Heaven On Earth Cake!

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Kroger angel food cake M we're going to make some heaven on Earth cake we dump it out here and we're going to cut it up into little cubes interesting we got that chopped up nice okay we're going to put half of our angel food cake into our 9x13 casserole dish or cake pan whatever you want to call it CU that's about half okay now we're going to take some strawberry pie filling M we're going to put it on top of this interesting you're just going to go through and kind of dollop it around okay and we'll set it aside while we make our oven we're going to take one box of Jello-O vanilla mhm 1 and 1/2 cups of whole milk one cup of sour cream which we're using Daisy sour cream very interesting but I think it'll be good okay and you're going to stir this all up nice and mixed okay now you're going to take this and pour it over your angel food cake and your strawberry pie filling kind of like strawberries and cream remind me of like a strawberry shortcake so I thought oh we can't go wrong with this now top it with some whipped topping oh one of my favorites yes got our Cool Whip on we're going to take some sliced almonds and just kind of sprinkle them on top and you're going to chill it for 4 hours but then you're going to have a delicious and it's not a real fattening dessert two cans of crushed pineapple going to make us a dump cake then we are going to take strawberry cake mix ooh and we're going to drizzle it over can of uh sweet and condensed milk I want to say Eagle brand and kind of just drizzle it over here now this is the best pouring sweeten milk I've seen cuz usually it does not want to pour well I have to say maybe it's just cooperating with us today it looks like it is okay then we're going to take cup of butter melted and we're going to pour our butter over it I did put a cookie sheet underneath this pan mhm cuz it's going be kind of full gosh golly that's a lot and then a half a cup of coconut we just put the butter on the spots that have the dry cake mix so this is kind of what you do in case can kind of see where I might struggle a little bit this at 350 for about 45 minutes okay I'm trying this for us this is that dump cake look at that that try not to burn my finger off we'll just grab like this pull it a little bit look at that look at that oh wow we got one stick of butter that I've melted drizzle it it down in our 9 by 13 casserole dish two cups of gram cracker crumbs look at that I'm going to looks good the refrigerator okay okay we're just going to set this in here while we're doing the other steps and get our bowl out of the freezer where we had it chilling oh to make our Whi topping and they say chilling it makes it a little better right yes you're going to take one cup of heavy whipping cream put it in your bowl mhm and you're going to beat this until uh at medium speed until a soft peek forms okay we got it stiff to set it aside we're going to bring in our 16 oz of cream cheese softage we're going to add a four a cup of white sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla and then we're going to blend it together is it just supposed just all everything whipped together nice everything whipped together nice then you're going to combine the too okay don't you got that all done looks like icing to me you know it really smells good too I know oh I did that then we're going to take this whip topping we have right here and we're actually going to mix these together yes and we're going to put one2 into this one again and then the other half I think I need a little bit more a little bit more and then the other half stay in this bowl stay in this bowl we're going to add in 2 tablespoon of strawberry Jell-O we're using this one right here strawberry it's going to make like a strawberry cheesecake and a cup of sliced small strawberries they are fresh strawberries they're not here from Tennessee but now you're going to mix this together this is going to be your strawberry cheesecake filling yeah this is going to be one of our layers so after this part I know this is a lot to keep up track with you're going to have this one right here and then you're going to have your other just regular cream cheese and Cool Whip or whip topping right here yes and what we're going to do is we're just going to set these to the side we're going to get our crust out of the fridge we get our crust out of the fridge and we will post this recipe step by step yep cuz it's it's a long one but it's going to be good but you know it keeps your mind thinking yes that's what's good today now we're going to put our strawberries on here and you can place them if you want to just dump them though yeah I mean we've already k held up enough of your time that we want to get this on here oh Lord and these strawberries are delicious they they are fresh and so good okay so now the first one you're going to do you do the regular topping first right you do the regular topping you got our red one he we got what well you can use yeah yeah I'm going to just make sure we got it mixed up here okay good I'm going to put a strawberries and cream spread it out yep now we're going to do our strawberry cheesecake filling just you could probably dump that big oh yeah yep what you're going to do we're going to put our Cool Whip on here do here for a couple of hours and then we'll be ready to go and eat all right it's delicious all right let's oh look at that Kimberly Lyn this is going to be good this looks delicious how do y'all think it's going to be we're about to cut open it if you like cheesecake say this would be your dessert look at that slice oh I hear the crunch crunch yep of them gram crackers oh I think we going need to get some of that crunch out Yeah Yeah by my hands it didn't it did cut through it look good all right Kim just no you try it I try it I know strawberries so good this is delicious all right what we got her cam German chocolate cake mix going to prepare that just as the box says nice which is half a cup of vegetable oil MH 1 and A4 cup of water and three eggs now take your spoon get this all mixed together oops that looks good and mixed okay now you're going to take one cup of coconut mhm and spread it into your greas 9 by3 baking pan M and then one let's get these cloths get the clumps out yeah might as well okay now you're going to take one cup of chopped pecans mhm and sprinkle that on the bottom okay now you're going to take your prepared German chocolate cake mix and you're going to pour it over the peans and coconut just get it coated over everything yes this is going to be interesting little base down there yes and what do we do next okay next you're going to take 8 oz cream cheese stick of butter going to cream this together and then we're going to add some stuff to it m okay I've got those two creamed