[Full Movie] 侏罗纪崛起 Jurassic Island | 探险动作电影 Adventure Action film HD

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Closed Captions were added by Moxi Media. Hurry up Ghost, come on Ah Huang, hurry up We can go back What about the raft? Ah Huang, give me a hand What about Huang? Ah Huang Raft found We should go Where did the little bastard die? Ah Huang Urge, urge If we don't bring enough of this, we'll die of thirst at sea Here again, here again Ah Huang, run away Huang, hurry up Qiangzi, here we go again Wait for me Wait for me, ghost What about Huang? What about Huang What about Huang Wait for me Ah Huang Ah Huang, hurry up Hurry up Wait for me Help me Help me Ah Huang Help me Help me Ah Huang This is the southernmost point of the entire administration area Unmanned area Not within the scope of our daily patrol This adventure is over Ready to return It's called adventure What? Patrolling a fixed route every day Is this an adventure A year It's not that I don't want to take risks It's just Just what It's just that I don't want you to be like Uncle Lu Go and never come back Uninhabited Foggy Island is now banned from approaching I'm here for your safety Dozens of people didn't come back in batches Why do you think we can go When was the last time you toured here Three months ago What's up Someone Help Here it is Here it is Help Help Saved Saved We can go back Who are you I call him Ghost I call him Hangko How did you get here Raft Raft Where is it A big wave Turned over Where are you from I don't want to go back I don't want to go back I don't want to go back to that island How is that possible No way. You Are you the team members who landed on the island a year ago Do you know Captain Lu, the team leader Lu Yu Take it easy Ask you something Do you know We were attacked Scattered I never saw you again Attack So what do you have No matter what They were the only survivors after landing on the island I want to take them away as soon as possible We're getting out of here I'm going home I'm going home I'm going home We can't take this on the plane Take it Gone ghost My father is still on that island You call it an uninhabited island Restricted area We call that a restricted area Here we go. Unidentified helicopter please note You are flying towards the restricted area Please return immediately You are flying towards the restricted area Please return immediately Anton report Received, speak They can go, we can go My father can go too But your father never came back I don't want to go back I don't want to go back I don't want to go back to that island I know. You never believed what was told to you above You want adventure Keep up Return in danger Unidentified helicopter please note You are flying towards the restricted area This area is not open Please return immediately Unidentified helicopter please note You Flight data failure Communication failure Altitude unknown This is completely different from what I imagined What was that Keep up Oh, my God What a big bird That's a dinosaur What Where did you go Is this the only one When you see a pterosaur Soon You can see a group of pterosaurs What was that Ah ah Let's go Team one Kill those monsters for me Asshole Go quickly Hold on tight I can't control it, hold on tight I can't die Sorry Useless Just what you owe me You know how to use it Go out now and live What about you Lu Yu Ghost Did you see Agi Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost Keep your voice down It's called a Triceratops It doesn't actively attack people It was the one who rescued me just now Yes I know You It's all your fault We managed to escape from here Because of you You already knew there were dinosaurs here, why didn't you say it If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes Will you believe me You don't look believable I can't be trusted How much do you know about my father What's going on Big guy is coming You don't Don't go out Come on It's over What to do now Run Will I not move and it will not move You think too much Ghost Come down Hello It's me Am I dead Not yet What's wrong with you? Who are you You Don't know me I have an opinion on this You don't know me why are you chasing me I told you I didn't do it Is a hadron That's right What about Hadron And Huang What a cat and a dog That's right Let's have something to say That was done by Hangko and Ah Huang I swear I wasn't involved and didn't know I don't want to know your shit You've been here Do you know where this is I've been here Where is this Aren't we here now Fine You lost your memory