June 14, 2020 | A Controversial Savior with a Provocative Gospel | Renaissance Church of Christ

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[Music] but [Music] so welcome by is consumed by your amazing grace good morning good morning renaissance live streaming so glad to be in the house of god once again we want to say welcome to all those are members of the renaissance church as well as our our friends that have been visiting with us over the weeks past weeks we want to continue to pray for those that are sick and shut in amongst renaissance we have a number of members that stand in need of our prayer we want to continue to pray for them as well as we've had a number of deaths amongst members of our of our congregation we want to pray for these families too of course we want to continue to pray for this country we live in we still have turmoil but we know god is able and we want to continue to keep our faith and trust in him we want to continue to thank those ministries that have been actively involved even during this pandemic we've had some great things going on and want to continue to encourage ministries to do just just that we want to keep you a renaissance informed of what's going to transpire with us relative to a re-entry into the building you'll have more information coming forth with regards to that we are working with our corona task force to make sure that when we do come back it's safe for all members of this great congregation again we want to thank god for all the blessings he is shouted upon this congregation is we've been blessed continuously week in and week out we've had a number of baptisms we want to continue to encourage us to remain faithful stay faithful and true to the god that has blessed us [Music] human side eating disguise with heavenly hue and framed the world with his great mind there is a god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i am there [Music] [Applause] we should know who speaks from his inspired word you know there is a god he is alive in him we live and we survived the great i am so cute is a life from my god [Music] for god alone does understand you know there is a god he is he is our god the great i am our god who sung upon a tree a life was a willing there to give [Applause] [Music] you know there is a god he is alive in him we live and we survived man he is our god the great i am there is a god in him we live [Music] and we our god [Applause] he is i am [Music] there is a god [Music] [Music] [Applause] our god [Music] yesterday [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sir [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god [Music] oh [Music] amen amen [Music] hold out a while [Music] because i don't want to run this every day i want to live [Music] because [Music] pray right [Music] is [Music] lord help [Music] [Music] because i don't want to run this racing racing [Music] [Music] because i don't want to [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hold [Music] please [Music] because i don't want to run this race in vain well there's a lily in the valley that's found to be bright as the morning stars [Music] is [Music] it's found to be bright as the [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen amen somebody found joy i found oh somebody [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] it's in [Music] [Music] amen one more time i say amen [Music] amen good morning church good morning church now it's time the time has now arrived for us to partake of the lord's supper and as we gather around the lord's table i ask you to turn with me to matthew chapter 26 beginning at verses 26 and it reads and as they were eating jesus took bread and blessed it and break it and gave thanks to the disciples and said take eat this is my body and he took the cup and gave thanks and gave it to them saying drink ye all of it for this is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins but i say unto you that i will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that day when i drink it new with you in my father's kingdom let us pray heavenly father we can't thank you enough for your love and for your mercy and for the sacrifice that you've made on the cross on our behalf we pray father you'll bless this bread in this cup that represents your body and we pray father that all of us that are partaking of it are partaking of it in a manner that's pleasing and acceptable to you father we thank you we thank you for your love of your mercy in jesus name amen [Music] my [Music] [Music] first saw the light and the burdens of my heart they rolled away it was thereby faith i received my sign and now i am happy all the day [Music] upon the [Music] where i first saw the light and the burdens of my heart they rolled away it was there by faith i receive my side and now i am happy all the day oh it was the crosstalk at the cross where i first saw the light and the burdens of my heart they rolled away it was there my faith i received my side and now i am happy all the day and now i am happy all the days oh and now i am happy on the day amen amen church is time to give i don't know if we were here in the building we'd all be standing up clapping right now but it's always should be a joyous occasion when we have an opportunity to give god back a portion of what he's blessed us with and i know he's blessed you and sustained you this week um you know how i know that it's because you're able to watch us this morning you still have a roof over your head you're still eating you have so much to be be thankful for in the midst of the storm that we're going through please join me right now in second corinthians the chapters nine verses starting to be at verse six but this i say he was soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully every man according as he purposeth in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for god loveth a cheerful giver and god is able to make all grace abound toward you that ye always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work so at this time you see all the different ways you can give give back to a portion of god of what he's given to you thank you there's a happy land of promise over in the graveyard where the saints of russ shall sooner glory share where the souls of men shall enter and live on forever everybody will be happy [Music] everybody will be happy we'll be everybody will be there there we'll meet the one who saved us and who kept us by his grace and who brought us to that length so bright and fair we will praise his name forever as we look upon his face everybody will be happy [Music] everybody [Music] everybody will be [Music] [Music] everybody will be [Music] everybody will be happy will we [Music] everybody will be happy over there everybody everybody will be happy over there one more time everybody [Music] amen let us pray father god in heaven we want to thank you so much for that guarantee of happiness on the other side and while we exist on this side father we just pray for the strength to continue to have the peace of mind in knowing that you are in control we thank you for the control over the blessings that you've given us we thank you for this opportunity for us to render a portion of that back to you into your kingdom and as every single day passes father you continue to remind us of the need for us to step up and be your vessels in this crazy world and even in this offering father we we see and we look forward eagerly to the opportunity for these funds to be used for these current times as we continue to try to bring others to christ in the midst of so much that is going on we thank you and we love you in jesus name amen amen and good morning to the renaissance church of christ family and to all of our friends and everyone from every state every country everybody who continues to join us sunday in and sunday out i'm not sure what week it is uh but it has been quite a journey since march the 16th i believe that date was when we first came to you in this format so we just want to take a moment to thank you for continuing to join us and i want to thank brother melvin for the the uh scripture that he read that continued to say the word all all and every and i just want to remind everybody this morning as we get prepared for an anointed word from our amazing preacher that god has all things in his hands he has every situation in his hands and though it might not feel like it and while we will be happy over there i'm sure that there are some people right now who are just not happy right now over here but let's just remember that god has it all in control and we're just thankful that you joined us once again this morning if you have never realized how much it is important for us to need this word weekend at the very least at the very least and week