Just hanging with the dogs ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿถ || Poaching Salmon ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿณ๐Ÿฅ˜

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on a walk with bella and she's sniffing absolutely everything yep she's got a hold of some kind of scent i don't know how to turn the camera around once i'm filming but i might have to film separately all right i think she finally sniffed everything it's a little hot today it's not terrible at least the humidity is gone from all that rain we had okay so it's gonna be another couple minutes here while she sniffs this i wonder what that means hydraulic is that the name of the brick maker it's all over these bricks it's got to be a 100 year old walkway of course it smells around that dumpster so that's a hearty plant it stood up to all the heat and drought i mean i only watered it a few times this summer i don't remember that this in the butterfly bush i have to fill this spot there was a dead rose bush there and these spots along the fence i think this one's gonna come out it just didn't do well even with its couple of sprigs this summer so we'll dig that out over the fall and winter and we'll plant butterfly bushes or more of those is kind of wilting but maybe it's just the flowers that are working are those more pods maybe more gonna blossom maybe i had to water everything today got a little dry i got a little dry but still flowering okay peanut needs to go peepee poor girl go ahead out good girl come on let's go down peanut if you have to go go down hi ladies what are you doing there some white wine some bone broth or chicken broth or any kind of broth for flavor yes the broth the bone broth is going to have a little murkiness and a little more water here's the salmon i got that was frozen i took it out like um 20 minutes ago so it's soft already so i'm going to cut this open and for poaching the salmon crushing the garlic and peeling it so i just smashed it a little bit and i cut off the ends um just because i don't like it oh wait is it yeah i did okay so i put these in the broth and i'm gonna fill this is a little like tea strainer i'm gonna fill that with some herbs and dunk that in there too i put some sage rosemary and bay leaves i'm gonna lock that up and um hang it into the broth so i'm just gonna hang this in here hang it on the edge just like as if i were brewing tea um hopefully not too many of the herbs will come out into the into the broth for poaching i'll let that simmer a little let that simmer a little before i put the salmon in all right it's simmering now so i'll try to slip this salmon into the broth try to get everything under water so it cooks evenly this is kind of like the biggest one i have pan i have until i go much bigger so trying to make this work okay i think this will work okay we'll flip this salmon a little later so it's poaching now i will time this for four minutes i smell the herbs they're dangling over here in the in the broth which the broth has bone broth water and any kind of white wine that you have i just grabbed this bottle it's pinot grigio anyway trying to focus that and and then the herbs were thyme rosemary and bay leaves and it smells really good i'm going to put a little salt and pepper in halfway through before i flip this around so when i flipped it it broke apart so now we have two pieces which is fine it's going i should have just cut it in half before so i have zucchini now i'm gonna bread it with some panko salt and pepper maybe a little parmesan cheese and fry it up to make fried zucchini parmesan panko salt and pepper we'll excellent that after dinner [Music] is that lucky um it's a baby bella you climb the stairs again reading you interaction who growled peanut you naughty hi bella hi girl did you climb all the way up to see natalie uh here
Channel: Queen of Kingsbury
Views: 158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #YouCut
Id: lauAg9w1hYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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