Just like Mama Made but Pudding in the Microwave, Best Old Fashioned Banana Pudding

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hey y'all it's teeming with call our Valley cooks um we are coming to you live on YouTube today to bring you delicious of knitting it's been a pudding it is like oh my banana pudding but it's the fastest and easiest way to make it truly I'm a banana pudding in the world so I hope you try my recipe because we're going to start I always start out with my dry ingredients in a bowl first you need to use a batter bowl if you have one a wire whisk and the first thing you're going to do is you're going to put in a third cup I brought in flour you can use flour but self-rising because that's what I like okay and you're going to put in a half a cup of sugar so that's 1/3 cup of self-rising flour and 1/2 cup sugar okay and then I mix them being you add a dash of salt and don't go ahead and put it in there so you don't because everything really Suites better with a little salt okay so that's all going in that should my gradient the next thing you do is you take a measuring cup a 2 cup measuring cup and you put in two cups Oh milk ok then I'll go ahead pour my middle into my dry ingredients and I stir it a little bit now we're gonna crack the egg okay you can crack a few eggs now they just I'm gonna put my shells on okay so I like to use these look like extra large were these extra large crayons they're huge I usually use 4 eggs if they're large eggs these are large so I like to use for because you get what did I just do that for I messed up y'all I'm talking you can't crack your wife into the bowl where the milk was or your egg whites won't be that pretty can I stand my mic's are good yep okay and probably when I put my hand across it will probably keep everything from focusing correctly anyway we're going to crack our eggs and this is the way I do it I crack the egg white into the mixing bowl and then I put the yellow in the in this one and I do four and that way I have lots of meringue to make the top of my banana pudding really pretty okay the reason I had to throw out the other egg is when you're doing neck whites you can't have anything in there or it would keep the egg whites from turning into meringue and that that milk was in the bottom of there so I couldn't use that white anyway we've got four eggs we're using the whites in the mixer putting the yellows in here I'm gonna beat the yellows just a little bit wipe off my hands real quick don't beat the out and it in with my wet ingredients and now I actually add the vanilla flavoring and butter after it's cooked in the microwave so we are going to beat this up right quick place it in the microwave for three and a half minutes make sure you get the bottom good and you don't have any flour and sugar that's not mixed in in your wet ingredients then you're gonna place this in the microwave for three and a half minutes three and a half minutes now while that's doing that I always just place this in here so that I don't make a mess on my countertop I'm actually going to go lift it out because I put that egg white in there and then we're gonna make some right now you don't want to beat up your meringue too far in advance because if you do it can turn frothy and there's a word for it but y'all know and it's not your girl I say frothy hang on I'm going to go ahead and beat it up and then we can just mix it real quick before it put it on the pudding to make it pretty again I want to put this on lock you're gonna put it on the heart [Music] all right I'm gonna gradually add a quarter cup of sugar Chris can you Center that over here while we're like I mean since we're not doing anything else right now we're just slightly done a quarter cup of sugar I think you can actually zoom too if you want to use your fingers in alright and now I'm going to turn it back up and then I'm gonna add a teaspoon of cream of tartar [Music] this is prima Carter I'm using a ham it's just what I grabbed [Music] we're gonna beat these until they're not and beautiful and it's difficult for me it usually takes about two to three minutes to the egg want to make them really free so you got the perfect amount of time you've got the perfect amount of time because your hood you get with the microwave for about three and a half minutes okay and your pudding is actually going to could travel around six minutes idea okay this is supposed to be the fastest banana pudding you can pretty up here man you can tell this already in really close it's just got a few more minutes so while we're waiting never gets knocked up anything we're going to go ahead and throw half the bag of vanilla wafers into the bottom of a lasagna dish hey this the lasagnas cottage because they they farm the miss Cavell away first just a regular box 11 a.m. I like to use three bananas alright this is done so we're going to turn it off it's so loud well I like to use three bananas now it's putting out and we are going to mix it up do they have a good view babe yes and see we got our little two cup measuring cup remember to put your whisk in there so you don't mess up the counter and we're just going to mix this really good now this stay up because we're using flour it likes to fall down to the bottom the bowl make sure that you do a really good job mixing don't get in here and just barely move okay visit put it back three more minutes [Music] okay now we are going to slice our bananas because we got three minutes left so I'm going to come around there and just look at my video because I have no idea what you are seeing because this is live okay I'm gonna slice up my bananas I want you to see how healthy and I slice them the other bananas let me show you what I did to them I'm not gonna do it to the face but I'll show you what I did okay I like to slice my bananas really really thin this one is gonna have the whole banana in it I actually got a banana pudding right now in the oven so that we can dip it show you the final product because I know you youtubers like to see the end end product even if I'm live okay so I was going to show you what I did with the other bananas but I already chopped this one up so fast I'll just have to do it with the next one so nice to have a cameraman I'll give a shout-out to mr. Nichols Chris the cameraman alright I'm gonna slice this and half and just show y'all this is an option for those of y'all they just get grossed out by bananas you can take this is a good lord Wester type thing I don't even know what it's called it's peppered chef but it's got teeth on it and it's a circle and it's the perfect size to take a banana and pull out the seeds okay if you get grossed out by bananas my granny Benefield deal Mike coloured Valley Granny Benefield wanted me to do this when I made banana pudding and if I didn't do it she didn't want me because she couldn't stand for the bananas to turn brown so you can actually pull out the bottom like that if you want to but that's another self and it's not the fastest banana pudding in the world so I'm just trying to show you all the fast way if you cut that out then you know of course the bananas look a little different your pudding it really don't take especially once you get the hang of it you know if you want to do that for your