a lot of uh unclear crimes like murder theft Espionage and these all show up here so when you have a case of Tantrums here my list is full of it you can click one and then you can pick up anybody you want to interrogate this includes every person of your Fortress every dwarf there but also interestingly enough every animal and monster in the caves that you know of also lots of dead people new Canada interview them for real I really don't know why they are in the list in the first place let me know if you know and the gist of it is here you can't interrogate pretty much everybody if they know something about that crime specifically but people can spill their beans when they get interrogated so dwarfs never do mind being interrogated and Outsiders also not really because they are not part of your Fortress you don't need to worry about their happiness in the first place so interrogate Outsiders and sometimes you uncover plots that weren't there yet it can happen that an interrogation of outside forces leads to pop leads to new open cases popping up like Espionage or stuff like that because some Outsider was not in part of this tantrum here but they were scared and they told your Gods Captain things that were not even part of the current crime that can happen therefore interrogations are a powerful tool to uncover crimes around you and it's worth interrogating each and everybody around you especially those newcomers if you want to stay on track with things in your Fortress and avoid your artifacts being stolen or you just let it roll and you don't worry too much about it and get after these things once they happen it's your choice again I just wanted to introduce the tools that you have so once quickly cases are or are fully closed captioning not available on the schedule as you see here your guards Captain afterwards will do as soon as possible what you're what he's supposed to do also if you want your guards Captain to be really busy with what you want him to do get on over to the labor system and let him really only do what he's supposed to do so this way this way he won't be picking up any random tasks so the next thing he should do should be either imprisoning the guy that's supposed that's supposed to land in the prison or interrogating the child so let's talk quickly while we're watching our good man usrir doing his job let's talk about jails then I'm going to show you what what buttons to push in the end to get the interrogation details so jails why no why don't install a cage why use a chain the thing is when a dwarf is locked to a chain he can still move around the chain and he's locked into a cage he cannot move at all and he is going to need other Dwarfs taking care of him and here we have the interrogation done and therefore chains are already Superior because they allow more comfort for your dwarfs and if you do it right you can't even make your prison a pretty happy place but let's get into the interrogation menu real quick so once you have done your first interrogation the intelligence menu grows interesting here we can see the reports of the interrogations so when you click that you get a little bit of a report what the guards Captain did you get here an overview about the actors of any things that have happened organizations or plots if they are uncovered in this scenario of course I don't have any but most importantly now we have here a confession so we could go over to the open cases get over to the code disorderly conduct click convict and as you see here we have now one witness we know he's guilty we have convicted him and now this is no longer a case to work around but look there he's now also in the convicts menu but due to the fact that children are no are not going to get punished in the system that's why there's no sentence pending so here the the other guy well I don't know why he didn't get imprisoned maybe he got a beating because the game didn't realize the jail was already there the chain wasn't there but let's talk about jails so first off you need to use the dungeon function to assign something as a jail then you can use the fact that jail time is also lifetime you know 57 days the guy has to spend some time in there so to make the best out of your jails you can make it a real real worthwhile stay first off take care that the chain that you use is of a high quality of a high value material and you might even encrust it with gems why your dwarf will be busy staring at it and being like wow that's a beautiful Chain man sucks to be in prison but chain so that's really a thing they will have happy thoughts because of the insane quality of the chain yeah that's the thing so the other thing that you can do only because your dwarf is in prison doesn't mean he doesn't have to have comfort so you can put in a chair and a table so they can eat like an actual Dwarven being the next thing that you can do is you can also give them a bed because why not they they can put themselves into a bed when they are chained up sure why not next thing to make sure your dwarf needs some food and some drinks so put up one cell wide thingies here get on over to the food make sure to you get some prepared meals link that one to the stockpile where you have your meals via this button and somebody will constantly carry meals down here and don't worry as long as the meals are part of a stockpile like that they won't go bad so you don't need any barrels so the other thing you will want to put up is another stockpile for drinks so you put up food and you get on over to plant drinks Mark also every kind of drink will be accepted link that up to your drink sock pile so your dwarf will also have some decent uh stuff to drink and last but not least you get on over to the finished goods pile and make sure that you have some goblets delivered to this thing and then well my personal approaches this go for all and everything here is marked all the materials are marked and then we only Mark the goblets so this stockpile again link it to your finished good stock pile with this one and this is a already almost perfect prison cell the only thing lacking now is a nice smooth and engraved environment just like upstairs here and by the end of all these preparations you will have a prison cell that will ultimately make your dwarf even happy because there's just so much luxury around them and they're just squatting all day that they actually maybe you're going to get the wrong impulses to your Dwarfs with that good you get the idea this is how you can make jail time not uh produce even more unhappy dwarfs and by all means try to have prison cells that have these characteristics out of one simple reason because it really helps you to mitigate happiness losses due to the justice system because whenever somebody receives a beating not only do they become really unhappy and that's pretty clear you know it's no fun to get a beating but the guard will be happy weird isn't it um but the point is beatings can really destroy workers in the long run and that's a pretty bad thing and you really really don't want that to happen therefore have enough prisons stack them out like that and the justice system will roll so that's all I have to say about this topic I hope you found that helpful feel free to leave me your comments down below if you have any questions ask away if you feel like I have missed anything really important you want if you want to add in something cool feel free to I always love to hear from you guys the comment section is such a font of knowledge by now appreciate it so thumbs up on that video if you want to make it more visible for other people and consider subscribing of course if you haven't done so already I do stuff like that almost daily and chances are you're going to like to stay informed by hitting that Bell thing last but not least playlist is in the description box full of other tutorials so you might want to check that out and now to the last thing thanks to all the supporters of this channel you guys are really really amazing and check out the support links down there to patreon PayPal and buy me a coffee if you want to and if not take my thanks for watching this video until the very end I really appreciate people who bear with me through these app roles because that means you really like to watch my videos and that makes me really happy that's worth more 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Channel: Ic0n Gaming
Views: 7,757
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Keywords: Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf Fortress Gameplay, Dwarf Fortress Guide, Dwarf Fortress Tutorial, Dwarf Fortress Tips, Dwarf Fortress Tricks, Dwarf Fortress Playthrough, Dwarf Fortress Steam, Dwarf Fortress Ic0n Gaming, Dwarf Fortress Let's Play, Dwarf Fortress Vanilla, Dwarf Fortress Justice System, Dwarf Fortress Justice Tutorial, Dwarf Fortress Jail, Dwarf Fortress Jail Design, Dwarf Fortress Jail Tutorial, Dwarf Fortress Steam Justice System, Dwarf Fortress Dungeon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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