Tucker, Candace Owens break down 'bizarre' Kamala Harris video

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why are we putting up this exactly and who's running it well Kamala Harris or Kamala Harris depending on the day is officially in charge which is our borders are that's what Joe Biden says but she doesn't seem very interested in the job instead she spent the last week filming a truly bizarre video for World space week but don't take our word for it here it is I just love the idea of exploring the unknown and then there's other things that we just haven't figured out or discovered yet to think about so much that's out there that we still have to learn like I love that I love that and so I'm very excited about the space Council we're going to learn so much as we increasingly I think are curious and interested in the potential for the discoveries and the work we can do in space so that's one of the things I'm most excited about but the other you guys are gonna see you're gonna literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes with your own eyes I'm telling you it is gonna be unbelievable [Music] so for humanitarian reasons we're not going to play that whole video but it's online if you dare look it up watch it watch it again watch your own soul die as you do it's the fakest thing that's ever been caught on video but in fact it's even Faker than it looks we've just learned that one of the kids that Kamala Harris was lecturing at is in fact not a normal kid he's a child actor called Trevor who auditioned for that role no political party that believed in democracy and thought it had to win over voters would ever put up someone like camel or Kamala Harris for office so what does this tell us about the Democratic party Candace Owens is the host of Candace she joins us tonight Candice Owens thanks so much for coming on so I don't know if you dared to watch that whole thing and I'm not just being mean for political reasons I've never seen anything that fraudulent in my whole life it is really a bizarre thing to watch and it's just the thing that's bizarre it's like you question yourself has she ever even been around children by the way right these are as you reported this is somebody who was a child actor who reached out to his agent and asked to get this part he was called back weeks later and said yes you got the part to Star along the vice president United States and try to normalize and humanize her which he you know unfortunately for him he failed at because it's hard to humanize uh Kamala Harris and with more bizarre is that he's 13 years old why is she speaking to 13 year olds like this she's speaking like like they're five years old using the expressions and using her hands as if you're reading the Hungry Hungry Caterpillar to a Kindergarten class it's so scripted there's nothing authentic about her at all and then you wonder like to me personally whenever I watch her I wonder whether or not forget whether or not she wants me in front of children does she even want to be the vice president I think that's a question that's not a lot a lot of Americans Minds when it comes to her because every time you see her she just seems so phony it seems like she's playing a part that she genuinely doesn't want to play I think that people that are accurately reporting that there seems to be the shade war going on between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden I think that's accurate I think she genuinely resents being the vice president United States she genuinely resents being subordinate to Biden and she generally resents every element of her job including scripted elements like the one that we had to watch just tonight yeah because I mean it's a different level they're all phony all politicians are phony every single one of them all weird creepy personal lives got it but she's so phony that her phoniness is an act of aggression aimed at her audience I mean she's daring you to watch her without vomiting I mean she's literally that phony yeah she's so unlikable it's hard it's hard to think that they could ever put forth a woman that was more likable than Hillary Clinton but by Godly a Democrat Party I feel like her to be more unbearable and more unlikable than Hillary Clinton somehow and it's because it's the acting behind it's the foamy laugh it's the cackling laugh you know and again to have to go out and get actors we see Joe Biden appearing in front of a set at the eeob we've got Kamala Harris hiring child actors I mean what is actually going on in this Administration this really does feel like it's a Saturday Night Live skit you know the same amount of viewers and not not very many but it's like do we have people that are actually running our country or do we have actors that are just sitting around you know saying what they're supposed to say reading off of teleprompters why don't they just let us read the teleprompter it'd be much easier star I totally agree she leaves you pining for the authentic maternal warmth of Hillary Clinton I mean it's that bad hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox 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Channel: Fox News
Views: 2,891,177
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Keywords: carlson, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, tucker, tucker carlson, tucker carlson monologue, tucker carlson monologue tonight, tucker carlson tonight, tucker monologue, tucker monologue tonight, tucker reacts, tucker tonight, Candace owens, kamala harris, kamala harris fox news, candace owens fox news
Id: FSlMnn0hc9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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