Ah We are in a very dangerous place now Oh From now on If you want to live What do you do when I say Where am I going where are you going OK You have a gun, you have the final say Then who are you I am your uncle Got it uncle Wait for me I see. Your plane Then it fell I'm right here Forget it And the two of them Right Uncle, can you slow down? We haven't stopped since we opened our eyes Hurry up Don't be in such a hurry to find those two little bastards I don't know where to sleep Ghost Dinosaur phobia Where I forgot to mention this How to explain Dinosaurs are everywhere This little thing Does not eat people Really Looks like a chick I don't know if it tastes the same Little dinosaur Ghost Don't run Ah Dinosaur Dead Don't move The enemy doesn't move, I don't move Shoot it I change bullets You hurry up Go ahead and shoot You know what I don't need to outrun it I just need to outrun you You're absolutely right Asshole Captain Captain We have to follow To die There will be people when there are gunshots We have to find someone else Let's go To die This thing is still alive Refill the gun And I may have practiced Cool Let's go Do you really think this thing can be used for anything This is my weapon You call this a weapon What's the use of this The gun works, do you have it Check your guns Your ammo Cheer up We may be the only people in the world who have fucked dinosaurs I feel like the dinosaurs have been following us I feel like the dinosaurs have been following us of course What are they waiting for They might be afraid of something That's right Lu Yu Hadron Hadron Ghost Ghost Hadron Hadron Lu Yu I'm all right I'm all right I'm all right You are still alive Still alive Here. Here are some. There are dinosaurs Right Lots of dinosaurs What's wrong with you running out Didn't I tell you not to come out There you go We all got caught What's wrong with you Amnesia How did you lose your memory What about Huang Ah Huang That's right Who is Huang again Ah Huang Ah Huang is gone What do you mean gone Didn't he pick coconuts for us that day That's right Don't you remember Ah The coconuts in my basket are all picked by Ah Huang This kid looks like a monkey I didn't expect to climb a tree like a monkey Right He's afraid we'll die of thirst Risk your life to pick us coconuts What about future Isn't Ah Huang there Ah Huang What Run Ah Huang Ah Huang Ah Huang, you are still alive Ah Huang You are so lucky Run Run What is he shouting Run Run He told us to run Etc Run, Huang Don't shoot, it'll hurt him Ah Huang Ah Huang Run away Kill it Go away Shoot it shoot it Anton Anton Anton run Go away Leave me alone Come on Get out of the car, hurry up Anton Lu Yu Why is the grenade empty Make up Ah Huang Ah Huang Ah Huang Ah Huang Ah Huang Are you all right Yes Ah Huang Ah Huang Ah Huang Hadron Hadron No one is allowed to enter the restricted area, didn't you hear You're the one who flew the helicopter, right Trespassing with weapons in unrestricted areas Who are you Unrestricted area Where did my car come from What is this place I have to come to know The owner of this gun is mine Is he still alive I found the gun He is dead I found the gun Picked up doesn't count If you win, it's yours Enough Then Take it Who are these two? You ghost brother ghost This brother looks familiar Have we met Never seen Yes yes yes Haven't seen Just this car Squeeze You haven't told me who you are Look There are a lot of things on this island that want to kill you And have the ability to kill you But definitely not the same That's us Fine No matter where Something else will come out We will never have the luck we just had Get in the car. How much do you know about this place No more than you How is that possible You all have weapons OK I know a little more than you Where's your helicopter Maybe take us out of here Sure My people, you pick four to stay I'll take the four of you away Are you kidding me No kidding My people are alive or dead I have the final say The plane was damaged and forced to land No I'm lucky to be alive So how are you going to leave We didn't come to leave What about the purpose What are you doing here What do you mean Like you Explore here If it's ok solve the problem here Solve the dinosaurs here Just a few guns I think the most important problem to be solved here is how to get back If you solve the dinosaur, you can naturally go back You didn't say anything after asking for a long time If you're not a threat to us Just tell us everything you know Ok, ask Who are you and what are you doing here Someone pays We die Explore