out at the very least today's circumstances should remind you of that so we look forward to an amazing word from an amazing preacher once again so we're going to bring the brothers up for another song and the next voice you will hear once again straight from god to his heart and then into your living rooms is the word of god from our brother dr orpheus hayward brothers let's get one more song as we bring up this wonderful word so watch therefore you know not the day the day when when the lord shall call your striving for the right i know that you shall go a golden crown [Music] when the trap is don't you know that i shall wear [Music] jesus is coming and we don't know when keep your lamps all trimmed and burning bright i know [Music] [Applause] don't you know [Music] don't you know that i [Applause] don't you know that jesus isn't an everlasting friend if you stay within the church is fine [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i'll live on [Applause] is and when i get to heaven [Music] oh [Music] absolutely grateful to see this absolutely full auditorium on this morning and thankful for the the i mean we can't even fit everybody in here right now if the ushers will seat you um as we get seats available if you have to stand in the back we will [Laughter] we would be appreciative of you being patient with us parking lot is full right now uh the fire chief might be here a little bit we want y'all to be remain calm it is good to see all of you this morning and thankful to god for your presence and it is just we are filling up a little bit more each sunday of course we have the johnsons with us now this is their second or third sunday coming looks like they're not going back home so uh they're starting to enjoy being here of course uh sister stella broke that rule a long time ago said she was gonna be here and she is here and it's just more people i don't know i'm starting to get used to seeing people uh when we first started all i saw was chairs like that was it um that created a psychological off-balancing to try to get used to preaching to [Music] an empty room now the room is not as empty and we're thankful to god for that of course that is no indication that we're coming back quick um i think i told you we you know jesus is gonna have to slap me three times um praise god and pull me out of the bed uh for us to come back but no seriously we for those of you thank you for filling out the surveys for all of our members who did and we're grateful for you giving us feedback about your feeling about the coming back reality we we will come back at some point and so we want you to be mindful of that we we won't stay away forever this is not an eternal um staying away we want to just make sure when we come back we come back safe and we come back in a way that is comparable to making sure we're all healthy and so all of that's going to be important uh as we project forward we we do not have a date we as several has said on the on our coronavirus task force um and i had a great meeting with our deacons yesterday we had a zoom meeting with all the deacons and enjoy their input and i think everybody's in the same place uh we will come back when the data looks right um and right now i think the last thing someone sent that we're still getting 700 new cases a day um that's a lot of cases and um so we're looking at the data um and we're trying to make sure we make a good decision there are some other things that's uh that we have to consider that i think some people are not considering but our task force is considering and we're looking at the worship experience and how the worship experience is going to work in light of how the virus is spread all of that you got to think about and we're trying to do that and be careful but we're not worried because our church is attending every sunday virtually and we're grateful for your commitment and your faithfulness to the move of god and to the kingdom of god make sure that you're investing in the kingdom uh i think the link of course should be in the chat as it is every week make sure you are investing in the kingdom of god make sure that you are giving so that we are functional and we are prepared for any eventuality as it relates to the kingdom of god and posture ourselves that we can help people when they are in need so we ask you to continue to be kingdom investors we've been doing wonderful but we want you to keep pushing to make sure the kingdom is sustained uh so that's um important for all of us to recognize that being the case um we want you to be mindful that the lord is still on the throne and we're still in deep prayer about the condition of our country um we have been dealing with really two pandemics uh one pandemic predated the other pandemic the pandemic of racism uh is become quite prevalent in as much that racism is not new somebody said is just being filmed and i think that's accurate racism is not new it's just being filmed in other words folk are catching it on camera and that being the case it has become obvious that racism systemic racism um abuse of authority all of these things exist uh and we're seeing it happen um quite often and it's become disheartening for a lot of people um and just when you are trying to process um two or three other events of named people um within the past several months um just last night we find that more protesting and rioting has erupted over another situation um of a of an african-american being shot uh in the back um here in atlanta at a wendy's um the the the details of that uh i'm not sure about so i can't speak on something i'm not sure about um i do know it's disheartening to watch another african-american uh die in light of all that is already taking place it can be very frustrating and i think what we're finding is that the response of people is relative to the frustration uh that is happening uh in our country regarding abuse of authority racism systemic racism all of this having one globular effect um we it's just frustrating and i think people are having difficulty channeling their emotion when they see this but again i don't know all the details and i can't speak to something i don't know for sure i do understand that this is a gentleman that um apparently was sleep in this car and may have been uh under the influence and what we don't see is how that escalated but by the time the cameras come on they're in a full-blown fight and as he is fleeing um the question becomes was it necessary to shoot this gentleman in the fleet uh and i think there lies the sore spot for many people is that the first reaction seems to be to pull the firearm uh where there could be other ways to handle uh dealing with a fleeing suspect um so this is where the frustration comes in and i'm studying the subject i'm studying the event so that i can speak to it coherently but right now what we see is a gentleman in his flea was shot in the back um and of course as a result is not here so at the very least what you're seeing is the frustration of african americans as we are seeing redundant cases of what seems to be an abuse of authority and to that end um i i believe that we should keep protesting i believe we should keep putting pressure on civil authority in a way that is legal in a way that is within the confines of respecting uh our property i know some people are saying hey let's let's just let it all go up in smoke i think there are better ways to deal with it i think protesting is effective and i think anybody could say that protesting has gotten us some results uh in these last few months uh protesting has gotten us some results the pressure and i think one day i'm going to preach about the protesting brings attention to an event but protesting within and of itself is not the end all be all you protest to bring pressure and attention but then you got to move to the next step of pushing legislation and so it's not just protesting it's protesting that's necessary you got to protest you got to show outrage and there's a way to do that um that is productive um but after protesting then you got to move to the next step of legis of legislation putting pressure for change and so all of it is important um but i want to make sure that we're clear on how you protest and i'm proud i'm still proud of the many people that are out there showing outrage and protesting in a way that is productive in a way that is fruitful and so um i do understand the wendy's was set on fire and all of that and you we don't celebrate that um but we do celebrate standing against injustice we we celebrate that and we stand for that so let's i i am in the process of trying to just get more information uh those of you who are not in atlanta pray for atlanta georgia i'm praying for our the mayor of atlanta i think keisha bottoms is doing a great job uh