together where they're fluffy now here's the key you're going to add four cups of powdered sugar oh my Heavens that's a lot sweet so we're going to gradually would y'all add four cups or would y'all add well I thought i' add just three yeah um but four cup this is just like what is powdered sugar is it just pure sugar like we got two in there right now so let's put our together yes looks really good now we did not put four cups we only put two and a teaspoon of vanilla M this way it's not going to give you no diabetic coma mhm and all you're going to do now is take this mhm and you're just going to dollop it onto your cake just in a little I've never this is called earthquake cake earthquake earthquake and we're just kind of dolloping these on yes and then we'll probably take us a a um knife and kind of run it through there have marble eyes yeah just to yeah I'm going to do that just kind of marble it a little bit marble it just a little bit but it says just drop it on there [Music] mhm maybe that's why it's a earthquake cake kind of looks like mashed potatoes and gravy yeah well I hope it don't taste like mashed potatoes and gravy it sure won't okay I think I think that's ready to rock watch out for Lim she's being a little she's fine but it's going to be delicious I think it will okay here we go 1550 minutes all right oh wow it's going to be good and you got to let it cool for how long say about 10 minutes or so and then we're going to cut in and see what this puppy looks like that's right look it smells delicious it looks wonderful all right let's try this thing okay oh it cuts like butter yeah it is a good cut Okay Okay Tyler this here I'm going to try and go out this way oh there I have to go this way look at that oh that look good earthquake Good earthquake earthquake miss that a little bit let me go ahead and give you that listen I'm all about some M German chocolate so I'm going to have to try this myself is it good oh hot GL a can of Buttermilk Biscuits we're going to make some cinnamon roll bites take your biscuits out mhm set them here these are smaller than I thought so my recipe says cut them in Fords but since these are such small biscuits we're going to cut them in half so you just take your scissors or butter knife M and cut them in half and then we just roll and you roll it in a ball and then we will do our next step to prepare them to be mini cinnamon rolls a cup of sugar mhm and a tablespoon of cinnamon going to kind bind those together also got a thing of butter right here we're going to be using one stick of melted butter so you're going to take all the donuts going to take it you're going to drop it in your butter let get a good coating on it mhm take it out roll it in your cinnamon sugar ooh take it and put it in your greased dish this is something good if you want to do with your kids or grandchildren on the weekends and it's not hard I mean there's nothing that they can mess up or hurt their doing and you're just going to continuously butter dang these look good now what do we do okay it says any extra butter and cinnamon sugar you have combine them and then pour it on top of that you're going to bake it at 350 for 15 to 20 minutes it looks like a thick though it is thick just just spatter it on there cim it' be fine it the sugar probably melt yeah it will almost reminds me of little donut holes yeah it does okay all right it's like a mess 350 for 15 minutes i' say I can't help I got you thank you also I wanted to show y'all something take a little screenshot all right okay oh they look good they look really good let them cool for a minute and we'll have fresh little cinnamon roll bites do we need to put the icing on now or later oh we can do it now look at that folks that looks good and just take some icing oh yeah Kim that looks delici really enjoy making them right on my children mhm that's cute mhm Yow cake mix put our yellow cake mix in the bowl mhm strawberry Jello-O it's the 3 oz box 3 oz size dump our Jello-O in there I've got about a cup of um fresh strawberry Frozen cuz we don't have strawberry season right now make sure we get all them out there and then we have um 34 cup of oil vegetable oil one cup of chopped peons you can use whatever nuts you want mhm whatever nuts nutty people mhm 2 tablespoons of flour and one tablespoon of sugar so another T of sugar right there no MM no do we do any eggs in it yes well we're going to mix this up uhhuh get a little bit mixed up and we're going to send this carton back to Kentucky what do we do just get some more Farm Fresh nuggets yeah we save our cartons for our sister that has the chickens mhm oh oh sorry y'all I just had one I just had one little piece B yeah now Stir It the eggs are really doing it yeah it's actually looking pretty nice yeah I know you can buy a strawberry cake but I thought this would be a little bit better yeah it looks actually really nice up here it's a little loud that is loud B glass I I got this cutting board underneath it today where I was cutting earli okay now we're going to take this and just pour it in a bunt cake pan that is well greased we greased it with what pam pam cook who is Pam oh that's just that nice lady that's got this cooking spray she made the cooking spray she probably did yeah why wouldn't her name be Susan I well I guess her mom her parents just named her Pam if her if the her name was Susan would the spray be named Susan no well it depends on what she wanted to name it and it could be a he it could be a he he could be Pam we need to research that Pam or how what's the what's the man version of Pam David I don't know but we need to research and see Carl where Pam got its name I know David Carl Pam who knows now we've got all of our stuff in here mhm we're going to bake it at 350° for about 55 minutes okay had to look at my recipe on the time all right put it on 55 wow look at that that does look good mhm now he's got to flip this thing it's a little toasty but who cares and on it it says you can serve it with cool up mhm can I it maybe let me um it's little still a little warm coming out well there it goes two three three oh wow it's got one little spot mhm and they say just serve it with some Cool Whip okay we need to cut this thing open yeah all right let's cut a piece okay is it burnt or no I don't think it is but I mean I like my stuff like that so a little crunch yeah well see it's not a crunch cuz look it's just falling apart yeah oh wow is it moist yeah tell you about that see look the moisture look at that it's good it's not real sweet mhm but it's delicious
Channel: Charles Parks
Views: 27,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #food, #foodie, #yummy, #yummyfood, #kitchen, easy recipes, budget recipes
Id: kZENo8i4R60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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