here Who pays It's about work ethic Lie Parking What else do you want to know This is not a place to park Dinosaur Dinosaur Dinosaur Let's go One last question. A year ago, an expedition team landed on the island You know what Yes These are basic information Can we go Do you know Captain Lu, the team leader? Let me guess Captain Lu you said Is that your father Sorry I don't know him It's getting dark This is not a good place to camp Go over there What about here Yes Where to knock Okay, you can live in this tent You don't have to do this Don't thank me Put it on the account I got it That Captain Qin didn't look at you right today Do you two really know each other What are you trying to say You've been here Meet Captain Lu If you happen to know the surname Qin too That's interesting I don't know him Have you ever thought about This group is full of big guys with guns Also explore What can they explore So So Their purpose will never be so simple Want to go back If they dare to come, they can go back What do you care If What's the hidden secret here Do you think we can go back Come on. No need to hide and tuck I don't know why the surnamed Qin is here I only do the most basic jobs in the Marine Corps I don't know much A year ago Captain Lu's mission is to plant bombs on the island Bomb What bomb Our three brothers are only responsible for digging It is said to have exploded below sea level Will cause a big earthquake on the bottom of the sea No traces will be left Not so in order to exterminate the dinosaurs For extinction evidence Interesting coming I heard it all Go on The dinosaurs here didn't exist naturally Certainly If it existed naturally, it would have been discovered long ago At first it was just a small exile test site Unexpectedly, dinosaurs are breeding more and more naturally Soon the secrets here will be lost Whoever kills them makes them So your father Was sent to make this island disappear So your mission failed Captain Lu didn't start the bomb Why not I also want to know why We did all the work Plant bombs Place the launcher They all say the old man is crazy He didn't hand over the activation code until he died How did he die It doesn't matter Everyone above is guilty The surnamed Qin is here If what you say is true Then he's either here to defuse the bomb Or to start I think the latter is more like his style Is everything okay Fine Good Good I have good news for you Tomorrow we will cross this island To the southernmost coast There might be a boat there Get some rest My people will protect you Look at this bastard He knows we don't believe his bullshit And deliberately bullshit Come one You see them living here freely They shouldn't be extinct At least Shouldn't be us They shouldn't have been made If Captain Qin really came to destroy them Shouldn't we stop them Let me give you a multiple choice question One We can all leave this island But this island and all the dinosaurs Will sink into the sea Two. We stay on this island with these dinosaurs They continue their freedom We're living here Which would you choose How can there be such an option If there is You and I have to choose to go back Since I'm here, I'm going to find my father What's up What's wrong Akai What's up What is it calling What's up It came out of nowhere Startled me So Give it a good time What are you doing Maybe we can save it Are you kidding me They are dinosaurs But that doesn't mean you can kill at will What are you doing This is a Tyrannosaurus rex cub It makes a sound What do you think it is for Well done Nice Team Qin Let's go Hurry up But These dinosaurs didn't attack us They won't, the dinosaurs that chase them will Let's go What's up There are dinosaurs Don't mess up Ghost Ghost What to run Don't shoot Don't shoot Don't panic Don't shoot Let's go Don't shoot Team Qin Team one Sniper Anton Did you see Agi Hadron Take her to the car Come on Anton Start the car Keep up Get in the car Hadron There are big dinosaurs, hadrons Where did you go I'm going to pick coconuts for you Get in the car Fire Run Run, run Get me down Anton Captain, come on Anton Get in the car Get in the car. There are others Anton Drive fast Hurry up Anton Hurry up Anton, come on Hurry up Out of gas captain We can only go here Get off Walk Inventory of personnel and equipment And ammo Come down Lu Yu Be careful Team Qin Team Qin Don't be left behind Wait for me Hadron Are you finished Hadron, wait It's not over I let you pick it up Let you pick up Let you pick up Let you pick up Here we go. Don't be left behind Go get it I let you pick