JUST IN: Marjorie Taylor Greene Slams Green New Deal, AOC, Biden In House Floor Speech

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When she says "yes, American people, the American government wants to track you" they're not gonna give me a number and make me submit a portion of my income are they? or like... make me pay some annual fee on the place I live? Jesus fuck.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 87 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MN- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

She knows exactly how to talk to her dumbass fan base.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 251 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fkrddt9999 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does she know main lithium deposits are already in China, next big lithium deposit is in Bolivia, Nkrth Argentina and American companies and Chinese companies are already there.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 134 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gonzaloetjo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It is genuinely so weird how obsessed she is with AOC.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 179 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PoppyBongos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

She's a job creator, some poor kinkos/art department had to print those dumbass things out for her.

Also, SO glad youtube started muted when i clicked that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jbroome πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Color me surprised... only 18.4% of Marjorie's district have a college degree.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mattyboombalatti πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

She’s only a boomer by attitude, not by age.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 98 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aseedandco πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The way she struggles to pronounce "policies" correctly cracks me up

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 65 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SwiftCEO πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

When she's talking about how much china dominates all of these categories...

Real question...

Why do conservatives not want US to lead/dominate these categories? Like, she keeps saying how much china is better than us, why is she not coming up with ideas for the future to help Americans other than saying just china is better...?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cheese8904 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
under the speaker's announced policy of january 4th 2021 the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from georgia mrs green for 30 minutes uh yes um madam speaker today i'd like to address and let's talk about the green new deal you know this is this is a serious issue right now it used to be a piece of legislation that most republicans in the country laughed at and thought was some sort of high school project turned in as a house resolution but it's actually something that america needs to take serious because it's written in the infrastructure bill and it's in written in the 3.5 trillion dollar budget so the green new deal is rapidly becoming a very real reality for america which is tragic uh first thing i'd like to talk about is i'm always shocked as a freshman member of congress in the dysfunction of congress you see tonight i'm starting a speech that was difficult to schedule not knowing when we would be able to start the speech based on the house floor constantly changing but this is the order of affairs in washington that's always shocking to me you see i come from the private sector in the real world where people work every single day do a good job solve problems and they make a profit but the difference in the real world and what i would consider a very messed up world here in washington dc is here in congress everything's upside down we're not able to keep a schedule that doesn't that runs well as a matter of fact it runs wrong most the time another problem is is everything that's produced with the taxpayer dollars here in congress reduces it produces a loss continuing to keep the american people in debt everything that happens here in congress is shocking to me because i can't believe how opposite the bills and and the discussions are of what freedom stands for in our constitution especially on the wall where it says in god we trust so as just a regular american citizen that decided to run for congress and and won my race uh representing georgia's 14th district i'm here to speak on behalf of the american people and how outraged we are at the policies of the green new deal which are in the 1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill and the 3.5 trillion dollar budget because these policies are the most america last policies as a matter of fact they do nothing but put china first taylor you can put up number two now so we'll go ahead and address what these policies are that are so shocking to me and if if the american people actually knew what these policies are these globalist america last policies are i believe they would be ringing every single phone up here probably demanding that congress go home because america is only safe when congress is out of session but unfortunately congress is in session so let's tell the truth about what's happening you see this is a simple meme that you would find on the internet but this meme is very real the green new deal surprise is serves china and china only you can go ahead and put number one up so today talking about the green new deal and the all-out war on the men and women who built this country which is definitely happening every single day here in congress democrats want to turn the lights out on america they want to shut down our economy they want to end our energy independence and surrender america putting us on our knees to china dependent on china yes just to drive a car or a truck and that's not at some distance time in the future that's pretty soon especially in less than 10 years in his last six months as president joe biden has demonstrated that he'd rather listen to bernie sanders aoc and the climate democrats that want to do what's best for america he's raising an army of vaccine police and climate justice troops to to track your every single move yes american citizens the government wants to track you on top of that democrats in congress are happy to take every penny of americans hard-earned paycheck to destroy our economy through the so-called green new deal a complete government takeover of every aspect of our lives under the excuse of so-called climate justice this is not a theoretical idea for these people unfortunately you would think it's a joke but it's not no they want to transform america into a third world world country and that's exactly what these policies will do to quote senator ed markey the green new deal isn't just a resolution it's a revolution in the past two years the green new deal has become the dna of climate