IT’S MY TIME - Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilation

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so I just came to talk to the game changers into the change agents who are willing to confront any part of you that's not speaking to your madly wildly amazing future stand here in my greatness I own my life I own my Brilliance I am bold I am courageous I'm perfect profession this is my time time I'm bright enough I'm old enough I'm young enough it's enough stand I enough breathe on it on it in order to achieve greatness you must first believe you can what's the biggest challenge that most of these individuals have what's the common challenge leave they don't believe man you know it's it's uh it's all mental and people don't get it and everybody wants to say okay well here are 10 steps to okay Lewis said do a E.T said do nine you know this person says it's the 12 steps and everybody's trying to get the steps without the mentality you got this I believe in you when somebody says no matter what happens whether it succeeds or fails I'm going to be by your side that's when I have the confidence to do difficult things wow so it's the people in my life you should recognize the potential in yourself and love yourself enough to make the changes that produce the best possible version of yourself or how do you overcome self-doubt how do you overcome self-doubt help someone else overcome self-doubt love that overcome self-doubt by helping Mike and it's not a selfish thing I'm only helping you so I can you have to genuinely love and commit to the person so it's not the car the house or whatever it is that internal goal that internal why and so for me I just think that's it like that like you ah it just it's something within it you gotta pull it out and so it's easy when you have a why a purpose I'm doing it for this I'm doing it for that it's easy to get up and get going but if it's just for a car what happens when you get the car because you can buy it what happens when you get the house and you can buy the house the only reason you're not the best right now is because you don't believe you the best now you can learn all the techniques in the world if you don't believe in yourself it won't happen for you you have got to stand up to that voice you've got to sell yourself every day on your abilities on what you're doing on the goal that you want to reach you've got to sell yourself every day every day every day according to your level of belief it will manifest itself in what you're doing whatever we have right now whatever we're demonstrating in our lives is a result of what we believe subconsciously that we deserve and part of increasing that belief level is that you have got to convince yourself every day [Music] I believe I'm the best there is I ain't apologize in 145. I think I'm the best thing since sliced bread if you can't do it you scratch claw and even die trying so many people are waiting you're you're waiting for things to be perfect you're waiting for everyone to get themselves together you're waiting for someone to invite you into the room you're waiting for someone to give you a seat at the table you're waiting for someone to validate your gift you're waiting for someone to call your name you're waiting for someone to give you the opportunity you're waiting for everything to line up you're waiting for all the situations to come together perfectly and I'm telling you you cannot wait you got to start working right now depression is not waiting for you to get it together poverty's not waiting poverty's not waiting for the perfect moment for the convenient time to get on you no no no no no no poverty will just roll up on you and disrupt your entire life fear's not waiting stress is not waiting your bills are not waiting and if fear is not going to wait to attack you then you can't wait to attack it if stress is not waiting to attack you you can't wait to attack it whatever is in your life that's trying to bring you it is not waiting so you cannot wait you have got to step up now I'm telling you if you're waiting for your degree before you can build a legacy you're waiting for your father to tell you that he loves you before you can start building Legacy waiting for there to be perfect peace and our country before you start building your legacy you're waiting for everything to line up before you start working on your legacy no you can't do that man you gotta start working now you gotta start building Legacy now you gotta start taking care of things now you gotta get in your position now you got to get your life together now you gotta take this thing seriously now you gotta start doing it now now is the time the time start building your marriage now is this to start teaching investing in your now is the time time to start piecing your money together and getting yourself out of debt now is the time to start pursuing something greater now is the time to start building the vision that God put in your heart now is the time to start saving up for the home now is the time to start making those investors invest yourself you cannot wait don't wait another day Don't Wait Another Minute don't wait another moment now is your time how long are you gonna complain about what you don't have how long are you gonna complain about who didn't do it who didn't take care of you and who didn't call you and who don't like you and what they said what they feel who cares what they think who cares what they said this is not about them this is about me this is about what God wants to do in me this is about the Legacy that he wants me to build this this is about the impact he wants me to make why am I gonna put my legacy to the side in order to appease a person who don't know who I really am [Music] you