it up Let you pick up Let you pick up Let you pick up Let you pick up Let you pick up Let you pick up Wake me up Hadron I remember now We have to go What do you remember I think of Captain Lu I think of Captain Lu What do you think of Captain Lu? They're all dead They can't go back Now is not the time to reminisce Hadron Come back soon We can't go back Ghost Ghost Let's go! Ghost Fire Hadron Ghost Ghost Hadron Anton come back soon Ghost Let's go Ghost is still alive My brother is still alive Let's go Let's go Anton Smoke bomb Come on Are you all right Team Qin Team Qin That Running out of ammo If I meet the big guy again, I'm afraid I can't stop it I know The brothers are all injured to varying degrees Everyone is tired too Those few Do we still have it What do you want to say We lost so many brothers in just one day Can't let them die in vain Keep going Keep up Do you still think Your father Can you survive Ghost Are you alright, ghost Ghost Ghost Hadron Brother Qiang I can't go back I'll drag you back Do you remember me You found us You saved me Right I saved you Let's go We take you back Come on Ghost, I'll take you away Let's go Can't go back Help Don't bother I'm going to die Yes You are dying Ghost Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense Brother Qiang I want it I want it Back Here we go You can't go back if you stay here Where are you going Hadron what are you doing Calm down Hangko, put the gun down Tell them What the hell are you doing here There's no boat over there I was one of the team members who landed on the island a year ago Where are you going Say ah Don't point my gun at me Team Qin Team Qin Since you are Captain Lu's man Then you should know what to do But you didn't All dead on the island Shame Pardon What am I doing here? You should have guessed Start the bomb and make the whole island disappear Actually take you out of here Let the whole island disappear by the way He was right The price we paid to get out of here It's this damn island that's gone forever Very cruel But the pay is good Worth it What do you think You have a helicopter Don't worry about evacuating at all If not damaged The helicopter doesn't have enough fuel to support our return trip It's all calculated Like Captain Lu, there is no return Have you ever thought about failure How to get back We are a professional team High risk, high reward I have expressed enough patience and sincerity Now you know everything you need to know Our goals are the same Go back, right? Okay. From now on No one can question and stop Lao Tzu anymore Otherwise Is against everyone's life and my money Your father killed so many people I won't let this happen again You don't have to act like a warlord What Our goals are the same Get out of here Until then we will assist you with your mission Please show some respect to the lady Sure. Take Lao Tzu's gun and get tough, right OK OK OK OK Respect Respect This grumpy lady You also know where the bomb is To take a way Ladies first Let's go Don't be stupid, let's go Don't be stupid, let's go Smelly It didn't smell so bad before Let's go What is this What is this Give it back Radio You said only the bomb was activated The signal will be received outside, and the evacuation will be organized That's right There is no signal here This thing is useless Captain Qin We took cover and stood by in Alligator Bay on your orders Ready to take off Captain Qin Captain Qin Did you hear What is this OK Backup plan In case the task is not completed Money can be earned Save your life Then you don't have to start the bomb We can all go home The island doesn't have to disappear Isn't that bad Look at your faces Without me You all have to die here Now I'm kind enough to take you back Is this how you repay me Are you here just for the money? What's the problem I died nine brothers Saved your life Isn't it worth it Don't do stupid things Give it back A year I don't think it's just the launcher in there If you didn't come out and took this We can't go back I can't take this risk Ghost doesn't have to die What We could have gone back Ghost doesn't have to die Bastard Are you crazy I said I wouldn't let this happen I don't kill you But I have to reconsider taking you out of here Look at them Hadron Be careful Captain Scattered OK You three The detonator is a semicircular metal set on the ground Enter the password after finding it Start and come back Copy that Sunspot Sunspot Akai Akai Brother Do not move Listen bro They need help Give us back the gun Dude listen to me We just want to go back If Captain