action and the principles of jobs justice and climate action are now widely represented in legislation and state and local actions across the country the green new deal provides the framework we need to confront the intersecting crises our country faces climate change a public health pandemic racial injustice and economic inequality we can transform our economy and our democracy for all americans by addressing the generational challenge of climate change we have the technology to do it we have the economic imperative we have the moral obligation we just need the political wheel will so let's talk a little bit more about the people that believe in this one of my colleagues here in the house of representatives my colleague democrat from new york i had asked her to debate this policy because you see i believe in debate i believe the american people deserve to know exactly what's in these bills and the outcome and the effect on the economy as a successful business owner who makes a profit and not a loss i would like to debate my colleague from new york and talk to her about how her policies are actually going to destroy jobs and do nothing for the climate because the reality is the climate's changed in the entire history of the earth and no amount of taxes that anyone can pay is going to change the climate and that's just the truth that's not made up like climate change and climate justice so according to congresswoman ocasio-cortez the dozens of bills that have sprung from this resolution since we introduced it two years all contain number one a commitment to creating good paying union jobs number two prioritizing frontline and vulnerable communities disproportionately affected by climate change i didn't know the climate affected some communities and not others i'm from georgia it's pretty hot and humid i didn't know that it had anything to do with the color of our skin or how much money that we made but apparently according to congresswoman ocasio-cortez it does you see reducing she says number three reducing greenhouse gas emissions from human sources by 40 to 60 percent within 10 years and net zero global emissions by 2050 in line with the intergovernmental panel on climate changes finding that global temperatures must not increase more than 1.5 degrees celsius above pre-industrialized levels in order to avoid the most severe impacts of climate change i find it pretty shocking that people actually think that members of congress and their legislation is actually going to control the earth's temperature or the climate you know really what all this is going to do is help this man out the most president xi of china it's sad really really sad the white house proudly stated that president biden rejoined the paris agreement on day one and organized a national climate task force to establish a new 2030 emissions target in april president biden committed to having greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and creating a carbon pollution free power sector by 2035. as other countries race past us president biden wants to dismantle and the united states energy grid in order to look good at climate events in europe while china laughs at our decline and oh yes president xi will be laughing and he's already laughing laughing at president joe biden right now because president xi himself knows one thing very clear if we're going to reduce our carbon emissions cutting them down in half by 2030 that means we're cutting our economy in half by 2030. so president xi of china who's very clever and thinks the long game is planning on ramping up his economy as a matter of fact increasing carbon output he says until at least 2035 and then while president joe joe biden says oh america's carbon will be net zero by 2050. president xi is still laughing saying oh well maybe china can try to get to net zero by 2060. you see china is gaming us at our own stupidity we have a president in the white house that is looking to do everything he can to serve china and maybe that'll help out his son in his business dealings in foreign countries like china under the woke ideology of biden's environmental protection agency public waters could mean any source of standing water the government feels constitutes waters of the united states what does that apply to does that apply to someone's pond on their private land or a private lake in someone's on their farm what does that apply to a puddle in your front yard or your swimming pool in your backyard are those going to be considered waters of the united states that the federal government can come and say they whatever they want to do with them who knows that means the federal government can claim jurisdiction over millions of acres of privately owned land and water under the excuse of ensuring conservation seems the federal government thinks it's no better knows better than the american people well see here's the truth families who have passed down land through generations could see their property carved up and controlled by bureaucrats in washington and i think this past year has shown that bureaucrats and washington are the ones screwing everything up biden's executive order implements a socialist agenda by creating well-paying union jobs including more for women and people of color in occupations where they are underrepresented to combat the climate crisis and reduce greenhouse gas emissions sequester carbon in soils grasses trees and other vegetation and source of sustainable bio products and fuels cows cow flatulence and whatever else biden's policies regarding electric vehicles and batteries could the american economy and this is where the real danger lies let's let's switch this up and put number five up please thank you the infrastructure plan which the speaker would very much like to pass the progressives would very much like the 1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure deal matched with the 3.5 trillion dollar budget because that is the whole package of the green new deal and they would have a lot to celebrate this plan includes 7.5 billion this is in the infrastructure billion for a network of 500 000 electric vehicle charging stations across the country and another 7.5 billion for electric buses can you put up this one america's charging network so this is a situation where the government has decided to take over the economy this is what the green new deal does you see in the past unfortunately i don't know why it's changing because the past has actually worked pretty well our economy has worked on demand when there's consumer demand in the marketplace businesses private businesses not the government by the way would produce their products and sell their goods to match the consumer demand that's what happens in a healthy economy currently right now this is america's charging network as you can see electric vehicle charging stations already exist over much of america and the good news is they're pretty much able to meet the demand no problem because electric vehicles run on batteries that can keep a charge and it is the technology is increasing and they can keep charges for a good long distance some of them 300 miles or more and so people are able to drive and find