AVOID Repeating These 6 Everyday Words in Daily English Conversation (+ Free PDF & Quiz)

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hello everyone and welcome back to english with lucy today i have a vocabulary video for you please sorry i'm tired i'm bored i'm sad and i'm fine these are words and phrases that we find ourselves saying over and over again they're incredibly common but we don't want to repeat ourselves all the time over and over so in this lesson i'm going to provide you with 30 alternatives for these words and phrases i'm going to really help you enrich your vocabulary before we get started i would like to remind you that i have just launched my british english pronunciation course based on my accent modern received pronunciation i will teach you to sound natural when speaking english you will learn to speak clearly and you will feel more fluent and more confident we'll go through every sound in modern receive pronunciation in detail looking at mouth shape and tongue position lift your tongue so that the tip makes gentle contact with the underneath of your upper front teeth i will be right there with you leaving you time to copy and analyze my movements and my sounds all of the vowel sounds all of the consonant sounds you will master them all you will leave the course with the ability to understand any phonetic transcription that you will find in an english dictionary you'll be able to look up any word and immediately know exactly how it's pronounced we will also analyze connected speech rhythm word stress syllable stress intonation and we will of course take a good look at the notoriously difficult sounds like the glottal stop the dark l and the linking r when i was writing this course i knew that i wanted to provide my students with an outstanding pronunciation tool so i hired two lecturers in linguistics from prestigious uk universities to go through every script and every video and fact check the course i am so excited to finally share this with you and to welcome you through the doors of epiphany language studios if you are interested in taking the pronunciation course go to epiphanylanguagestudios.com or click on the link in the description box i'll see you in the pronunciation course don't forget that as always there is a free pdf for this lesson it's got all of the vocabulary definitions and examples you can download it by clicking on the link in the description box entering your email address and it will be sent straight to your inbox first we have please please i find myself saying please all the time it's part of my culture it even annoys me now here i'm going to be focusing on saying please when asking somebody to do something one really nice alternative is would you mind would you mind would you mind passing me the salt we also have a slightly more complex version i'd appreciate it if you could i'd appreciate it if you could i'd appreciate it if you could let me stay the night another one maybe slightly more casual is would you be able to would you be able to would you be able to pick me up from the station we also have number four this is quite posh i don't suppose you could i don't suppose you could i don't suppose you could lend me your bicycle or we have a really nice one number five i wonder if i wonder if you might i wonder if you might i wonder if you might be able to postpone the meeting these are all really nice ways of avoiding saying please over and over again next we have five alternatives for sorry i have made a video on sorry before but i think it's so important i have to say it again in england we say sorry again and again and again i am so sorry for how much we repeat sorry sometimes i bump into inanimate objects like the sofa and i say sorry to the sofa let me know if you do that too one really nice way of avoiding sorry is to say it was thoughtless of me or it was careless of me it was thoughtless of me to call you so late another one quite strong i owe you an apology i owe you an apology for my awful behavior a very serious one one you might say after misbehaving at work is i take full responsibility for my actions i take full responsibility for my actions in that board meeting another quite simple one is i apologize or even better i sincerely apologize that really means something sincerely honestly i sincerely apologize for forgetting your birthday and then the last one number ten this one's quite dramatic i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for breaking up with you i didn't mean it now we have some alternatives for i'm fine or i'm good that very common response to how are you a really positive one is i couldn't be better i couldn't be better this means that you feel as good as possible you physically could not feel any better sometimes we leave off i so we just say couldn't be better alternatively if you're not feeling great you could say could be better i could be better one that's slightly less positive it's kind of in the middle i've been worse or been worse this means you're not the best you can be but you're also you know you have felt worse in the past this next one is lovely it's one that my grandparents use a lot it is i'm as fit as a fiddle as fit as a fiddle and this means i'm really good especially focusing on health i feel very healthy another sort of average one not too bad thanks or just not bad i really like not too bad because it implies you know i'm not great but i'm also not too bad so i'm okay and then we have the last one i'm doing well i'm really doing well thanks you will also hear people say i'm doing good thank you this is informal in this context some people say no that's not grammatically correct it depends on the context also it's so commonly used now that i feel the language has evolved right next section i have some very good although a bit sad alternatives for saying i'm sad we have i'm gutted i'm gutted and this is a very british expression it's slang and it means i'm very sad or i'm very disappointed i'm gutted that you can't make it tonight i'm so sad and disappointed that you can't make it tonight you can't make it is that you can't come to an event you say oh i can't make it i'm sorry i can't come we also have i'm absolutely devastated this means so sad so disappointed i was devastated when i didn't get into my first choice university but it turned out okay in the end to turn out okay means that everything was fine in the end one that you can use if you're feeling depressed is i'm feeling really down low you can also say low i'm feeling really down i'm feeling really down about the breakup i'm feeling very depressed about the breakup if you really want to explain to somebody that actually you could use a bit of a hand you're really not feeling good i'm not doing so good i'm not doing so good or i'm not doing so great really listen to somebody if they tell you that they're not doing so good or they're not doing so great we also have i'm a bit down in the dumps if you're down in the dumps it means you are feeling sad and depressed for those last three if anyone uses them with you really listen to them and look after them because they are definitely trying to explain that they're having a hard time the first two were more about disappointment the last three are a real expression of emotional feeling next we have alternatives for i'm tired i'm tired we have a lot of slang ones here and a couple of phrasal verbs we have i'm absolutely exhausted exhausted this means very very tired we also have a phrasal verb i'm worn out i'm worn out if something is worn out it means it has been used too much and can't be used anymore like shoes when the soul gets thin they are worn out well we can use this to describe people as well if you're worn out you've been used too much you can't be used anymore you're too tired we also have a very british slang word it is i'm knackered i'm completely knackered the k is silent here knackered and in cockney rhyming slang you can say i'm cream crackered i'm cream crackered if you've never heard of cockney rhyming slang search it it's so much fun number 24 we have another that comes from a phrasal verb i'm done in i'm totally done in this one is very slang very informal and lastly we have i'm completely drained drained of my energy that's one my mum says a lot at the end of the day oh i'm completely drained or she also says i'm completely sapped as well sapped or drained she's very dramatic i love her and then the last five we have five not boring ways to say that you are bored we have i'm bored to death or i'm bored to tears i could cry i'm so bored or i could die i'm so bored i love these they're so dramatic we also have it's like watching paint dry there is nothing more boring than watching paint dry so if you're in a really boring lecture and your friend says you know you watching this it's like watching paint dry it is so boring we also have i'm bored stiff i'm bored stiff i'm so bored that my body has gone rigid a phrase that we can use to describe somebody who is boring is a total bore he is a total bore i went on a date last night but he was a total bore and the last one a bit of a snore he's a bit of a snore this new class is a bit of a snore a snore something that's boring slang again right that's it for today's lesson don't forget that you can download your pdf for free for this lesson click on the link in the description box enter your email address and it will be sent straight to your inbox and don't forget to check out my new pronunciation course on epiphanylanguagestudios.com my new language platform i am so excited to share that with you don't forget to connect with me on all of my social media i've got my facebook my instagram and my mailing list we've also got the epiphany instagram and facebook as well if you want to check that out i will see you soon for another lesson [Music] [Music] you
Channel: English with Lucy
Views: 1,644,819
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Id: 88jkAMc7CBQ
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Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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