Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Surprise Toys Hunt & Giant Life Size Dinosaur Water Blaster Showdown

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all right here we go it all finished now awesome dude you're a man what you doing dude oh hey I just finished setting up this automated water system to keep the dinosaurs cool because it's such a massive heat wave we're going through right now oh man is terrible we don't want the dinosaurs to overheat so I've set up cooling stations all around the backyard to keep the dinosaurs cool huh yeah okay what are you up to dude well it's so hot that I'm just bored yeah okay okay yeah it's kind of it's definitely hot and it's kind of boring that's I got an idea park ranger Jay left us some surprises and I think I know what I can do with them you wait here okay [Music] hey pork rinds Roby man what you doing now really no this head oh wow that is hot how'd you sit on that Oh fireproof okay I'm just gonna hover them okay are you ready for the surprise okay so I've got surprises hidden altar out the backyard so you can go on Hut for the surprises okay but you better beware there's water traps everywhere okay you ready Parker and you'll be you're getting colder getting colder well I just tell you if you're warmer or colder okay you got to look around and see if you can find it but watch out because there's water traps everywhere okay that's two you're getting warmer though [Music] see that's the water trap man their water their motion sensors dude so whenever you move around it the motions that are turns on the water that's how it water is the dinosaurs you've got a motion sensor okay cool okay all right don't want you to take that one and let's set it aside we'll bill it for the others okay okay porker and Roby where's the next surprise ha dude now you're getting colder over there little ninja move there huh okay oh you found it okay Oh a gob man you got to get past the force field of water huh there you go turned off its off hurry get it before it goes back on let's go for the other one now dude okay there's still some more surprises out here to find dude okay okay where do you think the next one is huh well it's not up where you were looking yeah you're getting a little warmer there hey I think you got it now but now you're trapped on the other side of the water huh oh you ran through cool you got it I tell you what once you go leave it with the other surprises and then we'll come back we'll go through it okay yeah look out for that poison how you do that'll give you a real round top eh and like crazy huh yeah well your best ninja moves there to get around the poison ivy okay you're getting warmer you've almost found another surprise but watch out there's more water sensors around here you're so you're so bad wait wait wait wait you going back in tell me and this one's this one's a mean one isn't it anyone go oh wait oh wait shut off you got a chance now hurry up and get it whoo good thing I got away from that water man you did good I didn't think you were gonna get that last surprise there cuz that water blaster man it was just kiddin you wasn't it well yeah but it was still pretty cool oh yeah ok we got nice and wet all right there's one left keep lookin nah I know you getting colder colder much colder no it's not down there awesome dude you found it [Music] let's go check out our stash here Dino HQ ok ok alright let's take our surprise test you head inside open it up ok dude Raptor quick hide over here [Music] I have to hide over the gas tank like this huh okay the Raptors right over there drinking out of poo see I told you they needed the cooldown stations so they could stay hydrated huh hydrated yeah you know hydrated we drink lots of water when it's a really hot day so you stay hydrated yeah probably not the best time for a hydration listen okay we're gonna have to make a dash for Dino HQ that's when you check out what's in these surprises at Park Ranger Jay left us stuff I don't think I'm really ready to make a dash that records gonna see us and go get us yeah our idea right follow you follow you dude what's your plan I'll stay here and guard the surprises come on let's cover this cover quick get going hurry hurry hurry okay poor green jewel beat we've got all our surprises back your work that you collected outside in the water that was getting me a huh yeah we're nice and in the air-conditioning three-d-- open the first one okay so it's an RC alligator oh hey let's put some batteries in it and we'll take it outside and give it a try okay I think it's going good okay pork green trilby here's the RC alligator from Animal Planet wow man look at all the detail on this thing okay so what does it do huh oh it's chomping in the eyes light up dude okay red try it on the ground okay go for oh look at the alligator no Hey look how the legs are moving in a tail oh wait wait what's gonna go off the cliff there oh now it's chomping oh it stopped oh here comes the alligator it's gonna get yeah wait oh the cat sees that one huh oh wait it's going for the water oh no no no don't let it go in the water sorry alligator I know you want to go in the water we're gonna take you back inside okay okay figure a chop your nose off alright what's this one here whoa the Jurassic will clunk am Carnotaurus awesome hey we don't have this one yet do we hey let's open it up there dude okay what's this bad boy dude here huh thank God oh wow awesome manse you pressed that button in his mouth opens up I love how the net comes down when the mouth opens and is so cool when you push the button on the back right yeah I've never seen this before so it starts to open and that closed but it's a really tiny orange there oh and here I thought t-rex had smaller's if they got into fish by t-rex you don't know whoop his you know what yeah a Brachiosaurus awesome brekkie soros got some Jurassic world fallen Kingdom dinosaur slime eggs huh Dilophosaurus oh my god the dinosaur in there and it's a Stegosaurus this is some really cool slime oh it's stuck on your shirt ruin her uniform George oh no no we're really gonna be in trouble we're gonna be in trouble with we're the owners of the park aren't we oh well yeah okay here's the next bag let's see that says Allosaurus on it okay let's see what's inside what is it inside there so puzzle those your blue pieces yeah put it together and see what it is oh I got a piece oh I know where this one goes puzzle okay Oh awesome man here I tell you what let's take a look at the little poster picture that comes with it here turn those around and it is a lock awesome so that's the dinosaur Jurassic world it yeah I'm not gonna tell everybody oh and it came with an awesome egg too didn't ya cool this is a great puzzle you put together there dude good job putting that one together huh okay mr. egghead okay here's the last one okay that's really what Wow what is it Animal Planet dies your invasion set so we have this really cool dinosaur the claws and then when you hit this button it goes on Shh like that cool and you have a little like knives for skeleton puzzle playing what I'll work on that while you're showing us the rest is okay we've got this other dinosaur I think this is a raptor but I'm not really sure so I'm gonna hold my horse is right there you have all these cool tools right here so you can take out the guy right here Bob it's in the car right there and so he can hold like its iPad stuff that Mommy oh yeah that's what do you would do when the big t-rex comes to eat him mommy's gonna text his money hey looky here here's our I think that's a t-rex skeleton there huh except it's not even as big as Bob did you show the net I missed it building seven yes Shh watch very big dinosaur comes alive hey fans tap the toylabtv smiley face to subscribe and find out about our newest videos you can also tap the pictures to watch more fun videos right now don't forget to give this video a big thumbs up [Music]
Channel: T-Rex Ranch - Dinosaurs For Kids
Views: 12,223,609
Rating: 4.1646576 out of 5
Keywords: Dinosaur, Dinosaurs, Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Toys, Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom, Life Size Dinosaur, Giant Dinosaur, Fallen Kingdom Toys, Dinosaur Toys, Jurassic World Toys, Jurassic World, Toy Hunt, Surprise Toys, Water Toys, Water Blaster, Surprise Eggs, Surprise, Dinosaurs For Kids, Dinosaur Videos, Outdoor Activities, Dinosaur Channel, Park Ranger Aaron, Park Ranger LB, ToyLabTV, Kids Channel, Kids Activities, Videos For Kids, Kids Toys, Kids, Family, Children
Id: 4V2y6zGuVwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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