another charging station and charge their vehicle and that's because this exists mostly through a private market a private economy through businesses meeting the public demand but that's not what the democrats want to do that's not what they want to continue to exist no they want to use the power of the federal government and radically change the way americans drive because your cars and trucks would have to drive on batteries not not gasoline or diesel so right now currently there's already four thousand public charging stations in the us president biden has even proposed spending nearly six billion dollars transitioning the entire federal fleet of electric vehicles so president biden vice president kamala harris speaker of the house the democrats everyone is on board with this right here spending 7.5 billion of americans hard-earned tax dollars that they had to work for and then the irs collects so that the government can force us to move to electric vehicles by building another 500 000 electric vehicle charging stations why would they have to do that that's because they're going to force you to drive an electric vehicle that uses a battery and then they want to spend more of your tax dollars 7.5 billion for electric buses and then more of your tax dollars six billion as a matter of fact to transition the whole federal fleet to electric vehicles this is so shocking so biden's terminate here let's go further what else damage has he done he terminated the keystone xl pipeline that happened first in his presidency according to the pipeline's developer which caused 1 000 union workers to immediately lose their jobs by the way that was the same union that voted for president president biden they backed him and supported him but what did he do right away he made a decision to kill their jobs and ended a project that was expected to employ more than 11 000 americans in 2021 democrats are job killers and joe biden's doing a great job of it the majority of them union workers by the way isn't union isn't unions what um all the people that are for the green new deal want the majority of the union workers hurting these jobs 11 000 of them but what did it do it cost them 1.6 billion in wages cost them 1.6 billion in wages it's so shocking you can't even make it up unfortunately it's real by the end of president biden's first term his ban on new oil and gas leases on federal land according to one study would destroy an average of 58 676 jobs annually and what we've seen over the past year and a half is so many jobs destroyed already by coveted shutdowns that is unbelievable and for the people at home that work so hard in small businesses that i totally understand because that's all i've ever done my entire life has been a small business owner it it is heartbreaking how many small businesses have shut down over the past year and a half to covet shutdowns but yet then we have a president in the white house and a democrat-controlled congress that wants to continue to force this to happen unbelievable biden has also signed executive orders to raise the social cost of carbon the social cost of carbon by 700 percent what this means for americans is that the price of gas will go up heating your home in the winter will become more expensive and electric bills will go up this will especially take a toll on our fellow citizens who are already struggling to get by as it is so we'll make the poor poorer after we've already cost them their jobs by these fatal climate climate change policies in 2019 the united states became energy independent what an amazing thing that was was and exported more energy than it took in for the first time since 1952. let's say that again in 2019 the united states became energy independent and exported more energy than it took in for the first time since 1952 i'd like to thank president donald j trump for that and his america first policies sadly they're no more part of this came from the fact that the u.s exported more natural gas than ever before partially because the united states transitioned away from coal to natural gas our carbon emission shrunk wow isn't that the goal which allowed the us to lead the world in reducing energy related co2 emissions but let's get back to electric vehicles because this is what's going to truly affect every single american that drives a car or a truck or relies on a vehicle to get to work or let's just be real as a taxpayer um can you go ahead and put up number five please thank you after years of planning china dominates the world's production of new generation batteries that are used in electric vehicles most portable consumer electronics such as cell phones and laptops i don't know if anyone realizes this but right now there's over 50 000 trucks sitting brand new trucks sitting in kentucky do you want to know why they can't be sold they're waiting on microchips and the reason why they're made waiting on microtrips is because china dominates the market because they dominate the market of rare earth minerals and they dominate creating them they dominate the market that creates microchips and they dominate the market that creates lithium batteries that drive cars electric vehicles so as the demand for electric vehicles grows it is expected that most of them will be built with chinese batteries that's because china dominates the market at 80 percent and america barely competes at 10 percent this doesn't look good for our economy does it we have a federal government a democrat-controlled federal government a democrat-controlled congress that wants to transition our economy that's already functioning really well our american businesses do well but we want to move it to rely on one basically one country china communist china who is not our friend who is our enemy and sent us the covet virus that we're already staggering from from the past year and a half but yet it's our own government that wants to us and put us on our knees to rely on china that dominates this market for our battery needs from our federally forced electric vehicles coming soon to you by 2030. it's pretty unbelievable so of the 136 lithium-ion ion battery plants in the pipeline that are going to be to 2029 101 of those are based in china china dominates the battery market ladies and gentlemen the pace of demand growth is expected to rise rapidly over the next few years as sales of electric vehicles are slated to reach 12.2 million in 2025 so we are going to continually the more electric vehicles that we're forced to drive because the federal government has decided that that's how the private market should go isn't that interesting since when in america should the government decide how the private market should buy and sell but that's what's in the 1.2 trillion infrastructure deal and that's what's in the 3.5 trillion budget and that's what's in the green new deal so here we have this is a really interesting chart this shows you the production of how you get an electric vehicle right here you can see stage one is mining let me tell you the percentages here that the u.s competes for nickel zero percent cobalt zero percent graphite zero percent lithium oh we got one percent for lithium that's what goes in the electric