gotta get into a place where he recognized that I'm not just here passing time I'm not just here just having fun but I'm here to build Legacy I'm here to make things happen I'm here to change the world now is your time [Music] when you go to God and ask God to give you a cake God doesn't give you a cake God gives you eggs on Monday he gives you flour on Tuesday he gives you milk on Wednesday and he gives you some sugar on Thursday and you go to God and say hey God what's up I asked for some cake and God said look I gave you eggs on Monday I gave you flour on Tuesday I gave you milk on Wednesday I gave you some sugar on Thursday and you're saying God no I want cake but what you don't realize is God did give you cake but God doesn't give you a finished product God just gives you the ingredients that you have to work and when you look at your life right now what you gotta realize is that you don't have a finished product what you have is ingredients and it is your responsibility to work the ingredients that you have to make the cake that you really want too many people are saying when am I gonna get my cake and God is saying hey look what's in your hand you got enough milk you you got the eggs you got the sugar you got the flour it's your responsibility now to mix the things in your life together to produce the Legacy that you really want when it comes to Legacy you have to recognize that you have enough right now to build the Legacy that you really want oh I know you're looking at your life and saying oh this is not much and I know you're looking at everything and you're waiting for something to happen but I promise right now you have enough wisdom to build Legacy right now you have enough gifting to build Legacy right now you have enough relationships to build Legacy right now you have enough energy to build Legacy right now you have enough money to build Legacy and you can't wait around and hope and wait for the day everything comes together you have to start building Legacy right now as long as you keep thinking you're deficient you'll never make any progress and I need you to stop looking at what you don't have and I need you to start looking at what you do have we all spend time thinking about what we don't have oh oh I wish I had that job or I wish I had that car oh I wish I had that person's spouse oh I wish I had their life but the truth of the matter is you got to stop looking at what you don't have and you got to start looking at what you do have what do you have right now that can help you build a legacy that you want notice I said that you have enough right now to build your legacy let me say it again you have enough right now to start building your legacy I say that because we spend so much time building other people's Legacy and ignoring our own some of us spend our entire lives making sure that our employer's Legacy is good some of us spend our entire lives making sure that a politician's legacy is great some of us spend our entire lives making sure our favorite singer our favorite rapper that their legacy is good but you got to get to a place where you recognize that it's not just about the celebrity's Legacy or the singer's Legacy or the politician's Legacy it's about your legacy that your life matters your voice matters your name matters I think I'm glad that you love your boss but you got a legacy to build I'm glad that you love all your friends but you can't spend your life building up your friend's Legacy and tearing down your own today is the day now is the moment now is the time to start building your legacy I don't know about you but I lose my keys all the time I always lose my keys and one day I lost my keys and I started complaining where are my keys and I remember calling out to my wife and says hey have you seen my keys she said no haven't seen keys I said sweetie I need my keys and then my wife said sweetie check your pockets now when she said this I wasn't what you mean check my pockets why would I have to check my pockets they don't don't shoot don't you think I would know if I had my keys and my Apostle you just pick them dumb okay so you just think I don't know nothing and guess what I checked one of my inner inner pockets and guess what happened [Music] found out that I have my keys way down deep in my own pocket and my wife died that it is possible that you could be looking for something that you already have it is possible that you are looking it's possible that you are looking for a relationship that you already have I know you think if I knew her I knew him but can you do me a favor can you open up your own phone contacts and can you start looking through your phone contact because you might find that the person that you need to be linked up to you already have their number but because you're not looking in your own pocket and you're waiting for something to show up you don't know what you already have in the midst of you right now oh I know you're waiting girl you're waiting you're waiting but what if the knowledge that you need is in your pocket yeah you you got enough books on your shelf right now to change the world you you keep going to buy new books but what about the old books what if you already have the knowledge and the information that you need to start the business what if you already have the knowledge and information to get over that hurdle what if you already have the knowledge and the information but because you waiting you are waiting for everything to come together what if you already have the thing in your pocket right now what's in your pocket that you're overlooking what is it that you're searching for what is it that you're waiting for maybe it's already in your pocket go ahead you know what let them doubt you go ahead let them Overlook