i'm talking you talk about a difficult time to serve uh and you talk about stuff coming up that i know she didn't dream would even come up but she's handled it with poise she's handled it with intelligence she's been methodical she's been fair she's been analytical she's been strong when she needs to be strong she's been compassionate when she needs to be compassionate uh i mean she has been quint essential she has been absolutely professional in this governmental position and i'm thanking god for her i'm praying for her uh i'm praying for all who work with her uh i'm sure she's having some sleepless nights um dealing with how to manage this city under this pressure so keep her in prayer um and those of those who may share this video or may have connection to her uh let her know that the renaissance church is praying for her and that we stand with her and we're hoping and praying uh things will settle uh in a way that still allows us to be productive and so um i want to make sure we're clear about that now turn with me to the gospel of john the chapter is three i want to bring you back to an old familiar text and give you perspective first and foremost contextually which includes exegetically which will give birth to that which is theologically accurate and then we hope from there to extrapolate what is practical but any text without a context is a pretext and you can never make a verse mean what it never meant but we do want to handle the word of god in such a way where we can get a practical application there's been so much bad news that i thought this was a good sunday to preach the good news um i needed a mental break from all that's going on and just be reminded that there is some good news um and i felt like i needed a pick-me-up in my own spirit to remember that god got it all handled and that ultimately and this was something i thought about if you don't mind my sermon being a little conversational this morning i thought about this as i picked this text no matter and i'm careful to say this because i don't want to give anybody the wrong impression no matter how much effort you put into altering changing improving transforming legislation the bible says man will wax worse and worse there is a sense in which and this may sound dismal that's why i don't know why i'm saying this right now but it's true um fight for what's right stand for what's right but understand in the grand scheme of humanity man as a corporate entity is on a continuous decline and ain't nothing we can do to fix that now i know i just said something that i don't know what that made people feel i don't know what they did because i'm not saying don't fight for what's right i'm not saying don't stand against injustice and i'm not saying don't stand against what's wrong i'm saying at the end of the day there are certain things that will not be fixed by legislation or by altering that which governs our civil existence because man by his very makeup is a sinner that gets worse now that's why if your theology ain't right you you're going to view all that is wrong because i believe in the bible and because i believe in the theological centrality of my christianity then i have to take the position that at the end of the day no matter how much i pray no matter how much i stand against what i must stand against because we got to stand against injustice but i'm also realistic that no matter how much you deal with man as a corporate entity he is a declining depreciating asset man is in process of depreciation now having said that when i look at where we are with this current conversation of racism and i'm going to be back on this in just a minute and i'm thinking through this and and i'm i'm concerned about members and gospel preachers across the country missing something that's so important i am not a revolutionary i'm clear about that i am not a civil activist i'm clear about that i am not um a social injustice expert okay about that but i am a gospel preacher which means my job is to bring an answer to this crisis that no one else is qualified to give my function as a gospel free gospel free is all across the world our job is not to bring to the table an answer that the world gives but our function is to bring to the table an answer that god gives and to that end we need to have a proper theological framework don't oversell something that's not true we can't sell folk on the fact that man's gonna get better he's not i do you want better you ain't gonna get no better i don't know if i should be maybe this ain't the right sermon nobody has within their fabric the ability to get better because at the end of the day no matter how good you think you are your righteousness in and of itself is filthy rags and my righteousness comes from a god that imputes his righteousness on my account on the basis of christ and not my perfection now that's good theology that may not be popular right now but that's a good theology so what are you saying brother heywood what i'm saying is racism and the way i got to deal with it the way i gotta handle this racism is a heart issue now i'ma let that sit there because this is it's a hard issue watch this and legislation can't change a heart issue now i think people need [Laughter] racism is a heart issue no matter what laws you pass while it may bridal behavior it doesn't change the condition of a man's heart a man can be watch this even the ones who make the laws can have a heart issue and my point is this if racism is a heart issue the heart that is bent on that which is malignant will find a way around law so you can pass laws all day but there are folk who will find a way around law if their heart has not been changed so what are you saying brother haywood racism is a heart issue that is showing us showing up systemically in what the law and the laws that we have today but that's it's a hard issue why watch this this is why the only thing qualified to address a heart issue is the gospel that's why i got to bring an answer to the world that no one else is qualified to care i don't mean me i mean gospel preachers collectively we bring an answer because you know what we're trying to address the heart issue it's racism is as much a heart issue as anger gossip lying and you going to name the rest of them they're heart issues and the gospel deals with the man's heart i know that's true because i read somewhere you have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine it's a heart issue and if i'm a deal with racism i've got to deal with it not just in the symptoms i gotta deal with your heart and that's why i can't bring the same answer everybody else raised i can't tell you that the answer is to burn down cnn i can't tell you that the answer is a set of building on fire i gotta tell you that god wants you to deal with your heart and that's the answer a gospel preacher has to bring having said that all right y'all in john three boy i saw something in john three that blew my mind you know how many times brother wilson i don't read this text it is amazing that god reveals layers watch this a text means what it means but a text will have different shades of application when circumstances change see application can change when circumstances change the text meaning will never change but how it applies is often altered or conditioned by the circumstances are present watch this text and i bet many people didn't think about this watch this y'all ready i'm gonna read verse one then i'm gonna move past verse one right into fourteen through sixteen watch verse one now there was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus underlying nicodemus a ruler of the jews this man came to jesus by night and said to him rabbi we know that you have come from god as a teacher for no one can do these signs that you do unless god is with him y'all got that all right now drop down to verse 14. as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the son of man be lifted up so that whoever believes will in him have i ain't going to get off of that he will have eternal life for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life for god did not send the son into the world to judge the world but that the world might be safe through him he who believes in him is not judged he who does not believe has been judged already because he has not believed in the name or the authority of the only begotten son of god is that in your bible i want to look for a subject real quickly here a controversial savior with a provocative gospel a controversial savior with a provocative gospel the word provocative just means to stir up to be controversial has the idea of often going against the norm of what people think it is often considered controversial provocative its root word is to provoke to stir up or to create an excitement sometimes to