vehicle battery zero percent for manganese okay we got china's doing really well they got 31 percent one percent 65 percent they're zero then we got six percent right here stage one mining but don't count them out on that let me show you global share production this is this is in 2019. stage one chemical processing refining let's go with america and china nickel one percent cobalt zero graphite zero lithium four percent ooh we moved up a little bit then we got this last one manganese at zero percent oh but china is doing really well barrett nickel was 65 percent cobalt 82 percent graphite 100 percent geez i'd say that's complete domination uh-oh then we went up with lithium at 59 percent yeah china's doing pretty good let's go down here what happens in stage three we've got the cathode of anode production so what happens here what's going on with america zero percent for cathode zero percent for anode but what does china have oh 61 for cathode and 83 for anode so here you see america's not doing well but guess what president joe biden and the democrats in congress and i'm sure the democrats in the senate would love to force you to be dependent on everything that goes into an electric vehicle and you can see by the percentages i'm telling you america doesn't compete that's america last that puts our businesses our american businesses our american workers completely dependent on communist china no thank you let's go a little further what happens in stage four well here's the really important part stage four is lithium-ion battery cell manufacturing and this is something that i don't think my colleague from new york who co-sponsored this little deal that we're having to deal with now quite understands apparently she knows the economy but she wouldn't debate me so i don't know how that works out you see when it comes to producing the cells this is where we have a problem we have right here six percent with the european union we've got the united states at ten percent and according to this one china has 73 and oh they're increasing because you know what happened in afghanistan we walked away from one trillion dollars worth of rare earth mineral mines why did we do that so what goes into an electric vehicle just a battery that's what makes it drive and as you can see china dominates and america is barely a spec in the in the economy and the market share for lithium batteries thank you we can keep that one up for a second more thank you so rare earth minerals let's talk about rare earth minerals i just named some of them that go into the battery production that affect batteries for electric vehicles they affect microchips that are very important such as the trucks over 50 000 it's probably even more now that can't be sold because we're waiting on these don't forget appliances like dishwashers refrigerators cell phones computers they all rely on rare earth minerals and america is not competing very well in this market but china is according to the u.s geological survey china currently produces approximately 84 of the world's rare earth minerals while the u.s only produces four percent a portion of which is owned by guess who the chinese how about that let's go ahead and put up one of the maps let's put up america's map number four the estimated value of rare earth compounds and metals imported by the united states increased by 10 million from 2018 to it's a big market because everybody knows that this has been the goal for quite a time there was a decline last year due to covid well everything's shut down but these numbers are sure to keep rising and they're sure to keep rising because we have a government forcing us to these policies we're for being forced through these bills that we are working on and going to be voting on very soon we're going to be forced to rely on rare earth minerals that by the way i just told you the us only produces at four percent but the communist chinese produce at 84 percent this is a big problem that's china first america last so china is already one of the top five producers of lithium they're not just barely one they are number one and it's buying up most of the reserves in australia why because china listens and they pay attention well we know they listen they listen they're more than we want them to joe biden didn't just abandon our fellow citizens in afghanistan he also left behind valuable resources to the taliban let's just show them that let's go ahead and put up the number seven so not only did we abandon americans in afghanistan which was shocking because in america we always thought the rule was no man left behind we abandoned americans we arm the taliban a radical islamic terrorist-run nation with 85 billion dollars worth of the world's best military equipment and weapons but we also left behind one trillion dollars in rare earth minerals can you believe that and we didn't even negotiate for them but do you know who did china did china has moved in as negotiating a deal with afghanistan for this one trillion dollars worth of rare earth minerals they also just made a 25-year deal with iran and they're working very hard on the belt and road project that'll go right through afghanistan to iran you see these deals the infrastructure deal the 3.5 trillion dollar budget that the democrats in congress know all the details to are putting america last gonna force every single american to have to drive a communist chinese battery just to get to work or go to the store and then guess what when the battery runs out and you need a new one you know what's going to happen to you you're going to have to order it from china hopefully there'll be no more coveted shutdowns and hopefully you can get your communist chinese battery in time so that you can start driving your government forced electric vehicle this is an unbelievable thing as a private business owner for over two decades i cannot believe that our federal government is putting americans in this position and i don't care if you're democrat or republican or you don't care about politics you should care about this because these are the policies that are going to destroy our economy and destroy our country do i have much time left 30 seconds the generality is 30 seconds 30 seconds what i would like to say is i would like to appeal to my democrat colleagues don't force us don't force the american people to rely on communist china by taking over our private market and forcing the american people to have to rely on communist china just to drive a car and a truck don't force americans into this situation with their own tax dollars and stop worshiping the fake climate religion thank you very much i yield back the remainder of my time the gentlelady yields back pursuant to section 11b of house resolution 188 the house stands adjourned until 10 am tomorrow for morning hour debate and noon for legislative business you
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 801,202
Rating: 4.800734 out of 5
Keywords: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Green New Deal, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Id: Xeo3E3IQxpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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