you go ahead let them ignore you go ahead let them slim the door of your face let them not invite you because that's the feel that you need to get in your closet with God to get in the cage and start working to get in the dungeon and start moving some stuff that's exactly what you need because today they may be overlooking you but tomorrow they're gonna need [Music] from the Legacy that you built [Music] now is the time to start building your legacy [Music] now is the moment to start making your impact you're never going to get anywhere being lazy but I would tell you that hard work is what stands out I pursue number one at all times but you have to be able to look at yourself I always worked hard I was never lazy I was always somebody that believed in hard work and when you work hard and you have that sense of pride it goes right out the window if you utilize your efforts of that but when you do what's right and it's based off of that effort that you put in then you feel good about it because you took care of your responsibilities then you can go play can't do the playing before anything that's right if I never try if I don't go for this where's that gonna leave don't be scared to bet on yourself you're going to be scared anyway because it is scary but at the same time betting on yourself isn't always leaving betting on yourself is believing in you knowing who you are when you're worth having an idea about it anyway and willing to work towards that to validate that reality that's betting on yourself whatever decision emanates from that is based off of you looking at you and saying I'm going for it when you don't do that what you have done is refrain from challenging yourself to be all you could be you should be scared if you're Clueless you should be scared if you're ignorant to what you want to do why you want to do it and how you intend to go about achieving whatever aspirations you may have if you're going to overcome that fear at some point knowledge is a part of the equation what is winning I challenge any human being a lot and if you can't do it you scratch claw and even die trying it was about to strive to do whatever you could to be the best that you could be that is what I believe makes me the best it's my commitment to Excellence for the collective whole I believe I'm the best there is I ain't apologizing for it to anybody if you don't have self-confidence here's what you have you have a really bad reputation with yourself [Music] you have built a habit of not keeping the promises you made to yourself we've all heard this before you need to believe and know that you're one Decision One relationship one meeting one book one thought one something away from a completely different life [Music] here's how I built what I would call almost superhuman confidence in spite of my insecurity think about that superhuman confidence in spite of my insecurity it's an effort play if you don't have self-confidence you've never kept the promises you make to yourself check that box if you have self-confidence you've started to keep the promises you make yourself if you want to have superhuman self-confidence you keep the promises you make to yourself and one more so if I'm going to get up and I'm going to work out I'm going to do 10 reps in the gym I do one more I'm going to do 45 minutes on the treadmill I do one more if I want to make 10 contacts in a day I do that and one more so I'm going to tell my daughter I love her every day I'm gonna do that and one more because in life we don't get our goals we get our standards long term and so if your standard is one more start what starts to happen is you go I'm willing to do things other people are willing to do and I combine that that I have great faith great associations and I intend to help people this is a formula to build wonderful self-confidence and never lack humility when you have it never link your confidence to your ability if it's predicated on your abilities or your achievements you're always going to be chasing it but if you link your confidence to your intentions man you have beautiful intentions and that is something I knew about me I know I have a good heart and all of us we run around carrying these bags of I'm not qualified because I made this mistake I had this bankruptcy this relationship didn't work I did this thing you don't know about I'm so ashamed of that's why you're qualified that's the thing that qualifies you the humanness in you you are the only human being with your combination of gifts that you were given whatever they are and more experience and real human beings help real human beings by being vulnerable and transparent saying I know where you are I've messed I've made greater mistakes I felt more I know that depression I know that anxiety I know that shame I know what that feels like you're one away one relationship one meaning one person one thought away from changing your life I get it the pain is unbearable you keep playing it back in your head over and over and over you keep trying to see where you went wrong situation is on repeat people are gonna talk anyway so you may as well do what makes you happy [Music] and now some people are gonna call you a loser some people are going to make fun of you for failing some people are going to count you out say you will never amount to anything call you weak [Music] what you gonna do are you gonna prove them right or are you gonna prove them wrong let them think you're weak stop going back and forth with people who don't deserve your time or your attention if you have been announcing your plans do me a favor stop talking and start showing no need for you to say what you're going to do just do it turn the hard way that everyone who is around me is not for me [Music] because everyone