create anger jesus was provocative because jesus did not necessarily in any form or fashion ever desire to go along with the grain so when jesus came to this earth he came for the purpose of going against the grain jesus christ was provocative jesus christ was controversial but each and every time you spoke to jesus jesus always had listen to me a divine answer to worldly crisis you know why because the world rarely sees the spiritual implications of a worldly issue now worldly they are not meaning sinful worldly i'm meaning that which pertains to this life we get so caught up in this life that we often can't see the spiritual implications of the worldly crisis we're in or the worldly situation sometimes people can only see the mundane they can only see the earthly but the christian is called to see the spiritual so that you can properly interpret your earthly listen you can't interpret your earthly excuse me you can't interpret your earthly from the earthly you have to interpret your earthly situation through spiritual lenses otherwise you really can't see and there's a lot of people who walk seeing the earthly and don't realize they're blinded to the spiritual and as a result you got a wrong interpretation of your situation you can't properly interpret an earthly situation unless you're wearing spiritual glasses y'all follow me so if you don't have on spiritual glasses you're going to misinterpret your earthly experience so if you want to understand your earthly experience i need spiritual glasses now here's the thing jesus whenever he interfaced with somebody that came to ask him a question he often would exchange their earthly glasses and give them spiritual glasses because they couldn't see what they were supposed to see and the thing that they were looking at are y'all following me so far all right now for those who are didactic and academic and those who are appreciative of the tapestry of scripture and how it fits together johanna literature um is that document or those documents that give emphasis to the divinity of jesus christ we know that i think those who are students of the bible are clear that the emphasis of johanna and literature is that jesus is god in the flesh we also find within the fabric of johannes literature in reference to the gospels we see there is an emphasis on his divinity that is confirmed by his miraculous ability so when you're reading john's gospel he weaves within that gospel several strategic noted miracles that accentuate and give us confirmation that christ is the son of god so john 20 verse 30 and 31 says many signs did jesus do in the midst of his disciples which are not written in this book but these are written that you might believe right so when you're reading johan in literature johanna literature puts accent on the miraculous work of christ to confirm that he is the son of god one of the major theological motifs to our scripture and in john's writings in particular is this thing called eternal life it's called eternal life and we find him constantly making reference to that now when you get to john chapter 3 jesus is going to give a provocative message to a man named nicodemus that nicodemus as a jew would have a hard time accepting now let me frame it y'all ready for me i said he's gonna give him a provocative message that's gonna be hard for him to accept now i'm gonna tell you why nicodemus is going it's gonna be hard for him to accept is because nicodemus has a hard time seeing spiritual truth in light of what he's physically looking for there's something he's physically looking for that jesus is going to contradict when he gives him a spiritual perspective now nicodemus is a jew the bible says in verse one listen to me carefully he's a jew he's a pharisee now people make light of that word but let me tell you what a pharisee is a pharisee is one who follows the law to the strictest sense of the law i mean he is a straight and narrow walker he's a pharisee but he's not just a pharisee nicodemus is part of what is called the rulers of israel that is a reference to what is called the sanhedrin council they are the ones who handle the affairs of israel relative to their religion it was a sanhedrin that probably grew out of the old testament concept of the elders of israel so he's part of what's called the rulers the rulers were made up of priests and they were made up of experts in the law okay now that's who nicodemus is so nicodemus is not just anybody nicodemus is part of the higher echelon of religion he is a man of authority he is a man of prestige jesus ain't nothing but a carpenter who is an itinerant preacher in palestine but nicodemus the remand of highest salon comes looking for jesus well this is good preaching right here and this is not my point but i'm gonna make it jesus is an itinerary preacher from palestine who ostensibly got a bad reputation because his mama is accused of some stuff she didn't do his daddy is a carpenter which was not a highly esteemed occupation and he's an itinerary preacher that seems to go against everything that has stayed stated about the law in the old testament he doesn't line up with the higher echelon religion he doesn't line up with the pharisees he doesn't line up with the sadducees he's not in line with the zealots he jesus is just this itinerary preacher coming on the scene as if he got all the answers but what could not be argued is nicodemus said no man could do what you're doing except god be with him and as a result nicodemus is moved to find jesus now i want to make a point here because i want to get to why jesus message is so provocative and why it would impact nicodemus as a jew and i'm a come to making a very practical application to where we are today but nicodemus jew ain't no by the way this jew is looking for a physical kingdom stay with me he's looking for a physical kingdom in which the messiah is supposed to free uh free jews from roman oppression that's what he's looking for so now he comes to jesus by night but here's the thing jesus don't go find nicodemus nicodemus came to find jesus now why would nicodemus come find jesus because he heard about all that jesus was already doing heard about his miracles and he said no man could do those things except god be with him let me let me help some folks when you do what god has called you to do you won't worry you won't have to worry about who you need to find god will make some folk come find you jesus didn't have to find nicodemus jesus didn't have to uh find a higher echelon but i'm telling you if you do what god has called you to do there are some folk that will come looking for you that you don't have to go look for if you make enough noise and you do what god has called you to do you don't have to worry about who's got your number you don't have to worry about where the fat folk gonna find you listen god will make folk look for you when you're doing what god has authentically called you to do christ is being sought after by nicodemus who is a man of higher echelon high religion pharisee rulers and he comes to jesus by night now when he comes to jesus by night now stay with me here when he comes to jesus by night people make speculation about as to why did he come by night well the texts don't say i don't know some people say he was afraid texas doesn't say he was afraid um i don't know if it was maybe he felt like he could get jesus by himself and that he could actually get his questions out i don't know doesn't say why he came by night what i know is jesus nicodemus question is not recorded in scripture but jesus answer is i know what nicodemus question was about based on what jesus answered what did jesus answer jesus says accept a man be born again watch the language he can't see he cannot see the kingdom of heaven wait a minute nicodemus you know to know what your problem is you asking me about a kingdom you can't see your perception is off so you're asking me about a kingdom but you can't perceive the kingdom i'm talking about because you're looking for a worldly kingdom that doesn't line up with a spiritual reality now so nicodemus jesus i don't heard you preaching i don't heard your stuff can you tell me about that kingdom well nicodemus well i mean what i want to know because israel's expectation is that we're waiting for a kingdom we want to be freed from roman oppression we don't want to be under oppression no more we waiting for our physical kingdom to show up we want them to free us well i know that's what you're looking for but nicodemus check this out except the man is born again he can't see what i'm talking about wait wait a minute i got to be what to see what i'm talking about you got to be born again because by being born again is going to help shape your perception because by being born again you're going to see the kingdom