Qin doesn't come out You and we can't go back Help us Help yourself too We can only get out alive if there are more people That's right We can help Akai Akai Qin, be careful Where are my people We're just here to help I don't need your help Pull it down We can't go back if you die I want to go back The starter has not been found Are you dying This has become a dinosaur's lair No chance Can't get money Did my brother die in vain Let's go Call for evacuation, we can't take it anymore I can't go The hole is collapsing Let's go Look at what you've done Go captain My money My brothers traded their lives for money Let's go The hole is collapsing Where are the others Let's go Let's go Go captain Let's go Hadron Hurry up What about Anton Anton Come on out Asshole Let's go Anton Go captain Asshole Hurry up Captain Here we go Here we go Mission failed, mission failed Prepare to evacuate Received Team Qin Prepare to organize evacuation How many brothers do we have Team Qin Team Qin, how many brothers do we have You promised us Seven people left Received Pay attention to the coast Watch out for pterosaur attacks Landing on the coast as scheduled in two hours Finish I got it Bad temper Sorry If the bomb goes off Even if my ten brothers die Per person Get half a million dollars If it weren't for me You'll rush in with your people And then torn apart by those dinosaurs I saved your life It has become a dinosaur's lair I can't tell you the information before you came This money You are not destined to get it Don't provoke me Captain Captain Herbivorous dragon Be careful Don't disturb them Let's go Hurry up, hurry up Keep up with the woods Just me Let's go Hurry up Let's go Hurry up Let's go The beach is ahead How long until the helicopter Almost there. Lu Yu Didn't find your father Sorry You're right. Wait for us to go back I'm going to announce what happened here Until then, I will be back You still believe Can your father survive here I believe Helicopter is coming You are not allowed to carry weapons on board You can give it back to me But You have helped me a lot But it's the rule Gun, no longer needed Thanks. We have reached the coast How long will it take you Twenty minutes left Reconfirm the number of evacuees A few less brothers And Three people. Received Three people. Aren't there six people? I can't believe you You promised to take us out of here Don't get me wrong Don't make me a bad person If the bomb goes off The island and the dinosaurs here are all gone I got the money It's not that I can't take you away But Mission failed Has the secret here disappeared? What does this have to do with you We can reveal the secrets here to the world Let everyone know What's going on here Oh We're going to reveal the secrets here to the world Ah We have no right to exterminate the dinosaurs here Stupid Mission not completed Yes I can break the contract and get out of here Fly away But as long as you're still here I can't sleep well They simply I never thought of letting us go back alive Then why are you saving us I just make sure People on the island All within my sight One more person I'll take one less risk Hands up Cannibalism You said no I said I said You have to believe what I say Hands up Let's go I just remembered If another dinosaur attack, you can be used as bait Give the brethren some time Run Akai Akai Run Asshole You don't have to do this I could have activated the bomb Let these beasts disappear forever Because of you My brothers are gone My money is gone Asshole This island The one who should be exterminated the most is you You know what I will not die None of us will die We'll get on your plane Get out of here And you Will stay on this island forever
Channel: Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official 圈影圈外官方电影频道
Views: 1,062,208
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Keywords: 電影, movie, 电影, film, full movie, 中國電影, 中国电影, 中文電影, 中文电影, chinese movie, youtube movie, 动作电影, 探险电影, 冒险电影, 动作片, 探险片, 冒险片, 動作電影, 探險電影, 冒險電影, 動作片, 探險片, 冒險片, action movies, action film, adventure movie, adventure film, 动作, 探险, 冒险, 動作, 探險, 冒險, action, adventure, 侏罗纪崛起, 侏罗纪崛起 电影, 侏罗纪, 恐龙, 恐龙岛, 侏羅紀崛起, 侏羅紀崛起 電影, 侏羅紀, 恐龍, 恐龍島, dinosaur, dinosaur movies, dinosaur island, chinese action movies, 恐龍電影, 恐龙电影, 巨兽, 巨兽电影, 巨獸, 巨獸電影, Jurassic Island, Jurassic Island Movie, Jurassic, Jurassic Movies, special forces, special force movies
Id: ou6vK2jojSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 38sec (4598 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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