doesn't want the best for me and so I had to learn to keep things to myself until I have already done the work are you gonna show them that failure doesn't Define Who You Are are you going to show them that failure is a necessary lesson on the path to success are you gonna show them that you're a beast in this game what you gonna do you gotta get hungry you gotta get ready [Music] to work and show them all show them you're a different animal let them talk [Music] [Music] you know Denzel Washington talks about consistency the importance of consistency you got to put in the work you got to go for it but you have to have consistency because without consistency and putting in the work the dream is nothing but a dream right and I get all of that but you have to be able to look at yourself and you have to be able to be honest with yourself and know when you mess up because when you mess up It's Gonna Catch You what I mean when I say it's going to catch you is at some point you're going to look at you and you're going to say I didn't try I didn't go for it but I often tell people this particularly when it comes to relationships relationships come and go things don't work out sometimes there is nothing on Earth worse than when you know you're the reason see if somebody mistreats you if somebody that you love don't want you no more but you wanted them and you treated them right and blah blah blah but it didn't work out it hurts but you'll be fine yeah yeah most people will be fine when you're not fun is when you know it was you and you messed up you messed you heard that everybody you've run across has had apprehension about who they are where they are where they're going Etc but really the most important thing it requires like a literal look in the mirror asking yourself how you will feel if you never try because there's no one that could become all they could be without looking at us absolutely what is your definition of greatness my definition of greatness sustained Excellence anybody could be great for a moment anybody could have their moment in the Sun but who you truly truly are at a particular craft is whatever is done over sustained period of time to me first take being number one is not what I'm proud of I'm proud of the fact that it's been 11 years that's my problem and the fact that I was able to do that at a continuous level that means I had to put my head there and just be about the business and do the work I'm brilliant because I know I'm not and I steal from those who are and I learn from them and I disseminate that level of Brilliance that I got from other people always giving them credit number one number two here's the biggest thing I think I'm the best because I think about the company how can I help how can I make my bosses more money how can I get some of it that mentality that's the game is what makes me the best that's a game changer because what I'm saying is I'm not saying I'm the best because I articulate myself on television better than anybody else even though I think I work as hard as anybody but I work more than anybody or that I got even though I've been number one for 11 years in morning television part of the interruption is number one on ESPN not me I'm not those guys they're the institution you see what I'm saying I understand who I am but what I'm saying is is that you show me what winning is for the brand and I'm gonna bust my butt to come and get it for you I've shown I'm trustworthy that you can trust that I'm gonna be at the top oh I'm gonna go to I'm gonna go down swing but there is never a moment that I'm on the air that I don't think about what they want [Music] and a lot of times it's just like a musician if you Jay-Z you run a Rock Nation you're a billionaire blah blah do you make music just for yourself or do you think about what the audience would want if everyone could take this in and realize it's about the win-win when I was playing high school ball as a freshman trying to make the varsity but I wasn't as good yet but I was tall so they put me in there right but I would listen to the coach and say in complaining about some of the starters who weren't hustling is that we need more hustle I need you guys diving for balls jumping out of bounds and I was just like I'm gonna be the hustle guy I'm gonna do what he needs what he wants so I can play and try to help him win and they got me on the team it's like working for a company it's like if you can help the company make more money and show them that they're going to want to continue to support your growth it's a win-win so this is for me that's brilliant and I don't think a lot of people probably think you think that way they don't because if I wasn't interested in making a difference if I wasn't interested in impacting the lives of others in a positive fashion they would have not been interested in giving me the time of day I had to be interested in something greater than myself to get their interest to elevated me being as excellent as I could possibly be on a day in day out week in week out month and month out year in year out basis so how do we let go of the past so how do we let go of the past we have to create a compelling future in other words you're not going to let go of one thing until you've grabbed on to the next you have to create a new for you you have to create a future in it and by the way it's okay that you don't believe all of it initially as long as it becomes repetitive and we begin to take steps towards it right so it's it's for me I still have stuff from my past there's still a little part of me that doesn't want to be broke there's still a little bit of fear you're not broke but you've interviewed some of the most successful actors in entertainers so have I and you get them privately and