which is which is parallel to entering the kingdom when a man enters the kingdom he then can see it which means being born again includes having your perception change because right now you're looking with a worldly perception and you're trying to get a worldly answer but i'm not here to give you a worldly answer i'm here to give you a spiritual perspective listen when you are god's man stop trying to give people earthly answers when you got a spiritual solution i'm not called to give you an earthly answer i'm not called to give you the answer you're looking for i'm called to give you spiritual perception of something you can't see and jesus never reduced jesus never reduced his answer to what folk wanted to hear in an earthly perspective we have a way of compromising god's message because we're trying to appease people's carnal perspectives y'all miss that we have a way of taking god's spiritual solutions and devaluing or demoting that to fit people's carnal perspectives but my function and my job is not to give you a worldly answer because god called me to give you spiritual perception when nicodemus was asking about a worldly kingdom christ did not tell him worldly answers christ said if you want to see what i'm talking about you've got to be born again because if you can get born again it's going to help reshape your perception now nicodemus said i'm here asking you about a kingdom that god said was coming and you telling me about being born again so watch nicodemus can i enter a second time into my mother's womb you wait look at that he is still thinking on a worldly level he's still thinking on an earthly plane christ is trying to tell him man i'm not talking down there i need you to come up to where i am you can't see what i'm saying because you have such a worldly perspective so give me a second and i can hear the sarcasm can i enter a second time into my mother's womb ain't nobody talking about you entering no second time into your mother's womb because entering back into your mother's womb ain't gonna help you see this kingdom you're still talking physical except a man is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of god now what are you doing brother hayward all i'm trying to help you to do is see he's talking to a jew that doesn't want to see a spiritual perspective because he's so busy looking out of physical lenses stay with me have you ever tried to talk to somebody spiritually that's stuck on a physical solution and answer it's like trying to have a spiritual conversation with somebody that's just simply not spiritual like how paul said i have a hard time talking to you some of you corinthians because you corinthians are carnal and i can't speak to you as spiritual i got to speak to you as colonel in other words i've got to reduce my language to meet you where you are because i can't meet you at a spiritual frequency there's some people that can't meet you here because they're still looking at it from down here can i enter a second time into my mother's womb she said no you got to be born of water and spirit now that ain't my sermon but water and spirit is a metaphor and hendiadus in which two nouns are used to express one thought the thought of water and spirit is an old testament motif that really suggests cleansing except a man is cleansed he can't enter into the kingdom y'all got me so nicodemus is confused and jesus said are you a ruler in israel and you don't know these things are you a ruler in israel and you don't have a right perception of what it is i'm trying to tell you about this kingdom you mean to tell me you were reading scriptures but you don't have spiritual perception you mean to tell me you claim to understand god but you're still thinking on a physical level y'all are missing this you mean to tell me you claim to know god but you still don't have no spiritual insight well the problem is nicodemus you ain't never gonna see what i'm talking about you will never see the kingdom of god or enter into the kingdom unless you are born again which implies that the born-again process is so transformative it's supposed to give you a new perspective can i say something that y'all not gonna like if you're a christian you ain't supposed to see it like everybody else see oh hey what hayward hayward heywood stop don't do this this morning hayward no no i got i have to you're not supposed to see it like everybody else sees it because you've been born again you see the kingdom you have insight and perception that the average person will not see now what am i supposed to do you're supposed to bring your spiritual insight to a worldly crisis and help folks see the god that they've not seen before that's what you do jesus ain't try to appease nicodemus he said no nicodemus what you looking for it's not the answer i can give during this social injustice era i can't tell you how many calls i've gotten text messages emails many of them positive dr haywood thank you for opening our eyes that we can be angry and sin not thank you for opening our eyes that we can't have outrage thank you for opening our eyes that god is our all nation's god thank you for opening our eyes that he's in all humanity god but then i get some other texts some other emails you are not aggressive enough and you're not really speaking the language of the people who want justice we appreciate your stance and your influence but what we need you to do is we need you to take a different stance and not try to talk people down but why don't you give license to their anger and give them license to do all that they are doing if it takes destroying everything then we need you to stand there because we've already tried marching we've tried protests we've tried this we've tried that it's time dr hayward for a more aggressive approach and we need you to sign off on that encourage your members and those that follow you to take a different stance we we don't try peaceful it's time out for peaceful listen nicodemus when you come talk to me i can't give you an answer that god would god give you i don't have the permission or the license to open my mouth and say something other than what god would say and i appreciate nicodemus emails and his text messages but what i won't do is reduce the bible and put it as a side thought so that i can be your social injustice activist i will stand against social injustice but i will do it in line with what my god has revealed so i'm not i don't feel no pressure to be anti-peaceful i don't feel any pressure to acquiesce myself to any violent outburst and nor will i encourage anybody to stand in that context can't do it won't do it and no my message is not gonna sound like some black revolutionary that's not what i've been called to be i respect those who are i respect those who have who feel like they have to take a different stance but what i'm saying is when nicodemus asked me a question then i'm gonna tell nicodemus to see what i see you must be born again you will never have a right perception if you're expecting me to give you anything less than a spiritual answer all right now i may be losing half my audience right now i'm not sure uh is it down to 200 people or is it okay i i praise god i may be losing folk but that's okay because i'm not in this game for viewership i'm in this game for truth and what i can't do is alter that i am as outraged as every other person i am as upset i am as affected when i see an african-american uh go down and i see an african-american die that could be me that can be any man i know in this church that could be my father that could be my son i am as afraid and frustrated and angry as everybody else but that does not give me the right to suspend the god who rules and speak the word that he said listen the the when the night george floyd not the night he died but when the protest really started to erupt that night as angry as i was driving home driving home late and as i'm driving home late uh i get pulled off blue lights 11 30 at night when all the protests are breaking out when all the stuff is at the heat i'm getting pulled over i said because i don't know where everybody's mind is right now i knew where my mind was i don't know what this cup mine is though and he his lights came on he pulled up behind me another cop car pulled about six feet behind him he came out the car before he could get to the window i put both hands outside the car look at what a black man's got to think about when he's approached by the cops i don't want him to be nervous because it's a black man driving a white escalade with tinted windows because i don't know if he thinks i got it legally or illegally i don't know what his perceptions are so i've got to now think on the level of how do i address his perception so to address his perception i gotta put both hands outside that car and