family if you've got somebody that has a you know problem you're hoping in a slices by so you three bananas no more than that sometimes I used to I like to just cover that layer up pretty good I said now look we got our meringue done our puddin is about to be four seconds and we're ready for it so do you think it takes a long time to make a homemade banana pudding it don't now look at this pudding can I say that up close daddy it's beautiful now it's time to make it even better so I add a few tablespoons of butter let it mix down in the hot pudding the more the merrier right and some good old vanilla flavoring Lord I put a lot this is cheap vanilla flavoring it'll be good it's not the real stuff if this x-ray don't waste it just use a teaspoon but I don't have that good stuff how so much if I got a single extract this big and pay me $40 and that's all there is to it now when you make a banana pudding your pudding is gonna thicken a little bit as it says and you can see this is a little bit runny let me say you're gonna want it you're gonna want it that way because if you make pudding this so thick after a few minutes after it's down the oven it's gonna turn your it's going to be dry like you know what I mean like the pudding is gonna taste some looks like a dry banana pudding so you want to make sure and get it soon enough and all you're really doing is add a little bit of milk which just makes it go even further now guess what we get to do put the rest of the vanilla wafers you can put a small wire Oh you can made it and then we're going to put I called Chris daddy cuz he's the kids daddy won't be long we won't have any kids here anymore I guess I need to start calling and Chris oh I need to save a couple of these take you out about 6:00 I guess and then take out one to crumble up on the top at least and that way you can put them around the edges and just make it pretty but everybody loves the wafers in the puddin I don't know anybody that don't like that part so we're going to pour the rest of this on here and get you a spatula and get ever been on sale and I usually just brush it on like that now we're gonna put our meringue topping and get this in the oven and our meringue toppings actually it'll be pretty on this one that it was the last one now let them sit here just a second just turn it around whenever you bake this up even if it's just a minute or two early always fluff it before you sit we're just gonna fluff it up a little bit and let me say this meringue is raw egg whites so do not put these in the oven on broil and don't use a torch like they do on this kitchen shows because it doesn't cook the egg you want to put it in an oven that's 350 degrees okay see how pretty that is you want to put it in an oven that's 350 degrees then cook it at least 20 minutes watch it but you should be able to cook it for 20 minutes easy and it not get too Brown okay should just come out perfectly golden brown so now that make this look really pretty my favorite tool to do that with these are nice little spatulas that I get at Michaels but my favorite tool to do that with is actually a small spatula like this and you can make it just look so gorgeous like on top of a pie or whatever so make sure that when you're doing meringue you go around the edge and you get it you know all around the edge so that it seals the pie first or a cobbler nut cobbler we don't do this for cobblers pies and puddings and then you bake and decorate it make it pretty what's one sure we got it sealed good okay especially if you're doing a pie you want to do that now now we're gonna make it pretty so I'm going to scoop some of it over and we're just going to kind of do some deep swirls to start with to get it started and then we're going to start curling it so just curly you know if you don't fluff it back up before you put it on here it's gonna turn all yucky and you're not gonna be able to make it pretty like this okay so just make it pretty now we're going to take we're going to take one of these and we're just going to crumble it on the top to make it pretty on top you can use two if you won't tell you let's see how many I got left I don't know that I've left up enough left out enough wafers we'll just do those for those four then we'll crumb police but if you want to you can leave them out of the bottom part you know but line the whole top with them but it sure is good to get them in the pudding so I hate to waste them all around the top okay now let's get our pudding out of the oven I don't think it took very long thanks me starting is about 90 minutes after and it hello Wow here's one that's done woohoo we're gonna get the other one in the oven I'll let y'all see this one closer before we put it in the oven it's pretty and delish so just put it in your everything like I said at 350 degrees parts 20 minutes do not under cook it because of the raw eggs okay now we're going to dip into this get a bite if that's still zoom then you might want to zoom it back out nitty so they get a pretty picture all right so with that fast enough for a homemade banana pudding I hope you enjoy it and I'm glad I did a double we have a party tonight I'm about to throw together some take salad we're going to a party so we're gonna have to taste salad tonight hey um I don't know why your face ring but I'm sure legalish delish delish someone must show you how this looks did you see up let me see the sides of it we're gonna pick it up yeah pick it up yo look at the layers you can see them on the sides of it now I know you can put it together layer by layer and put pudding on the bottom and then put vanilla wafers and then put bananas and then put pudding but you know what it all tastes the same if you just throw it all in there one time make sure it's after it really does taste the same I used to do the layer later later don't do it anymore so we're gonna cut into it and I want try to see it when you get finished with your banana pudding you want it to be runny enough that it's juicy looking can they say that Danny so you want this to be you know soft and do you see you don't want it to be all dry and it'll get dry if you don't send it up a little bit and it's delicious warm okay so let me taste it I'm gonna let it cool off a sec that is better nothing then homemade banana pudding if you make it into microwave it's fast never scorches never burns always beautiful always glossy creamy gorgeous just put that butter in there afterwards gives it even more of a shine and don't forget the dash of salt because it adds a lot to it and thanks for watching color valley cooks where we could like mama Dee
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 58,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best southern cooks, southern homemade, southern style, old fashioned, old timey, good, old, ole, white lily, country cooking, country living, hillbilly, kitchen, Appalachian, recipes, simple, fff, family, food, fight, rolled, cat head, biscuits, dean, ramsay, pioneer, woman, real, southern, easy, collard, valley, cooks, tammy, nichols, classic, 50's, 60's, 70's, mama, banana pudding, best banana pudding, homemade, fastest way to make, mama's, cvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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