sometimes on your show they go you afraid it's going to go away they go yeah I am that's why I work so hard so there's an element of that that's okay it's creating this vision for your life that's compelling can you survive the temporary and if you can survive the temporary says on the other side of temporary pain you get introduced to your other self and that other self produces that other life and so here's what happens for most of us we think everything's permanent and because we think it's permanent we make permanent decisions based on temporary conditions even our bodies other than our souls are temporary but if your body isn't permanent your problem is it your pain isn't you need to create a different relationship with pain in your life for most people their relationship with the pain and the inconvenience is to avoid it avoid so if you could be yeah but if you could say to yourself on the other side of this is this other self the hardest working you've ever been the most crazy Focus you've ever been was the happiest you've ever been in your life and the truth of the matter is that most of you don't understand the effort the time the focus the obsessiveness that's required to do something great with your life but you have to get great and you have to be intentional you have to be obsessive I know what you put into this I know what the time is I know what the Relentless pace is I know what the focus is I don't want you to think about I know this has to be something that's just infectious and when people get around you it emanates and there's an energy and there's like this person's just going to will this to happen right I think just most people dramatically underestimate the amount of obsessive crazy Relentless focus it takes to be great at something yes and then they go well I don't want to be that out of balance or control then you don't want to be great foreign personality is uh insecure even today even today come on very much really very much how is that default you wake up and you say I'm a nobody or what what's that um fooling everybody if they really knew you know I've always tried to disqualify myself I was bullied as a kid my dad was an alcoholic I wasn't a real big guy I disqualified myself because you know the truth is that maybe for a while everything that I got that was loved when I was a child only came when I achieved something I wasn't good in school the only thing I was good at was Sports so my default is tons of insecurity I love to beat myself up with mistakes I've made I did this I did that I should have done this I didn't do that and I've always thought these mistakes these weaknesses of mine disqualify me for being happy or helping people [Music] the confidence part is the thing I'm always going to have to work on even today even with all the success and the you know the massive show and the big businesses and all the homes and everything that people see yeah what else do you need though to feel more confident I don't need other things it's an internal game the the stuff is really fleeting and temporary so it's not stuff what needs to happen for me is that I'm most confident when I'm living in my intention which is to serve like that's a beautiful expression of a man a real man is capable of real love that's a sign of real strength and what we do is we gravitate towards the familiar emotions in our life even if they're not ones that serve us and I don't think there's negative or positive emotion though say this in the book there just are yes fear isn't negative it fear and abundance is negative some frustration some anger is appropriate it's to the dosage level and we get these four or five of them for me some chaos is okay it's fun it's exciting it's exhilarating right but getting it every day every week every month all the time chaos is my Gateway of motion to the ones I don't want chaos gives me stress chaos gives me anger chaos gives me frustration chaos gives me fear I used to think well that's a superpower though because I've created all these external look what I made look what I did yeah and I'm doing it because of that the truth is I did it in spite of it you did and there's a lot of things in our lives that we have linked to our formula our recipe of success that we hold on to that you've done in spite of those things not because of those things but my dad knew I was a dreamer and my dad would always say you know I was one decision away from changing my life the whole time one choice and he'd say Eddie you're not as far away from these dreams as you think you are and I'd say really Dad and you go no you're actually a lot closer than you think but because you think it's so far away you behave in accordance with that belief system and it always keeps it that far away from you if the things most important to you are your worries fears anxieties problems bills you will continue to have people places and things revealed to you that confirm it my definition of greatness is that you create a life that matches your vision for your life and that's greatness no matter what that looks like for you [Music]
Channel: Motiversity
Views: 87,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational, motivational speech, motivational video, best motivational speech, best motivational video, inspirational, powerful motivational speech, speech, success, best motivation, Best Motivational Speeches Compilation, motivation compilation, motiversity, discipline, rise, relentless, best motivational video compilation, its my time, its my time motivation, its my time motivational speech, motiversity its my time, workout motivation, its my time compilation, my time
Id: a36XqvPLHoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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