when he comes to the window he says sir um you were driving and i saw that you hit the yellow line so i wanted to see where you're okay and i said you pulled me over because i hit the yellow line i'm sure a lot of people hit this yellow line but okay i said sir i'm fine uh he said well i need your license i said sir i am about to reach for a black wallet at night do i have your permission to reach for the wallet in my right pocket do you understand what a black man's got to think about when he's pulled over okay i reached out i gave him my wallet he says i'll be right back he goes to the car y'all don't see where the story's going watch this he goes to the car he comes back i put my hands back outside the window he nods his head he shakes his head not at me but i i see what's going on in his he it was almost like a sadness caucasian cop and he he came and he said he dropped his head he dropped his hands he said sir i just wanted you to be safe look have a good day no tickets just i just want to make sure you're safe and his whole continent and for a moment in time we both stand at each other he was hurt and i was hurt because for a moment in time he saw what i had to go through for him to come to my car and i saw what he was going through to say i'm not the man that kneeled on george's neck the reason i can't preach what you want me to preach is because i can't make universal assumptions about anybody based on the color of their skin we've had enough of that for us that i can't give that back to him there are we have a habit of universalized everybody based on an act that took place everybody is not a caucasian racist and every black man is not a criminal and the only way to deal with that is somebody's got to check their heart legislation won't change that so he looked at me i looked at him i said sir have a good night he said you be safe and i left and i wanted to take a picture with him you know you know when i drove off i thought him i was like i said took a picture with him because he was such a good dude that all he was worried about was doing his job he didn't come at me aggressive not like that but because of all this going around what did i do because i'm afraid that the next man may not be him watch this and he might be afraid that the next man won't be me oh i know this is unpopular right now so what are we doing christians maintain your spiritual posture no matter how angry you get don't leave god's message to appease nicodemus because nicodemus ain't thinking on your level nicodemus ain't thinking spiritually and we got to help nicodemus see the kingdom of god i'm not going to finish this sermon clearly because that all that wasn't in my sermon now let me get back to what i was going to preach watch this you're in john 3 i won't have time come here those of you are students of the bible we always think the conversation with nicodemus is from verse 1 to about verse 11. this whole chapter is a conversation with nicodemus the whole chapter by the time you get to verse 14 he's still talking to nicodemus watch this what are you doing jesus i'm trying to help him see i'm trying to help him get a spiritual perception of what he misunderstands what i can't do is let nicodemus keep thinking on a worldly level and i can't meet him there what i've got to do is help to raise his thinking i can't wait to the point where we can raise people's thinking to the fact that the thing you hate me about my skin that you hate so much ain't even me it ain't even me you and me are more alike than we're different you arguing over my skin but that ain't me and your skin ain't you you not ready to have a conversation that both of us are made in the image of god and you not ready to have a conversation that beyond my skin you and me got a soul that's the same color proverbial soul don't have color you are you ready to have real dialogue while we talk about our differences are you really ready to now come up to a divine conversation that you and me are not as different as you think you hate me for a skin color white supremacist you hate me but we got the same material i'm not talking to all caucasians i said white supremacists got the same skin color i got and guess what when we die the sum total of the dust of our body equals 3.67 if you put us the ashes and you weigh those ashes you are three we are worth 3.67 you are 3.67 cents and that applies to both of us your skin color don't make you cost no more than me but you hate me for something that's not the sum total of who i am and some of us hate you for the for your skin color and that's not what you want and not just your skin color we are angry at the atrocity of how you treated us so what you often find is of giving back to you what has historically been given to us and you don't understand it because you are ignoring 400 plus years of history but you and i have to get beyond our 3.67 cents so we can have a real conversation about how much we are alike come here all right let me close with this i want to highlight the part that nicodemus would have tripped out about okay didn't i tell you earlier he's a jew he's a pharisee he's waiting for a physical kingdom and when they look for a kingdom they're looking for a jewish kingdom stay with me because some of us quote john 3 16 but we don't hear it like a jew would have heard it john 3 16 is a provocative tax and very controversial for a jew why well he said just as the serpent was lifted up in the wilderness that's the numbers that's in the book of numbers right so we have just as the serpent was lifted this is when all the serpents bit the israelites and they were starting to die in the wilderness and the only way they could live is if they look to the serpent that was on the pole and if they looked they would be healed jesus says just as the serpent was lifted so much also the son of man be lifted now got to go to bible class what does he mean be lifted i used to misquote this verse because so many preachers did it's the problem with being a parrot don't be a parrot study don't be a parent study i used to think what he says you know just as a serpent was lifted up so must the sort of man be lifted up and if i be lifted up i'll draw oh man unto me and i just said we got to lift jesus we got to lift jesus we got to lift him and when we lift him he'll draw him in well the lifting here is lifting on the cross if i be lifted up on the cross i'll draw all men unto me watch this by the way i'm quoting john 12 verse 32. if i be lifted up i'll draw all men under me symbol of the word saint john 3. what you're saying jesus not only am i talking about the matter of my death but the result of my death watch what a jew would have really hated i'll draw not jew men i'ma draw all men wait wait wait wait see you're hearing that like you in the 21st century a jew didn't believe god was for anybody else but them and anybody who wanted to come to god had to be proselyted to the jewish religion here is jesus and he says god so loved the jews and ain't what that says he's telling a jew god so loved the world you're not hearing that like nicodemus nicodemus would be saying wait a minute no jesus that ain't what we talking about here what we talking about jesus is how this kingdom is going to be for us jews and how are you going to get us out of oppression no jesus is saying you still thinking on an earthly and i'm trying to help you see what you don't want to see here's what you can't see nicodemus because you're so caught up in your physical existence and because you have such a carnal perception you can't see what i'm saying what are you saying i'm saying i love the whole world and i always have oh i don't have time if i had time i would go to genesis 9 verse 3 i believe it is where when men were running for refuge jesus said or rather god said you do not kill a man because that man is the image of god that was prior to there just being a jewish nation every man is the image of god now in the unfolding of the gospel jesus says to a jew nicodemus i got something to tell you you know that kingdom you're looking for is gonna be made up of every single ethnicity and it won't be made up of just jews because god so loved the cosmos not not the world in terms of the earth planet god loved the world in terms of he loves the people so as the nicodemus says listen and nicodemus would be saying this song i don't like this i didn't come to you tonight to hear that i did not come to you jesus by night to hear you talk about you love the world what do you think jesus did i can hear jesus saying i really didn't care to give you the answer you was looking for if you ask me a question nicodemus i've got to give you a god answer no no no no jesus look that's the problem with you jesus we looking for somebody that's going to help us understand our heritage we're looking for a physical kingdom where we going to get out all of this nicodemus you must be born again if you want to see the kingdom and if you want to really understand that nicodemus here is the the crux of what i'm saying god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son watch this watch some other offensive stuff that whosoever y'all know how offensive this is to a jew whosoever not just you jews whosoever believes in him shall have eternal life you all gonna get the same gift no matter who you are nicodemus it ain't about just your nation god's got a bigger view than just oh my god sometimes we don't realize god thinks bigger than us so brother heywood what are you saying the angry said not caucasians we're looking for a neighbor we outrage about what's happening we want to stand against social injustice but at the end of the day my message for black white spanish palestinian indian whoever you are here's my message god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son which means every ethnic lineage is valued by god including black people and if that's not where you are in addressing racism then you're not where god is stop trying to make god your your revolutionary god is not your revolutionary but god is caring and injustice wherever it shows up and right now if african americans are being killed as they have been throughout history god cares about the black man watch this not because of his skin because of his soul god cares about you not because of your skin because of your soul your problem and my problem ain't never been scanned it's always been sin sin is our problem not scared and so when you see me out there or any other preacher as we did at simpson street and you hear us talking about the need for change and legislation that's because we believe that a person should receive fairness across the board and we stand against the african-american that's being abused by this system but not just the system he's being abused by the hearts of people that need change now i wanted to talk about candice owens this morning i'ma save it because she's so intelligent i'm in an intelligent black sister appreciative of her thought process but doesn't understand how hiding behind data that can be shaped in any narrative gives excuse for the behaviors that are showing up as it relates to the atrocities of african americans she does not understand the elusive nature of a heart issue where racism can be manifested in ways that are not always obvious if all you're looking at is the system aspect of it in the data aspect of it but not looking at the behavioral aspect of it then data will give you the right to ignore a whole lot of stuff smart as she is intelligent as she is i love her but she ain't dealing with the heart issue and if you let me tell the truth this ain't about black or white as much as it is about green as much as it is about money and economy and as much as it is about gain that there are people taking postures because where they think they will end up on the political ladder often what you're hearing ain't what you're hearing so where do we stand we stand where god stands so if you're here i don't know if this helps anybody but we got to stand where god stands christians stand where god said i don't i don't want i don't listen christian you are as angry as everybody else and you have a right but don't reduce your behavior or your response that takes you out of the character of god let it happen to you don't let it happen to you don't don't let yourself be taken out of the character of god because of your anger be angry but stay god-centered address the issues but brings god's answer to the crisis be upset but bring christ to the crisis and stay with god so if you're here as unpopular as i think that sermon was i think it was a right time to preach it because i want christians to be clear i want us to be clear i want us to be mindful i want us to be careful i want us to step into the problem but bring god with us and stop trying to make god what he is not he can't do it and this is not just for christians i'm i'm having this debate with with preachers as much as i love my gospel preachers they they don't realize when they're allowing themselves to be taken out of god's perspective and then want me to sign off on a perspective that i can't go with because god is not there that way literally people telling us telling me telling other preachers we don't need to be seen on social media standing with law enforcement on no panel or standing with law enforcement in any protest wait a minute we don't need to be standing with no police officers we don't need to be standing with law enforcement right now we are anti we are antagonistic toward that law enforcement system wait a minute there are good christians that are law enforcement and if i make it personal that go to this church that i know do not have a malignant bone in their body you can't stand against a whole law enforcement system because of malignant individuals in the system aim at the systemic issue but aim at the heart issue because this thing is about to harm now you ain't got to agree with that but i'm right praise god because everything i'm saying you know why it's hard to argue with me let me tell you why because i'm typically not gonna say nothing that's not in scripture like you're gonna have to fight god to fight what i'm saying because i don't step out of that it's not that i'm such a a an artistic debater or it's just that i'm so much an oratorical person it my position is so god centered you would have to argue with god tell me god doesn't say respect authorities tell me that tell me that god does not love every ethnicity tell me that tell me that we should shun any group involved in this ridiculous issue right now how how can i say that and have any integrity i can't say that there are folk in law enforcement that abuse their authority and their fault with badges that i know have a racism issue i can say that and be right i can say that there are african-americans who have embraced a racist disposition based on the malignant treatment that they have received i could say that and be right because it's a heart issue i can say that i believe that white supremacy exists within the fabric of our government right now in which there are white supremacists in high places that care nothing about the african-american i can say that and it would be factual but i can also say i don't have a right to render hatred for hatred and i would be biblically right so did we lose anybody he probably lost a lot from but may god bless you and may god keep you um if you want to be saved and you want to be born again and you want to be baptized for the remission of your sins we ask you to contact us and we'll make that happen for you uh this morning and if you want to give your life to jesus make that urgent make that urgent and we want you to do it and we want you to do it right now may god bless each of you may god bless you may god bless you may god bless you may god bless you may god bless you may god bless you may god bless you may god bless you may god bless you may god bless you may god god that's you god bless you god bless you yeah yeah [Music] [Music] praise the mighty name of jesus [Music] [Music] praise the mighty name of jesus [Music] [Music] as we prepare to close let me appreciatively thank all of our young people and i i did this last week and i continue to say i'm proud of our young people who are protesting in a peaceful way that are on the streets um standing in the face of law enforcement letting them know their outrage i mean i'm proud of them having enough faith to say even as a child of god have a right to be outraged and they're doing it and then doing it peacefully but they're doing it in a way that brings real obvious pressure to the situation i'm really grateful that our young folk are that involved i was sent a picture a preacher good preacher friend of mine who has been moved by some things i said um what he did was his church did a march the whole church with a big banner and the banner says uh christ stands against injustice and they went right down and uh in the in the middle of the city and they stood against it this is what i mean by that's bringing christ to the crisis it doesn't mean don't protest it means when you protest know who you represent you represent jesus and jesus stands against injustice and we need to be mindful of that so i encourage and i'm gonna be on record for saying this i encourage protest i encourage it and i know that's not popular to say some people on the other side of the argument say well you shouldn't you shouldn't encourage that no i i no i think protest has a place when you're bringing attention to malignant behavior protest nothing wrong with it that is your god-given and that is your citizen right to protest and so we do that and we encourage it um let me take a minute to say thank you to to all uh of of my caucasian preachers who have contacted me across the country good friends who are concerned uh don't exactly know what to do uh they don't want to say the wrong thing you know you know how y'all know that feeling when you cause you know they're going through something that your friend is going but you don't want to say the wrong thing and you don't know exactly how to word it um this is not funny but i was i don't know if i should mention it that way um i had a colleague that that wrote a beautiful i thought a beautiful letter uh two colleagues that wrote a beautiful letter in their context to express their outrage but they used the phrase in the letter and they didn't i guess because i know their heart it didn't bother me but they said something to the end of we appreciate and stand with all of our colored friends he used the word colored and i said you talk about an oops moment for somebody and i had to like you know what that ain't exactly the but now it didn't bother me because i know the heart of the person but the language is too reminiscent of a history that we connect to when we hear it and it's like it's like i wait oh don't say that my point is there are a lot of people of different ethnic backgrounds that are trying to figure out what to say and you got to get one thing i loved about one of my colleagues different colleague he said i'm still learning about my own white privilege and please give me room to keep learning so that i can be better i can respect that i don't respect that i could i could respect that who i can't respect is the person caucasian or otherwise who can look at what's going on and say i don't really see the problem that hurts because it's not that you don't see the problem you're just not used to living the problems i live it ain't that you don't see it it's not that you don't get it you're just not used to living this so you are emotionally disconnected from this struggle i can't respect that but i can respect the person that says i'm learning i don't know what to say i see what's going on tell me what i can do to help that i'll go with that and i love seeing in these protests listen there's a whole lot of folk out there don't look like us protesting right next to us who shared a struggle and i'm thanking god for it i'm thanking god to see the renaissance that's happening with people right now so only thing i can ask you to do as a christian is stand where god stands protest be outraged do something get involved get involved with legislation whatever you need to do get involved with with helping our young folk understand their value whatever you got to do to get in this fight get in it but don't leave your god perspective because at some point nicodemus is gonna ask you a question and you are obligated to give nicodemus a god answer may god bless you one today we're gonna close out in prayer you got announcements okay dan is up may god bless each of you let everybody say amen another powerful message from our amazing preacher and very timely in the midst of everything that's going on we just thank god for how he continues to move in his life we further thank god for last week if you weren't able to attend the simpson street church of christ rally uh many ministers from the churches of christ were there our preacher he was the one responsible for steps moving forward he focused on educate elevate and execute sure there'll be more to come from that but uh he represented the renaissance extremely well brothers we thank you as well for your show of force last sunday i know you've already seen some images in the video of the vision that came to reality from our preacher and we look forward to our next steps i want to ask that the slide for uh youth in action be posted the youth in action slide do you have that up and i need to uh make a couple quick announcements there we go so it is time y'all june the 19th 6 o'clock p.m the spread the love event from our youth in action games dialogue guest interview with jordan sims that's my son right there in a spiritual direction we look forward to this virtual online event if you have not registered please refer to exactly what you see as far as the youth in action uh information that's going out and you can also send an email to y i a y a youth dot com and we need to you need to do so right away in addition we continue to celebrate converted souls can i get my converted souls yes indeed here she is marcia jeep yes indeed baptized june the 8th congratulations marcia g you've been added to the kingdom and we're so thankful to you for that and let me end this by saying this uh and then we'll go to our oh oh we got boy i tell you that water just keep flowing down peter w congratulations to you as well baptized on june the 8th are there more oh that's mother and daughter that's mother and daughter who got baptized praise the lord for that and let me just say also if you are ready for baptism if you're ready for baptism we want to make sure and i think there's a slide associated with that as well that you please send an email to leadership at renaissanceclc.com or you can text 678-643-7306 once again that's 678-643-7306 if you're ready for baptism we are ready to receive you and the water stays ready to bring souls to christ last but certainly not least on behalf of our graduates it is almost time for our class of 2020 graduate recognition we'll ask that slide to come up and then i'll be done looking for our graduates slide recognition might not come there it is fantastic uh saturday june the 27th at four o'clock p.m so please make sure that you send an email you see the uh email address include your grad's name phone number and the name of high school unfortunately y'all we're not able to celebrate everybody's graduate so this is for our renaissance church of christ graduates so we look forward to celebrating you on june the 27th well ask brother robert wilson to come forward at this time to give us a closing prayer and following that prayer we look forward to all of you attending virtual bible school god bless you with regards to bible study we've had a little glitch this morning with youtube as well as face face what is it facebook facebook so so we got a lag about 10 minutes so if we can start our bible study classes about 10 minutes from the time we say amen we greatly would appreciate it commerce of a father in heaven we're truly thankful again for the power and the magnitude of the word that was preached we thank you so much for dr hayward we thank you for the messages preached this morning that it was inspired us to be better servants for thee in the future than we've been in the past we continue to pray for peace and tranquility in this world and pray for that our light might always shine that men might see you through the lives in which we live than things that which we speak just be with us as we depart from this place for this we ask in christ's name amen amen i do apologize wes and quinn clinton if you can show the slide for uh the youth event just receive where we show the wrong slide and that sign up is very important do you have that slide for the youth event so everybody can see it this is the one for the youth in action event all right here we go yes this is the correct one if you look here if you look at the bottom of the event it says register in advance at tinyurl.com we apologize for that that uh that missed but uh that is your sign up so you can use that to register very important that you register and we look forward to a fantastic event this june 19th before father's day 6 to 7 30. god bless [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] god is really good to you god is god is really good to you [Music] brother [Music] [Music] [Music] blue [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] cause we'll is change the fact our goal is to be safe so walking by faith consumed by your amazing grace [Music] [Music] but there's a new way [Music] [Music] our goal is to be [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] it's a new day [Music] [Music] is [Music] it's is new day our goal is to be saved why don't you rock my soul in the who's your mom [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] why don't you rock us [Music] um [Music] so why don't you rub [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my you may search [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music]
Channel: Official Renaissance Church of Christ
Views: 4,077
Rating: 4.7798166 out of 5
Id: KB8HN6w71nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 20sec (7940 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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